famous first flash marriage

462、The Heart of the Most Poisonous Woman

"Is it raining heavily outside?" Tang Xiao sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his sister Tang Mi who was a bit restrained with concern, trying to relieve Tang Mi's tension by talking.

Tang Mi stepped on the carpet as soft as clouds, walked up to Tang Xiao and sat down. During this time, her brother-in-law Cheng Lie kept looking at her with his strange black eyes—this made Tang Mi very nervous. I understand that my brother-in-law no longer hates me, but with such sharp eyes, anyone who looks at her can't help being afraid.

Tang Mi didn't do anything wrong, but felt guilty.His eyes were dodgy, but he didn't dare to look at his brother-in-law.

"Well, it's a bit big." Tang Mi said carefully, looking down at the thermos bucket she was holding on her chest. The thermos bucket was wrapped with three layers of plastic bags, for fear that the heat would dissipate. of.

"Sister, let's drink some soup?" Tang Mi seemed to remember this incident, put the thermos bucket on the bedside table next to Tang Xiao, and started to remove the plastic bags that were attached to the thermos bucket layer by layer.

"Soup?" Tang Xiao saw the soup in Tang Mi's arms from the very beginning, thought it was made by Tang Mi, and asked with a smile: "Did you make it? Mi Mi is really good. Before, he only knew how to make desserts." , now you can even cook soup, after a while, will you still be able to make a big meal?"

Tang Mi was amused by her sister's words, and a smile burst into her pure and beautiful face: "Sister, don't think too much about me, how can I make a big meal, this soup is not made by me at all. , This is made by my mother. As soon as she was ready, I filled it up and put it in an insulated bucket. I hugged it well along the way and didn’t let it show a little wind. It must still be steaming when I open it now!”

As soon as Tang Xiao heard that Tang Mi's mother Li Yan did it, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Although she didn't hate Wu Jiwu so much that she immediately threw the thermos out, but she couldn't drink the soup made by Li Yan no matter what.

However, looking at Tang Mi's anticipation, the words of refusal were a little hard to say.

Tang Xiao thought to himself, is it because she was already soft-hearted, or is she getting older and unable to say "no" more and more?

However, if she couldn't refuse, she would have to drink the soup made by Li Yan. It's ironic. When she lived in the Tang family, she rarely had the opportunity to drink soup at home. Even if she did, it was probably Li Yan. Drinking leftovers with Tang Mi, or pretending to be in front of her father Tang Zhentian, in Li Yan's eyes, she is like an old thing in the house that is an eyesore, cannot be discarded, and will never be of much use. How can she How about Li Yan's boss making soup for her himself?
When Tang Xiao was a girl, she used to envy Tang Mi who could drink the hot and fragrant soup made by her mother when she came home from school. She knew that there was no part for her—Li Yan never said directly to her, "Fuck off." Open, don't drink." However, when she tried to serve herself a bowl of hot soup or pick up a piece of meat with chopsticks, she would cast a faint glance at her with eyes mixed with contempt and disgust, what should I do? How would you describe that glance?

That glance caught Tang Xiao's face, as if a mouthful of saliva stained with thick phlegm was "slapped" on her face, as if it still had a cold sticky/greasy texture, and a disgusting smell. of fishy smell.

Tang Xiao couldn't stand it—no matter how greedy she was, she couldn't stand it.

Her self-esteem is so strong, even if she is only ten years old, she will never allow herself to be a beggar in front of others for the sake of drinking and eating.

But now, now, Li Yan actually sent her younger sister Tang Mi to bring her a bowl of soup that she made herself, Tang Xiao almost wanted to laugh, this worldly thing is really unexpected.What is even more unexpected is the human heart.

In a short period of time, many pictures of the past appeared in Tang Xiao's mind. Those memories were like 3D projections, allowing her to re-enter the scene at that time.

A hand by her side was quietly tightened.The smile on his face froze completely.

"Tang Mi, I...I don't like soup." She said with difficulty.When she said this, she didn't dare to look into Tang Mi's eyes.After all, it was Li Yan who did those things, so what did Tang Mi know at that time?The current Tang Mi shouldn't bear her hatred for Li Yan.

She really didn't want to hurt Tang Mi's feelings, but sometimes, if she couldn't bear to hurt others, she had to choose to hurt herself.

She has to protect herself and not let herself get hurt, whether it's for herself or for Cheng Lie - she can't get hurt so easily, if she wants to become stronger, then she is bound to hurt Tang Mi.This is impossible.She only hoped that Tang Mi could understand her and be considerate of her.Don't blame her incompetent sister.

Tang Mi said "ah", as if she didn't react, she blinked quickly a few times, tilted her head slightly in doubt and said, "Really, sister doesn't like soup? But—but my mother said this It's my sister's favorite yam pork ribs soup. She said that my sister likes to drink soup very much, um... and silky chicken soup. My mother said that there are not enough ingredients at home today, and there is only yam pork ribs left in the refrigerator. So I made a simple tonic for my sister first, and then made other ones for my sister to drink in a few days."

She thought that these words would bring her sister a smile. See how sincere her mother is and how willing she is to take care of her sister.She knew that her sister Tang Mi lacked maternal love since she was a child. If her mother is willing to take care of her like her sister's own mother and cook her delicious food, then, to some extent, she can make up for some of her sister's regrets, right?
What she didn't know was that what she said made Tang Xiao feel disgusted towards Li Yan even more.

Li Yan has always known that she likes to drink soup?Now that I know, at that time, what kind of mentality did she use to embarrass a little girl, what kind of mentality was used to deliberately greedy a child who couldn't get enough to eat, but she was not allowed to have a drink at her home. How about a bowl of hot soup?

What's even more ridiculous is that Li Yan actually knows exactly what soup she likes to drink.

How do you know?Was it carefully observing the number of times the child swallowed saliva when facing the soup she made?It is conceivable how she looked on coldly, while secretly laughing in her heart - things like this gave her the pleasure of watching a play, right?
What kind of bad taste do you have to be able to treat this kind of thing as a pleasure?

Just how thick-skinned is it that she can say "what kind of soup does she like to drink" without any scruples today? Does she think that the child has forgotten all the things she did? ?
Adults always think that children are stupid, that children can be bullied at will, and that children have no memory, so they show all kinds of shameless faces in front of children. However, children's eyes are the clearest and brightest. Things in the eyes of children, a word, a movement, and a look will be deeply imprinted in the hearts of children who they think are stupid and can be bullied at will.

A sneer appeared on Tang Xiao's tender lips, she turned her head, pretending to look away, but actually, she didn't want Tang Mi to see the sneer and indifference in her eyes.

Tang Mi didn't know this, she just wondered why her sister was silent all of a sudden.She holds both palms on both sides of the thermos bucket, greedily absorbing the temperature on the wall of the bucket, and is a little anxious, when will my sister drink the soup?If you don't drink it, the soup will be cold.

Tang Mi couldn't see Tang Xiao's real reaction. Cheng Lie knew everything about his wife's actions and expressions. Although he didn't personally experience the things Tang Xiao experienced, on the contrary, he still lived in a very happy place since he was a child. However, because he loves her, he can accept her past, and he can understand her thoughts.

"Tang Mi, your sister can't drink soup now." Cheng Lie straightened up from the sofa and walked towards this side, and at the same time said lightly, "Her diet must be arranged by a professional nutritionist herself, except for those arranged by the nutritionist. In addition to food, she can't eat extra things casually. I'm sorry, but thank your mother for your kindness on my behalf."

"Is that so?" Tang Mi was surprised, she frowned, and looked down at the thermos in her eyes. This thermos accompanied her all the way, and she was careful all the way to prevent it from getting caught in the rain. holding it.Tang Mi couldn't help thinking of her mother again, and her mother's appearance when she was cooking soup appeared in front of her eyes - her face was still blue and purple, the corners of her eyes were swollen, her whole face was deformed, and she didn't look like her at all. My usual mother, and when my mother was serving soup, her elbow was a little hard to play with. It was accidentally knocked on the ground when my father slammed it to the ground last night. It is still red and swollen.At that time, my mother took a few deep breaths because of the pain.

Thinking of how difficult it was for her mother to make such a pot of soup, but her sister didn't even want to taste it, Tang Mi couldn't help feeling sad, lost and unfair.

What kind of professional nutritionist is the brother-in-law talking about? Can the things she makes be as nutritious as the things my mother makes by herself?
Tang Mi pursed her lips. She felt that it was necessary to work a little bit harder for her mother and her hard work all the way—what's the matter with drinking two sips of soup? Will just drinking a little soup make my sister's nutrition unbalanced?how can that be possible.

She didn't have any other requirements, she just hoped that her sister would drink a few sips, and then compliment her casually.

As long as her sister said a word, she felt that it was all worth it.

Tang Mi made up her mind, raised her head and stared at her tall and handsome brother-in-law with her big eyes with slightly upturned corners, and said, "Brother-in-law, my mother has always been very good at making soup. The soup she makes is the most nutritious and tastes great." It’s not bad at all, my dad can’t help but drink several bowls in a row every time! Let my sister taste it, okay? It’s still hot now, or it’ll be cold later.”

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