famous first flash marriage

488、She doesn't love me at all.

She quietly reached out her hand, tentatively put it in his palm, scratched it gently, and then looked at him with wide eyes: "I don't sleep, if you are not busy, let's watch a movie together?"

In the past, he would never refuse her request, but this time, he did not intend to agree.

"I have something else to do. I'll play it for you if you want to watch a movie. You can watch it in your room later, okay?"

Although he seemed to be asking her, his tone seemed to leave no room for negotiation.

Seeing this completely unfamiliar Cheng Lie, she felt very surprised. She knew that maybe this kind of him was the him in front of others, but she was already used to the him in front of her.

What the hell is wrong with him?
Where did she offend him?

She really couldn't figure it out, and felt a little bit wronged in her heart.

Even though he was still very uncomfortable, he still pretended that nothing happened, but he treated her with such indifference.

"Why can't you watch it with me?" She frowned her long black eyebrows and asked in puzzlement, "Is there anything important for you today?"

He didn't answer her question, but looked at her quietly, and asked, "Why can't I have other things? Or, I must have something very important, so I can't stay here with you to see what you want to see movie?"

Tang Xiao was stopped by this question.

For so long, he has been taking care of her with all his heart and soul, almost pushing away everything, and staying by her side every day.

She was used to seeing him all the time except sleeping, so she even forgot that he should have his own life.

He was right that she was too self righteous.

It's because she takes herself too seriously. To him, there are many more important things.She shouldn't regard being with herself as the most important thing in his life.

In an instant, she realized how stupid she was.

In this world, how can anyone take the other party as their own vassal as a matter of course and should revolve around themselves in everything?
What's more, he is not an ordinary person, he is Cheng Lie.

"I'm sorry, I understand." She lowered her head, a bitter smile appeared on her lips, "It's my fault, I keep taking up your time. You don't have to accompany me... I can just watch it by myself."

Seeing her like this, Cheng Lie almost softened his heart again.

In fact, he can turn down everything for her, he can give her all his time, even if she is willing to watch boring movies one after another, he is willing to accompany her to the end.

However, thinking of the secret between her and Pei Yuancheng, thinking of her concealment from herself——

He felt like he was being fooled for a fool.He felt that all his efforts had become ridiculous.

He averted his eyes so that he would not look at her lost appearance, and said hardened his heart: "What do you want to see, I will help you fix it, and then you can watch it yourself, or I will ask Nurse Xiao Li to come and accompany you."

"No need." She said in a muffled voice, "don't bother Nurse Li, after all, everyone has their own things to do, and Nurse Li is also very hard. You don't need to help me show the movie, I will watch it by myself Books will be ready in a while."

"...What book?" Cheng Lie was a little annoyed.

"Any book is fine." Her head dropped even lower.

The thought of being alone in this bedroom with the cold medical equipment made her sick.

How much she wants to go out to bask in the sun, or it's okay to have someone around her to talk to her.

But, thinking of what Cheng Lie said just now, she felt that what he said was quite right.

Everyone has their own things to do, and those things are much better than spending time wasting time in a patient's room.

Whether it's Cheng Lie, Nurse Xiao Li, or others, they have done too much for her patient.She can no longer rely on others.

She should make herself independent. Before meeting Cheng Lie, wasn't she always independent?
Why, now because of a little illness, have you become so dependent on others?
She really shouldn't wantonly destroy other people's lives just because of her poor health.

She can't be too selfish.

"Any book?" Cheng Lie's voice sounded next to his ear, "Are you just so casual?"

His voice was slightly higher than usual.

Tang Xiao blinked, raised her head and looked at Cheng Lie, her eyes were innocent, as if she didn't understand what she said that shouldn't be said, which made Cheng Lie unhappy.

"Well... any book is fine, anyway, you read those books, don't you?" she said.

The books on the bookshelf were sent by Cheng Lie after she fell ill, and they were basically his favorites. He also asked for her opinion at that time, and she only mentioned a small number of medical-related books, but those books , this period of time has basically been read by her.

What she meant was that maybe he could recommend a book he'd like to read.

But in Cheng Lie's view, she seemed to be angry.

Because he couldn't obey her as before, put down everything and concentrate on being with her, so she deliberately said these words to anger him and make him feel sorry for her, right?

Did he really spoil her?
Why, she must be so capricious, she must base everything on her own feelings, and refuse to take his feelings into consideration?

"Okay, if you're sure that any book is fine, then prepare for a boring afternoon." He said coldly, walked to the bookshelf and picked out a book, and threw it on the bed.

Tang Xiao picked it up and took a look, and found that the cover contained words that she could not understand at all, Italian?German?Spanish?

Not everyone is as proficient in multiple languages ​​as he is, and can read any foreign language book with gusto.

Tang Xiao looked at the tome that seemed to be written in alien languages ​​in his hand, and said with a flat mouth: "Are you trying to trick me on purpose? You know that I can't understand..."

"You didn't say it yourself, any book is fine?" He said lightly, "I thought you would have the confidence to read any book."

Sensitively aware of the hint of mockery in his tone, she looked at him in surprise and said, "You know that I don't know a foreign language other than English."

He didn't bother to argue with her: "So, why did you say 'casual'? Please give me a more specific request next time, or do you think everyone else is a roundworm in your stomach?"

Tang Xiao knew that what Cheng Lie said was right, but normally he would never say that, no matter how wrong she was, he would only tolerate her infinitely patiently instead of pointing it out like this.

She really couldn't understand why Cheng Lie suddenly seemed to be a different person, or the distance between them suddenly became far away. Even though he was standing in front of her, she felt like a galaxy was separated.

Her eye circles are a little red, perhaps because she has been loved, cared for, and taken care of for a long time. She has lost her sense of independence and has become fragile and sensitive.

She felt that she was hated by Cheng Lie. The question is, did she really do something to make him hate it?
She tried desperately to think that if she had done anything wrong, it would have been nothing more than his obvious unhappiness at not staying with her.

However, she didn't force him to stay and take care of her, did she?
Seeing Tang Xiao's aggrieved appearance, Cheng Lie felt restless, he felt that he could not stay in this room any longer.

Otherwise, he might become soft-hearted again.

In the past, he was reluctant to say even a harsh word to her, and he was reluctant to make her feel unhappy.

Now, he personally made her eyes blush.

This made him feel guilty that he was bullying the weak.

And he has always regarded himself as her strongest backing.

He couldn't bear to let others hurt her, but ended up hurting her himself. This incident made him very annoyed and annoyed.

It's just that the words that have been spoken cannot be undone.

There was no way he could turn the clock back a few minutes and have nothing happen.

He tried his best to resist the urge to apologize to her and put his arms in his arms to coax her. He tried his best to recall her hateful things in his mind, then hardened his heart again, went back to the bookshelf, and picked out a book that was not bad. Interesting travel notes were placed in front of her.

"Let's read this book." He said quietly.

Tang Xiao looked down at the book, and remembered what Tian Chenglie said to her when he was sitting on the sofa reading this book a few days ago.

She remembered very clearly that while he was reading those wonderful sentences in the book to her, he said to her: "This place is really interesting, smile, get well soon, and I will take you there when the time comes. We will live here for a while Ten days and a half months, the phone is turned off, no one cares about anyone, and there are only two of us left in the world, what do you think?"

"Okay." She knew that he always kept what he said, so she didn't doubt that he would take her to that place in the future. Although she didn't know exactly which corner of the world that place was in, she had absolute confidence in her man. With confidence, as long as you follow him, everything will be fine.

However, within a few days, he suddenly became so indifferent, which made her puzzled.

Is he still willing to take her to those places?

Will he never see her again after he leaves here today?

She felt an inexplicable fear.

So she held the book tightly, raised her head and asked Cheng Lie: "Lie, will you still take me to the places mentioned in this book?"

"..." Cheng Lie didn't answer.

He didn't know how to answer.

Of course he is willing to take her wherever she wants to go, even if it is the moon, as long as she wants to go, he will help her realize it, provided that she really loves him.

Does she really love him?

Is there really no one else in her heart?

After receiving Uncle Yan's call and hearing what Uncle Yan asked him to convey to her, he became uncertain about the answers to these questions.

He didn't even know whether he should convey to her what Uncle Yan said right away.

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