famous first flash marriage

501、If you are well, it will be sunny

"Your eyes tell me that you really want to go with me. If you go with me, you might be so happy that you can't sleep from ear to ear, but your mouth tells me that you don't want to go today. , then, Jin Xiaoyi, let me ask you, do you want to go tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Jin Xiaoyi was stunned.

"If you don't want to go tomorrow, what about the day after tomorrow?" He looked at her and asked quietly.

"The day after tomorrow..." Jin Xiaoyi sat there stupidly, not understanding why he was so persistent about this matter all of a sudden.

"Jin Xiaoyi, for you, there may be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... next year, next year's next year, but for me, there is only today."

His voice was very calm, even with a hint of indifference, as if he was talking about other people's affairs, "I only have today, and the only thing I can promise you is today. If you say, let's go to the sea together tomorrow, I dare not Promise you, who knows what will happen to me tomorrow? As for the day after tomorrow..."

"I can't guarantee the day after tomorrow. Next year? That will be even more distant. I don't know if that day will come. But, I can be sure that the weather is fine today. I think, probably without a wheelchair, today , I can also go to the beach with you like a normal person."

Jin Xiaoyi sat there at a loss, her eyes were wide open, and her heart was beating like thunder.

His determination to go to the beach with her made her feel an indescribable shock and... happiness.

Even though she knew it all too well, he would never love her, he couldn't fall in love with her, he loved someone else.

But, whether it's pity, sympathy, caring, or anything else, the most important thing is that he is willing to spend a day of his precious life with her just to make her happy.

For Jin Xiaoyi, the happiness that comes from him is often accompanied by sadness. She can't help but think that his time is numbered, and that maybe this time will be the last time.

"Jin Xiaoyi, can you tell me how long it will take you to think it through?"

He sighed softly, seeming distressed, "I didn't know that asking for a date with a beautiful lady is such a difficult thing."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, "However, a beautiful lady always has the privilege of being waited on by others. Do something else while waiting for a reply, like work."

As he spoke, he reopened the notebook in front of him, as if he really planned to start working.

How dare Jin Xiaoyi really ask him to wait any longer, she didn't hesitate too long, because what Pei Yuancheng said had a fatal attraction to her.

He's asking her for a date, and, he says he's in good shape today, doesn't even need a wheelchair, can act like a normal person—

She hadn't seen him walking freely in the sun for a long time.During this period of time, although his leg injury has healed, he often does not have the strength to go out. Even indoors, he is in a wheelchair most of the time.

She missed him so much when she first met him. In their youth, the boy who made all the girls flock to him and went crazy for him. He held a book and walked in the green grassy campus wearing a white school uniform. What a beautiful picture that is.

She knew that time had already slipped away, and they would all go back to their youth, even when they returned to their student days, the ordinary and inconspicuous she at that time, who had such low self-esteem to the bone, didn't even have the chance to walk side by side with him.

But now, he proposed to go for a walk on the beach with her, as if to fulfill a dream of her girlhood.

God knows, how many times she fantasized about walking side by side with him, even if she didn't say anything, she just stood quietly by his side.

Now, he says he's willing to wait for her answer, even calling her "a pretty lady worth the wait."

Jin Xiaoyi's heart was sad and happy at the same time, she tried her best to control herself so as not to shed tears because of her ups and downs.

She got up slowly, walked in front of him dignifiedly as usual, and then, when he raised his head, showed her a bright smile: "Mr. Pei, I would like to go to the beach with you."

Not only today, but also tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next year... No matter what day it is, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you.

She added silently in her heart.

It's just that she couldn't have the courage to say these words in her life.

"You still call me Boss Pei?" He raised his eyebrows, leaning on the sofa and looking at her, "Since it's a date, don't be so businesslike."

"Then..." She was a little embarrassed, what should I call him?Mr. Pei?still……

"Call me by my name." He knew that too intimate a title was not suitable for their relationship, and she would be too shy to call it out.

"Pei... Yuancheng." She called out tentatively, as if she had never called his name so completely before.Now, she felt that his name was blooming between her lips and teeth, she was very happy in her heart, and the corners of her mouth could not stop rising.

He looked up at the woman standing in front of him, she smiled very nicely, very real, in fact, when he thought about it carefully later, he vaguely remembered what she looked like before.

He was not completely impressed with Jin Xiaoyi back then.

But if you say it was such a good impression, it can't be called it, and if you say it's disgusting, it can't be called it.

It was only later that he found someone to investigate Jin Xiaoyi, looked at her previous photos, and thought of the girl who had frequently appeared by his side.

In his impression, when he was in school, girls would stare at him with all kinds of eyes all the time. For these eyes of admiration or fascination, he was used to it when he was a boy, and he was even a little bored.

He noticed her because he thought she often followed him silently.

Like a tail that can't be shaken off, sometimes he would look at her curiously. At this time, like a puppy whose tail was stepped on, she jumped up obviously, and quickly lowered her head tightly. Holding the book or hand warmer or something else on his chest, he fled.

He has no interest in this kind of girl who looks ordinary and has a timid personality. All he can remember are women with special eyes or special characteristics.

Therefore, he quickly forgot about her afterwards.

It was just that one day I accidentally remembered that there used to be such a person.

However, he still doesn't have any feelings for her. There are too many people who like him, and those who like him have done too many outrageous things for him. I don't have the patience to respond to every emotion.

Later, when Tang Xiao deliberately matched him with this woman who had undergone plastic surgery at the bowling alley, he was disgusted with Jin Xiaoyi in his heart, and even maliciously exposed her plastic surgery, just to embarrass her.

He thought this woman would never appear again.But she still relentlessly tried her best to appear in front of him.

Well, let's do as she wishes, anyway, she's pretty smart and capable of working, plus, she's a friend of the woman he loves.

He kept her by his side, and after a long time, he gradually developed some feelings, and the more he reached the end of his life, the more he couldn't help but pity her.

He wanted to make her as happy as possible while he could do something for her.

He didn't know why she hid in the bathroom and cried, he couldn't ask the reason, but he guessed casually, maybe it was because his health was getting worse, let a person who loves him watch him day by day Weakness, this is undoubtedly a cruel thing.

He didn't want her to cry, he wanted to see her laugh for the rest of his life.

So, he decided to go with her to her favorite beach.

Pei Yuancheng changed his clothes. After all, although it was spring, the outside was very warm. The temperature was around ten degrees. When the sun was strong, it might be more than 20 degrees.

Jin Xiaoyi also changed into an orange long skirt with sunflowers painted on it, and a milky white knitted cardigan on the outside. After all, it is very inappropriate to go to the beach in a Chanel suit.

The two went out together, Pei Yuancheng was wearing a dark green plaid shirt and white trousers, his hair was blown up by the gentle breeze, revealing his smooth forehead and bright eyes, Jin Xiaoyi stared at him blankly, feeling that he was in the sun , is really very, very young, even 20 years old is not an exaggeration.

And today he was indeed in good condition as he said, his face was not as pale as usual, and he looked no different from a healthy person.

Jin Xiaoyi really hoped that he could go on like this forever.But she knew very well how weak his heart had become.

Along the way, from time to time, you will meet the residents of the island. Most of them are lazy and very kind.

They usually don't see Pei Yuancheng, and occasionally deal with Jin Xiaoyi, so when they see Jin Xiaoyi and Pei Yuancheng walking together, they all show surprised expressions.

"Miss Jin, the weather is fine today, are you going out for a walk with your boyfriend?" A fisherman asked enthusiastically.

Jin Xiaoyi smiled embarrassedly and said, "No, this is me..."

"Well, we're going to go to the beach for a walk." Pei Yuancheng interrupted her and said with a smile.

The fisherman looked at the pair of young people with a smile and praised: "You are really a talented girl. We have never seen such beautiful people as you on this small island."

"Thank you." Pei Yuancheng thanked him, exchanged some pleasantries with the fisherman, took Jin Xiaoyi's hand and walked away.

As if under a spell, since Pei Yuancheng held her hand, Jin Xiaoyi felt that she could neither speak nor walk.

Even, she was almost on the same page.

Pei Yuancheng's fingers are very slender, his nails are very neatly trimmed, and there are no calluses on his knuckles. His hands are clean and warm. When he holds hers, she feels confused but also infinitely happy.

"Don't be nervous." He looked at her sideways, with a smile in his eyes: "Since it's a date, just relax and enjoy yourself. Got it?"

She swallowed nervously, and nodded obediently.

The sea breeze blew up her skirt and ruffled her hair.Usually her hair is always neatly tied into a delicate bun, but today when she put it down, he realized that her hair is actually very long and smooth, like a waterfall.

She has the beauty of a heroine in an old Hong Kong movie, sometimes neat and bright, sometimes elegant and polite, and sometimes timid as a rabbit, exuding a girlish youthfulness.

If his health wasn't so bad, he thought, he might be willing to try to accept her. After all, he knew that it was impossible for him to be with Tang Xiao in this life. Although he couldn't fall in love with Jin Xiaoyi, he liked her, and he was willing to give her She is happy.

It's a pity that he didn't have such a chance.

So, let her be happy for a day, let her be happy for a day.

The two of them didn't walk fast. Jin Xiaoyi was worried that Pei Yuancheng's health would be too much for her. Even though he seemed to be fine, she was still worried.

As for Pei Yuancheng, he deliberately slowed down his pace. He squinted his eyes and looked at the golden beach and the sea under the sun in the distance. He deeply felt the beauty of this world. If he walked slower, would time pass by? Slow down.

Occasionally, he also feels reluctant to give up the world.

However, most of the time, he didn't dare to let himself miss this world, since sooner or later he had to leave, the more he missed, the more pain he would have.

"Jin Xiaoyi, besides looking at the sea, what else do you want to do?" He asked.

Jin Xiaoyi looked at Pei Yuancheng in confusion, why did he ask this?Could it be that he wants to accompany her to finish everything?
If this is the case... Isn't she a little bit lucky?

Noticing her confused gaze, Pei Yuancheng smiled, stretched out his hand to help her gently brush her long hair that was blown by the wind and covered her eyes behind her ears, then looked into her eyes and said, "I can try my best to accompany you Go do something you want to do."

Jin Xiaoyi held her breath and asked incredulously, "Why? Pei... Yuancheng, why are you so nice to me?"

"No reason." There was a smile in his beautiful eyes, "I just want to make you happy, does this also need a reason? If there must be a reason, then I will say, because I want to be a good person for the rest of my life, How about it, is this reason sufficient?"

"Thank you..." Jin Xiaoyi sniffed, holding back her tears and said, "But there are too many things I want to do, Pei Yuancheng, I'm afraid you won't be able to accompany me. In this world, to be a good person, How can it be so easy? If it is so easy to be a good person, then there are probably too many good people in this world."

"Ah, so that's the case." Pei Yuancheng's tone seemed to reveal a trace of disappointment, "I thought I still had a chance to be a good person, what a pity."

"Yeah." Jin Xiaoyi looked down at her toes, "Pei Yuancheng, you don't have to be a good person, as long as you live a healthy life and let me stay by your side, you are already fine. I don't I need you to accompany me to do other things, really, my only wish is to be by your side."

Maybe it was because he gave her the opportunity to call him by his name, maybe it was because the sun was so good and the breeze was too warm, she was finally willing to indulge herself for a while, and let her own temper say those words that had been tumbling in her heart countless times.

She really, really just wanted him to live, and nothing else.

However, this matter is the most difficult.

After being by his side for so long, she can often feel that he has no desire to live, and she knows that he is already dealing with things after he left.

He is used to arranging everything properly, which is his usual style, so it is probably within his plan to accompany her now, and she can even think that he may have left something for her as a part of her stay. He's around to take care of her in return.

But she didn't care, she didn't want anything from him, she just wanted to stay by his side and take care of him, watching him silently.

He was silent for a long time, and finally told her honestly: "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

She didn't speak, because she didn't need him to say it, she knew it herself.

Afraid that she would be sad, he comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry, although I may not be able to live for a long time, at least I can stay in this world for a while, and I won't die immediately, right? .As long as you want, you can always stay by my side. If you want to leave and have better pursuits, I can let you go at any time."

How tolerant and considerate he is to her, but she would rather not have this kindness.

Looking at the distant sea with narrowed eyes, she suddenly let go of his hand. Under his surprised gaze, she sat down on the ground carelessly and began to untie her shoelaces.

Seeing her casual appearance, he smiled, she can be herself, which is very good, it is much better than she is not even willing to say why she is crying, must maintain a dignified image,

Sitting on the ground, she took off her shoes and smiled at him with her head up and squinting: "Bare feet are the correct way to walk on the beach. Wearing shoes is the most troublesome thing, sand will get in the shoes, and you can't Being intimate with the beach is like taking a bath with clothes on.”

"Is that so?" He didn't care about whether what she said was logical or not, and imitated her appearance, sat down on the ground unrefinedly, and started to untie his shoelaces.

"Hey, let me help you." I'm used to taking care of him, and I'm used to him not having to do anything by himself. In her impression, he is just a young master who doesn't work hard.

"No," he shook his head to stop her and said, "I can't even untie my shoelaces."

Jin Xiaoyi smiled: "You are the young master."

Pei Yuancheng looked at Jin Xiaoyi's teasing smile, and followed her words: "I am not only the young master, but also the domineering president. Should I wake up every day in a bedroom the size of a basketball court, and let my British chauffeur in my Rolls-Royce Phantom to drive me to the living room, then sit in a diamond-encrusted chair and eat with ivory chopsticks?"

"Pfft...hahaha, haha..."

People who usually don't make jokes very much, once they make jokes, they will always create an unexpected sense of contrast. Seeing Pei Yuancheng who is seriously making fun of himself, Jin Xiaoyi can't stop laughing.
Tang Zheng's Xiaowo 275394193 welcomes everyone to discuss the plot with Er Zheng and the friends in the group~

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