famous first flash marriage

512. Tang Xiao, You're Crazy!

"No...no way!" Tang Xiao suddenly raised his voice, rushed over and grabbed Cheng Lie's arm, he turned his head to look at her, and found her pale face, eyes full of fear.

What is she afraid of?Are you afraid that you will never be able to contact Pei Yuancheng again?

Thinking of this, his eyes turned completely cold, he stretched out his hand, and began to snap off her fingers one by one.

But this usually soft and weak woman seemed to have exhausted all her strength. She grabbed him so hard that her fingers turned white, and the needles on her wrists were about to fall off.

"Cheng Lie, you can't do this!" She grabbed him tightly and said anxiously as if she was afraid that he would go away, "Pei Yuancheng really, really needs me now, I promised him never to tell anyone man, but..."

She gritted her teeth, looked at him with longing eyes like making up her mind and said, "Cheng Lie, can you go with me? I'll give you an explanation when I get there, trust me——"

"Tang Xiao, you are crazy!" He couldn't bear to throw her away.

The throbbing temples made his whole head ache and swell, and his eyes turned black one after another. Her hasty words were magnified several times and passed into his ears, repeating them like echoes. He felt I was about to be driven crazy by her.

This room was wrapped in thick darkness, like a silkworm chrysalis, tightly bound the two people in it.

"Cheng Lie, things are really not what you think, can you listen to my explanation?" The situation in front of her made her feel a deep sense of powerlessness, and she couldn't help wondering whether the principles she adhered to were wrong, whether she was in All principles must be compromised in front of love, whether telling everything can make each other more relaxed——

She grew up under the influence of Tang Zhentian since she was a child, and she has spontaneously and consciously developed a character that is hard to follow after a word is made. One thing she believes in will never be changed easily, love as it is, and promises as it is.

But at this moment, looking at Cheng Lie who was stalemate with her in the dark, she suddenly felt that maybe she was wrong.

She should trust him, maybe he can help her, help Pei Yuancheng... Although doing so will obviously violate the promise with Pei Yuancheng, living people are more important than those sticking to principles, right?
She can't let Pei Yuancheng lose the will to live, and she can't let Cheng Lie down on her. She must try to do what she promised Uncle Yan, keep her promise to Pei Yuancheng, and protect her love.

This is really too difficult.It was so hard that she felt that she was losing strength a little bit.

Forget it, give up, Tang Xiao, you can't do it.

She told herself so.

"Lie, if it's not at this time, I really don't want to break my promise to Pei Yuancheng, but, listen to me, Pei Yuancheng—"

"Stop mentioning that name in front of me again!"

Hearing her mentioning his name again and again, Cheng Lie was finally completely irritated.

No man can bear that his wife is thinking about other men.

It was the first time he had yelled at her since he got married.

Tang Xiao was frightened by his sound, she sat on the bed blankly, and suddenly there was a picture of her father Tang Zhentian yelling at her angrily when she was a child because she didn't get the top three in the grade.

She grabbed the thin quilt in front of her eyes and trembled uncontrollably.

It was getting darker.

Standing in front of him, his face gradually became invisible, leaving only a tall and proud figure.

This voice made her in a trance, and it was almost impossible to tell whether it was the father in her memory or the lover who was disappointed in her.

But what she can be sure of is that no matter who it is, it is impossible for her to muster up the courage to say even a single word.

Words tend to irritate the other person, because whatever the wrong person says is wrong.

This is the experience she got from her father when she was a child.

When she tried to justify herself and find out what she thought were reasonable reasons for not getting the first place in the exam, such as the topic was out of class, classmates plagiarized, and her condition was not good, she would only get worse scolding from her father.

In his eyes, an excellent person will always be excellent, and if she lags behind a little, it is definitely because of her slack, not any other external factors.

So, she gradually learned to be silent in his anger, shut her mouth tightly and said nothing.until he had vented his anger.

Even, in front of her angry father, she dared not even shed tears.

Because tears are cowardice, remorse, and grievances—tears can be interpreted in countless ways by him, and none of them deserves to be forgiven by him.

She was afraid.

She compromised and remained silent day after day, and finally became the girl who didn't have a smile on her face all the year round and didn't like to talk much.

After marrying Cheng Lie, in front of this man who loves her in every possible way, she managed to gain some popularity, and became able to cry, laugh and act like a baby.

But now, his anger made her terrified—like a snail that got out of its small shell in a place where it thought it was safe, and once it felt dangerous, it would only shrink back into its shell again.

Although its shell is so fragile, it is not vulnerable at all.

She watched helplessly as he quickly took away her mobile phone card and crushed the thin card in front of her.

As if this was still not enough, he lightly tossed the mobile phone in his hand, a beautiful parabola flew across the air, and her mobile phone fell steadily into a water glass one meter away.

With a "bang", the mobile phone emitted the last light in the transparent glass water cup, and then completely extinguished silently.

She held her fingers and watched all this quietly.

After doing this, he stopped looking at her and walked out in such a big stride.

Perhaps it was her illusion, she felt that his steps were not as steady as usual.

Probably because of being too angry, she thought.

"Bang—" The bedroom door was slammed shut.

Tang Xiao, who was all stiff and cold, gathered the quilt, and lay down slowly.

As soon as Cheng Liefu went out, he felt dark in front of his eyes and fell forward.

What remained of his will allowed him to reach out and brace himself against the side wall when one knee touched the ground.

Even so, he was also half kneeling on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

He felt as if his head weighed a thousand catties, which made him unable to lift his strength. In this heavy head, at one time, it seemed like ten thousand ants were crawling around in it, at other times it was as hot as a furnace. It was about to explode, and at one moment it seemed that several forces were fighting among them, trying to tear his head into seven or eight pieces alive, and at the same time, he thought that there was a huge electric drill penetrating his temple to drill his head in half... …

He closed his eyes, curled his slender fingers, and firmly grasped the only wall that he could rely on to prevent himself from collapsing like a dilapidated castle——

Until this time, he was still worried that he would scare her if he fell here.

He carefully controlled his breathing, trying hard to accumulate the little strength left in his body.

But, no...

For the first time, he felt that he had lost control over this body.

He couldn't control it.

It was something he had never experienced before, and he was terrified because he didn't know if he would make it out of here.

He doesn't want her to see his pain and embarrassment, this is the dignity of a man.

Even if she betrayed him and hurt him, in his mind, she was still a woman who needed his protection.

I don't know how long it took, maybe 5 minutes, 10 minutes, maybe half an hour.

He just clenched his teeth like this, not even daring to take a rough breath, and knelt on the ground silently.

It wasn't until he had endured the unbearable pain that ordinary people could not bear that he stood up slowly with his cold and numb legs, supporting this devastated body.

In the darkness, the man's back was still straight.If it weren't for the clenched hands with white wall paint remaining between the nails, and the pale sweaty face, no one would have noticed that he was different from usual.

He exhaled lightly, casually wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve, turned his head to look at the obvious marks on the wall next to him, took out his phone from his body, and sent a text message to Li Su.

An hour later, Li Su inexplicably brought a painter over, and watched the painter repair the wall himself.

He wondered inexplicably, could it be that the boss has a new hobby of scratching the wall?
After finishing this matter, he came to the parking lot of the hospital and found the car that his boss drove out in the morning.

When he got closer, his boss was leaning on the co-pilot seat with his eyes closed.

Li Su patted the window: "Boss, wake up."

Cheng Lie didn't respond, he seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Li Su felt a little strange, the eldest of his family was always alert, he belonged to the kind who would open his eyes as soon as a leaf fell off, even in a deep sleep.This is the basic quality of being a special soldier, especially those who are used to going to the battlefield.

On the battlefield, a nap can kill.

Could it be that his boss is in a bad mood and doesn't want to talk to him?
Li Su thought about it, nothing special happened recently, and he was obediently listening to his boss' orders, and the only thing that could affect the mood of his boss was probably the boss's precious wife.

It's strange, these two people are notoriously affectionate, could something be awkward?

Li Su stood there in a daze for a while, unable to think of a clue.

Just as he was about to keep knocking on the window, he suddenly remembered Uncle Yan and Pei Yuancheng that his boss asked him to investigate recently.

He was suddenly shocked——

Could it be that there is something between sister-in-law and Pei Yuancheng?
This guess scared him so much that his soul would fly away.

He blinked, staring at the profile of his boss's face, feeling deeply unbelievable.

In his mind, the boss of his family is no longer a human being, almost a god-like existence.

In terms of appearance, figure, strength, family background, and connotation, which one alone is the top?

If he was a woman, he would have bowed down under the military boots of his boss without hesitation.

What kind of vision is this, so that he can not look down on his boss and like other men?
Li Su was annoyed and puzzled, and Cheng Lie, who was leaning on the seat, slowly opened his eyes.
Tang Zheng's Xiaowo 275394193, everyone is welcome to discuss the plot with Erzheng and the friends in the group~

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