famous first flash marriage

554、I'll Never Let You Look Down!

Many times, before we do something that is difficult for us, under normal circumstances, it is often easy to increase the difficulty of this task in our imagination.

When we actually started doing it, it was surprisingly difficult.

At this point, choice arises.

Either keep going, or give up.

If you continue to persevere, you may not succeed, but you may succeed.

But the process is undoubtedly painful, and persistence means continuing the current pain.

It means resisting the instincts of the body.

If you give up at this point, you can gain temporary relief, and you don't have to continue the pain in front of you.

However, giving up means that you will definitely not succeed.

To give up is to completely reduce the chance of success to zero.

So, to persevere or not to persevere is a difficult question.

Tang Xiao felt that the pain he could bear had reached the limit.

Big tears rolled down her forehead and wet her eyes.

Her vision was a little blurry, but she could barely see the man lying lazily on the bed at the moment, his eyes seemed to be squinted, and there was a light expression on his face like "I knew you couldn't do it" and "Surrender, you weak chicken". laugh.

Tang Xiao was born a person who refused to admit defeat, which can be seen from the fact that she defeated countless competitors at a young age and became a well-known surgeon.

You know, no matter which line you are in, it is not without competition.

The competition in the medical field is not as weak as in other industries. What's more, it is often easier to trust male doctors in life. Most of the surgeons on the operating table are also older and qualified male doctors.

There are only a handful of women like Tang Xiao who acted as the chief surgeon in every operation at a young age in the hospital where she worked before.

With such strength, in addition to talent, it naturally requires countless efforts, and the process of hard work is like a long-distance marathon, and no slack is allowed.

Tang Xiao gritted his teeth and ordered himself to resist the signal from his body that he could no longer hold on.

Can't give up.

The hardest time is over.

She has already walked most of the distance, and now there is only one step left, no, a small step——

Cheng Lie, I will never let you look down on me!
Tang Xiao blinked hard, digesting the sweat that blocked his vision, and then focused his eyes, trying to see the road under his feet clearly.

Come on, Tang Xiao.


The last touch between the soles of the feet and the ground was more painful than Tang Xiao imagined.

She couldn't help letting out a cry of pain, and closed her lips tightly like self-scorn.

The body is shaky, and has not yet fully stood still.

Although Cheng Lie is close at hand.

However, she cannot fall down at this time.

She has to stand up like a normal person!
Tang Xiao took a deep breath, straightened his back and controlled his shaking body.

Finally... covered in sweat, she stabilized herself.

Tang Xiao stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and smiled triumphantly at Chenglie: "How is it? Didn't it mean that I can't do it?"

Cheng Lie squinted at her and praised, "Not bad."

Tang Xiao snorted and said, "Is it just not bad? Just now you said—"

"Huh? What did I say?" Cheng Lie changed his position and lay on his side, resting his head on his hands and looking at her intently.

"You said..." Tang Xiao felt his heart beat faster when he thought of the few words Cheng Lie had just used to provoke her.


Cheng Lie continued to look at her with a smile.

This "um" was so tempting that Tang Xiao felt a little weak on the soles of his feet.


Can't stand it anymore.

Does this count as seducing her?

Tang Xiao's breathing was dry and hot, his eyes flicked across Cheng Lie's handsome face and sexy lips, and then swept over his Xiujian's body like a breeze.

"What's wrong?" He asked as if aware of something.

Tang Xiao bit her tender lips, and said bravely, "You say, if I come over, you can lie flat... Well, let me do whatever I want."

Tang Xiao himself didn't understand why, her sense of shame seemed illusory for a while, she could be shy to take advantage of her husband, but when Cheng Lie put on a seductive appearance to "deliberately" seduce her, her skin was thin It was so severe that even a little excessive words could make her ears turn red.

"Oh..." Cheng Lie nodded, as if to express his agreement.

Then, he smiled at Tang and raised his chin: "Come on."

Tang laughed: "..."

what's coming...

Is it possible to let her do whatever she wants?

She wanted to, but...

"Aren't you tired of standing stupidly?" Cheng Lie asked with a smile.

Just now, I was only concerned about my blushing and my heart beating, and I didn't feel any physical pain. After being told by Cheng Lie, I felt that my legs were already in pain.

Looking around Cheng Lie again, Tang Xiao convinced himself in his heart, no matter what, this is her legal husband, and it is what he wants, so even if she is a "beast", it is reasonable?

With eyes closed and heart turned, Tang Xiao directly threw himself at Cheng Lie, who was right in front of him.


She missed it.

Opening his eyes, a certain guy who had agreed to lie down and be molested was lying beside him, laughing happily.

And Tang Xiao was lying on the bed in large characters, and there was only a snow-white pillow where Cheng Lie should have been.

Tang Xiao's mouth just kissed the pillow.

Tang Xiao had blue veins throbbing on his forehead: "..."

The feeling guy never thought of "laying flat and letting her do whatever she wants", and he was always molesting her from the beginning to the end?

Too much deception, really too much deception!

The most important thing is that she actually believed it...

Tang Xiao buried his face in the pillow like an ostrich, and he could see from the back that his ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

What a shame!

"Little pervert, do you want to throw your husband down like that?"

Cheng Lie's teasing voice.

Tang laughed: "..."

"Are you pretending to be dead?" Cheng Lie said with an irresistible smile in his voice, looking at Tang Xiao who was dying of embarrassment and anger, Cheng Lie calmly commented: "Stupid."

Ha... This person doesn't count what he says, so he has the nerve to laugh at others and call them stupid?

If a tiger doesn't show off its power, it really treats it as a kitty cat, right?
Tang Xiao "pulled" his face out of the pillow, his eyes widened: "You are stupid!"

Cheng Lie reached out and touched Tang Xiao's head, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm stupid."

Tang Xiao snorted, so you want to send her away?

"Don't be angry, little fool."

"If you say don't be angry, don't be angry? Hey wait...what did you call me?" Tang Xiao suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

Cheng Lie glanced at her as if nothing had happened: "Call you dear."

Tang Xiao: "Obviously not—"

Warm lips blocked her persevering little mouth.

With a smile in his handsome eyes, Cheng Lie stretched out his slender fingers and stroked gently on her hot ears.

"Did it hurt just now?" The man's voice was gentle and messed up.

"How could it not hurt..." Tang Xiao's tone unconsciously carried infinite grievances.

"Poor." He patted her head and murmured, "How can I reward you..."

Tang Xiao's eyes widened instantly.


According to what I just said, it’s fine if you lie flat.

Tang Xiao shouted in his heart.

Although Cheng Lie had laid down what she could do, she had no plans in mind.

This woman didn't even know that her rhythm had been disrupted by Cheng Lie.

Emotions are like being manipulated by the other party.

Cheng Lie sighed in his heart. Although he is indeed outstanding in medicine, his little girl is so stupid that it is really easy to be fooled when she goes out.

According to his previous thinking, he wanted to do his best to protect this woman for the rest of his life, so that she would be loved by him for the rest of his life, and he would never forgive anyone who dared to bully her.

However, recently he occasionally thinks that her character is really simple and straightforward. If he is not by her side, she will be easily offended.

Just like being disliked by his mother at home and making things difficult for her, she always kept silent.

Of course it's a good thing to be heartless. He loves her innocent childlike nature, but he doesn't want her to be bullied by others when he's not around.

For her, he can no longer be like caring for a delicate flower.

After all, she couldn't live in a greenhouse for the rest of her life.

Although as long as he is willing, he can let her live a life of blouse, hand, food, and mouth, without leaving home.

But he knew very well that was not what she wanted.

If she wants to go to a nursing home, he will satisfy her, and even if she has greater ambitions in the future, he will fulfill her.

When you love someone, you should fulfill her and make her stronger.

He watched quietly for a while, and it was obvious that he could almost see her thoughts.

She is always like this, easily able to be seen by him.

Like a crystal, even though she has many faces, she is always transparent to him.

"What do you want to do to me? Come on." He smiled and lay down beside her.

How could he not know what she was thinking?
Of course, he is also very clear that this little woman is a typical person with a lustful heart and no guts. Although she sometimes suddenly becomes lustful, she often reveals her true nature halfway through.

However, it's okay to let her satisfy her "desire to conquer" once in a while.

"You, you... are you sure?" As expected, Tang Xiao's eyes widened, he didn't know what he was thinking in his little head, his watery eyes flickered, and his cheeks were once again stained with a thin layer of red.

"Of course." He closed his eyes, looking as if he wanted anything.

It happened that I had a severe headache, and it was very convenient to be able to lie down and say nothing and do nothing.

Tang Xiao took a deep breath.

How can it be possible to say that a beautiful man is not lustful?

It is human nature to be lustful, what's more, Cheng Lie is not only very good-looking, but also exudes a particularly pleasant smell.

Tang Xiao swallowed quietly.

Tang Xiao swallowed quietly.

I was a little worried that Cheng Lie would see my lustful appearance, so I took a sneak peek at Cheng Lie and saw that the other party's eyes were indeed closed, so I put my heart back in place.

It can be seen that the eyes are just glued to Cheng Lie's long eyelashes, the straight and cold nose bridge like a mountain peak, and the moist and elegant lips with sharp curves.

"Puff... puff..."

Her heartbeat increased irresistibly.
Tang Zheng's Xiaowo 275394193 welcome everyone to join~

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