famous first flash marriage

658、I want to break up with him!

Pei Yuancheng tried his best to turn his head and looked to his right.

Even for such a slight movement, he did it with great difficulty, almost exhausting all his strength.

Finally, he saw Ji Xiaoru's excited face.

That face was as bright as ever, only slightly haggard than usual.

The most conspicuous thing was her two big eyes swollen like peaches, with two sparkling teardrops on the corners of the eyes.

"Hmm..." He made a weak voice through his nose, trying to smile at her, but found it difficult.

Still, that was enough for her.

She happily grabbed his hand on the side of the bed, held it with her two warm hands, and said with a smile: "It's great when you wake up! Do you know how much you hurt me?" Worried? Next time you dare to scare me like this, I will never forgive you!"

"Okay..." He opened his mouth and let out a faint sound of air flow.

"Hush...don't talk." Ji Xiaoru put his fingers up to his lips and said, "Let me tell you, save your energy and get up from the bed quickly, okay? You are really worrying, I don't like it, Lu Chenxi , do you hear me, I don't like you lying down like a sick cat, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to kiss me or hug me, if you like me, please stand up like a man."

There was a smile in Pei Yuancheng's eyes, and he thought to himself, only a pungent Ji Xiaoru could say such a thing.

But it was very effective, and he really wanted to stand up quickly.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be "not like a man"?

It's a pity that he has more than enough heart but not enough strength now, he doesn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

Seeing Ji Xiaoru like this, he probably doesn't know the truth, let alone his condition.

How strange, how did Mu Zihao hide it from Ji Xiaoru?

Pei Yuancheng was extremely curious.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ji Xiaoru couldn't help being curious when she saw "Lu Chenxi" was looking at her all the time, just now she asked, remembering that it was inconvenient for him to speak now, so she said to herself: "I'm ugly now, right? ? Hey, bear with me. Isn’t it all because of your ancestor that I look like a broken flower and a willow? ..."

Ji Xiaoru chattered on and on, but she didn't know how hard it was for "Lu Chenxi" who was lying on the bed to hold back his laughter.

Please, Ji Xiaoru, isn't that how you use the words "remnant flowers and willows"?
I really don't know if your Chinese is taught by your math teacher.

Pei Yuancheng complained silently in his heart.

"Hey, I cried so badly yesterday that I almost cried like a dog. Fortunately, I was quick-witted and called Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao comforted me on the phone for a long time, and Reiko kept trying to persuade me to calm down. ...Without the two of them, I don't know what I would do..." Ji Xiaoru didn't care whether "Lu Chenxi" responded or not, she just sat there and chatted, frowning and smiling at times, her expression can be said to be very enriched.

Pei Yuancheng thought, no wonder she didn't look as miserable as he imagined. It turned out that it was because of the help of Xiaoxiao and Liezi. Fortunately, Ji Xiaoru is also a carefree person, so it is easier to coax her. I have to cry again.

Ji Xiaoru's current state can be said to be very good.

He was feeling relieved when he heard Ji Xiaoru frowned and said angrily: "Xiaoxiao and Liezi are really loyal, as soon as they heard about your accident last night, they immediately told me to fly over this morning. But what about Pei Yuancheng? That—" Ji Xiaoru suddenly turned her head and looked around for a while, probably to check if there was anyone from Pei Yuancheng outside.

After she confirmed that there was no one outside the door, she immediately showed a fierce face to "Lu Chenxi" on the bed: "That bastard! It's really disgusting! Next time I see him, I have to scold him severely." No! No - scolding him is not enough to relieve his anger, I have to punch him twice! I am so mad! Hmph!"

Pei Yuancheng, who was lying on the bed, was startled when he heard the words - what's going on, why did she beat him?Does she have such a big hatred with him?Conscience of heaven and earth, even if he, Pei Yuancheng, was not good to her Ji Xiaoru in the past, he is already working hard to pay off the debt, so why does she hate him so much?
Ji Xiaoru saw doubts on "Lu Chenxi"'s face, and said dissatisfiedly: "I called Pei Yuancheng several times last night, but he didn't answer any of them! What do you think he means?! Even if he is on a business trip abroad , It’s not that I’m so busy that I don’t have time to connect to the phone? I almost died of anxiety in the middle of the night last night. I don’t know the place on this island, and he’s the only acquaintance! But he ran away and didn’t even answer the phone , Lu Chenxi, tell me, is this guy really disrespectful? The next time I see him, if he doesn't kneel in front of us and apologize, I will break up with him!"

Pei Yuancheng looked at Ji Xiaoru speechlessly, thinking to himself, what does it mean for a dumb person to eat Coptis chinensis—it's hard to say, but now he feels it deeply.

However, what Ji Xiaoru said also reminded him that he is now "Lu Chenxi", so he can no longer be "Pei Yuancheng". However, in Ji Xiaoru's world, "Pei Yuancheng" and "Lu Chenxi" exist at the same time, even if the two Individuals don't show up at the same time, at least, "Pei Yuancheng" can't keep showing up.

For this, Pei Yuancheng couldn't help feeling a headache, he was already exhausted enough to play Lu Chenxi, how could he make a shadow clone, and then become "Pei Yuancheng" in Ji Xiaoru's place?
Ji Xiaoru didn't know the troubles of the person on the bed at all, and vented angrily. Seeing that "Lu Chenxi" had been listening quietly, she felt a little embarrassed: "Lu Chenxi, do you think I'm noisy? It seems that I just woke up All the patients who come here have to rest--I am so chattering, does it give you a headache?"

Pei Yuancheng thought to himself, do you still know that you are arguing?It's really rare, if it weren't for the fact that you can't move your hands, I would have given you some applause.

However, although it was noisy, with Ji Xiaoru chattering here and there, I didn't feel bored anymore. The originally deserted ward also became a little more popular.

"Forget it, I won't scold Pei Yuancheng anymore. After all, there are other people who are busy with their affairs. It's quite interesting that they let us live here for free, eat, drink and play for free. Besides, Pei Yuancheng's housekeeper is quite awesome. I have to thank him well." Ji Xiaoru calmed down after venting. In fact, if she was angry, she wasn't really angry, she just had a mouthful.

After hearing this, Pei Yuancheng couldn't help but look at Ji Xiaoru approvingly.

He knew that although Ji Xiaoru was bluffing, she was definitely kind and enthusiastic in her heart.

Such a person will almost never get sulky, and always say something when things happen. To put it bluntly, he just doesn't get entangled.

"Lu Chenxi, Mu Zihao told me, you have sudden gastroenteritis, why did you do this? I remember that you had no stomach problems before." Ji Xiaoru sat by the bed and pulled "Lu Chenxi"'s hand to her His cheeks were pressed together, a pair of big eyes looked at him flickeringly, and he said, "Did you usually bear the discomfort and didn't tell me? You are a star, and you often eat irregularly. You must have some small stomach problems, but You should tell me, I am your girlfriend, I have the responsibility and obligation to take care of you, you know?"

"Lu Chenxi" blinked, as if saying "I see" to her.

Ji Xiaoru pulled "Lu Chenxi"'s hand to her lips and kissed her, put her elbows on the bed, looked down at "Lu Chenxi" and said, "I love you, Lu Chenxi, I didn't know what it was like to feel sorry for someone before, but now I do." Feeling sorry for someone is just seeing him hurt. I feel more pain and more uncomfortable than him. I wish I could take care of the pain myself. Lu Chenxi, don’t worry me like this again. I saw you pass out yesterday. It was so frightening. Now, I thought you were going to die—if you were, I don't think I'd be able to live either."

"Lu Chenxi" stared at her silently, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Ji Xiaoru, do you know?

Your Lu Chenxi, he is dead.He can't come back.

How long can I hide from you, can I hide from you forever?
I would if I could.

I love you too, and I don't want to see you suffer.

This shouldn't be considered love, I'm not qualified to love you, but let me treat you instead of Lu Zi.

I will take good care of you for the rest of my life.

Ji Xiaoru couldn't hear the words hidden in "Lu Chenxi"'s eyes, but she felt the sadness hidden in him strangely.

Why is he so sad?

She held his hand and tightened it involuntarily.

"Lu Chenxi, you...you don't have any terminal illness, do you? Ah? You don't have any terminal illness to hide from me, do you? I'm so scared all of a sudden. You look at me like that, making me feel like you're leaving me. Lu Chenxi, you Tell me quickly, you are fine, nothing is wrong, as long as you rest for two more days, you will be able to stand up alive and well soon."

She stared at "Lu Chenxi" closely, but forgot that he couldn't speak at all now.

After a long time, she didn't hear the answer she wanted.

Only then did she suddenly remember that he had a minor operation last night and also had a gastroscopy, so it's inconvenient to talk now.

"Hey..." Ji Xiaoru lowered her head and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Hey, I feel like I'm crazy. Lu Chenxi, what should I do? If I knew I wouldn't be in love with you, if I didn't love you, I would Don't worry about gains and losses, if I don't love you, I don't have to worry about it, if I don't love you, I just..."

She paused, then shook her head and said, "No, I still want to love you."

"Lu Chenxi" smiled with the corners of her mouth pulled up.

Ji Xiaoru covered her eyes with the hand of "Lu Chenxi", lying on the bed and said sullenly: "Even if I worry about gains and losses, worry about fear, even if I have to bear all kinds of bad things, I still want to love you. If you don't You, how do I know that love is such a beautiful thing. If I don’t love you, what’s the point of my life. I’m going to depend on you anyway in this life. No matter what happens, I don’t want to be separated from you. I think about it I want to live with you until the age of 99, and when we become old men and old ladies, I still want to love you, love you, love you..."

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