famous first flash marriage

867. You Must Dispose of Her!

"Listen, you have to get rid of her."

In the apartment where Pete lived temporarily, a man with half his face hidden in the shadows said to him gloomily.

"This is my business, you have no right to interfere."

Pete said coldly.

"If you don't want to, then you have to let other people do it for you."

The man raised half of his mouth, as if he was smiling, but that smile was very creepy.

"She is mine, so don't try to touch her hair. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Pete's eyebrows were tightly frowned, and a ruthless look appeared in his dark blue pupils.

If Cheng Meng sees Pete at this moment, he will no longer think that Pete's eyes are as gentle as the sea under the sun.

"Your person? Heh... I heard it all. She wants to say goodbye to you, Pete, she is not your person. You can't have her, let alone anyone."

The man smiled grimly.

Pete's pupils contracted, and his eyes were like hawks.

"To shut up."

"My old brother, are you going to treat your guests like this?" The man stepped out of the shadows.

His body is very tall, and unlike his unpleasant and disturbing smile, his appearance is not only not ugly, but even quite handsome.

"I never welcomed you, and I swear to God, I hope you get the hell out of here and never bother me again."

Peter glanced at the man in disgust, walked to the bar in the room and sat down, reached out to open a bottle of red wine, raised his head and poured it into his mouth.

The man snorted softly, and like a leopard walking, he walked slowly towards Pete with dangerous and graceful steps.

"do not come."

Pete said coldly.

The man ignored it, walked straight up to Pete, reached for a bottle of vodka, opened it on his own, and poured it into his mouth like Pete did.

"You hate that little thing."

The man said playfully: "This is unprecedented, Pete, tell me, is that little thing really so charming?"

"Regardless of your business, I warn you—you'd better not provoke her, if you dare to touch a single hair of her, I will definitely chop you up and throw you into the sewer to feed the mice."

Pete lowered his voice and said word by word through the teeth.

At the same time, he felt a kind of fear and anxiety in his heart, because he was worried that this guy would really do something terrible to Cheng Meng.

"That will depend on you. My old friend."

The man squinted and stared at Pete coldly.

"You seem to have made a mistake." Pete stood up and looked down at the man.


The man simply leaned back in the chair and looked at Pete leisurely.

Pete was so annoyed that he wanted to shoot this guy to pieces.

But it just can't.

If you make a list of the most hated people, this guy is definitely No.1.

But this guy happened to be his indispensable partner.

It sucks.

"Listen, I don't accept any threats."

"Kill that cute and charming little thing, doesn't it threaten you?"

The man squinted his eyes with interest.

"As I said, no one can threaten me. If you really want to touch her, you'd better think about the consequences of touching her. Unless you really want your body to be cut into hundreds of pieces by me and thrown in pieces one by one to the sewer, where it gets eaten by rats, or rots in the stinking water."

Pete spoke seriously, as if he was really holding a sharp blade in his hand, ready to slice the nasty guy in front of him at any moment.

"If you want to experience my sword skills, you can accompany me anytime."

The man laughed after hearing Pete's words.

"Dude, you're so funny."

"I'm not kidding you, please figure this out," Pete said coldly.

"Of course I know you are not joking. On the contrary, you have never been angry for so many years, and now you are so angry with me because of a woman from Huaguo. This makes me very happy. Oh, Pete, I didn't expect You are still a person—I thought you were already a cold-blooded animal who kills without batting an eye."

The man leaned back in the chair and said as if he felt amused.

"Don't confuse me with scum like you."

Pete pointed in the direction of the door: "Go away, I don't want to see you."

The man didn't say much this time, he stood up with the bottle in hand, and walked slowly towards the door.

When he reached the door, the man turned his head and said to Pete with a half-smile, "I'm right here, watching you and that cute and charming little thing all the time."

Pete had a cold face, without saying a word, but quickly took out a suppressed pistol from nowhere, and fired a bullet in the direction of the man.

However, at that moment, the man dodged the bullet with a movement that was absolutely impossible for ordinary people, and quickly jumped onto the half-opened window sill, and jumped down from above.

27th floor.

The man didn't bat an eye when he jumped out of the window, and not only that, but he took the time to give Pete a mocking smile.

Pete didn't chase after him. He knew that since he jumped out of the window, it meant that this guy was already prepared.

Throwing down the gun in his hand, Pete returned to the bar, picked up the half-drinked red wine and drank it again.

He's in a situation he's never been before.

This is purely his own fault.

If he hadn't provoked Cheng Meng at the beginning, this result would not have happened today.

It's his fault.

He could bear it and not go to her.

There are tens of thousands of beautiful girls in the world, why did he have to find her?
This was the worst mistake he should have made in his life.

However, ever since he saw her photo for the first time, he knew that he was deeply attracted.

He couldn't resist her, let alone his inner desire.

He endured it year after year, even at one point looking for her replacement.

However, it didn't work.

She is what she is.

She is unique and cannot be replaced by anyone.

Even with similar eyebrows, eyes and complexion, those little girls lacked the aura she possessed.

No one is her.

No one can be her.

No one can dispel the desire deep in his heart.

Desire is original sin.

He finally killed her.

The most beautiful flower in the garden should be seen from a distance, and should not be approached at all.

He can't really own her unless he gets close to her, appreciates her beauty up close, and finally takes her off with his own hands.

But the moment she was picked off, her life also died.

Do not……

He didn't want her to die.

She was so beautiful, so young, she didn't deserve to die.

Pete ran through his hair anxiously.

He regretted it terribly.

Why are you so close to her?

She clearly knows that the closer she is, the more likely everything about him will be exposed to her.

All this is his own fault.

However, things have happened.How to make up for it is the most important thing to consider.

It's just that after much deliberation, there is still no most suitable method.

Could it be that he and she will never go back to the past?

Pete clutched the bottle tightly in his hand, feeling the pain in his heart.

He really wanted to see her right away, and kiss her petal-like face right away.

Or... just talk to her, and listen to her voice.

Pete's eyes lit up suddenly when he thought of this.

He took out the phone from his pocket, then swiped across the icon to open an encrypted software.

Soon, there was a melodious singing voice from the phone.

He waited for several minutes, but he still didn't hear Cheng Meng's voice.

What came from the phone was a Chinese folk song.

A very young male voice was playing and singing.

The voice was very close, as if he and Cheng Meng were face to face.

At first Pete thought that Cheng Meng was listening to music in the room, but after listening carefully for a while, this guess was denied.

Pete's handsome face instantly distorted——

Which man is she with?
How dare she be with other men besides him?
In his dark blue eyes, raging anger instantly surged.

Looking at the location information in the software, Cheng Meng is in a small building in the northeast corner of the nursing home at this moment.

Pete recalled in his mind that this voice definitely did not belong to any man Cheng Meng was familiar with.

How is this going?

Obviously not long ago, Cheng Meng was still talking to herself on the phone.

Why in the blink of an eye, she was with other men, and she was still listening to him playing the guitar and singing?
Could it be that, in fact, she had already betrayed him and hooked up with other men?

Pete's entire face was distorted beyond belief, and the expression on his face could almost be described as ferocious.

No wonder she was so anxious to break up with herself.

No wonder she ignored her pleading and was so cruel to herself!
This bitch, she has already taken a fancy to other men!
He was terrified because of her, and wanted to kill that guy because of her, but what about her?
She was actually with another man behind his back!
Cheng Meng...it turns out that you are not as innocent as you appear on the surface!
Pete was furious.

He stood up trembling and wanted to drink, but he couldn't help but slammed the red wine bottle in his hand against the opposite wall.


With a crisp sound, the red wine bottle shattered on the wall, and the shattered glass shards fell to the ground.

Pete picked up the gun again. At this moment, he just wanted to find her and that wild man right away, and he wanted to kill them with his own hands!
And just when the anger burning in his chest was about to swallow all his reason, the singing on the phone suddenly stopped.

The young man who sang seemed to be very surprised and asked: "Who are you? I don't seem to know you, and I have never seen you before."

Pete froze for a moment.

Soon, he heard Cheng Meng's voice again.

"Hi, I'm one of your listeners."

The familiar sweet and crisp voice made Pete feel a burst of ecstasy and a tremor.

"Sorry... did you just say something?"

asked the young man blankly.

Pete heard Cheng Meng's footsteps.

She seemed to move closer to him.

"You can see me talking, right?" Cheng Meng asked.

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