sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 103 He is here

I don't know why, this is obviously the love An Jia couldn't ask for, but Ning Xin cried bitterly, as if she wanted to shed the tears of the struggling woman on the hospital bed, so that the rest of their lives would be sweet instead of sweet. There will be sour and astringent!
Ning Xin crouched in the corner with her back against the wall, from crying bitterly to sobbing silently, although her voice was almost inaudible, her tears never stopped.

When Leng Yi heard the news and rushed to the hospital, he saw Ning Xin pitifully huddled in a corner, weeping like a little beast!
He walked forward without saying a word, trying hard to hug Ning Xin, but Ning Xin was very resistant and refused to let anyone get close to her.

Leng Yi couldn't, he could only hold her head with his hands, trying to lift her head from his knees.

When her face was lifted up, it was already slightly deformed. Ning Xin tried her best to see the face of the person in front of her through her tears, but because of the deformation of the eye muscles, although she felt that she had worked hard to widen her eyes , but in Leng Yi's eyes, she just slightly raised her eyelids.

"Can you see clearly?" Leng Yi looked at Ning Xin who was in tears and asked.

As soon as she heard the voice, Ning Xin was sure that the person in front of her was Leng Yi. She turned her head slightly, broke free from Leng Yi's hands that bound her, and nodded while wiping her tears: "Why are you here?"

Seeing that she just wiped her face randomly with the back of her hand, Leng Yi frowned slightly. Instead of answering her question, she carefully wiped away the tears all over her face with his hands. Rub more?
Leng Yi looked at the two jets of water that kept coming out of Ning Xin's eyes, almost catching up with the stream. His brows were tightly wrinkled into the word "Chuan", and he couldn't help but put his hands on her. eyes, sighed lightly, and embraced her in his arms.

"Why are you crying?" Leng Yi gently patted Ning Xin's back, comforting her.

Under Leng Yi's gentle force, Ning Xin almost forgot all the sadness and heartache, only his slow breathing and strong heartbeat remained in the whole world.

But thinking of the pale and haggard An Jiaren on the hospital bed, Ning Xin still couldn't help the soreness in the corners of her eyes, grabbed the clothes on Leng Yi's shoulders, and shed tears silently.

Sensing Ning Xin's helplessness and collapse, Leng Yi was almost at a loss, he could only hold Ning Xin tightly, telling her with his arms and body temperature that she is not alone!

After a long time, Ning Xin was finally able to turn off the faucet in her body independently, and Leng Yi's shoulders were already wet with tears!
Ning Xin looked at Leng Yi embarrassedly: "Your clothes are dirty, I'll wash them for you when you go back!"

Leng Yi just wanted to say no, but remembering that this seemed to be the first time Ning Xin had washed his clothes with her own hands, after thinking about it briefly, Leng Yi made a mistake!
"Why are you crying?" After so long, Leng Yi still remembered the first question that was evaded.

Ning Xin retreated slightly, not daring to get too close to Leng Yi, who was exuding male hormones, for fear that when she was emotionally unstable, she would make wrong decisions and misunderstood behaviors.

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm a little worried after seeing the beautiful woman hospitalized!" Ning Xin casually gave a reason, regardless of whether Leng Yi could believe it or not.

Leng Yi was very easy to pass this time, he just listened to what Ning Xin said, neither doubting nor asking too much.

"By the way, why did you come?" In order to avoid embarrassment, Ning Xin changed the subject and asked.

"Passing by."

Leng Yi said these two words without thinking, and he didn't care whether Ning Xin believed it or not.

pass by?How can a big man pass by the obstetrics and gynecology department?

This reason is too careless!But Ning Xin can't control that much anymore, how can she care about whether what Leng Yi said is true now!

Ning Xin went to the door of An Jiaren's ward. When she was crying in a daze, she heard the doctor say that An Jiaren had signs of threatened miscarriage, but luckily it was delivered in time. Bed rest.

Looking at An Jiaren inside the door who was still frowning in her sleep, and Zhou Xu who was watching over her intently, Ning Xin's eyes were red again, but this time she was crying with joy, okay, okay, it was a false alarm!
Standing behind her, Leng Yi secretly watched Ning Xin's eyes swollen from crying, and wanted to open the gate to release the water again, so she pulled Ning Xin past her, and strode towards the entrance of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

"What? Why are you pulling me?" Ning Xin's wrist was tightly gripped by Leng Yi, and she didn't need to look to know that the circle was definitely red.

Leng Yi recklessly pulled Ning Xin away, but Ning Xin smiled all the way and nodded to the passers-by who looked at them with surprised eyes.

After being pulled out of the door, Leng Yi let go of Ning Xin's hand, stood in front of her and looked down at her.

"Do you want to say something to me?" Ning Xin said in a deep voice, rubbing her sore wrist.

Leng Yi pondered for a long time, but didn't say anything.

Ning Xin watched as Leng Yi opened his mouth several times hesitating to speak, but closed it again, and felt anxious for him in his heart.

"If you don't tell me, then I'm going back?" Ning Xin cast a bewildered glance at the man who pulled her out but didn't say a word, turned around and was about to go back.

But Leng Yi relentlessly pulled Ning Xin and refused to let her leave.

Say, say, say you don't like to see her cry, tell her not to cry.Wouldn't it be better?Why can't I open my mouth with such a few simple lines of dialogue?

Leng Yi stared at Ning Xin with some annoyance, but stubbornly refused to speak.

If he didn't speak, Ning Xin naturally had nothing to say, and the two of them just stood deadlocked on the edge of the lawn in front of the hospital.

After a long time, Leng Yi called Ning Xin's name slowly and in a low voice.

Ning Xin, who was named, shifted her gaze from the blooming flowers in the lawn to Leng Yi's face.

"Remember, you are my woman!" Leng Yi, who had been holding back for a long time, said such a domineering declaration in a rather cute manner.

Ning Xin was bloodied by him, is this man here to make a joke?
Is today's drama about the domineering president?Why does she have an urban comedy style!

"Well, what then?" Looking at Leng Yi's reddish ears, Ning Xin also thought of teasing her.

Leng Yi pondered for a long time, and found that the channel seemed to be wrong, why did Ning Xin have a light comedy expression on his face!

But Leng Yi still tried his best to correct the painting style, so he stared at Ning Xin's eyes with a serious expression, and repeated every word: "You are my woman! Ning Xin, you have to remember this! "

Ning Xin nodded, waiting for his next sentence.

"So?" Ning Xin asked.

"So, you are mine, so naturally you should listen to me! From now on, you can only cry when I allow you to cry, otherwise, if you dare to shed a tear elsewhere!" Leng Yi finished the above in one breath. He thought that his facial expressions, movements, and eyes were all in place, but in Ning Xin's eyes, he felt that he was really cute!

"How can this kind of thing be controlled? What if I fall outside one day and burst into tears in pain, does this count as not having your consent?" Ning Xin felt that this request was full of loopholes!
But Leng Yi was seriously thinking about the solution to Ning Xin's problem.

"It's fine if I don't see it, but where I see it, where I am, if you shed my tears without my permission, I will definitely sue you for copyright infringement!" Leng Yi It sounds like it's true.

Ning Xin also smiled: "Do you think the judge is so idle every day? Can he still accept a case like yours, which is a bit idiotic?"

"Whether I accept it or not is my business. Whether you make a mistake or not is your business!" Leng Yi crossed her arms and came to a conclusion naturally!

Seeing that Leng Yi was really serious about discussing this issue about human physiological functions with himself, Ning Xin also went from joking at the beginning to being serious later!

"Are you serious?" Ning Xin put away her playful smile and asked in disbelief.

"I look like I'm joking?" Leng Yi asked back.

After carefully studying Leng Yi's expression, Ning Xin sadly found that he seemed to be serious!

"Did you eat the wrong dinner? Can you think of such a weird request?" Ning Xin was a little furious, but the whole day of fright and crying made Ning Xin even lose the strength to speak loudly.

"If you keep talking, I think I will have more weird requests." Leng Yi didn't care at all, but intensified.

Knowing that he was not just talking, in order to avoid all kinds of strange and inaccurate requests from him not to let herself laugh, not to eat, not to drink, etc., Ning Xin had to keep her mouth shut!
Satisfied with Ning Xin's aggrieved expression, which dared not speak out, Leng Yi suddenly felt in a good mood!
Maybe he really has this hobby, and he just likes to bully Ning Xin. Every time he sees her being so angry that she wants to jump, but dare not, Leng Yi will be in a good mood.

Compared to Leng Yi's good mood, Ning Xin, as an oppressed working people, doesn't think this is a pleasant thing worth laughing at all.

Thinking about An Jiaren who was still pale and with an uncertain future in the ward, and Ning Yi who was looking for death at home and insisted on making a mess, Ning Xin was almost as big as two heads!
If she was still in the mood to cry in the afternoon, now she couldn't even shed tears!
Ning Xin let out a long sigh, ignored Leng Yi's childish expression of victory, turned around and walked towards the hospital.

It's better to go and see the beauty again, after all, she accidentally fell when she went out because of her own affairs. Fortunately, the mother and child are safe, otherwise she would have to pay Zhou Xu.

Ning Xin's footsteps were heavy, it felt like a heavy burden was on her shoulders, making her breathless!
As for Leng Yi, he couldn't help at all, and he knew the tough and domineering demands all day long!
Arriving at the door of the ward, just as Zhou Xu was going to fill a pot of water for An Jiaren, the two nodded to each other, and then walked in different directions.

Ning Xin pushed open the door of the ward, and saw An Jiaren leaning on the bed with a pale face, and when she saw Ning Xin coming in, she smiled weakly.

Concealing the worry and self-blame in her heart, Ning Xin asked with a smile: "How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

"It's much better, as long as the baby is fine, then it's fine!" An Jiaren stroked her abdomen tenderly, as if she could already see her baby smiling at her.

Ning Xin had a slightly sour nose: "Well, you and the baby will be fine!"

"By the way, I heard from Zhou Xu that a man dragged you away just now, is it Leng Yi?" An Jiaren didn't see anyone, so she could only ask questions to confirm if it was true.

"Well, he said he passed by and saw me, so..." Ning Xin didn't have the slightest desire to describe the next nonsensical conversation, so she just kept silent!
"Passing by? This reason is very special!" An Jiaren was suddenly touched by Leng Yi, and she was not used to it!
But Ning Xin has long been immune.She took pink roses that are only available in high-end flower shops, and put them one by one into the glass vase in front of her. At the end, she also placed some baby's breath for a little decoration.

"Does it look good?" Not wanting to talk about Leng Yi, Ning Xin raised the vase in her hand and asked An Jiaren.

An Jiaren nodded with a smile, and wisely followed Ning Xin's topic!

Looking at the gentle and quiet woman in front of her, Ning Xin couldn't connect her with that crazy girl from before.

Can love and children really change a woman so much?Ning Xin was a little puzzled.

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