"Wait." Leng Yi came out from behind Ning Xin with a sullen face. He still couldn't understand what kind of tricks Mu Yi was playing. This Mu Yi must have underestimated the young master of the Leng family.

With Mu Yi's tricks, it's a joke to be able to hide from his Leng Yi's eyes.

"Mr. Leng, even if you lose money, it's a common thing. As the saying goes, winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. Why should Mr. Leng change his face for these [-] billion." Definitely an Oscar winner.

"I'm afraid, there is a villain." Leng Yi grabbed Mu Yi's arm with a sullen face, and squeezed a little harder, and Mu Yi frowned in pain.

"What's the situation?" Ning Xin saw that Leng Yi didn't exert so much strength, and Mu Yi really felt like a thousand arrows piercing his heart. This Mu Yi must be from the effect group.

"Boss Mu, if you don't take it out again, I can't guarantee that you can keep this arm." Leng Yi's eyes turned cold, showing the chill, Mu Yi put something similar to a crossbow under his arm, As long as he feels that something is wrong, he can change the card immediately.

The card exchange is done by the crossbow machine, and the action is so fast that most people can't see it at all.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Mu Yi's painful head was dripping with sweat, but he still had to grit his teeth and say, not knowing what Leng Yi meant.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ning Xin frowned and looked at Leng Yi who was holding onto Mu Yi's arm. Could it be that the old fox was jealous and took the opportunity to take revenge.This is a matter of life.

"Go, take out Boss Mu's card from the shredder." Leng Yi stared at Mu Yi's slightly sweaty face and said word by word.

"En?" Although Ning Xin didn't know what Leng Yi's purpose was, Mu Yi had already won, right? Why did he still take his smashed cards.

After pulling out the shredder's cards, Ning Xin's eyes widened.

"Two cards!" Ning Xin poked open a card in her hand, and it turned out to be two cards that fell down.

"Boss Mu, you dare to use something like a crossbow in front of me." Mu Yi, the cold-winged catalpa, glanced coldly at the neckline. After the crossbow delivered the cards Mu Yi wanted, Mu Yi held them There will be two cards, one is the card that was originally drawn, and the other is the card that was fired from the old thousand crossbow machine.

Both these cards are in his hand, they will definitely be discovered, so Mu Yi took the opportunity to throw both cards into the shredder,

I thought it was a secret, but such a small action can't be hidden from Leng Yi's eyes.

"Mr. Leng, Mr. Leng, please listen to my explanation." Mu Yi couldn't pretend anymore when the matter was exposed, so he hurriedly covered himself up and tried to explain something.

"Boss Mu, there are rules in business. I believe you know better than me the fate of cheating on the gambling table." Leng Yi's words are very clear. This cheating on the gaming table is different from ordinary things. It is taboo at the table.

If you are caught out of a thousand, you will chop your hands if you are young, and you will die if you beat him.

So at this gambling table, if it is not for a strong background or a solid foundation for cheating, no one would dare to cheat.

As for the little tricks played by Mu Yi, Leng Yi has long been tired of seeing them.

"Yes, yes, I was blinded by money for a while, I really was blinded by money for a while." Mu Yi tried his best to defend himself, but the excuses were still the same, even Ning Xin couldn't help it. Tired of hearing it.

"Whoever gambles at the gambling table is blind to money? This Boss Mu is considered a respectable person in City A. If nothing else, if you let others know... especially let your poker friends who often gamble with you know ... You still have cheating things, so I don't know if you can still hang out in City A in the future." After Leng Yi said this, Mu Yi was so scared that he sat down on the ground.This time, Mu Yi was really scared.

Judging by Mu Yi's appearance, he should be a veteran who has cheated thousands of dollars. This kind of veteran who has cheated thousands of dollars must have cheated many people at the gambling table. With all of them, let alone staying in City A, that would definitely be impossible.

As soon as this happens, Mu Yi will change from a hypocrite in front of people to a headshot mouse who shouts and beats in the street, who may die at the hands of others.

"Mr. Leng, Mr. Leng, it seems that what you said is something to be discussed, isn't it? We are all from our own family, and there is no need to hurt our peace because of this. I have always treated you as a brother." Mu Yi said, especially The dog-legged man ran to Leng Yi and lifted him to straighten the invisible dust on his shoulders, and said in a serious manner, "We are all brothers, we are all brothers, we can't let our family not know our family."

"Brother?" Leng Yi glanced at Mu Yi. There are many people who want to have a relationship with him, but it's the first time I saw such a shameless relationship. My brother is just afraid that Mu Yi is not qualified enough.

Seeing that Leng Yi's face changed, Mu Yi knew that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly bowed his waist and said, "It's not a brother, it's not a brother. You are my elder. From now on, I, Mu Yi, will be filial to you. If you let me go east, I will Never go west, if you tell me to beat a dog, I will never scold a chicken, as long as you don’t tell me what happened to me today, you will be my reborn parents, even if I, Mu, will be fine in the future Honor you, you are my reborn parents, but don't tell what happened today."

"Then Ning Yicheng..." Leng Yi glanced at Ning Yicheng who was lying on the stretcher on the ground. This kid is Ning Xin's heart, just like the weather forecast of Ning Xin's mood. One lap, isn't it just for this brat.

"You have the final say, you have the final say, you can say whatever you want now, as long as you don't tell what happened today, no matter what you want, I, Mu, will never say a word and frown. "Mu Yi swears at the sky, but Ning Xin is really happy.

He looked like a guide dog just thrown out, and his every move was extremely cute. I didn't expect Mu Yi to be so obedient, but Ning Xin was very surprised.

"Then the one on this table..." Leng Yi glanced at the weight behind Ning Xin, it was the money she just lost to Mu Yi, a total of [-] billion.

"Of course it's yours too. It's your money. Even if I really win, I won't take it. It's disrespectful. I'm just joking with you, just for fun. It can't be true..." Mu Yi handed the weight on the table back to Ning Xin with both hands, the money was like hot yam, he didn't dare to take it anymore, he might lose his life in the end, This is no joke.

"Boss Mu is really generous, so I won't refuse." Leng Yi signaled Ning Xin to put away the [-] billion, don't be polite to this hypocrite, think about Yue Buqun back then, and you will know what Mu Yishang is not Good bird, maybe he will nod in agreement if he is castrated now.

"Why are you like this? There's no such thing as a gambler." Ning Xin understood the cause and effect, and suddenly felt that if Leng Yi hadn't discovered it in time just now, the [-] billion in their hands would have been lost to Mu Yi, a hypocrite. I got caught.

I don't know how much money this hypocrite has made with this method, and he has done some shameful things.

"Mr. Leng, I gave this person, and I also paid back the money. If there is nothing else, I, Mu, have something to do. Can I go first?" Mu Yi wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. He was so depressed in this place. out of breath.

"Hmph, didn't you feel quite proud just now?" Ning Xin's teeth itch when she remembered that Mu Yi had cheated out of her [-] billion.

In other words, Leng Yi's judgment was not wrong, wiping her nose was a follow-up, but at the last moment, this hypocrite made a move, which caused her to lose the last round.

With Leng Yi standing beside him, Mu Yi didn't dare to say anything. He swallowed what Ning Xin said just now, waved his hand, and everyone left. He couldn't stay here any longer. I don't know what troubles will happen if I stay any longer, it's better to pat my ass and leave quickly.

"Hmph, you won, are you satisfied now?" At the last moment, this woman... his own sister still chose the man she sold herself to instead of him.

Does she really want to win? If it wasn't for Mu Yi who won the last game by cheating, then the winner would be Ning Xin, and he would rather leave with Mu Yi...

Ning Xin knew that Mu Yi was a place of dragons and tigers, and knew that it was a place where there was no way out, but she still wanted to send him in. Is there such a cruel sister in this world? Is he the only one in this world who is Ning Yicheng? Is it unlucky, why does he meet people so badly every time...

Finally, there is a person she likes who is still the mistress of the coal boss. After a little improvement in life, she becomes addicted to drugs, and everything that was clearly agreed collapses in an instant.

Why does God always target him alone, and what did he do wrong.

"I have to win. Every penny on this gambling table is worth nothing. I have no reason to lose." Ning Xin lowered her head, trying to hide the pain in her heart. Those words were true. , the closest person will hurt you the most, love is like this, friendship is like this, family affection is like this...

"How shameless you are, I don't think I need to tell you, you know that you can give up my life just for a man, Ning Xin, has your conscience been eaten by dogs! I really want to see your picture What does it look like under the face?" Ning Yicheng yelled in Ning Xin's direction.

Ning Xin who was approaching suddenly stopped still, she didn't dare to approach Ning Yicheng, she didn't know if she would die of angina if she approached him again.

At this moment, she was really in pain.

Seeing that Ning Xin didn't speak, Ning Yicheng thought that Ning Xin had acquiesced, or that she had nothing to say, and the anger in her heart became bigger and more arrogant.

"Ning Xin, if I were you, I would just hit the wall and die, it's not shameful enough to live in this world!" Before Ning Yicheng could finish his sentence, Leng Yi walked over and pulled up his collar.

"Didn't you see that she was crying? Say one more word, believe it or not, I can kill you right now."

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