Looking at Leng Qiaoer, Ning Xin still had lingering fears in her heart.Seeing her, she would still think of the day when she poured hot water on her.The arm was inexplicably hot.

Ning Xin tightened her cup, leaned back involuntarily, raised her eyes, and looked at the frightening woman in front of her, "There are many women who are prettier than me in the world, if you think they only like me If you don’t have this face, then you’re looking at them too superficially.”

"Aren't men all superficial animals? Don't you choose a woman who has a good eye, especially a pure and innocent one like you, just looking at it makes me want to be trampled severely. Ning Xin, I have been with you before." He, before, I always thought that he was cold to women, including me, but after you appeared, I realized that he was not like that." She said that she had followed him.Hearing this, Ning Xin was not much surprised.because--

"He told me that you are Mu Tongtong." After Ning Xin finished calmly, Leng Qiaoer was not surprised, but the conversation turned a corner, "He never likes to explain, but he knows everything about you. Word."

"..." Ning Xin was silent, Leng Qiaoer straightened up, and slowly approached her, her eyes locked on the diamond ring on her ring finger, "I've been thinking, is wearing the same diamond ring as Leng Yi? What kind of feeling, Ning Xin, since you have always pretended to be kind, why don't you be kind to me again today and let me try wearing this ring of yours?"

"Sorry, I can't wear this ring for you." Ning Xin refused, and when she approached, she slowly put the cup away.

The hand hanging by the side gradually clenched into a fist.Her body is shaking.The corners of Leng Qiaoer's lips curled up halfway, seeing that the elevator reached the first floor, if she didn't give it to her, then she would just grab it by force!

The nails painted with cardamom cut across her skin sharply, leaving a blushing mark. Leng Qiaoer squinted her eyes and insisted on grabbing the ring from her. Before she took the next step, she bent down, turned her body slightly, raised her hand, grabbed her hair and slammed it towards the elevator entrance, and, right in the blink of an eye, with a "ding", the elevator door opened up!Strength, lost the center of gravity.

Leng Qiaoer was thrown out by Ning Xin, and even the cup of coffee was thrown out in a parabolic shape.

Because of this astonishing scene, the people in the hall stopped and looked over.

On the ground, Leng Qiaoer was lying in a state of distress, her expensive Chanel dress was splashed all over by coffee, while Ning Xin just stood there in such a dazed and helpless motion, looking extremely innocent.This self-defense technique was taught by Leng Yi.It seems that the power is great.

Ning Xin swallowed her saliva, then touched her nose again, then retreated into the elevator, gently and extremely calmly, pressed the door close button, and went back up again.Ignoring the big shocked eyes.It wasn't until later that she saw her feat on the company's intranet, as well as Leng Qiaoer's embarrassing appearance outside the elevator door so angry that she kicked the door.

Also, Leng Yi's second comment under the video.Wife, tough.And, all the employees unanimously told the floor: Mr. Ning, V5!These are all later.Now Ning Xin just feels relieved!Who said that she is weak, but she is also very feminine in the face of evil forces! ! !

After getting out of the elevator, she was refreshed, fearing that Leng Qiaoer would kill her, she hurried back to her office and hid. Facing a lot of materials, she was about to take a nap when her phone rang Yes, when I saw that it was Gu Yi's call, the drowsiness disappeared immediately.What did he want to do after looking for her?Since she was kissed by him last time, she was really afraid of him.

Holding the phone, Ning Xin felt that it was extremely hot. She wanted to hang it up immediately, but after thinking about it, she had to face what she should face, and avoiding it couldn't solve any problems.Simply, let's talk.If you die, you will be good to each other.Ning Xin took a deep breath and picked it up, "Hello."

"After get off work, have dinner with me." The conversation was very natural.It was as if we got along like we did when we were still in France.Ning Xin couldn't hear it very much, and didn't know which song he was singing, "If you want someone to accompany you for dinner, after get off work, I'll go there with him."

He, of course, refers to Leng Yi.Ning Xin's meaning was obvious, she didn't want to have anything to do with him, and she didn't want any more twists and turns in the marriage she carefully maintained. However, Gu Yi didn't care what she said at all, and just ordered forcefully, "Come alone. see me."

"..." Faced with his strength, Ning Xin rolled her eyes towards the sky speechlessly, "Gu Yi, I think I've made it very clear to you."

"This is the last time I will ask you out alone. Tonight, just treat it as a meal with me, and end our previous friendship."

"..." He got to this point, Ning Xin frowned, she didn't know how to refuse, she was silent, Gu Yi continued, "If you think having a meal with me will endanger your relationship, I can only say hehe to your fragile love, come, I will clear it up with you once, if you don’t come, I will continue to pester you, I will send the address to your mobile phone, come or not, it’s up to you Decide." After finishing the words, he hung up the phone.Don't give her the slightest chance to argue.Ning Xin sighed and leaned heavily on the back of the chair.Looking up, looking at the balance.Just in time, the phone vibrated and a text message came in.It was sent by Gu Yi.Only one address.Concise and concise.Say no more.Ning Xin stared at the line of words for a long time before making up her mind to go to the last solo appointment he said!

And this private appointment must be kept from Leng Yi.As for the reason to get out of the way, she thought for a long time, but she couldn't think of a flawless excuse. She hesitated, thinking about it until she got a headache, so she lay down on the table and clasped her fingers. Just in time, Leng Yi walked in and saw She was listless, so she couldn't help teasing her, "Who fought in the hall just now? Now it's a dead crab again?" Seeing Leng Yi, Ning Xin rubbed her nose, and the bottom of her eyes couldn't see There was a trace of guilty conscience, "Why are you here?"

"See if you're injured." Leng Yi walked around the table, bent down, and easily picked her up and put her on the table, while he calmly sat in her place, " Take off your clothes and show your husband to see if there are any scratches or worn skin." Ever since Leng slept between them, he never had a chance to touch her again.I feel heartbroken just thinking about it.

Leng Yi resented, Ning Xin sat on the desk, her white and tender feet stepped on his lap lightly after taking off her high heels, "I'm so powerful, how could she hurt me?" She said proudly, coldly Wing grabbed her ankle, fingertips, and gently rubbed the swollen skin on her heel, "Stop wearing high heels in the future, I don't dislike you for being short."

"..." Does he feel sorry for her?Or was he deliberately hurting her?Ning Xin lowered her eyes, pursed her mouth in sullenness, and kicked him, "What's wrong with being tall, you will be the first ones to fall when the sky falls."

"Tsk, it's pretty cool to talk back." Leng Yi raised his eyebrows, tapped her ankle and scratched her soles directly, making her tremble with laughter, and begged him for mercy, "Don't, don't Scratch, I was wrong..."

She giggled, like a little dove, and Leng Yi softened her brows and eyes, let go, and then pulled this cute little person into her arms, "Wrong? Now that you know you're wrong, Are you ready to accept punishment?"

His tone was soft, Ning Xin blushed, she pretended not to know and asked him, "What punishment?" Leng Yi buried her head and pecked her slightly open mouth, "So good?" She didn't even resist Let him do whatever he wants?So uncharacteristic of her style.

Leng Yi squinted her eyes slightly, as if she was deep in thought, while Ning Xin, throwing her face away and letting him do whatever he wanted on her, was nothing more than a naive belief that as long as she satisfied his needs, then he should be able to talk easily.When she arranges the reason, she will pass it smoothly.

"Today's performance is very good, and we will continue to maintain it in the future." -
"...?" Ning Xin opened her eyes in a daze, and saw that he was staring at her with great interest. Those black eyes, even though they were covered with a trace of lust, still couldn't conceal the playful banter.What does he mean by this...?No more text?

Ning Xin was stunned, Leng Yi took out a few tissues and stuffed them into her little hands, "I thought about it carefully, it's still unethical in the office."

In matters between men and women, Ning Xin has always been the passive side, she just needs to cooperate with him, and he, as long as he is not angry, will take good care of her feelings.Many times, she is fresh and ascetic, while he is like a wolf and a tiger.However, this time, his abnormality made her... heartbroken.Ning Xin bit her lip, and threw the tissue to his face in anger, "Wipe yourself!"

"..." She jumped off him, with a sullen face and lowered her head to button up her shirt. Leng Yi took down the tissue and looked at her thoughtfully, "Are you angry?"

"No." Ning Xin answered two words in a firm voice, Leng Yi raised her brows lightly, stretched out her long arms, and embraced the petite her again, "I have dinner tonight, I will let Huo Zhi will take you back."

"Don't bother him, I'll go back by myself." Ning Xin looked down at her fingertips, glanced at her expression Leng Yi, gently took her hand and played with it in her palm, "I'll try my best come back earlier."

"It's okay to come back later."

"..." Her tone was weird.Leng Yi felt that he had played too far, and rubbed his face against hers, "Are you really angry?"

He coaxed softly, Ning Xin tilted her head, pink lips barely brushed against his thin lips, paused for a second, then moved away, "I'm not such a small-minded person, you're entertaining you, I'm going to the mall to buy a set of clothes, and as for Xiaozhi, I'll let Mama Zhang take care of it."

"Walk in the mall? With whom?"

"Alone, you are not allowed to send someone to follow me."

"..." Leng Yi frowned, obviously not agreeing with her actions, Ning Xin took a breath, and negotiated with him calmly, "I need to give myself a little private space, otherwise I will feel very depressed."

Depressed?Ning Xin said that she felt depressed...

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