sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 335 But So What

However, both sides insist on their own opinions.It's hard to tell the truth from the fake.Ning Xin clenched her lips tightly, and her hand broke free from Leng Yi's palm without a trace. Before the rough robotic voice questioned her again, she stood up and took a very slow...one step One step towards Mr. Leng - towards the woman with only a pile of bones left.

"Is this all true?" she asked.The voice is ethereal.As if from another ethereal-of-world.Ning Xin was wearing a black dress, her plain little face was too transparent, she couldn't stand still, Leng Yi stepped forward to help her, but she pushed her away resistingly, "The moment I stepped into Leng's house Since then, you have taken good care of me, is your kindness to me making up for the harm you caused me?"

Earlier, she said that because of what happened to Xi's mother, Xi Nian's hatred for the Leng family was too deep.The grievances of the previous life should not spread to the next generation.However, she was wrong.The reason why she thinks this way is because such a thing has not happened to her.

She can stand and talk without back pain.However, now, it is different.Ning Xin was crying, laughing again, her hands tightly covering her chest.There is no pain that compares to the hurt of a loved one.Mr. Leng, to her, is a father in another sense.

love, hate.At this moment, completely subverted.Her tears dripped down the corners of her eyes, wet her cheeks, and also... wet her heart.

The old man Leng looked at her with a panicked expression for a moment, as if, through her, he saw another gentle and beautiful woman. He was absent-minded, and with the sound of the stick hitting the ground, he approached her step by step. , "Xin'er, I'm sorry, everything...is my fault."

If he got a demonic obstacle, he babbled.

As he approached, Ning Xin stepped back bit by bit, and at this moment, Xi Nian stood up and stopped them, "Why are you still refusing to admit it? What you did to the Ning family ! You sanctimonious man!" He growled, venting his anger.When Mr. Leng came back to his senses, Xi Nian pointed at Ning Xin's nose, and his eyes turned around her face before falling on Mr. Leng's face with an unclear expression, "Ask yourself, what do you really think about the Ning family?" What did you do!" question, thrown.Like a boulder, it stirred up a thousand waves.The waves roared.

That rough voice rang out again, "Ning Xin, you are Leng Yi's wife, and the most envied and jealous object of women in City A, but in my eyes, you are the most pitiful. Do you know why?" Yu Yin disappeared.

Ning Xin frowned, and at the right moment, Leng Yi, who had been watching the situation quietly, tightened his expression, walked around Ning Xin and directly grabbed Xi Nian's arm, "Do you think everyone is in pain! Xin'er doesn't know anything, you have Hate, come at me and the old man, don't drag her into it!"

"Fazed? In a hurry?" Xi Young smiled, his eyes, following the curvature of the lips, suddenly became as sharp as a blade, "Leng Yi, have you forgotten what you did to me? You designed to make me Making embarrassment in public and sending me to prison for five years, do you think I'll just settle this account?"

"Ji'er is here too, do you really want to fall out with us?" Qian Ji is Xi Nian's weakness.Unfortunately, it seems...it doesn't work anymore.

Xi Nian said that he doesn't care anymore.The things he always wanted to protect were all broken and gone that night, he said, all of this was caused by them, the photos, the stimulation, the so-called jumping off a building, suicide, they were all intertwined and forced to die his mother's.

His hatred reached its peak.You have to vent, otherwise, you just burn yourself.

Xi Nian pushed down the golden frame, and the rough voice rang out again, "Ning Xin, if you want to know the reason, I can tell you right now, or you can also ask your husband, father-in-law , mother-in-law, any one of them knows, but... I don't think they will tell you the truth." The sign pointed at Ning Xin.The blows came one after another.

Ning Xin staggered back, and while shaking, forced herself to stand still, she stared straight at Leng Yi, paused for a few seconds, and said, "I want to know." Her tone was very firm.

She wanted to know what the "truth" Xi Nian wanted to tell her, and what kind of "truth" Leng Yi would give her was more likely. Her pity came from Leng Yi's scheme. She survived, she is fine now, what else does she have to make others feel pitiful?Could it be that Leng Yi still has some ulterior motives for her?If there is, unless it's the shares in Leng Zhiwu's body.

Leng's... 20.00% of the shares.Remarriage, half, is the result of love, and half, it is each with a purpose.If it is pitiful to be like this, then it is not necessarily so.Ning Xin made enough mental preparations, and also guessed what the worst outcome would be. It was nothing more than that Leng Yi didn't love her anymore, and it was nothing more than that the doting around her was all fake.But so what?

After going through so many things, this kind of truth can no longer hit her.Of course, she guessed all the possibilities, except that she missed one.That... the truth that could give her a fatal blow!

"You and Leng Yi...are...brothers and sisters." That rough voice was still criticizing her loved ones... for the wrong things they did to her.However, she couldn't hear it.Can't hear anything.The mind is blank.It's like falling into a chaotic world.

A fishy sweetness welled up in her throat, and she squatted down helplessly, with her eyes drooping, she had already coughed up a mouthful of blood, lingering in her palm, which was extremely glaring.It is said that poor people must have something to hate.She is poor.So, where is her hatred?Is it the sin of the previous life?So, will it be repaid in this life?
Ning Xin pursed her lips, and the tip of her tongue inevitably touched the hot blood. Sitting on the ground, her clear eyes quietly... looked at this indifferent world.She saw Leng Yi walking towards her, then bent down and hugged her weakly, lowered her eyes, looked at her, and said in a low voice, "Don't believe it, it's just his one-sided words."

"One-sided words? Not necessarily..." With the fall of the rough voice, several blank papers floated up in the lobby, and they fell on the clean and cold ground one after another.The words were densely written.It's Grandma Ning Xin's diary.Unexpectedly...Xi Nian actually kept this hand!
Leng Yi narrowed his eyes dangerously, and couldn't help but tighten his hand holding Ning Xin, and the latter stretched out his hand, and took the shredded paper in the air to see, she recognized the handwriting.It was indeed her grandma's.Lip color, as bright as poppy.Very weird.Her eyes were dyed red, following the speculations, schemes, and absurdities between the lines... it became more and more profound.

"Crazy, you... are all crazy." She said.The corners of her lips curled up stiffly, and then she giggled again.Ning Xin murmured, the paper slipped from between her fingers, she covered her mouth and coughed lightly, her heart and lungs were in burning pain, this was the second time she coughed up blood, the first time it was because someone hurt her Son, the second time, because her grandma... hurt her.Those people have already fallen into the dust.

She had nowhere to search, nowhere to tell, she just suffered silently, her internal organs were unspeakably torn, and her flesh and blood were stripped off one by one, she was in pain, the pain penetrated into the bone marrow, but she couldn't scream Can't come out, more...can't cry.

Consciousness, slack.Under self-protection, she closed her perception function, just like that... she fell into a deep sleep in Leng Yi's arms.Stay away, run away.Everything fell silent.

... If it is said that this is the end, then they are wrong, this is just the beginning, the beginning of Xi Nian's crazy revenge.Cell phone, don't vibrate.The latest current affairs of city A came.Police alert, at the scene of the murder, the police found a woman with a very special identity. She was Leng Qiaoer, the newly-accepted second lady of the Leng family, the richest man in city A... The report is still going on.

Leng Yi put away the phone, his deep eyes were shrouded in mist, he looked at Xi Nian with calm eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up in an unclear way, "Xi Nian, I hope your sins will not be punished." On the family." After leaving this simple sentence, Leng Yi hugged Ning Xin who was in a coma and left. Behind him, Mr. Leng slammed the ground with his stick, "Sin! What a sin!"

The funeral was torn apart by hatred.Family members, all leave.In the lobby, it was empty and eerie.

Xi Nian sat on the ground, took off his eyes, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, his face was expressionless, while Qian Ji stood in front of him, he froze for several seconds before asking him in a hoarse voice, "You did it all." Is it?"


"..." Xi Nian readily admitted that the smoke rolled into a circle and overflowed, Qian Ji snorted lightly, with tears glistening in her eyes, she raised her lips and smiled lowly, waiting to laugh As the sound faded away, she bent down, snatched the cigarette from his lips, and slammed... onto the ground!

"Xi Nian, you're still a damn dog!" She scolded and roared loudly, he bowed her head, and she knelt down in front of him, "Senior, please wake up! You were not like this before, You don't know how to beat people, don't curse people, and you don't know how to kill people! It's you who forced yourself into this ghostly state, can you be more sober?!!!"

"...Let's get a divorce." Facing her hoarseness, he said a word calmly.Now that you have lost the ability to love, let it go.He...is not good enough for her.No longer fit.Xi Nian stubbed out the cigarette butt, and Qian Ji wept in a daze. After a long time, he raised his hand to wipe away the wet tears on his face, "Xi Nian, how many more deaths do you want to be satisfied?"

"..." He lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.Qian Ji grabbed his hand and stuck it on her stomach, "Yi is right, I hope your family will not be punished for your sins. Here, there are me and your child. I didn't save the first one for you." , this one, even if you are born, you will be punished because of your blood-stained hands. Xi Nian, I will give you one last chance. Tomorrow, I will go to the hospital and wait for you. If you come, I will stay Son, if you send me the divorce agreement, fine, I'll sign it, and by the way... kill the child."


Hearing these two words, his dead eyes finally had a glimmer of light.

But, it's only fleeting.

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