sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 394 Goodbye in the Past

Ning Xin's self-righteousness stems from Ning Xin trusting Ning Xin's intuition.Ning Xin thought that Ning Xin knew too much about little love and little love, but recently Ning Xin found that Ning Xin was still in a state of confusion.

Ning Xin chatted with Ning Xin's ex-boyfriend. We chatted for a long time. Ning Xin and him could talk happily about memories, from junior high school to university.

Ning Xin told him about the girls he had chased, and there was a girl whose grades and appearance were not very good, but there were many boys who chased her. Ning Xin asked him, why did you chase her.

He told Ning Xin that at that time, chasing a girl had nothing to do with whether she was good, beautiful or attractive, just like a phone, everyone used this brand of phone, even if the performance and price of other brands were more reasonable than this brand , but most people will choose this brand.

This girl, one person likes her and chases her, and has a second person, and from the third person onwards, she also wants to try to chase her.Like to put it aside, the result is put aside.

Ning Xin said that this effect is called a group of flies staring at the cow dung, the more they crawl, the more excited they get.Ning Xin couldn't understand men's possessiveness.Gu Yi, Ning Xin just made you smile.

On Valentine's Day, Ning Xin's two female best friends had problems in their relationship.One of them told Ning Xin that the more angry you are, the more sad you are. Men only fall in love with women they like, but they can sleep with women they don’t like. Women only sleep with men they like, but they can sleep with men they don’t like. fall in love.

The other told Ning Xin that she knew the result of this relationship a long time ago, and that she was not reconciled to it. She had been persuading herself to continue because of the sincerity and youth she had devoted to this relationship in the past few years. Now that it is really over, she also thought of it. Embrace these four words again.Ning Xin hesitated incoherently, but couldn't say any comforting words.

Since half a year ago, Ning Xin has been worried and annoyed by Ning Xin's gradual inability to speak well.

In the past, Ning Xin was eloquent and clear thinking.Gu Yi, if you come to compete with Ning Xin to preach now, Ning Xin will not be able to compete with you.When she was in high school, Ning Xin liked to solve relationship problems for others. Ning Xin was the listener of others, and others regarded Ning Xin as their love counselor. You can analyze it with paper.

Big principles and small philosophies one by one.Ning Xin even imagined that Ning Xin studied psychology in university, and could become a psychological counselor or psychologist after graduation.

Gu Yi, hurry up and give Ning Xin three "pooh".Ning Xin wanted to go to Ning Xin's side at that time and use super glue to stick Ning Xin's mouth tightly.

Gu Yi, you and Ning Xin used to be people who loved to guide others, that's because Ning Xin and you didn't quite understand it at the time.It’s easiest to think that you see others clearly when you don’t see yourself clearly.Of course, the current Ning Xin is just a little more confused, unable to see herself or others clearly.

Gu Yi, Ning Xin borrowed your letter to apologize to Ning Xin's friends for Ning Xin's silence and restraint.Ning Xin probably understands your insides. Ning Xin already knows the ins and outs of what you have experienced in her heart. Although the few words of persuasion that Ning Xin can say seem blunt, they are indeed Ning Xin's sincerity.

Ning Xin needs you to need Ning Xin.

Speaking of Valentine's Day, Ning Xin has never celebrated Valentine's Day, and Ning Xin's love days are always cleverly staggered from Valentine's Day.But also feel the atmosphere.It was Ning Xin's first love when she was in junior high school, the person she liked for the first time was called first love?Or is it called first love when you date someone for the first time?

For the time being, Ning Xin thought it was the first time she dated, because the first time Ning Xin liked someone was when she was in the first grade of elementary school.

At that time, I just liked that he was not like other little boys, and liked that he was always silent.On Valentine’s Day, after being reminded by a friend, we went to the supermarket and bought two boxes of Crystal Love jelly. The love box contains jelly of different colors and flavors, and there is pulp in the jelly.

Standing in front of the cash register when buying jelly, showing a shy and about to be happy expression.

My friend's boyfriend is in the next class.As a result, the two boxes of jelly were held in our hands for several days and we didn't have the courage to send them out.By the way, Ning Xin also bought a gold-rimmed garland to wrap around the box.

One day, I studied by myself in the evening, and I was very thirsty after returning home, so I took out the jelly and ate it.At that time, I ate very refreshingly, and ate several in one go.The only question now is what would you have gotten if you had given away a Valentine's Day present?Gu Yi, Ning Xin thinks it would be nice if the other party accepts the gift and takes it seriously and then says thank you.

Gu Yi, Ning Xin is very boring.Ning Xin really couldn't stand the TV drama where mother-in-law and mother-forcing the young couple to divorce, seven aunts and eight aunts divided the family property and faked suicide. Ning Xin walked into the room and came to the window. The lights in Building B 101 and 501 were still on. .

There is a 501-year-old man living in 25. At night, he always wears a full set of sports clothes. Sometimes he stands by the window and smokes. He didn't cross his legs, and he was probably a huge video game fan, so he wasn't impetuous.

The lights in 101 were turned off, and it was hard to tell whether it was the study room or the small bedroom. His house placed a one-meter-long fish tank next to the window. There were swimming fish, aquatic plants, shells, and big lobsters in it. When I was there, I saw a small underwater world with blue light, which was very beautiful.

The lights of 501 were also turned off.Ning Xin drew the curtains and stood in front of the bookshelf. She hadn't read any book seriously for more than a year. Ning Xin picked up Sanmao's "The Rainy Season Will Never Come Again" and flipped through it. It was a freehand "Bird of Paradise". The thing is, she's remembering her friend who committed suicide, S.

Is this your guide, Gu Yi.Do you want to use this method to tell Ning Xin that you are also listening to the sound of a bird of paradise flapping its wings in front of the window like she wrote at the end of the article?

On the road that others think is dark but you think it is bright, you are calm, you don’t need to rely on reason to survive, you don’t need to show face, you don’t have to think about how to get happiness, you can’t think of Ning Xin and don’t care about Ning Xin, you are now Very happy.

Shoddy bird of paradise, maybe when you look at the pot of thorn balls that your mother put in front of the window at that time, you won't go away.

Gu Yi.When we talked about our first love, you started crying as soon as you opened your mouth, causing Ning Xin to leave without saying a word. Now Ning Xin wants to tell you about Ning Xin's first love.The love affairs in junior high school were all succeeded by the persuasion of the children at the next table.

I can't remember how long Ning Xin talked with him. One afternoon, my grandmother asked Ning Xin to come to her house for dinner. At that time, Ning Xin went to school by bicycle.

After dinner, Ning Xin rode her bicycle to go to evening class. She had just ridden two or three meters, Ning Xin subconsciously thought, Ning Xin is now riding on the far right, it is safe.Looking up, he saw a motorcycle rushing towards Ning Xin at a very fast, very fast, very fast speed. At that moment, he had two thoughts: Ning Xin had a car accident and Ning Xin was going to die.

What would Ning Xin's parents do without Ning Xin?Then, Ning Xin even overturned the car and the people.Grandma just came out to take out the garbage, she ran over to help Ning Xin up, Ning Xin's first love, his family lived on the same side as Ning Xin's grandmother's, he came out from the alley on his bicycle, just in time to see the scene of Ning Xin's car accident, he He rode the bicycle four or five times and stopped, looking back at Ning Xin.

Ning Xin looked up at him.He witnessed the first car accident in Ning Xin's life, and the person who was in love with Ning Xin witnessed the process of Ning Xin's car accident, but he did not come to help Ning Xin.At that time, I felt that I was embarrassed when I fell to the ground, but I was also disappointed.Ning Xin didn't think of calling out his name to rely on him, and she didn't think of him a second before the car accident. We haven't reached the step of becoming an important person in each other's life.Ning Xin remembered that the way he looked at Ning Xin was concerned but he didn't have the guts to come over.

His mother taught him a lesson about puppy love a few days ago, and his mother also knew that he was having puppy love with Ning Xin.Aunt Ning Xin and his mother or father are colleagues.At that time, we liked a person who was very young, timid and vaguely admired and wanted to get close.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor said that Ning Xin's bicycle had been scrapped and Ning Xin just scraped her knee and arm, she was lucky.After applying the purple potion, Ning Xin was still in shock.Ning Xin talked with him for about three months. When they broke up, it was because he didn't like Ning Xin, and Ning Xin didn't like him either.We tacitly lost our hearts at the same time.This is the only time Ning Xin has been in love so far.

Ning Xin doesn't have a deep impression or memory of Ning Xin's first love, and she has never been romantic, but thanks to him, at least there is no stain.Come, Gu Yi, tell Ning Xin why you cried when you talked about your first love that day.

Gu Yi, Ning Xin is like many people have said that Ning Xin is very kind, Ning Xin is a good person.When she woke up this morning, the thought that Ning Xin had hurt others flooded into Ning Xin's mind.

When Ning Xin likes others, Ning Xin desperately weighs her self-esteem and chases after her, but when Ning Xin loses interest, Ning Xin speaks like a dry stone, don't use her self-esteem to refuse, and don't care about others Attack Ning Xin's friendship.

All the harm Ning Xin got was caused by Ning Xin being unkind to others?

Ning Xin was at a loss, so Ning Xin called someone, and when she called someone, the voice of a ghost in a Japanese ghost movie came from the phone, "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

Ning Xin didn't dare to put it to her ear to listen, Ning Xin put the phone on the floor, Ning Xin dialed it again, Ning Xin thought it was the other party's new color ring tone, and planned to jokingly reprimand the other party for their boring actions, but the normal voice came from the phone. The simulated female voice is still the sentence "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

Ning Xin dialed again, still the same.Ning Xin ran upstairs and shook Qian Ji awake. Ning Xin told him about it excitedly. Ning Xin even imitated that terrifying voice to her. It's Ning Xin's phone problem.

After Ning Xin went downstairs, she felt thirsty. There was no water in the bucket of the water dispenser. Ning Xin ran to the kitchen and stole a glass of her mother's red wine. Fell asleep while singing, woke up in the middle of the night, Ning Xin felt that Ning Xin didn't have enough oxygen, maybe the quilt was too tightly covered, Ning Xin pulled the quilt down a lot, Ning Xin became more and more out of breath, Ning Xin turned to the left , on the right, Ning Xin put her hands on her lower abdomen, Ning Xin straightened her legs, Ning Xin tossed and turned over and over and felt that there was not enough oxygen, Ning Xin sat up, the blood from her lower body flowed down with the pain in her abdomen and the acid in her waist and spine.

Ning Xin was upset, Gu Yi, Ning Xin seemed to hear you laughing and laughing on the phone when you were on the phone with Ning Xin, Ning Xin lay down again, prayed, Ning Xin slowly Calm down and fell asleep.

Ning Xin didn't want to go with you. In her 20 years of life, Ning Xin also had the idea of ​​leaving everything behind and leaving, but in the end Ning Xin endured it, especially after Ning Xin suffered a serious illness. Moved this idea.

For Ning Xin himself, for Ning Xin's relatives.It's useless to care about the road you've traveled, and you've come here.

Ning Xin doesn't know what beautiful monster will jump out of the front, the hardships and hardships, but Ning Xin thinks it's right to go on.

Today I sent Qian Ji to the station, when I got out of the station, a boy walked up to me, he looked very similar to the person Ning Xin had liked two years ago, his skin was even whiter than the person Ning Xin had liked.He already had a decent smile, and the person Ning Xin liked two years ago who was very similar to him was still in the chaotic period of youth, which was the reason why they broke up after ten days of dating.Ning Xin and him looked at each other, the kind of faintly jumping eyes were almost exactly the same.

When Ning Xin walked across the street and waited for the bus, when he came out of the station, the way he walked, the way he touched his nose, and the way he looked back at people were all very similar.After two bus stops, she met him again, Ning Xin told Qian Ji about it, and Qian Ji said that he really walked faster than the bus.

So I despise the elders and uncles after drinking one or two small cups of wine, blushing and talking badly.Of course Ning Xin doesn't like liquor and doesn't drink it often, it's harder to swallow than traditional Chinese medicine, but she likes the smell of liquor, as it says on the bottle, it's mellow.

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