sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 56 Tracking

Just as Ning Xin lowered her head and clasped her palms together to mutter something, she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist, and was immediately turned around by someone.

When she realized it, she was hugged by Leng Yi and lay on his chest. As long as she raised her head, she could clearly see Leng Yi's face right in front of her eyes.

And Leng Yi, who was in front of her, just looked at her playfully.

This kind of staring made Ning Xin a little uncomfortable, she was not very used to such an intimate posture.

Although she has done more intimate things with Leng Yi, such an action that clearly belongs to the category of love is something they have never tried.

Ning Xin struggled to crawl away, but just as she propped up her hand, it fell down weakly because of the injury.

By the way, Ning Xin also pressed her face against Leng Yi's chest, feeling the beating heart under the skin, Ning Xin's face turned red immediately!

This is too bloody!

Ning Xin had the urge to faint, but yesterday's car accident only caused damage to the flesh and was completely harmless to the brain.

No way, this ambiguous posture made her brain unable to work normally, so Ning Xin patted Leng Yi's chest and said, "Put me down!"

Leng Yi didn't answer, but still maintained that embarrassing posture, as if taking it for morning entertainment.

Ning Xin hates Leng Yi's way of always keeping silent, he keeps making others guess, is it interesting?

Do you want to exercise other people's IQ when you are idle and bored?

Ning Xin rolled her eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

I remember a very popular joke on the Internet, saying that people have two major obligations in the world, one is to be a good person, and the other is not to get used to other people's bad habits!
The first one, Ning Xin felt that she had accomplished it quite well, as for the second one, it should be reflected in Leng Yi.

Even if this guy wasn't an emperor in his previous life, he still had to be a powerful minister, and he had to be the kind with power over the government, under one person and over ten thousand people, otherwise would he be able to live his life with his nostrils upside down so naturally in this life?

Always domineering and domineering, he thought he was invincible in the East!Even worse, is the thing under the nose just for breathing?Saying a few more words is like killing him. Every time, he keeps silent and keeps others scratching their heads and thinking wildly.

The more Ning Xin thought about it, the more she felt that she had to resolutely fulfill her obligations as a human being, and she absolutely couldn't get used to Leng Yi's bad habit!
If you want to hug, then hug, if you want to lie down like this, then lie down.

Anyway, there is no one now, as long as Leng Yi is not afraid of being late, Ning Xin will not be afraid of making a fool of himself!

Thinking of this, Ning Xin felt at ease and contented, lying on Leng Yi's chest, trying hard to imagine him as a carpet that automatically heats up, and she is the gypsy girl lying on the carpet and sunbathing.

Alas, it would be great if Leng Yi had more soft fat all over his body, so that Ning Xin might be able to imagine the feeling of the beach, but helpless, I haven't seen him how to exercise, but he just has the tendons all over his body The meat is hard, but very powerful!
While closing her eyes to hypnotize herself, Ning Xin kept stroking Leng Yi's chest, murmuring words of disgust for Leng Yi's muscles.

At this time, Leng Yi was a little confused, the little thing was always very shy, if it was normal, he would have been like Bambi, looking at him watery and pitifully, letting himself do whatever he wanted.

But what happened today?
Leng Shao, who has always been taciturn, is a little annoyed by other people's taciturnity for the first time today.

But Ning Xin's actions in the next second made him suffocate uncontrollably.

I saw that Ning Xin closed her eyes, she seemed to be saying something, but Leng Yi couldn't hear clearly, but her hands were stretched out into his pajamas, and she kept stroking his chest, from time to time. Still pinch the ground twice.

Leng Yi couldn't help swallowing, this woman, did she want to tease him early in the morning?
But it didn't look like it, Leng Yi raised his head slightly, and Ning Xin, who was close to his chest, wanted to hear what she said, but Ning Xin's voice was really not high, Leng Yi listened intently for a long time, and then heard something , carpets, sunbaths, bugs, whatever.

Leng Yi organized the words he heard casually, and instantly understood Ning Xin's idiot thoughts.

He couldn't help laughing looking at the little woman lying on top of him. He hadn't realized before that besides being smart and beautiful, she could also be so cute.

But in the next second, as Ning Xin penetrated into the "hinterland" of her little hands, all the admiration turned into overwhelming desires.

Leng Yi's instantly tense body and tightened arms made Ning Xin wake up from her fantasy, she opened her eyes in a daze, and looked at Leng Yi blankly.

Leng Yi looked back at her with scarlet eyes, very good, dare to look at him with such eyes!

Ning Xin was taken aback by his gaze, it was so strange, but within a few minutes, what happened, causing Leng Yi to turn into a wolf again!
Before Ning Xin could find the source, Leng Yi's body was already hot, and a few drops of sweat even leaked from his forehead.

The high body temperature made Ning Xin's sluggish brain a little clearer, and the close contact with Leng Yi made her feel a little warmer, and she wanted to reach out and fan herself a little.

But when she noticed where her hands were placed, she finally realized that everything in front of her eyes was caused by her disobedient hands!
Ning Xin was so overwhelmed by her own thunder that before she knew it, her hand had already touched Leng Yi's lower abdomen, and if she was a few centimeters away, she should have touched something she shouldn't have touched!

How did I do it? Isn't it a stink of not being used to talking to others?Why was he the first to become the fuse and catalyst of Leng Yi's evil tastes.

Ning Xin wanted to cry, she could already imagine Leng Yi's expression and what he planned to do next!
God, I only hope that he can act as lightly as possible and in as short a time as possible for the sake of his gauze body, which is almost mummified.

As long as she can give herself the strength to get out of bed and go back to school, she will thank Leng Yi for the rest of her life!
Ning Xin shed lasagna tears silently in her heart, closed her eyes and waited for her own suffering.

But the amazing thing is that Leng Yi didn't move her. He clearly felt something pressing against him in his lower abdomen. Ning Xin almost surrendered, but Leng Yi hugged Ning Xin tightly and lay quietly. After a while, I miraculously got up and went to wash up!

Ning Xin's mouth has grown into an O-shape, so Ms. Leng can't do it right? !

Ning Xin looked at Leng Yi's back suspiciously.

Leng Yi didn't know about Ning Xin's malicious speculation at this time, he just felt that she was covered in injuries, if he could deal with such a weird bandage man, then he would be too picky.

In order to maintain his own taste and style, Leng Yi felt that he had to stick to some principles, so he just let Ning Xin go.

If he knew the speculation in Ning Xin's mind right now, he wouldn't mind letting Ning Xin feel whether he could do it or not!
In the following time, the atmosphere between the two has been a little weird.

Ning Xin was always subconsciously looking at Leng Yi secretly, as if there was some difficult riddle on that face, it was fine to peek, but she would always frown and shake her head.

Who can bear this!
After barely surviving breakfast, Leng Yi couldn't take it anymore and glared at Ning Xin several times!

But every time Ning Xin was just stared at, she flinched, and after a while she reverted to her old ways.

In the end, Leng Yi had no choice but to let her see.

After simply packing up her things, Ning Xin was about to leave for class.

So many things happened some time ago, and she missed a lot of classes. I hope the old witch can show mercy and save all sentient beings, and don't deprive her of the right to take the exam because of absenteeism!

Thinking about the school, Ning Xin felt a little flustered, she didn't care about studying Leng Yi, she just wanted to rush to school as soon as possible.

She hurriedly went to the entrance to change her shoes, and after changing her shoes, she hurried out the door again, looking for Uncle Zhou to take her to school.

"Uncle Zhou, drive quickly, I'm going to be late! Today is the old witch's class, I've been absent from class for too long, if I'm late, she'll have to skin me!"

In a panic, Ning Xin opened the car door and got in!

But as soon as she got into the car, Ning Xin noticed something was wrong, why is Leng Yi also in this car?

"You want to use this car too?"

Ever since Ning Xin moved into the villa, Uncle Zhou almost became the driver for Ning Xin, taking Ning Xin directly to and from get out of class, while Leng Yi drove another car to go to the company.

But today I don't know that this guy took the wrong wire and ran into his own car!
Ning Xin was a little puzzled, but Uncle Zhou, who was sitting in front, kindly answered: "Miss Ning, Mr.'s car was just sent for maintenance yesterday, and it won't come back until tomorrow, so Mr. Take my car."

Well, who made him the owner of the car, boss!

Ning Xin was dejected and wanted to open the car door and give the car to Leng Yi, but was held down by Leng Yi.

"Didn't you say you're going to be late?" Leng Yi asked indifferently, while rolling up the rear window, blocking Uncle Zhou's sight and hearing.

Ning Xin didn't notice Leng Yi's movements, and replied honestly: "Yes, but, don't you want to use it? You are the owner of the car, so of course I let it out!"

"That's not necessary, I can ask Lao Zhou to send you to school first." Leng Yi said with a relaxed face, but he was courteous for nothing, either adultery or robbery.

Ning Xin believed in the wise words of her ancestors, so she said cautiously, "But?"

Leng Yi glanced at Ning Xin's defensive expression, suddenly felt it was funny, parted the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "But, you have to come up with an exchange that will interest me!"

She knew that Leng Yi's "thief car" was so easy to get on!
How about an exchange?Isn't it just a matter of dropping off a ride?

Ning Xin looked at Leng Yi with accusation: "I protest! This is an illegal transaction!"

"Protesting is invalid! Let me remind you, you don't have much time! It's better to think about what will interest me as soon as possible!" Leng Yi reminded Erlang pretending to be kind.

Ning Xin took out her phone to check the time, it was really urgent, it was too late to take the bus now, it seems that this is the only way right now!
"Tell me, what exactly do you want?" Ning Xin asked with a disheartened face.

"You should ask yourself, what can you give me?" Leng Yi looked Ning Xin up and down evilly several times!

Ning Xin immediately understood and said: "The price is too high, it's just such a short distance, you're going to talk like a lion?!"

"It's fine if you don't want to, then get out of the car!" Leng Yi looked indifferent, since he wasn't the one who was late anyway.

Profiteer!Ning Xin gritted her teeth and nodded!Unscrupulous profiteers! ! !
Seeing that Ning Xin finally compromised, Leng Yi let Uncle Zhou go to Ning Xin's school in a good mood!
Along the way, Ning Xin had a gloomy little face, serious and unsmiling, whenever she thought of the unequal treaties of cede land and pay compensation, lose power and humiliate the country, Ning Xin would feel panicked, what a loss!
Losing big!

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