When he was in college, what Cheng Zhengran wanted to do the most was to have an instant trip.After five years, it finally came true.Although the mentality is different from that time, I still look forward to traveling.

After taking the train for a day and two nights, Cheng Zheng ran out of the province, and then took a bus to a small town in a neighboring province.

The town is close to the mountains, so it is surprisingly cold at night.Aunt Zhang; after the accommodation was arranged in advance, Cheng Zhengran washed up and prepared to go to bed.

Before going to bed, I was used to checking the scarf, but the network was not good. Cheng Zhengran watched the small circle on the screen unable to turn, and had no choice but to turn off the phone.

In order to take care of Cheng Zhengran, Zhang Ma has been living in the same room with Cheng Zhengran.Mama Zhang came out of the bathroom and saw Cheng Zhengran holding the phone in her hands, and muttered, "Pregnant women should exercise more and not play with electronic products, otherwise the children will become stupid in the future."

Cheng Zhengran raised his eyebrows and did not refute.

During these two days of getting along, Mama Zhang realized that although Cheng Zhengran had the identity of Mrs. Xiao's young lady, she didn't put on airs at all.Treat people very kindly.

In Xiao's old house, this kind of temperament must not be tolerated.Fortunately, when I met her, she would not be a slave to bully the master, and I have always concentrated on taking care of her.Moreover, the master is kind, which is the servant's blessing. Zhang Ma forgot the difference in their identities and taught her as an elder.

Cheng Zhengran liked Mama Zhang's reprimanding tone.

Only with genuine concern can one be able to blame without distraction, and Mama Zhang is really doing it for her own good.

The next morning, Cheng Zhengran woke up to the sound of roosters.

The rooster crowed before sunrise. After Cheng Zhengran woke up, he stood in front of the window with his coat on and looked at the mountains in the east.

This is Cheng Zhengran's first experience watching the sunrise in the mountains near the sea in T city.It took almost half an hour from the time when the sky became glowing until the sun showed half of its face.

Zhang Ma got up and dressed neatly, and helped Cheng Zhengran close the curtains, "You are pregnant with a child, you should rest more."

Cheng Zheng was helpless.

She was just pregnant, not sick, so she was so delicate.Immediately thinking of the scene of Gu Moli's pregnancy, she couldn't help feeling that this child is really caring.

Cheng Zhengran raised the curtains, "I couldn't sleep, so I got up to watch the sunrise. Mama Zhang helped me prepare breakfast."

Mama Zhang shook her head and stopped talking.

Leave from T city.She witnessed the young lady getting depressed day by day.Although she deliberately chose a quiet and beautiful scenic spot, the young lady still forced a smile.No one said anything, but she knew that the young lady was thinking about the young master.

This is a small hotel facing the street.Under the window is a long bluestone alley. A boy carrying a schoolbag ran past in the alley, followed by a group of boys.

A thought suddenly flashed into her mind, five or six years later, her child will be like this too.

Five or six years later, should her children go to elementary school?No, it should be kindergarten.Maybe it's naughty, the teacher calls every day to complain; maybe it's very well-behaved, the bedroom is covered with awards.Since then, she and her children have lived a simple and happy life.

At that time, the child's father...

Cheng Zhengran felt dejected.

Clutching his chest, feeling the beating rhythm of his palms, Cheng Zhengran smiled wryly.

Didn't you say you really don't want him anymore?Missing someone, consuming the beautiful resemblance, but getting endless bitter fruit, let down the beauty and delicacy for nothing.

Cheng Zhengran forced himself to grin the corners of his mouth, straightened his clothes, and prepared to eat.

Mama Zhang helped Cheng Zhengran prepare the famous local breakfast, pot stickers.Worried that Cheng Zhengran didn't like it, he bought Xiaolongbao and sweet porridge at the same time.

Cheng Zhengran tried the potstickers and found that they were unexpectedly crispy and delicious, so he nodded repeatedly.

Mama Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only did Cheng Zhengran not sleep well, but his food intake was getting smaller and smaller.The whole person was losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she was terrified to see it.Fortunately, she can accept pot stickers. She doesn't want to eat in the future, and she has food to replenish her strength.Otherwise, she is really worried...

Cheng Zhengran gave Zhang Ma a comforting smile, "Recently, I have made you worry."

"Young lady is serious, I..."

"Don't call me Young Madam. Just call me Zheng Ran like Xiao Yi."

Leaving T City, Zhang Ma and Zhou Quan both called her "You" in unison, privately they still called her in Xiao's old house.After walking through the two cities, Cheng Zhengran already regarded them as his elders.

Mama Zhang nodded, "OK."

Cheng Zhengran had dinner and went shopping with Mama Zhang.

Although the development of the town is not good, there are still 24-hour convenience stores in the center of the town, and shopping is quite convenient.The salesperson in the store is very kind, with a nice voice, like a singing oriole. Cheng Zhengran fell in love with this place immediately, and moved the idea of ​​settling down.

Mama Zhang readily agreed.

Cheng Zheng was exhausted and worked hard every day.Cheng Zheng didn't say anything, but she looked into her eyes and didn't know how to comfort her.A stable environment is conducive to the growth of the baby, and she often swallows her words, worrying that Cheng Zhengran will be disgusted.Since she proposed it herself, it must have been well thought out.

Mama Zhang was happy and thoughtful.

Cheng Zhengran couldn't help but laugh.

She just wanted to leave for a while, to think clearly about her situation, not to risk her life willfully.Mama Zhang's actions were really extreme.

Several people rented a small yard.Because Cheng Zhengran insisted, he lived with the master.

The owner is an old woman in her 80s.Because the sons and daughters all went to work in the city, they became empty-nesters. Chickens and ducks were raised in the yard, and there was a big watchdog dog.

Cheng Zhengran likes this environment very much, especially when he sees the old grandmother sitting at the gate of the courtyard basking in the sun in the afternoon, he always feels that the world is very quiet.

After negotiating the rent, Zhang Ma and Zhou Quan began to decorate the room.Because Cheng Zhengran was pregnant, Zhang's mother banned her from working, so she could only sit at the door and chat with the grandmother.

The old grandma told her that when she was young, she didn't have a good time. It was either a disaster year or a war. Every day was noisy, and there was no tomorrow after today.After finally surviving the peaceful years, we encountered the period when people's hearts were fluctuating.I have experienced ups and downs in my life, and I have seen more dead people than living people.

Cheng Zhengran listened quietly.

Her age and experience determine that her thinking has a certain narrowness. Listening to the old man's words, she can feel the turmoil of a certain period of time.

The afternoon sun is everywhere, the wind of early spring is icy and snowy, and the warmth is refreshing.

This scene is somewhat familiar.

In Japan, Cheng Zhengran quietly listened to Grandpa Xiao's stories about the past.

Then I thought of Xiao Yi.

She was enjoying the afternoon with an unknown old woman in an unknown town. Xiao Yi should now be browsing documents in the office, holding meetings, giving orders, or going in and out of major shopping malls with her new lover, spending a lot of money...

Suddenly, the Xiao Yi in his mind became blurred.Only the old man with a face full of ravines in front of him is clear.

The grandma called Cheng Zhengran twice, and Cheng Zhengran smiled embarrassedly, "I'm not in a good mood recently, you go ahead."

The old lady understood very well, "When I was pregnant with the eldest..."

When people get old, they like to recall the past.

Before, she also thought about what it would be like to have gray hair.

Sitting on a swing with the one you love, spending the afternoon aimlessly, watching the epiphyllum you planted bloom at night, and running together in the morning...

Time is a thief, the joy and laughter of the past are stolen unknowingly, and what is left is only a blurred negative with a black background.Cheng Zhengran even felt that none of those things actually happened.

Zhang's mother is good at cooking. She bought vegetables and cooked a sumptuous meal.The old lady came to Cengfan and kept praising her.Mama Zhang was older in front of Cheng Zhengran, but she was just a child in front of the grandmother, and she blushed with shame when she heard the elders praise her.Cheng Zhengran was amazed again and again.

After dinner, the grandmother continued to tell Cheng Zhengran the story of the past.

Mama Zhang held Cheng Zhengran back and explained the reason intermittently: Cheng Zhengran was pregnant and needed to rest.

Granny agrees.She guessed who the three people were and why their attitudes were so strange, but people are past the age of knowing destiny, and they dare not be curious about many things, and only feel: If this is the case, there must be a reason.Just turn a blind eye and close one eye to let people go.

Thank you Mama Zhang.

The old grandma reminded meaningfully: people who are away from home and who are thinking about it, it is better to be careful.

Mama Zhang's heart shuddered.

She is not afraid that the old grandma will see their origins, but admires the old man's sensitivity.

Cheng Zhengran sat on the bed and played with his mobile phone.Still no signal.

Zhang's mother said: "We didn't produce mobile phones before, and we still live well. Only by leaving the mobile phone can we return to nature. So let's put the mobile phone away."

Cheng Zhengran put down his phone and pouted, "I'm not playing with scarves, I'm just curious why no one calls me."

Mama Zhang smiled lightly.Without exposing her lies, said: "Didn't you say you want to cultivate your mind? Just think quietly by yourself. Why do you want someone to call you?"

Cheng Zhengran felt that what Zhang Ma said made sense.

Receiving a call meant that she would wake up from her dreamlike life.It's better not to answer the phone.

Turn off the phone and give the phone to Zhang Ma for safekeeping.

"You're right, I won't touch this thing in the future. I won't play with scarves or anything like that."

Zhang Ma was surprised, "What if I forget some wonderful thanks?"

Cheng Zhengran said: "It doesn't matter what I can forget. Anyway, I am here to cultivate my mind. Posting pictures all the time is like a show, and it is meaningless."

Mama Zhang found that Cheng Zhengran was getting cuter and cuter.

She hoped that Cheng Zhengran would stay in one place, and Cheng Zhengran proposed it himself.She didn't want Cheng Zhengran to play with her mobile phone, so Cheng Zhengran took the initiative to hand over the mobile phone to her for safekeeping.This is how a pregnant woman should behave.

After Mama Zhang tidied up, Cheng Zhengran suddenly said, "I'm thinking wildly every day, will the remaining children become philosophers in the future?"

Mama Zhang said, "It's possible. How about reading some other books?"

Becoming a philosopher, and talking to her every day, Cheng Zhengran felt worried when he thought of that scene, and nodded repeatedly, "Read some literary works, especially romance novels. I must teach my children how to fall in love early."

Mama Zhang was surprised.

Parents nowadays are worried that their children's puppy love will affect their studies, and they explicitly prohibit and strictly prevent beatings and require their children not to have puppy love.But her family's young wife had a whimsical idea, and she wanted to teach the child to fall in love early.

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