It was very simple for Anya to get a sample of Neuron.But getting samples in the factory is not easy.

But since she has decided to deal with Lu Xi, even if he dared not add neurosin to health food for the first time, she will create some disputes.

So when the police came to ask Lu Xi to assist in the investigation, Lu Xi was very, very surprised.

It was as if he was passing by a bank and had the idea of ​​robbing, but the idea just passed by, and he was caught by the security guard for robbing the bank.

What he wanted to do, before he did it, was known by others, and he was the kind of person he was most afraid of.

Lu Xi followed the police to the police station with a colorful mood.

He wondered what the police were going to do.

Not to mention that he would not add neuron to the first batch of health products, but he did. He is a person of foreign nationality and has the right of criminal immunity. What can the police do to him!

Lu Xi was confident, and came to the police station with the mood of visiting here, but saw Anya among them.

A bad thought flashed through Lu Xi's mind.

In the interrogation room, the police produced evidence, but Lu Xi was silent.

Although he has this idea, he has not put it into action.Who is it, eager to force him to do it.

Although the force of the police's questioning was very fierce, Lu Xi refused to admit it. He asked only one sentence: I will wait for my lawyer to come.

After a day of interrogation, the police were also somewhat exhausted.Sighing, he asked, "What exactly do you want?"

Lu Xi took a breath and said, "When I came in just now, I saw a woman. She is from the same country as me. I hope to see her."

The policeman hesitated for a moment, and spoke through the walkie-talkie at his waist: Agreed.

After a day of questioning, Lu Xi's emotional state was not very good.So when Anya came in, she specially brought him a bottle of coffee.

Lu Xi knew that it was easy to make mistakes when he was angry, so he used the coffee time to calm his mind.

Anya said: "I know you want to see me. So I've been waiting outside. Just in time, I also have some questions to ask you."

Lu Xi sorted out his thoughts, cleared his throat, and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Anya was sitting next to him, and she could clearly see the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and the strands of bloodshot eyes looked particularly stern in the pale eyes.Anya's heart trembled, and she said, "I was outside that day, and I heard everything you said. Why did you betray your father?"

Rousey stared at her.

Anya thought she had said something wrong.

Lu Xi asked, "What day?"

Anya named the date.

Lu Xi said: "I was not in the hotel that day. I was out on business, and when I came back, there was a traffic accident. The police blocked the road and I went back very late."

"Impossible, you were still wearing a bathrobe at the time, I could see clearly. Yuan Yuan is also..."

Lu Xi chuckled, "Are you sure that person is me? Anya, when you talk to me, when do you dare to look up at me?"

Anya's breathing became short of breath.

She always felt that what happened that day was weird, but she never found out that something was wrong.It's just that the scene at that time was so horrifying that she even forgot about it.

She was afraid of Lu Xi, and often did not dare to look at Lu Xi. She only had a general impression of Lu Xi's appearance.If what Lu Xi said is true, the person who was not Lu Xi that day, then the person who arranged her to the hotel...

Mo Yun.

Wang Meng.


Anya closed her eyes, "Although you didn't say those words yourself, can you deny the content of the words? Father didn't accidentally get neurosin at all. You did it on purpose. Now the laboratory is not equipped with an antidote , but has been purifying. When you set your sights on Gu Moli and asked me to destroy her relationship with Mo Yun, it was for the embryo in Gu Moli's stomach."

Lu Xi smiled suddenly.

"You investigated very carefully."

Lu Xi admitted that Anya had no way out, and summoned up the courage to say, "You are ambitious and want to take over the Weier Group. Apart from my father, I am the only legal heir of the group. So after my father died, I was the next victim. Lucy, am I right?"


"You have no excuse?"


Anya choked.

Hitting the cotton with a fist, Pingbai exerted so much force.Anya was helpless, "You can do it yourself."

The negotiation broke down, Anya confirmed her idea, and was not happy.

Women always have special feelings for men who appear in their lives.Even if this man's purpose for her is not pure, she still hopes to have a place for herself.It now appears that she was delusional.

Walking out of the interrogation room, Anya heard Lu Xi's questioning, "You think this kind of place can trap me? You underestimate me."

Anya ignored it.

She has always had fantasies about Lu Xi, whether it was before or just now.But Lu Xi personally admitted that it shattered her fantasy, which made her more sad than what Lu Xi did.

Thinking about how many men around her are flocking to her, but she only recognizes that Lu Xi can save her from the sea of ​​suffering, unexpectedly, she is more contemptible than she imagined.Anya suddenly remembered that she had seen a movie before, in which the male lead saw his sweetheart walking towards him, and thought it was throwing himself in his arms. The next moment, the sweetheart passed by him and fell into the embrace of the person behind him.

The idea of ​​self-love is far more embarrassing than self-love itself.

Anya took out the makeup mirror from her handbag, touched up her makeup, looked at herself for a long time, got in the car, and left.

A series of processes fell into the eyes of Linda in the lounge.

Linda called Xiao Yi and reported the information she saw.

Xiao Yi said meaningfully: "Letting a person with high self-esteem fall from the clouds to the mud is tantamount to destroying this person."

Linda agrees.She thought of Xu Qingyue.

How arrogant Xu Qingyue was back then.

A good family background, a father who doted on her, a beautiful appearance, a gilded education, everything that ordinary people spend their whole lives wanting, she can get it at her fingertips.

But such a person has repeatedly broken his halberd against Xiao Yi.

In the end, he was ruined by his own cleverness.

Linda thought, if she hadn't been clever enough to kidnap Cheng Zhengran, Father Xu wouldn't be in that situation.

There are causes and effects, she dare not bear the wrong things she did, so she can only shift the blame to others, and then try her best to get revenge.

Linda thought, maybe Xu Qingyue went crazy after losing everything.She couldn't find the meaning of life, so she took revenge on Xiao Yi as a guideline in her life.When Xiao Yi was finished, so was she.

There are floating clouds, and the world is empty.

Linda sighed softly, it's all fate.

The more Anya thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Lu Xi is not a gentleman.She exposed him, and the last layer of shame between the two was torn.If Lu Xi really retaliated against her, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

Anya regretted it.She shouldn't be so impulsive.At least he should wait for Lu Xi to actually do something before talking to the police.At least he can protect himself under the power of the police.

Anya was thinking about someone who could fight against Lu Xi.

Xiao Yi's life and death are unknown.

Qin Chuan circled around Gu Moli all day long.

Mo Yun next to her has malicious intentions again.Surely you can't count on it, and it will be destroyed.

However, Gu Moli trusted Mo Yun very much, so it was impossible to ask Qin Chuan through Gu Moli.

Anya bit her lip. In T City, she suddenly became helpless.

After thinking for a while, Anya suddenly thought of Liu Ruoyun.

Recently, Zhang Rui pestered Liu Ruoyun. If Liu Ruoyun could persuade Zhang Rui, he could connect with Qin Chuan through Zhang Rui...

Anya thought about it, and quickly called Liu Ruoyun.

Chinese people do things at the dinner table.

Anya didn't like this habit.

Eating is a very easy thing. If you confuse business and personal affairs, your appetite will be affected, and your work efficiency will not be high.

So, Anya asked Liu Ruoyun to watch a movie.

Liu Ruoyun has an unusual feeling about watching movies.

Every time Zhang Rui invites her out to play, it's always to watch a movie.

From cartoons to action movies, horror movies to romance movies, family ethics dramas to light comedies...

Liu Ruoyun couldn't help thinking that Zhang Rui's monthly subsidy must have contributed to the movie box office.

So Anya invited her to watch a movie, and Liu Ruoyun was terrified.It's really because I watched too many movies and got bored.So I asked casually, "Did something happen to you?"

The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.

Anya sighed one after another, and then spoke earnestly, "You are the only friend I know in China. If you don't help me, I'm doomed this time. Please help me."

Liu Ruoyun heard Anya's determination.Let go of the joking mentality, "I have something to talk to. Wait for me."

Drive to the entrance of the cinema designated by Anya.Just met Zhang Rui.

Zhang Rui's expression was wonderful, he looked at Liu Ruoyun and smiled, "Do you think I've been treating guests all the time, and you're embarrassed, and you want to invite me back again? Tell me earlier. I've already bought the tickets."

Liu Ruoyun said: "I have a date."

Zhang Rui asked vigilantly, "A man or a woman?"

Liu Ruoyun raised her eyebrows, "What about men? How about women?"

Zhang Rui said: "If it's a man, then it's my rival in love. If it's a rival in love is a woman? Your vision is too bad. Let me tell you, there is a world of difference between men and women, especially those who sleep at night At that time, I..."

Liu Ruoyun rolled her eyes.

Noticing that people around looked at them with exaggerated eyes, Liu Ruoyun said impatiently: "Can you compare with your mouth?"

Not to be outdone, Zhang Rui said, "What I said makes sense, you are angry from embarrassment, let me tell you..."

After a disagreement, Zhang Rui turned on the sissy mode, Liu Ruoyun ignored him, looked around, and finally saw Anya at the entrance of the elevator.

Watching the woman beside him running towards another woman, Zhang Rui muttered in despair, "My God, what a woman."

The rival in love is a woman, he really can't help it.When a man competes with a woman for another woman, defeat is certain, the only difference is whether the way of exit is good or not.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rui was extremely depressed.

Anya was very happy to see Zhang Rui.

What does it mean to plant flowers intentionally and fail to succeed, but plant willows and willows unintentionally to make shade?This is.

He whispered in Liu Ruoyun's ear: "I came to you because I needed Zhang Rui. Help me and say something nice to him."

Liu Ruoyun raised her eyes, her surprised eyes wandered back and forth between the two, and finally fixed on Anya's sad face, she could only nod expressionlessly.

Anya, when did you think of Zhang Rui?

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