Qin Chuan snorted coldly, "What do you mean being jealous?"

Xiao Yi was unpredictable, "Buddha said, don't say it. Don't say it."

Qin Chuan hung up the phone with a snap.

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows. It seems that Qin Chuan has not only become a mother-in-law, but also has become more irritable. It's getting more and more interesting.

Wang Yue took Cheng Zhengran's blood sample and did not test it in a local laboratory.Instead, they took a special plane to rush back to the group's base camp.

Taking Cheng Zhengran's blood sample was to check Cheng Zhengran's physical condition on the one hand, and to study the neuron in Cheng Zhengran's body on the other hand.

He had discovered the antidote before, but wasn't sure how effective it would be.

Looking around, Cheng Zhengran was the only person who returned to normal after being hit by neuroses.If Cheng Zhengran is a successful case, An Kesun's dilemma can be solved, and his dilemma can also be solved.

What Xiao Yi said was right, this is what everyone needs.

It's just that An Kesun obviously doesn't think so.

Knowing that Wang Yue doesn't care about powerful people, he still uses his position as the patriarch to curry favor with him, and at the same time, he uses the family relationship that Chinese people often say, and finally impresses Wang Yue.

But being in a high position and accustomed to the feeling of power in his hands, Wang Yue didn't want to let go.

He can help someone without reservation, but he will not let others take advantage of him.

If An Kesun exchanged these with him early in the morning and made it clear what he wanted, maybe Wang Yue would not be disgusted.But now, he really wanted to see how An Kesun regretted it.

After staying in the laboratory all night, Wang Yue confirmed that there was almost no neuron in Cheng Zhengran's body.

This one is almost used exactly.

After all, the poisoning time has been long, and all organs have suffered greatly. It is impossible to completely eliminate it, but as long as the amount is small, the body's own metabolism can rely on the body's own metabolism to excrete the garbage.

So use the word "almost".But the effect has been completely eliminated.

It's just that Cheng Zhengran is a woman, and the physiological structure and hormone secretion are completely different between men and women.Can Cheng Zhengran's case be applied to An Kesun?

Walking out of the laboratory, Wang Yue saw An Kesun's servant staying beside him.

The servant asked: "Sir, Master ordered me to pick you up?"

Wang Yue said, "I don't want to go back."

The servant said: "This is the master's order to die. Please forgive me for talking too much. It is better for the master to go back after all."

An Kesun's attitude was really tough, and Wang Yue couldn't help frowning.Immediately, it occurred to An Kesun that he would be so taboo and afraid that something related to Lu Xi might have happened.Coincidentally, he also had something to discuss with An Kesun.

"I'll go with you."

The servant breathed a sigh of relief and made a "please" gesture, "please go this way."

Anya and An Kesun sat in the back garden with the moon hanging high above their heads, and the shadows behind them overlapped.

An Kesun said: "Son, your mother's favorite show back then was the Mid-Autumn Festival. Today is exactly the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. Let's eat cakes together, and your mother's wish has been fulfilled."

Anya would like to say that the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, not the fifteenth day in the Gregorian calendar.What I eat is moon cakes, not cakes.But facing the old-faced An Kesun, he didn't say anything.

An Kesun put the cut cake in front of Anya, "I'm sorry for your mother. If I hadn't been the head of the family, I would never have abandoned her. She is a good woman and has followed me wholeheartedly. Over the years, I have treated you badly. Well, I really have to. If you blame me and blame me, I don't blame you. Just don't get mad at yourself."

Anya didn't feel flattered when her father, who had always been indifferent and superior, said these words, but just sighed that he was really old.

Anya knew very well that An Kesun's weakness was not because she really missed her, but because the general situation was over.

She knew that her father missed her mother very much, but in the eyes of a man like her father, her mother was just a scene in his life.

My father has many women, passionate, resourceful, beautiful and talented...

French women like freedom, and French men appreciate free and self-reliant women.The mother is a dodder dependent on a man's life, which can only make my father feel curious for a while, but it is not as close as he said.

When Wang Yue came, he saw the father and daughter talking to Yue, and felt that the environment was very beautiful, so he didn't make a sound to disturb.

The servant didn't feel anything about the moonlight night, but felt that the two of them were hypocritical. Although the room was very warm, with music and wine, they insisted on blowing cold wind outside. Could it be that the branches in the dark were more beautiful than the murals on the wall?

So the servant said decisively: "Master, miss, sir is here."

Wang Yue sighed, "Dear master, dear miss, long time no see."

It was too quiet in the night, and Wang Yue's sigh was particularly obvious and heavy.Anya raised her eyebrows and saw Wang Yue's blurred outline.

An Kesun asked: "I heard that you went to China. What happened?"

Wang Yue told the truth, "Ms. Xiao was unable to conceive before, because the nerve hormones disturbed the normal function of the body. Later, after half a year of recuperation, she not only conceived the child, but also gave birth smoothly. Now the mother and child are safe. But there are still residual toxins in the embryo. For a period of time in the future, Xiao Yi will long-term sponsor the research on the antidote to neurons."

An Kesun waved his hand, "We have plenty of money, let me ask you how effective the antidote is?"

Wang Yue said: "The antidote is very effective. But..." After a pause, Wang Yue said: "Mrs. Xiao is a woman and can have children, but a man cannot."

An Kesun's complexion was not good, but in the darkness, other people could not see clearly, but Anya could see clearly.Surprised, he asked, "Is there anything you can do?"

Wang Yue said: "It would be great if we could test it on men."

After Lu Xi's incident was revealed, all the neurons had been destroyed.However, in order to study the antidote, Wang Yue still kept samples in the laboratory.It's normal to find experimental objects for experimentation, but they are all religious believers who advocate humanitarianism, and they can't just find living people as experimental subjects.

Anya asked, "This method doesn't sound very good."

Wang Yue said: "I also think it is cruel. If you are not careful, it will be murder. I can't bear this responsibility. But..."

The servant felt a gust of cool wind blowing behind him and sneezed.

The sneezing reminded Anksun that there were people around.

"You go down first."

After the servant left, An Kesun said, "Now we are all on our own, so we can speak directly if we have something to say."

Wang Yue said: "I heard that Lu Xi is currently in the VV bureau, if he can be used as a test subject, it will be regarded as a consummation of merit."

An Kesun recalled Wang Yue's words.

If the antidote is successfully researched, Lu Xi's threat will be lifted.Not only him, but also other people who have been drugged by him, so it is imperative to find an antidote.The neuron was made by Lu Xi. If the antidote is made by him, everything will go back to the starting point. This is what Wang Yue said, the meaning of consummation of merit and virtue.

An Kesun said: "I need to think about this matter again."

Wang Yue said: "It's good if it succeeds in one fell swoop. If it doesn't succeed, it will be Lu Xi's fault. After all, he is a member of the group. If he is too stiff, it will damage the reputation of the group."

Anya said at this time: "There is a saying in China that you can't live without doing your own crimes."

I don't know if it was Wang Yue's swearing expression, or An Kesun's longing for freedom, or the "old Chinese saying" hinted at by An Ya, but An Kesun suddenly made up his mind, "I will communicate with the people over there immediately."

An Kesun disappeared in the night.

Anya took a small bite of the cake and waved to Wang Yue, "Long time no see."

It's been a long time since I heard this sound, which means a little bit more.

What were once just strangers are now life and death enemies.

Wang Yue was a little more cautious, "Miss Anya is really interested in eating cakes on a moonlit night... Hehe, it would be great if the cakes were replaced with mooncakes."

Anya said: "My father didn't know much about Chinese culture, and I couldn't bear to hurt his good intentions, so I made it like this."

Wang Yue said: "Master has always been dedicated to Miss."

Anya put down the plate and pointed to the seat where An Kesun sat, "Sit down first. The moon is shining tonight. We can take this opportunity to talk."

Lonely men and widows, meeting under the moon, no matter how you look at it, how you think about it, there is a bit of romance.

Wang Yue chuckled twice, "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Anya said: "I know you are a smart person, and there is Xiao Yi behind you as the pusher. It is not impossible to achieve something in the group. But the foundation of Mo Yun and I in the group is not something that can be settled in a short while. It can be disintegrated. It is very unwise for you to touch me."

Unexpectedly, Anya went straight to the point and spoke directly. Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Miss is joking. It's my turn to back up. You can be regarded as my younger sister. Although I can't support my younger sister like Bai Shaoye, but I still can't help it." As for motivating my sister to wield the butcher knife."

Anya said: "This is the best. Father's health will gradually improve. Then we will be on the same side."

Wang Yue was surprised, "Why do you say that?" Isn't the position of head of the group reserved for Anya?Then why put all the available people under Anya?
Anya said: "Some men can give up their careers for love, and some men can give up their love for their careers. At the beginning, he gave up my mother for the sake of being the head of the family. He watched her die on the bedside and never showed up. Such a ruthless man , do you think I will think that he can give up the position of Patriarch for me?"

Wang Yue pondered, "Maybe he is getting older and cares more about his family?"

"Others may be like this. But An Kesun will definitely not. Don't forget, how did he take the position of head of the family back then. How did your father die?"

Wang Yue didn't want to mention his father, his face was terribly gloomy, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Anya knew that she had stung a hornet's nest, she covered her mouth and giggled, "It's really not a big deal. If you pay attention to it, it will be mentioned frequently. On the contrary, if you don't care, people who talk about it will find it boring. Gradually stop talking. Wang Yue, looking at your behavior in the past, I found that you are a person who is easily restricted by the past. What qualifications does such a person have to stand as the head of the family? Is it easy to be slaughtered?"

Wang Yue's body froze, and after careful consideration of Anya's words, he felt that what she said made sense.

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