Cheng Zhengran felt that Liu Ruoyun was thinking too far.Not only did I think about recalling the past in the future, but also thought about joking with the children.

But photographs do have these effects.

Liu Ruoyun's hands are very light, and he finished processing the photos in a short while.

Many people think that birthdays should be celebrated by smearing cream on their face, but Cheng Zhengran doesn't like wasting food, especially knowing that cream is not milk, but egg whites, salt and sugar, and he doesn't like to use cream Painted all over the place.

Therefore, a normal birthday party is very civilized.

There is a photo: Cheng Zhengran specially held a cake in front of Nao Nao, and Liu Ruoyun made special effects of rabbit ears on Nao Nao's head, paired with Nao Nao's cute little eyes, it was very funny.

Cheng Zhengran's eyes were full of love, and he was about to transfer the photo to his mobile phone, and at the same time, set this photo as the desktop background.

Xiao Yi raised his hand to look at the time, and said apologetically: "Father, we have to go. We will come to see you in two days. By the way, discuss with the doctor about leaving the hospital."

Cheng's father just woke up, and he still needs a doctor to check his body to make sure that he is completely fine before he can be discharged from the hospital.

Although Cheng's father seems to look at the outside world, the patient can only listen to the doctor's words.And now that he has a baby grandson, he should cherish his health even more.

On the way back, Cheng Zhengran looked at the photo and smirked.Xiao Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and sighed: "The real person is in your arms, yet you can actually laugh looking at the photos. Do you still need to rely on your imagination for your own child?"

There is a source for Xiao Yi's joke.

In the past two days, the two watched an urban emotional drama at night, which was actually a family ethics drama in which conflicts broke out between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.Cheng Zhengran pointed to the heroine in the center and criticized: This woman doesn't love this man, but the man she imagined, so she was very angry when she found that the man was different from what she thought.

Xiao Yi was very playful about her imagination.

Strictly speaking, when everyone cannot truly experience the world, nor can they truly grasp the trust of another person's material world, when it is transmitted to the brain, it will be processed by knowledge and experience.For example, you think strawberries are sweet, but it may be mutated and taste bitter...

Xiao Yi thought a lot, and finally asked Cheng Zhengran, "I think I love you, is this also my illusion? Am I loving Cheng Zhengran in my head?"

Cheng Zhengran widened her eyes, thought and thought, and found that she couldn't answer this question, but when faced with Xiao Yi's "heartbreaking" questioning, she almost cried, "That's not what I meant. I know my heart and respect it." Your will. But that woman, she is just wishful thinking, according to her own ideas to create and change her boyfriend..."

Xiao Yi laughed.

From then on, Cheng Zhengran hated the word "imagination" deeply.

"I'm just comparing, why the Nao Nao in the photo is completely different from the Nao Nao in reality."

Xiao Yi replied very naturally, "Because he was making a fuss about being photogenic, or he knew how to eat as a model since he was a child."

Cheng Zhengran suspected that he heard it wrong, "Xiao Yi, are you going to let your son betray his lust in the future?"

Liu Ruoyun was talking with Zhang Rui in the back row, and occasionally heard Cheng Zhengran's words in the front row, and almost vomited.

"Young Master Xiao is so good at it, I really can't see it."

Xiao Yi's head was full of black lines, "If you think so, I can't help it."

Cheng Zhengran raised his eyebrows, and grinned at Nao Nao, "Nao Nao, look at your father, you have nothing to say. Did you see that?"

Two days later, Cheng Zhengran came to the hospital again.The doctor gave Cheng's father a comprehensive physical examination report and thought that Cheng's father would be discharged from the hospital next month.Usually pay attention to maintaining the body, not to be emotional, and combine diet and moderate exercise.

Cheng Zhengran breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that a huge stone fell from his heart, and his whole body felt light.

Coming out of the doctor's office, Cheng Zhengran happily thought about how to tell his father that he could be discharged from the hospital.

Getting closer to the ward, Cheng Zhengran heard the sound of arguing coming from the ward where Cheng's father was.

Walking over quickly, I saw a woman with disheveled hair kneeling in front of the hospital bed and crying loudly, "I have been infatuated with you for so many years, can't you see? You said you would love me forever, did you lie to me? No, you all lied to me. It's her, otherwise we would live happily together."

"Give way." There were too many people crowded at the door, so Cheng Zhengran could only yell.

The woman's voice stopped completely, she looked at Cheng Zhengran, her eyes widened, she jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards Cheng Zhengran with her teeth and claws open.

Cheng Zhengran saw the woman's face clearly, it was Yang Qin.

Yang Qin moved too fast, Cheng Zhengran couldn't dodge in time, and was pushed by her.Fortunately, in the crowd, the spectators didn't have time to leave, and Cheng Zhengran pressed him under him like a human cushion.

"Yang Qin."

Cheng's father said, "Come here, haven't you always wanted to know what happened that day?"

Yang Qin's face was full of tears, and he cried to Cheng's father, "I saw her, she was here just now. She is still, you will never love me. I don't believe it, the person you love has always been me. It's just that she Lied. After waiting until she died, why can't you accept me? "

Cheng's father had no choice but to wave to her, "Come here first, I have something to say to you."

The moment Yang Qin turned around, the crowd of onlookers quickly dispersed.

The psychiatrist rushed in, but stopped when Cheng's father gestured to stop him.

Cheng Zhengran stood up and accidentally saw Yang Qin buried in his father's arms, quietly like a child.

The psychiatrist gave Yang Qin a needle in his arm, and Yang Qin finally fell asleep.

The psychiatrist saw the sluggish Cheng Zhengran and said: "She is a patient, and she talks about her relationship history when she sees people. It is also a love triangle. She is a tragic heroine in her fantasy. She tells the story. It is more sensational than grandma Qiong Yao's story."

Cheng Zhengran let out an "ah" and didn't react.

The doctor continued: "Don't take what the patient says seriously."

"What if what she said is true?"

"If it was true, it wouldn't be in the hospital. Trust our professional judgment."

The ward finally fell silent.

Cheng Zhengran sat on the sofa in the corner, bowed his head and said nothing.

Cheng's father said: "It's my fault. I heard about Yang Qin, and I saw her for the last time. When she first appeared, she behaved normally. We chatted a lot and had a good time. Later, when I talked about your Tang Sister, she lost control of her emotions and insisted on saying that your mother killed your cousin.

Your mother has been dead for many years, and I will not allow her to frame your mother, so I started arguing.Unexpectedly, it stimulated her.She became abnormal.I will not do it again. "

Cheng Zhengran sighed, "I used to see her lose control of her emotions, and thought it was because she couldn't accept the news of Cheng Yiran's death, but I didn't expect it to be a mental problem. Dad, I don't like this person, and I never want to have any arrangements with her. Now that you're awake, she'll leave it to you. After all, when you were unconscious, she was the only one in the Cheng family who came to see you. "

There was no lack of sarcasm in Cheng Zhengran's voice.

Father Cheng shook his head and smiled wryly.

After playing the role of father for a long time, she has forgotten that she is a normal person with flesh and blood, so her daughter can't accept that she has tender feelings for another woman besides her mother.

"In that case, let her stay in this psychiatric hospital. It's not appropriate to put such a person anywhere."

If his body allows, he may take Yang Qin to his home.

My younger brother, who eats and waits to die all day long, doesn't even go home.He definitely didn't know that his daughter Cheng Yiran had died a long time ago.If Yang Qin was handed over to him, it would definitely be a dead end.

But now that he is still in danger and needs Cheng Zhengran to take care of him, he won't bring Yang Qin home to embarrass the child.

Cheng Zhengran nodded, "That's it." He said, gently closing his eyes, "I'm sorry Dad, I really can't like this woman. Although she...maybe until she dies, the grievances and grudges can be truly wiped out .”

Some people cannot see each other when they are alive, and when they meet, they quarrel and fight, destroying all the good memories of the past.Speaking of literature and art, such a person is suitable for living in memory.

Everyone will meet one or two such people in their lifetime.In Cheng Zhengran's life, Yang Qin is a typical example.

Cheng Zhengran decided to go out to work, and Xiao Yi didn't like to hire a nanny. Mama Zhang cleaned the house, cooked meals, and took care of Nao Nao by herself, so she couldn't keep busy at all.So the two simply moved back to the old house to live.

Therefore, when Cheng's father was discharged from the hospital, he would not return to his own villa, but to return to Xiao's old house.

He had heard for a long time that Xiao's old house was huge. Sitting in the car, Cheng's father looked at the wide road outside the dark brown glass, silently counting how many doors he had passed.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a three-story building.

The butler opened the car door, "Master, Young Mistress."

Cheng Zhengran hugged and made trouble, Xiao Yi helped Cheng's father get out of the car.

Xiao Yi said: "My father and mother are traveling outside, grandpa doesn't sleep well, and he is trying to catch up on sleep now, I guess you will see him in a while."

Cheng's father said: "Accordingly, I was the one who disturbed you. I dare not bother the old man to come to see me. I should go to see him."

Xiao Yi smiled.

People of the older generation pay attention to seniority. After doing the math, he and Cheng Zhengran are husband and wife, and his parents and Cheng's father are of the same generation. Even if Grandpa Xiao is Cheng's father's elder, it is natural that Cheng's father should go to see Grandpa Xiao.

I remember that when they got engaged, the two families just had a meal outside, and Cheng's father never came to Xiao's old house.Walking into the guest room arranged by the housekeeper early in the morning, Cheng's father said slowly: "It seems that my arrival has caused you a lot of trouble."

"My family, don't say such kind words."

Cheng Zhengran took a look and found that the furnishings in the room were very expensive, and he could see that the owner attached great importance to it. No wonder Cheng's father thought so.It was inappropriate for her to say words of consolation, but it was very appropriate for Xiao Yi to say it.

Cheng's father asked: "Your family is a big family, so you usually have a lot of rules."

Xiao Yi pondered, "In the past, our parents were very strict with us, but now that our parents are not at home, grandpa doesn't care about things, so you can do as you please. Oh, you can ask the housekeeper if you have something to do. He will arrange it."

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