Some things are always unexpected. Even when facing the male god Feng Xiaogang in An Xia's mind, she still fell asleep peacefully a few minutes after the opening of the movie. She had watched the promotion of the movie when she entered Handbook, this movie has Wu Yifan and Li Yifeng together, as well as experienced actors and actresses, plus Xu Qing, a beautiful woman, An Xia once thought that she would not fall asleep, but things still backfired...

An Xia who was asleep didn't know that she couldn't even open her eyes due to sleepiness. She didn't mind the interference from the lights and sounds of the big screen, and fell asleep with her neck curled up.

When she was called by the gentle voice, she still couldn't open her eyes, and even had a slightly begging and coquettish tone, "Please, let me sleep for a while, okay..."

She closed her eyes slightly, shrank her side face into the scarf again, and wanted to change her position sideways, but she just turned around, as if she was in a trance, when she suddenly felt a lightness in her whole body , as if being hugged by someone, and then smelled a faint smell of lemon, which was familiar but unfamiliar, and Quan regarded it as a dream, so he rubbed his chin back and forth very cooperatively, and found the most comfortable position. The arms are also boldly retracted into this large and comfortable chest, like a kitten seeking the embrace of its owner, once again falling asleep...

But obviously, what An Xia didn't know was that this was not a dream at all.

At first, when she fell asleep, Xiaoyue next to her was watching the movie until she leaned on Xiaoyue's shoulders. When choosing a position, An Xia deliberately avoided meeting any of Lu Yan and the others. It's awkward to sit next to each other, with the aisle on one side and Xiaoyue on the other, it's the safest way.

But next to Xiaoyue was An Xia and Su Yuechen. At first Xiaoyue patted An Xia who was asleep, but there was no response at all, so she took the down jacket that was placed next to the seat and covered her up, but when she saw the halfway Because he drank too much coke and went to the bathroom, he begged for mercy and called Su Yuechen to help take care of An Xia.

When Lu Yan and Lu Xing all looked over, Xiaoyue just got up and left her seat, and walked around An Xia who was already asleep.

"Try to wake her up," Lu Yan told Su Yuechen, after all, he was the closest person, "in case she turns over and falls to the side of the aisle."

Several people are familiar with An Xia's habits. Ever since she became pregnant, this woman has always been restless when she sleeps, and likes to change positions back and forth. However, the normal seat is a bit cramped for a pregnant woman like her, not to mention the other side is Empty walkways.

So Su Yuechen nodded, and called An Xia softly according to Lu Yan's instructions, but saw this woman acting like a baby to him, her slightly flushed cheeks pouted, begging for mercy just to sleep for a while, especially In the end, she shrank back into the scarf obediently, covering her pink lips.

She had no idea how much temptation this appearance of herself was to Su Yuechen. When he wanted to give up waking An Xia and shrugged slightly, Lu Yan and the others also expressed their understanding, but they never thought that An Xia would suddenly turn around and look at An Xia. She was about to fall off the seat, Su Yuechen reached out and hugged him without thinking.

In the next second, An Xia, who was sleeping soundly, made a series of actions that Lu Yan and Lu Xing could see clearly, but they knew from the beginning to the end that Su Yuechen didn't move at all, almost frozen The body, let An Xia carelessly touch his body, until she stopped the movement of her hands, stretched her arms to Su Yuechen's chest, and buried her face between his necks before she completely died down.

Because of An Xia's actions, these people were aware of the subtle atmosphere, especially when Su Yuechen looked at Xiaoyue who had just walked back from the bathroom, and after seeing her surprised expression, he responded to them with a smile in his eyes.

Under the light of the movie screen, Su Yuechen's eyebrows and eyes raised beautifully, and her height of 1.8 meters [-] hugged An Xia on her lap. She loosened the armrest between him and Xiaoyue's seat, and adjusted her sitting posture. Xiaoyue had no choice but to do it. Arrived at the position that originally belonged to An Xia, but his eyes could no longer focus on the movie screen.

For the next time, I used my peripheral vision to look at the people around me, and realized that Lu Yan, Lu Xing and even Ah K had already made a move to glance at her.She sighed deeply. Sometimes the development of things is really out of control. On the contrary, Su Yuechen is more focused on watching the movie screen. Occasionally, he can see a smile on the corner of his mouth, and it deepens a little bit. ...

After the movie's ending song and subtitles appeared, An Xia was still in a deep sleep. Forced to do so, Su Yuechen lowered her head, and even though An Xia's gentle breath passed back and forth between her neck, she still called her very gently, " Wake up, the movie is over, let's go eat, shall we?"

This sentence completely surprised Lu Yan and the others. They didn't expect Su Yuechen to wake up the sleeping An Xia in such a hurry. He thought he would continue to let An Xia fall asleep like this. After all, the movie had just ended and the crowd hadn't completely dispersed yet. Don't worry about it for a while.

"If you don't wake her up now, it will be easier to catch a cold if you go out later." Su Yuechen explained, "The air here is relatively not very circulated, and the heater is also turned on. The temperature difference is too big, which will make it even more inconvenient. It's better to wake her up!"

"Why don't I help you..." Lu Xing said as he walked in, reached out and patted An Xia's back, "Bookworm, we just had dinner, wake up!"

This call made An Xia blink her eyelashes, and she murmured inarticulately, "Lu Xing, I'm still a little sleepy..."

While speaking, she shook her shoulders slightly, and continued to talk to herself, "The fetus is moving so badly that I can't sleep well at night..."

Even though he said so, he still opened his eyes, stretched out his arms from Su Yuechen's chest, rubbed his eyes, and tried to wake up, "I finally slept comfortably..." He rubbed his head back and forth while talking, The long hair blocked the view, "Help me with my hair, hurry up."

Su Yuechen looked at the person in her arms quietly, then suddenly stretched out her hand, brushed away the hair covering her face, and saw the pair of flooded and hazy eyes accurately.

When An Xia and Su Yuechen looked at each other, she felt that the surroundings were surprisingly quiet, and she could even feel the violent heartbeat. Su Yuechen's extremely seductive eyes were close at hand. She looked at him fixedly, only feeling Something was wrong, I suddenly remembered that I was watching a movie, why... I saw the whole person sitting on his lap, half-circled in his arms...

The slap of 'Pa...' slapped Su Yuechen directly on the face, "You...why are you hugging me!!"

After she finished speaking, she withdrew her right hand. She felt that the reaction just now was too aggressive. She actually hit her with her scalded right hand. She felt her fingers hurt even more. Unexpectedly, Su Yuechen looked normal, and let An Xia struggle to get out of his arms. Here, stand in front of me again.

No one knew what to do next. When they were looking at each other, the woman sitting behind them suddenly said, "Hey, beauty, when you fell asleep just now, you rolled over and almost fell, if your husband hadn't caught you in time. You fell down a long time ago, and besides, you are hugging and rubbing against others, and you are taking advantage of it. It is normal for husband and wife to quarrel, but it is wrong to do it. You have children, so why bother!"

Just after the woman finished speaking, she patted An Xia's arm meaningfully before turning around and leaving...

It was just a sentence from an outsider, but it easily explained what happened just now. Although the relationship between her and Su Yuechen was misunderstood, she was the one who didn't understand the situation and hit the other party. Don't apologize to him or anything, but Su Yuechen walked past her with his coat in hand.

Xiaoyue left behind Su Yuechen, and a few minutes later, An Xia stood beside Lu Xing and Ak, and asked awkwardly, "Why didn't you wake me up! What's going on? ..."

Ah K handed An Xia's down jacket to her while smiling, "You heard it very clearly, it was you who rubbed and touched her in his arms..."

"That's right, you still blamed us," Lu Xing snorted, "I've called you several times, and even reached out and patted your shoulder."

As Lu Xing spoke, he pulled Ah K beside him, and reinterpreted the scene at that time. Ah K lay on Lu Yan's body. After Lu Xing patted his back, he blinked and imitated her lisp in a low voice. "Lu Xing, I'm still a little sleepy..."

Ah K did imitate her very well, and even shook her shoulders slightly, continuing to imitate An Xia's appearance, talking to herself exaggeratedly, "The fetus moves so badly, I can't sleep well at night..."

"How am I like this!" An Xia was anxious, looking at Lu Yan who had been silent all the time, "Lu Yan, tell me, I believe what you say."

Hearing An Xia's question, Lu Yan raised his hand to lift Ah K's arm, "Ah K, you should rub your eyes, and then half-consciously say, 'I finally slept comfortably...'" said while talking I rubbed my head back and forth on my shoulders, and continued to say, 'Help me with my hair, come on.'  …"

Although he was telling the truth, just being told by Lu Yan's cold voice, An Xia really wanted to pass out, God, why don't you just give me a thunderbolt, it's really embarrassing! !
When he walked out of the movie theater completely, An Xia didn't dare to look at Su Yuechen the whole time, but just surrounded Lu Yan and the others, occasionally talking to Xiaoyue.

Originally, I was going to have a pedicure, but after all, no one dared to mention it, so I went directly to the reserved restaurant.

Because of the embarrassment in the movie theater before, An Xia avoided eye contact with Su Yuechen. The whole meal was full of food, and she rarely said anything. When Lu Xing and the others were chatting with Xiaoyue, they occasionally asked her. With an acknowledgment, or a nod of the head, after just ten minutes of eating, I already feel fully supported.

It's not appropriate to sit dry, so after thinking about it, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and left the box.

It was already nightfall, and because of the heavy snow, the sky was very bright, and it even felt like the camera had lit a light, so that an illusion was born. She stood at the end of the corridor and looked out the window. It took about ten minutes to She eased her previous emotions, and didn't recover until someone stood beside her.

Under the slightly ambiguous light in the corridor, she saw clearly the person standing beside her, she was momentarily stunned, the mood that had just been eased surged out because of his appearance, she immediately took a few steps back, lowered her head, pulled away After reaching the distance between the two of them, he took a deep breath before he stuttered, "That...before, at the movie theater..."

He obviously just wanted to apologize, but he couldn't say it when he slipped it to his mouth!

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