After 15 minutes, Bonnie and Mengmeng answered at home that they were so tired that their bodies were paralyzed. Mengmeng was panting continuously with her mouth open, and hurried to drink water. Bonnie sat on the sofa and looked at the deserted room It has been a long time since I felt the warmth of home.

After drinking the water, Mengmeng came to Bonnie and lay down next to him. Bonnie stroked the obedient dog, told stories to the dog like coaxing a child, and said a lot of bad things about Ding Qi. Mengmeng walked slowly at Bonnie's feet. Slowly fell asleep.

At this time, Bonnie has shown a relaxed demeanor, and his mind is even more determined. Ding Qi is the only love in this life.

Bonnie saw that Mengmeng had fallen asleep, answered the bedroom, turned on the mobile phone, and looked at Ding Qi's text message, feeling very warm in his heart. He kept thinking about the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the past. These are the stories that he and Ding Qi walked together. .

After thinking about it, Bonnie couldn't open his eyes anymore, and fell asleep in the sweetness, with a faint smile on his mouth.

It was already late at night, and there were not many pedestrians left outside. Jiaming sat in the empty room, feeling terrible. He loved Bonnie so carefully, why couldn't he win Bonnie's heart?Parents will come over in a few days, how should I explain to them?Jia Ming began to fall into deep thought.

Bonnie still didn't answer the phone, which made Jiaming's hanging heart a step deeper. Jiaming kept staring at the phone, and his psychology changed from expectation to despair, knowing that this relationship might not last long.

He made up his mind and secretly made a decision!
It was already late at night, Jiaming picked up the phone and sent a text message to Bonnie, "Bonnie, I know this is a difficult time for any of us, and I also understand that you have been weighing this relationship, I I don't know how to make you believe that I am your most solid backing, your safest haven, maybe I am a little bit forceful, but I am all because I love you!"

When Jiaming wrote this, he started to feel a little emotional. After finishing his mood, he continued to write: "Bonnie, don't be too difficult between us, I respect your choice! If you still believe in our relationship, then I hope tomorrow At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I can see you in the Starlight Bar."

After Jiaming finished writing this, he closed his eyes tightly. He knew that this was a bet, which would determine his future happiness, but until now, he could only make such a choice.

Li Zimu and Bai Qianqian waited for a long time for the text message but did not send it. It was already past 1 o'clock in the evening, and they were really sleepy. "Ding Qi, wait first, let's go to bed first! If you wait Be sure to share the text message with us!" Li Zimu and Bai Qianqian couldn't wait any longer, so they went back to the bedroom and fell asleep first.

Ding Qi lit a cigarette and smoked vigorously, trying to make herself more sober.

He is still waiting for news from Bonny, and he is also deeply reflecting on what he did not do well during this period of time, and whether he doesn't care enough for Bonny... But he has always firmly believed that Bonny will definitely come back. to their side.

Thinking about it, the sky became brighter. Sitting on the sofa, Ding Qi felt that it was getting brighter outside. She got up and went to the door. Seeing the rising sun of a new day, she felt more confident.

Ding Qi looked at her mobile phone, there was no news from Bonnie, and she felt a little depressed, but Ding Qi knew that she couldn't wait any longer, and she must take the initiative to change all this and the current situation.

He made up his mind, walked to the bedroom, picked up his luggage, and prepared to go home!
It was only 6 o'clock in the morning, Ding Qi left a note on the table, put on her sunglasses and took her luggage and walked out of the house.

Ding Qi came to the garage, took out his Maserati, settled his mood, started the engine, and rushed home quickly.The sun has slowly risen, Ding Qi looked at the dazzling sun, and his confidence increased a lot.

Soon Ding Qi arrived at the door of the house, parked the car, looked at the strange yet familiar scene at home, and began to feel nervous.

Mengmeng heard the sound of Ding Qi's return sensitively, and quickly got up and ran from a distance to welcome Ding Qi home. Since Ding Qi bought a lot of toys for Mengmeng, Mengmeng and Ding Qi have become closer, and Ding Qi is no longer So scared of dogs.

Ding Qi smiled, and quickly squatted down, waiting for Mengmeng to rush into her arms, licking Ding Qi's face excitedly.

Bonnie was woken up by the barking of the dog in his sleep, rubbed his sleepy eyes, got up, and saw if Mengmeng was naughty again, and went to stop Mengmeng.

Before Bonnie opened his eyes, he walked out the door and saw a shadow of a person in a blur. After a period of reaction in his brain, he finally woke up!He rubbed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, wasn't that person Ding Qi he was familiar with!
Bonnie's heart began to jump up and down, not sure that the person in front of her was Ding Qi, she was determined only when she saw Ding Qi smiling at her, and Ding Qi had already returned to her side.

Mengmeng saw that the two of them had been watching from a distance, and did not take any action. She anxiously watched them barking, as if telling them that the most important thing at this time was to hug each other tightly.

Ding Qi looked at Bonnie carefully. In front of him, Bonnie had lost a lot of weight, and his eyes were full of sorrow. These days have tortured them very painfully.

Bonnie looked at Ding Qi, wondering if he could forgive his mistakes, and whether Ding Qi was willing to continue living happily with Bonnie.At this moment, Bonnie's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked at Ding Qi and said deeply, "Ding Qi, I'm sorry!"

When Ding Qi heard this sentence, his head went blank. It was not easy for such a proud Bonnie to say this sentence, so why should he hesitate!You can give up anything for Bonnie!What is that little self-esteem!
Ding Qi put down her luggage, ran over, and hugged Bonnie tightly.Bonnie snuggled into Ding Qi's arms, unwilling to let go of her clenched hands.

Ding Qi hugged Bonnie, feeling the feeling of regaining what was lost, and could never let go of it.The two cried like weeping people.What else is insurmountable.

Mengmeng watched them embrace tightly, and excitedly picked up the bone and gnawed it seriously.

Only after experiencing wind and rain, did they know what is the most precious thing around them. This experience also made Bonnie and Ding Qi cherish this relationship even more.

Bonnie and Ding Qi hugged each other for a long time.Ding Qi whispered in Bonnie's ear, "I'm sorry! It's my fault! I neglected your feelings."

Bonnie let go of his hands, put his hands on Ding Qi's face, looked at this all-too-familiar face seriously, and still couldn't help crying.

Ding Qi gently wiped the tears from Bonnie's face with her hands, comforting Bonnie.

Li Zimu and Bai Qianqian had woken up at this moment, "Li Zimu, did Bonnie reply to Ding Qi's letter? What time is it, go and ask him!"

Li Zimu looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock.Ding Qi can really hold her breath, she is still waiting for Bonnie's reply.

Li Zimu shook his head, sat up, regained consciousness, and walked out of the room to look for Ding Qi. "Ding Qi, Ding Qi!"

Li Zimu searched for Ding Qi all over the room, but he didn't see him. "Strange, what are you doing so early!"

He came to Ding Qi's room and saw that the luggage had disappeared.I started to get anxious, maybe I didn't wait for Bonnie's message, and then I couldn't think about going back to the hotel.

Li Zimu hurriedly called Bai Qianqian, "Bai Qianqian, get up quickly, Ding Qi is gone, and the luggage is gone! Let's look for it!" Bai Qianqian immediately regained her spirits when she heard Li Zimu's words.

Hurry up and go to the living room, and look for Ding Qi with Li Zimu.

Li Zimu had already dressed at this time, and was going to look for Ding Qi at the Dihao Hotel.

Bai Qianqian came to the sofa, looked at the cigarette butts left by Ding Qi, and thought carefully about Ding Qi's every move last night.

Suddenly she carefully discovered that on the coffee table, she saw a note left by Ding Qi. "Li Zimu, come here quickly! Here is a note!"

Li Zimu ran over suspiciously, and looked at the note in front of him with Bai Qianqian. "Li Zimu, Bai Qianqian! I'm going home first! I hope to see Bonnie at home!"

The tense mood of the two people eased, "This brat is also short-tempered, and he has already gone home!"

"Let's go! Bai Qianqian! Let's rush over and see how they are doing!" Li Zimu grinned, looking at Bai Qianqian with a smirk.

The two of them rushed to Ding Qi's house in good faith, and wanted to find the final answer as soon as possible.It seemed that the mood was much better along the way. Sitting in the car, Bai Qianqian felt that the beautiful scenery on the side of the road and the person she loved the most were by her side. These were probably the two most beautiful things in life.

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