"Bai Qianqian, how do you think we should rescue Ah Yi? Now things are getting more and more difficult. I'm afraid that my brothers will be beaten and scolded inside, so how can I face them in the future!"

Ding Qi held the coffee in her hand, stared ahead, and expressed her worries.

Bai Qianqian took a sip of her handicraft and felt that the drink was much better this time. It turned out that the coffee shop just put some more milk in it.

Ding Qi saw that Bai Qianqian hadn't made a suggestion for a long time, and protested loudly, "Hey! Bai Qianqian, I'm talking to you, what should I do now?!"

Bai Qianqian drank coffee unhurriedly, looked at Ding Qi with disgust, "It's not my advice, it's your own problem, okay?"

Ding Qi looked at Bai Qianqian with even more doubts, her face full of puzzlement, "Bai Qianqian! You can't be so perfunctory to me! I really depend on you to advise me now! You can't let me go! You give What strategy did I come up with?"

Ding Qi became anxious.

"Hmph! I've already told you that you should go to your father at this time! Get this matter straightened out. Many things are unclear now. How can you ask me to be your military adviser?!"

Bai Qianqian rolled her eyes at Ding Qi.

Ding Qi choked back what she was about to say, put down the coffee in her hand, and looked out the window.

"Bai Qianqian, it's not that I don't want to solve this matter, but look! What has my dad done! I'm really not in the mood to see him again, and don't you think there's not enough chaos between me and Bonnie! Just know Make trouble for me, never ask me what I think!"

Speaking of this, Ding Qi remembered that his father forced him to do many things he didn't like when he was a child.My heart began to become unbalanced.

Bai Qianqian could see Ding Qi's sadness, and grabbed Ding Qi's sleeve, "Ding Qi, some things are predestined, just like the relationship between you and your father! So, no matter how bad he is, he is still your father! "

Ding Qi immediately moved her shoulders, she really couldn't listen to Bai Qianqian's rationale.

"Ding Qi, now you have to go if you want to, and if you don't want to! But he still loves you and will never do anything to hurt you!"

Bai Qianqian comforted Ding Qi earnestly, and Ding Qi's fragile heart was gradually touched.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, then let's go to my dad tomorrow, okay!" Ding Qi was still holding her breath, she couldn't just compromise on the things she had always been firm on, and she had to give herself a step up.

Bai Qianqian looked at Ding Qi's melancholy expression, secretly delighted in her heart, and thought, "In the end, you won't be obediently listening to me!"

"What tomorrow? We can't delay any longer! It's now, we'll go right away!" Bai Qianqian stood up directly, looked down at Ding Qi, and suddenly made an attack.

"What?! I'm not ready yet!" Ding Qi stared at Bai Qianqian with wide eyes, feeling guilty.

Bai Qianqian had already stood in front of Ding Qi, grabbed Ding Qi's arm, and dragged him out of the cafe.

Those beauties all looked at Bai Qianqian's domineering look, and began to whisper again, "Wow! You see that handsome guy is so docile to the boss, he looks like a good man, what should I do, I'm already in love with him! "

"Yes, but we have no chance, oh...why didn't we meet him one day earlier?! What a pity!"

These girls watched them come to the front of the car, "Look, it's still a Maserati! Oh my God, why is our boss so lucky!"

A few girls leaned against the glass and looked at them directly.

"Hey! What are you looking at? Why aren't you working?!" Nana suddenly stood beside them and asked sternly.

"Ah! Sister Na, there are few people now, but we will work right away!" The girls still looked out of the window with nostalgia. Although they were not theirs, it was good to take a second look!
"Sister Na, how do you think the boss is so lucky to find such a rich and handsome husband?! We are so envious!" A little girl couldn't help but express her feelings.

Nana looked out the window and smiled slightly, "That's not the boss' boyfriend, but just a friend!"

When the girls heard Nana's words, they became excited all of a sudden, and hurriedly gathered around her, "What? Really? Are they really just ordinary friends?"

The girls were almost grinning to their ears, and they all looked at Nana with bright eyes.

Nana saw their small thoughts, and patted their foreheads, "Don't even think about it! He's already married!"

After speaking, Nana smiled and walked to the back kitchen.

"Ah?! Why is such a good man married? It's so sad!" The girls were like frost-beaten eggplants, all wilted, walked by the window, and started to get busy.

"Bai Qianqian, should we think about it again, what should we ask in the past? The old man may not be at home at this time, he might go out for a walk!" Sitting in the car, Ding Qi was still trying to persuade Bai Qianqian not to In such a hurry, I went to Uncle Ding.

"Drive! Let's go!" Bai Qianqian sat in the co-pilot and didn't even look at Ding Qi directly. At this time, she should be determined!
Seeing that Bai Qianqian was still so persistent, Ding Qi had no choice but to start the car and drive slowly towards his father's house.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a feeble knock on Bonnie's door.

"Come in!" Bonnie adjusted his sitting posture, staring at who came in.

"Bonnie, I'm here to admit my mistake!" That's right, Li Mei walked into the office with her resignation report, keeping her head down and not daring to look at Bonny.

"Bonnie, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have stolen the company's information and revealed business secrets. I'm here to resign!" Li Mei respectfully put the resignation report in her hand on Bonnie's desk .

Looking at Li Mei's sad expression, Bonnie was still very angry in his heart. The project he had completed with such care was messed up by the person in front of him.

She picked up the resignation report on the desktop and looked at it seriously, "Li Mei, you are also an old employee of the company, how can you still make such a low-level mistake? Do you know what you are doing? You are committing a crime! If If I report the crime, you will go to jail!"

Bonnie threw the resignation report on the table angrily, pointed at her and reprimanded her furiously.

When Li Mei heard that she was still in prison, her mood suddenly became heavy, "Bonnie, I know I was wrong, so please let me go, I have old and young, and I also want to earn more Some! Do me a favor!"

Li Mei walked to Bai Qianqian's side, and quickly grabbed the corner of her clothes.

Bonnie looked at her sincere attitude, and his mood eased a little, "Li Mei, I know you are in trouble, but as long as you do well and bring up difficulties, I will definitely not treat you badly. How can you Do such a stupid thing!"

Tears welled up in Li Mei's eyes, and there was unspeakable pain in her heart. Her child was sick these days, otherwise she couldn't have made such a bad move!

"Bonnie, look at my hard work for so long, just let me go. I will definitely remember your kindness!" Li Mei began to beg.

Bonnie looked at her pitiful look, and felt compassion in his heart, "Well, I know you have difficulties, your grades have always been very good, and I also believe in your strength, it's just what you do. unacceptable."

Tears flowed from Li Mei's eyes, and she began to worry about what Bonnie would do with her.

"As far as I know, the two projects in your hand have not made any progress so far. You see, everyone has already taken down the projects!" Bonnie changed his tone and said gently.

Li Mei looked at Bonnie uneasily, she must not go to jail, because the burden of the family would be placed on her husband alone, and she couldn't afford it.

Li Mei didn't say a word of nervousness, she was really powerless to defend herself.

Bonnie looked at Li Mei's expression, walked to her side, put his hand on her shoulder, "I'm in love with your talent, if you can turn over a new leaf, I'm willing to give you another chance!"

Li Mei looked at Bonnie in surprise, she heard right!Why didn't you punish yourself and give yourself a chance after making such a big mistake? !

"Bonnie, is what you said true? Are you really not going to punish me?" Li Mei turned around, looked directly at Bonny, and wanted her to say it affirmatively.

"I didn't say that there is no penalty. You must complete both of these two items. If you fail to complete one of them, I will demote you to one level, and you will lose all year-end bonuses. But! If you take both of these two items Next, I will promote you to the marketing manager according to my previous thinking."

Looking at her surprised and nervous expression, Bonnie still secretly delighted at his own wisdom.

"What do you think? You also know that if you take the position of manager, your salary will be increased by more than half. This is much higher than the treatment given to you by the company you switched to!"

Bonnie patted Li Mei's shoulder lightly again, "Don't rush to tell me the answer, go back and think about it!"

She walked to the desk and put the resignation report aside, "If you still want to resign at that time, your resignation report is still valid!"

Li Mei stood where she was, not knowing whether she was lucky or sad at this moment, but felt that the surprise came too suddenly, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

She pinched herself hard and found that this was not a dream.She gritted her teeth, walked to Bonnie's desk, and looked at Bonnie firmly.

"Bonnie, I really appreciate you! I will work hard to satisfy you!" Li Mei's eyes were full of determination.

Bonnie looked at her with a smile, "Hurry up and go to work, I'll see how you behave!"

"En!" Li Mei walked out of the office resolutely, her fighting spirit rekindled in her heart!
Ding Qi and Bai Qianqian finally came to the door of his father's house. Bai Qianqian looked at the two lovesick birds in the cage and smiled. These two birds are now extremely fat, but they are still so sweet.

"Uncle Ding, I'm coming!" After getting off the car, Bai Qianqian walked directly into the house, looking for Ding Li.

"Ding Qi, hurry up! This is your house, you treat me as a guest like this?!" Bai Qianqian scolded Ding Qi who was walking behind slowly.

"Bai Qianqian, I'm afraid of you! You can talk to him later, I'm not in the mood to tell him so many things!" Ding Qi was so depressed that she didn't even want to step into the door.

"Who is it?" At this moment the nanny came from the yard.

"It's us, we're here to find Uncle Ding, who else?" Bai Qianqian stood directly in front of Ding Qi, talking to the nanny.

The nanny was not very familiar with the little girl in front of her, but she recognized the boy with her head bowed behind her, "Oh! So it's the young master, come and sit in the room soon, the master is out to buy bird food, and I'll be back in a while !"

The nanny hurriedly prepared tea and entertained them warmly.

"Mother Li, you don't have to be busy, we just wait here for him to come back, you should be busy, we take care of ourselves!" Ding Qi looked at the busy nanny, she really regarded herself as an outsider, it was obviously herself Why are you still treating me like a guest at home?

"Bai Qianqian, look, what I said, he may not be at home! He really has a leisurely heart, and even went to buy bird food, so you don't care about such a big thing?!"

When Ding Qi thought about the immoral things her father had done, her anger began to brew.

Seeing Ding Qi's angry look, Bai Qianqian gave him a hard look, "After all, he is your father! Maybe he has already thought of a way in his heart, so you don't want to be like this!"

Ding Qi pouted, got up directly and went to the yard to start teasing the birds.

About 10 minutes later, Ding Li finally returned home.With a lot of things in hand, I bought not only bird food, but also a new bird cage.

Ding Qi watched her father come back, and rushed into the house at a brisk pace. She didn't want to see her father for a moment, but she still had to face the things she had to face sooner or later. Who can change the reality!

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