Jiaming sat on the sofa and thought for a long time before editing that text message. He felt a lot of reluctance, but for himself and his parents, he had to make such a decision now.

Jiaming stayed in the hospital for the whole morning yesterday. After receiving the drip at noon, accompanied by Xiuyan, he rushed home in a hurry in order not to worry his parents.

"Dad, Mom! I'm back!" Jiaming looked at his parents' expressions when they saw him, and felt extremely sad. He is already an adult, and it is unfilial to let his parents worry about him.

"Xiuyan is coming too! Come and sit down, look at how my feet are recovering now, I feel like I can run!" Jiaming's mother kindly held Xiuyan's hand, stood up, and walked around Go, I still want to jump a few times.

"Auntie, please slow down, you haven't fully recovered yet, such a strenuous exercise will hurt you again, please sit down!" Xiuyan hurriedly helped her aunt to the seat.

At noon, Xiuyan also ate at Jiaming's home. The four of them were talking and laughing together. Jiaming could tell that her parents had a good impression of Xiuyan.

After eating, Xiuyan offered to wash the dishes, and Jiaming's mother and Xiuyan competed over who should do the work. Finally, under Jiaming's persuasion, the aunt gave up the only honorable labor.

Sitting on the sofa, my aunt and uncle looked at Xiuyan's ability, and nodded their heads, praising her endlessly.

Xiuyan was lucky enough to finish washing the dishes and tidy up the floor before leaving the kitchen. "Uncle, aunt, I still have some things to do in the hospital, so I'll go back first, and I'll see you again in a few days!"

Xiuyan was about to leave after sitting for a while, and her uncle and aunt wanted to keep Xiuyan for a while, but knowing the nature of her work, they had no choice but to let her come and play whenever she had nothing to do.

"Jiaming, hurry up and see off Xiuyan!" Uncle and aunt stood up and shouted loudly, and even waved at Xiuyan, seemingly very reluctant to part.

Jiaming also went out like this, and drove Xiuyan to the gate of the hospital, "Here, go down, and I will thank you well in another day!" Jiaming looked at Xiuyan with a smile, and felt very happy every time he saw her.

But Xiuyan didn't get out of the car for a long time, and she mustered up the courage to say to Jiaming, "Jiaming, I like you, can I be your girlfriend?"

Xiuyan paused for a moment, as if she was waiting for Jiaming's response, but she was afraid of hearing Jiaming's rejection, so Xiuyan mustered up the courage to kiss Jiaming directly on the face, opened the car door in a hurry and ran out.

Jiaming was completely stunned in place, his eyes widened, his brain went blank, he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad at this time, he was happy because it was the first time a girl chased him and his heartbeat would speed up.

Sad because, after all, this person is not Bonnie!

Jia Ming struggled mentally for a long time in the car. He didn't know how to choose. At this time, Xiuyan sent another text message.

"Jiaming, I know you have a girl in your heart right now, but no matter what you choose, I will love you without hesitation." Jiaming looked at the content in the text message and thought, isn't this a reflection of his own journey of heart!
He just thought about it in the car for more than an hour, but he still didn't dare to make the next decision, and his heart began to beat, how should such a matter be decided.

On one side is Bonnie, whom I have been pursuing for more than [-] years. Every part of her is deeply attracted to Jiaming. If I can really get Bonnie, it will be the happiest thing in Jiaming's life.

On the other side is Xiuyan. Although she is not the kind of girl that I fall in love with at first sight, she still has such a strength in her personality that makes me like the feeling of being with her. It is always so easy, and her parents are Like her so much.

In the end, Jia Ming finally understood that Bonnie is the most important thing after all, but he will never be the focus of his life. Instead of waiting so hard to see the light of day, it is better to choose a girl who likes him to be true.

After Jiaming figured this out, he didn't hesitate and replied Xiuyan with a text message, "Xiuyan, from now on, I'm your boyfriend!"

After sending the text message, Jiaming felt that he was already half relieved, and his heart could finally settle down.

Then he thought for a long time, and edited another text message.

"Bonnie, I know you are still unwilling to accept me. Since what happened yesterday, I think I have figured it out. We can't be lovers. Maybe we can still be friends if we allow it. Please Forgive me for pestering me for so long!"

"Please also forgive me for deciding to let go at this time. Maybe you are the happiest moment at this time. I finally let go, yes! I finally figured it out. I don’t want to talk too much! I wish you happiness in your future life! Once deeply Love you Garmin!"

It took Jiaming a long time to edit this text message, and he also deleted it, and now he finally feels that he is so relaxed. It turns out that he treats himself well, and life is still so beautiful.

At this time, more than an hour had passed, and Jiaming hurriedly drove back home, wanting to tell his parents about the happy event.

Jia Ming hurried back home, "Dad, Mom!"

Uncle and aunt saw that Jiaming's face was getting gloomy, "Jiaming, come here, I want to ask you something!"

"What's the matter, I also want to tell you one thing! Let's sit down and discuss it!" Jia Ming happily sat on the sofa.

"Jiaming, we came here because you said you had a girlfriend, and we rushed here in a hurry, but now you are lucky, it's been almost a month, and you haven't even seen your girlfriend. Tell me, do you have any?!"

The father who never cared about his son's affairs began to educate Jia Ming.

Jiaming smiled and looked at the two old people, "Dad, Mom! I'm about to tell you one thing, I promise, you will be very happy!"

Looking at the expressions of the two old people, Jia Ming became excited and in a good mood.

"What's the matter, don't beat around the bush, tell me quickly!" The aunt was anxious to hear what good things Jiaming wanted to say.

"Ahem...I solemnly announce today that Xiuyan is my girlfriend!" After Jia Ming finished speaking, he looked at the expressions of the two old people seriously.

"Really?!" The two of them paused for a while, and suddenly shouted happily.

"Xiuyan is really your girlfriend, you didn't make fun of us, did you?!" The aunt looked at her wife and then at her son, unable to believe it was true.

"Can I still lie to you two elders? Of course it is true! Today we officially come together.

"So my dream of having a grandson is one step closer? Old man, we are going to have a grandson!" The aunt clapped her hands happily, holding on to her wife's hand and not letting go.

"Mom! The matter of the grandson is still a bit far away. You should be more realistic, but as far as it is concerned, it should not be far away!" Jia Ming looked at his parents so happy, and felt in his heart that his choice was correct of.

"Bonnie, what are you thinking now?" Bai Qianqian looked at the dazed Bonnie, and began to worry in her heart whether Bonnie would change her mind.

Bonnie pressed the screen a few times before putting down the phone, "What can I think, now I can finally live my quiet life, of course I am happy!"

After speaking, Bonnie showed a sweet smile on his face.

"Bonnie, I know you may not be feeling well right now. After all, the boy who liked me before suddenly gave up on me. This feeling is still very sad. If you are unhappy, you can tell me!" Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie had a blunt expression, but he was still very worried about her.

"I'm fine! What a big deal, it's not as big as your being robbed, tell me, do you need me to teach you Sanda, so that you can defend yourself, in case you encounter such a rascal next time .”

Bonnie suddenly changed the subject. She never wanted to mention any news about Jiaming. Just now, Bonnie replied to him, "I wish you happiness!" and hurriedly deleted everything about Jiaming. I don't want to have any intersection.

"Oh? Aren't we talking about you? Why did it come to me so quickly! Sanda? Did I become a female man after practicing Sanda! I won't grow muscles on my body, if that's the case, I'd still Stop studying!"

Bai Qianqian imagined the scene of Sanda, and quickly shook her head. She didn't want to turn herself into a fierce female man.

"Okay! Then if you encounter such a thing next time, you can call me, and I will rush to you as soon as possible to protect you!" Bonnie made an exaggerated gesture, teasing Bai Qianqian laughed out loud.

"Bonnie, why are you so kind, and you still protect me so hard? I'm really touched!" Bai Qianqian stepped forward to hug Bonny, but in the end, Bonny pushed him away.

"Bai Qianqian, don't think too much, I just see that you have worked hard on me and Ding Qi, and you will inevitably trouble you in the future, so I will take care of you like this, don't think too much about it. , I still have Ding Qi!"

Bonnie avoided Bai Qianqian's siege directly, and quickly sat down at his desk, taking a defensive posture.

"What? What are you talking about? I can't understand it! You are too dirty, how can I like you, cut! I won't help, I won't help you! I won't help you in the future Two annoying little goblins!"

Seeing Bonnie's shy look, Bai Qianqian quickly got up and returned to her seat, gulping down the coffee in her cup.

"Hey, Bonnie! The coffee is almost finished, shouldn't you be pouring me a cup?!" Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie and started to read the documents again, feeling that she was really bored, so she hurriedly teased Bonnie.

"Honey, I'll ask Xiao Wang to pour you another glass, just sit there and wait for a while!"

"Xiao Wang, come in!" Bonnie pressed the phone directly and connected to Xiao Wang's call.

"Leader, what's the matter?" Xiao Wang came to Bonnie's office within five seconds.

"You see her coffee is gone, you are helping to pour a cup, the same as before! Thank you!" Bonnie looked at Xiao Wang with a smile, and saw Xiao Wang walking gracefully in front of Bai Qianqian and smiling at her , picked up her cup and walked out of the room.

Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie's assistant, who was so gentle and gentle, and began to envy Bonnie in her heart, "Bonnie, with your personality, I think you should find a man as your assistant, but why did you find a man? Where's the girl?"

Bai Qianqian thought suspiciously, shouldn't this be opposites attract!Why doesn't Bonnie find a boy, so he can work without getting tired!
When Bonnie heard Bai Qianqian's words, he glared at her directly, "You! Can't you think about normal things this day? If I find a boy to be my assistant, maybe there will be work matters for me at any time every day. If I send a text message, then Ding Qi must go crazy!"

Bonnie stared at Bai Qianqian, "You have always been very smart, how could you be so stupid in this matter? I really don't understand!" She pouted and shook her head helplessly, her eyes still Staring hard at the screen.

"Hello, your coffee!" Xiao Wang had already finished making the coffee and came back. He walked to Bai Qianqian with a smile, put down the coffee, smiled politely, and came to Bonnie.

"Leader, have you checked all the documents I just gave you? These are all the head office needs to reply immediately today!" Xiao Wang said in a soft voice.

"Oh... I see, I'll tell you when I'm done!" Bonnie frowned, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him, he flipped through the document, and quickly picked up the pen to write something.

Today, Xiao Wang saw that there are customers and she is doing everything gracefully everywhere. This is the image she thinks she should maintain. When there are outsiders, she calls Bonnie the leader, so that it will not be obvious that the company is like that. regardless of size.

Bai Qianqian looked at the polite and gentle Xiao Wang in front of her, and she really liked it in her heart. She dreamed that when she could be like Bonnie, as the general manager, she would lead many employees and make a career of her own.

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