Ding Qi had already stood in the racecourse, touching every horse.

"Bai Qianqian, Bonnie! Hurry up, the horses here are still very docile!" Ding Qi was beside the horse trainer, and kept feeding the strong horses with high-quality fodder.

"Master, aren't these horses very docile? After a while, we want to ride a horse. Which one do you think will be better?"

Ding Qi asked the horse trainer carefully, thinking that Bonnie would definitely like horses very much, and would definitely want to ride them.

Listening to Ding Qi's words, the horse trainer carefully found a brown steed among these high-quality horses, "Just this one, it is usually very gentle, and many customers have come to ride it, but Nothing ever happened."

The horse trainer picked it up seriously, and gently stroked the horse's back with his hand.

"Okay, then let's ride this horse, it looks really good." Ding Qi led it out and fed it some fodder.

"Bai Qianqian, Bonnie! Come here quickly, let's ride this horse in a while, it's very docile!"

Ding Qi stood in the middle of the racecourse, calling them loudly, discovered something new, and immediately forgot the question of when she would be able to go home just now.

Bonnie quickly came to Ding Qi's side, "Ding Qi, Ding Qi! I want to ride a horse now, you take me with you, it will be very interesting, I have never ridden a horse before!"

Bonnie gently stroked the handsome horse's collar with his hand, and it felt really wonderful.

"Wow, this is really interesting, master?! Can we ride now!"

Bonnie shouted happily, feeling extremely excited in his heart.I was thinking about when I could sit on the horse.

"It's okay now, it's just that there's less space here, we can take it out to the front grass and it'll love it."

The horse trainer carefully fed the horses around him, and raised his head to look at the young people in front of him from time to time, with a smile on his face.

"Bai Qianqian, come here quickly, there are so many horses here, we can each ride one." Ding Qi shouted loudly, and Bai Qianqian, who was sitting not far away, wondered why Bai Qianqian would do this calm down.

"Oh! You play first, I'll rest for a while, after you play around, I'll go over, I'm still a little tired now."

Bai Qianqian smiled awkwardly. In fact, she was still in shock about the laps in the morning. Although the horse is very docile, there will always be rough roads, and it will be very dangerous.

"Then let's play first, come here soon, it will be interesting for us to play together!" Bonnie shouted loudly, his excitement was uncontrollable.

"Bonnie, let's ride this horse first, look how handsome it is!" Ding Qi stretched out her hand, thinking about getting Bonnie onto the horse first.

"Wow, is Ding Qi really safe like this? Will the horse be angry that we are so heavy!" Bonnie yelled.

"Ma'am, it's very docile, but you'd better not yell, or the horse will be scared." The horse trainer was not feeding grass at this time, and looked at the two people in front of him seriously.

"Oh, ok! Then I wish I could speak in a lower voice, hehe!" Bonnie said in a low voice, and gently stroked the horse's neck with his hand.

"You are really obedient, please be gentle with us later, okay!" Bonnie followed the horse talking in a dignified manner, and the horse seemed to understand her words, and nodded.

"Wow, he can understand what I say, what a smart horse, let's go to the lawn quickly."

Bonnie said excitedly, and quickly picked up the horse and came to the wide pasture.

Bai Qianqian looked at them from a distance, still a little worried in her heart, after all, she was still not that familiar with these horses.

Bai Qianqian looked at them from a distance, stood up too, and followed their steps to the grass.

"Ding Qi, you go up first. I'm afraid it will run away as soon as I go up. I'm still a little worried." Bonnie pouted, looking at Ding Qi with watery eyes.

"Okay, but if you can't come up later, I don't care! It depends on your flexibility." Ding Qi looked at Bonnie mischievously.

"Tch, I can go up. I can go up with your body size. What's wrong with me? You're humiliating me. Hmph!" Bonnie said disdainfully, and stared at Ding Qi fiercely. one time.

"Hey, why are you two dawdling? Why don't you hurry up and ride on the horse? This horse is not for you. When you want to go up, it probably won't let you ride it."

Bai Qianqian stood behind them, with her hands covering her forehead, and looked seriously at them who were not far ahead. After such a long time, she still didn't hurry up and dawdled, she became anxious.

"Hey, I told you to come and ride, but if you don't ride, it's funny that you get anxious looking at us at this moment!" Bonnie turned around and looked at Bai Qianqian. She didn't expect that she was watching him from behind.

"Okay, let's hurry up. You see, this horse will be resting soon!" While Ding Qi was speaking, she put one foot on the saddle, kicked hard, and immediately sat on the horse's back.

"Bonny, look! It's such an easy job, come up quickly." Ding Qi stretched out her hand, ready to pull Bunny up.

Bonnie saw the horse in front of him still staying in place so docilely, and his confidence was strengthened in his heart. "Ding Qi, you must help me, if I fall to the ground, it must be your fault!"

Bonnie stretched out her finger to warn Ding Qi, feeling both excited and nervous.

"Come on quickly, stop dawdling like this, and tell you that if the horse runs away by itself, it will be your fault." Bonnie and Ding Qi complained to each other, and finally Bonnie put his foot on the saddle .

"Oh, I still can't get on it. This horse is too tall. Look, I'm still a long way from it! What should I do!" Bonnie had one foot on the saddle, and the other His feet were hanging in the air, but he couldn't get up.

Bai Qianqian was behind and saw their whole process, and hurried to their side at this time, "Bonnie, you are really good, didn't you listen to Qingying! How come you can't go up at this time, what a shame!"

Bai Qianqian ran to their side after talking.

"Bai Qianqian, don't make sarcastic remarks there, hurry up and help me, I'm going up soon."

Bonnie yelled loudly, and the steed was pulled by Bonnie, turning its body to the left and right for a while.

Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie's funny look, thinking that he didn't have such a hard time getting on the horse in the morning, so he laughed unconsciously, "Bonnie, have you gained weight recently? Hurry up and keep in shape, it's really a substitute You are in a hurry."

Bonnie yelled angrily, "Bai Qianqian, hurry up, if you can't get up in a while, I will laugh at you too!"

Bai Qianqian laughed for a long time, and finally restrained her smile, and quickly helped Bonnie ride on the horse's back. "You hold the horse, don't let it get out of control, haha!"

Bai Qianqian laughed loudly again, looking at the two people in front of her, she was really happy.

"You two don't move, I'll take a picture of you now, this is really a classic moment!" Bai Qianqian quickly took out her phone and took a serious picture of the two of them.

After Bai Qianqian took a few photos, the horse finally didn't want to stand on the same ground for such a long time, barked, and started running along the pasture.

"Ah... this horse is running, running! Should we let it slow down, it's too fast, we won't be thrown by it, slow down, slow down!"

Bonnie was too scared to open his eyes, but he still enjoyed the excitement in his heart.

"Bonnie, it's okay, you open your eyes to see the beautiful scenery in front of you, it's okay if you open your eyes!" Ding Qi cheered loudly, he was in a state of excitement.

Listening to Ding Qi's words, Bonnie gradually narrowed his eyes to look at the world in front of him.Gradually Bonnie got used to the speed of the horse, and she opened her eyes.

"Wow, it's really amazing. It turns out that riding a horse feels like this. It's really fun!"

Ding Qi wrapped one hand tightly around Bonnie's waist, and held the rein tightly with the other. The two were so romantic.

Bai Qianqian walked casually in the pasture, seeing them happy, and hearing Bonnie laughing heartily at the same time, her emotions were also infected.

"Bonnie, are you not afraid now? How do you feel? Isn't it very exciting, come down quickly, it's time for me to ride for a while!"

Bai Qianqian shouted loudly, urging them to return to her side.

The two galloped on the pasture for a while, and walked slowly to Bai Qianqian's side, "Bai Qianqian, hurry up and feel it, it's really fun!"

When Bonnie came down, he jumped off the horse and came to Bai Qianqian's side excitedly, looking at her seriously.

"Hey, the two of you were really funny at first, but then you realized that riding a horse is very interesting. I'll let you guys watch me ride a horse later, I'm sure I'll be much better than you!"

Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie in front of her with provocative eyes, clearly saying that she was much stronger than Bonnie.

"Tch, I don't believe it. Let's choose a horse each now, and I'll have a competition with you!" Bonnie hurried to the racecourse, thinking of choosing a horse he likes himself.

Bonnie stood at the racecourse and carefully selected, his posture was like choosing a beautiful skirt that he liked, and he had to choose until he was satisfied.

"Wow, this one is beautiful, Ding Qi, look at this pure white horse, does it look like Prince Charming, I will choose this one! It is so beautiful!"

Bonnie chose for a long time, and finally chose the horse she liked the most. At this time, Bai Qianqian also walked over slowly.

"I'll just pick this one! Bai Qianqian directly picked out a strong horse within 2 minutes.

"That's good! Since you have all chosen, then I will be the referee, but you have to be careful! Let's see which one of you can ride better."

Ding Qi stood beside him. At this time, he really didn't want to ride again. He thought this sport was still not suitable for him.

"Hmph! I must be the best one. If you don't believe me, we'll just wait and see!" Bonnie made a V with his fingers, full of confidence in his heart.

Not long after, these two people came to the pasture. Both of them were ready to take their seats, waiting for Ding Qi to say start.

"Start!" Seeing that the two of them were getting ready, Ding Qi stood between them and shouted.

Bai Qianqian and Bonnie began to get on the horse seriously. These two people are really flexible. They only learned it once, and it was much easier the second time.Soon the two were on horseback.

"Bai Qianqian, you're amazing. It's the first time you have such a tall horse without someone to support it. It's really good!"

Ding Qi saw Bai Qianqian nimbly sitting on the horse, and was really a little surprised.

"Hmph! I know more, you just don't know!" Bai Qianqian said proudly, secretly happy in her heart, but she didn't know that when she got on the horse for the first time in the morning, she still couldn't catch up with Bonnie.

"Why hasn't Li Zimu come back? If Li Zimu is here at this time, it will definitely be more interesting. This guy, with the director, the director, forget about our friends and his girlfriend!"

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