"Bai Qianqian, just listen to me, okay! Let's wait until tomorrow, when the weather clears up, let's go flattery together!"

Li Zimu lowered his voice as much as possible, so as to make Bai Qianqian feel more relaxed.

"Li Zimu, can you listen to me?! Do you know how important my father's matter is to me? Do you know how heartbroken I am?! You tell me like this now, let me be there one day later In the past, what do you mean? Don't you want me to get better?!"

Bai Qianqian was very angry at this time, thinking that Li Zimu didn't think about himself at all, and didn't know what he really needed.

"Bai Qianqian, you can't do this! I know you're very excited now, but the weather..."

Li Zimu is also emphasizing his position, the conflict between the two has almost risen to a state where as long as there is a spark, it can be resolved immediately.

"Li Zimu! If you dare to stop me today, don't regret it!" Bai Qianqian pointed at Li Zimu and said bluntly.

Li Zimu looked at Bai Qianqian in such a firm state of mind now, he really didn't know what to say, he finally compromised, "Okay, okay! Bai Qianqian, when the snow is getting lighter, let's drive there together, okay?" ?!"

At this time, Li Zimu didn't want to argue with Bai Qianqian at all, and didn't want to anger Bai Qianqian at all, so he tried to talk to Bai Qianqian in a calm manner.

Bai Qianqian let out a long sigh, and seemed to have calmed down after hearing Li Zimu's words, "Okay! Then we'll wait for Xue to get a little younger, and we'll set off right away!"

After Bai Qianqian finished speaking, she turned around and answered on the sofa, sat down, curled her body together, and fell into deep thought again.

Li Zimu stood in the distance and looked at Bai Qianqian helplessly, feeling very sad in his heart, how did he feel that the differences between the two people and many differences began to show slowly.

Li Zimu walked to Bai Qianqian's side slowly, sat down, and just quietly accompanied her.

Bai Qianqian suddenly remembered something at this time, she picked up the phone in panic, "Li Zimu, I should call Qing'er at this time, tell her that I will go there today, let her get ready!"

While talking, Bai Qianqian had already picked up the phone, dialed the phone number, and was waiting to press the connect button.

Li Zimu just listened to her talking like this, although he didn't appreciate her actions very much, but he had no strength to step forward to stop her, so he could only let Bai Qianqian make trouble, he didn't want to interfere at all.


Just like that, Bai Qianqian started to get on the phone, already thinking about what she wanted to say, and waiting for Qing'er to answer it.

"Hello?! Bai Qianqian, why did you think of calling me? You never take the initiative. Did the sun rise from the west today?! I must go and have a look!"

Qing'er was on the other end of the phone, happily teasing Bai Qianqian, hearing the voice, she knew she must be extremely happy.

"Qing'er, I want to tell you something important. I'm going to your place today, and the earliest the better! You must be prepared..."

Bai Qianqian said firmly, and of course she also thought so in her heart. From the look in her eyes, it could be seen how important she took this matter.

"Yo... what's the matter? I really didn't hear it wrong, but I sent you many invitations, and you politely declined. What's the matter today? You didn't say that in the morning!"

Qing'er spoke so loudly that even Li Zimu could hear her voice standing beside her.

"Don't worry about these things, just remember that I'm going to flatter you soon, just find me a good place to live! I'll go there with Li Zimu!"

As Bai Qianqian spoke, she began to wonder in her heart when she started to take this matter so seriously, she didn't even think of it herself.

"Okay, you can just leave these things to me, don't you worry about my work!" Qing'er happily promised.I was really happy.

"Okay, then we'll see you in a while!" Bai Qianqian hung up the phone in a hurry after speaking, and began to watch the scenery outside, anxiously waiting for the snow to shrink soon.

Li Zimu was really distressed seeing the state of the Qin, but he also felt that he was deeply helpless, the development of the matter was not what he thought at all!

He stared at Bai Qianqian for a while, then walked slowly to the kitchen, thinking that he must call his brothers at this time, otherwise this incident would be too unexpected, and he must be fully prepared.

"Hello?! Xiaolei, help me check some things about flattery right now. The sooner you check, the better. You must find out some unknown things on Sister Xie. What do I mean, you I know it!"

Li Zimu had a cold expression, and after finishing speaking, he quickly hung up the phone. At this time, Ah Yi is on vacation, which has indeed caused him some trouble. Investigation understands.

Li Zimu lowered his head to think about this matter. After thinking about it for a while, he heard Bai Qianqian shouting to himself in the living room outside, "Li Zimu, come here quickly! What are you doing, really! I see the snow outside. It’s already much smaller, let’s hurry up and leave now, otherwise I don’t know when I’ll be there!”

Li Zimu hurried out of the kitchen, took a look at the scenery outside, and saw that it was still snowing heavily, but what can he do at this time!

"Okay, Bai Qianqian, we're leaving now, but you need to wear more clothes. It's been winter for a long time now, and it will get colder after the snow falls. You still have to be careful!"

Li Zimu has always expressed his views gently, not daring to make Bai Qianqian angry at all, he is extremely cautious in his heart.

"Well, you should also wear more clothes. Let's change our clothes and set off now, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be in a hurry!"

Bai Qianqian's eyes widened, just wanting to hear Li Zimu's affirmative answer. There was already a smile on the corner of her mouth, and Bai Qianqian's obsession with flattery deepened a step further.

After Bai Qianqian finished speaking, she hurried to the bedroom, thinking that she was going to flatter her soon, she was very happy.

"Li Zimu, I'm ready to go. When are we going out?!" Bai Qianqian put on her coat and stood in front of Li Zimu, her face was already blooming like a flower.

"En! Let's go now. I know you are still very anxious, but I must drive slowly on the road, because the weather is really bad and the road is not safe!"

Li Zimu repeatedly stated that what he was most afraid of was that when he was on the road, Bai Qianqian kept talking about himself, saying things like his speed was too slow.

"Okay! I'll listen to you. As long as you drive away right now, I won't say anything!" Bai Qianqian looked at Li Zimu with a smirk, and it really showed that Bai Qianqian's emotions were faster than turning the pages of a book. .

Mengmeng has been watching the two masters from the side, what is it going to do now, it tilted its head curiously, Li Zimu stepped forward, and gently patted its forehead, "Do you want to be obedient and know? !"

Li Zimu stood up, glanced at Bai Qianqian, and said helplessly, "Okay, let's go now, are you sure there is nothing wrong with your body?!"

Li Zimu looked at Bai Qianqian seriously again, afraid that she would be breathless due to the great pressure in her heart.

"It's okay, please stop hesitating like this, okay?! Let's go now!" Bai Qianqian was holding his clothes tightly while speaking.I was really in a hurry.

"Oh... isn't it already agreed?! Why are you still procrastinating like this! I really can't stand you!" Bai Qianqian dragged him forward quickly.

"Well... I'll go and get the car out now. Let's try not to waste too much time on the road, okay?! Now that it's snowing so much, it's useless for us to worry about it. Safety is the most important thing!"

Li Zimu was still worried, and said a few more words, and Bai Qianqian showed an impatient expression.

"Okay...Okay! I'll go now! I'll drive the car out now, just wait a moment!" Li Zimu strode towards the parking room.

Bai Qianqian stood in front of the house, looking seriously at the snowman that Li Zimu had just built in front of her, she still smiled knowingly, she never thought that Li Zimu still has such a cute side, and she can still limit the snowman by herself. In less time, he piled up such a big snowman.

I also want to thank this snow, and thank Li Zimu for being able to recall a little bit of fragmented fragments. As long as I persevere, I believe that I will be able to restore my memory and avenge my father.

"Drip...drip!" At this time, Li Zimu had already pulled out the car, and it stopped in front of Bai Qianqian. The dazed Bai Qianqian quickly raised her head and searched for where Li Zimu was.

"Here!" Seeing that she was still looking, Li Zimu hurriedly called out, only then did Bai Qianqian see Li Zimu right in front of her eyes!

"Huh?! Why did you change your car again?! Didn't you drive the blue sports car before?! Why did you change to a bigger one today!"

Li Zimu just drove out another black sporty Hummer from the garage, which I haven't driven for a long time, and production has already been discontinued. Of course, it is safer to drive such a car in such a snowy day.

"Hurry up and get in the car! We have a long way to go! There is water in the car, if you get hungry halfway! Let's get out of the car and have some food..."

Li Zimu started Tang Monk mode again, never forgetting to pay attention to Bai Qianqian's physical condition.

"Okay! Alright! I won't be hungry, let's go!" Bai Qianqian was already sitting in the co-pilot's parking space at this time, feeling that she was about to be flattered all the time.

Li Zimu looked at Bai Qianqian again and again, finally made up his mind, turned on the engine, and sped on the road quickly...

Standing at the door, Mengmeng just watched them disappear at the end of the road in the vast expanse of whiteness.It began to feel a little lost in its heart, and it was a lonely dog ​​again.It lay quietly at the door... I hope it can wait until the owner comes back.

Li Zimu and Bai Qianqian didn't say a few words along the way, Li Zimu was still worried about the past flattery.There are still many places where things can go wrong.Bai Qianqian was worried whether Uncle Xie would tell him the whole thing...!

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