Li Zimu still smirked, wondering if he could force Ding Qi to eat all the eggs now!

Ding Qi's heart can no longer be described as nervous, and even more angry. I really don't know what Li Zimu's heart is, to torture himself like this.

"Ouch... this! This is really inedible!"

Ding Qi looked at the eggs he had just scrambled in front of him, and without paying attention, he picked up the bowl and ate them all without carefully tasting the taste.

"Ahem cough cough... Oops! Now, there is no more, I have already eaten it!"

Ding Qi put all the eggs she had just scrambled into her mouth, this behavior also scared Uncle Zi enough, thinking how this child could be so reckless.

" is Ding Qi?! Does the fried egg taste delicious?! What kind of taste, is there a kind of mushy taste, is there a smell of charcoal in your mouth?!" Li Zimu looked at Ding Qi Qi actually ate all these eggs, very happy.

"What kind of charcoal smell?! Why is it still mushy?! Oh, Li Zimu, how can you be so bad! I said why Ding Qi never let me eat it, it doesn't look very delicious!"

Uncle Zi suddenly understood that this was Li Zimu's deliberate trickery, and Ding Qi had to eat so many inedible eggs, which was really embarrassing for him.

"Oh, it's all for his own good, so that he can deeply remember the consequences of cooking like this now, and he can only eat it by himself. How interesting it is! Haha!"

Li Zimu began to laugh heartily again, and even patted Ding Qi's shoulder, his joy was completely out of control.

"Okay, Li Zimu, I knew you would be like this. It really made me so angry. Tell me how you can be like this! I really believe in you!"

Ding Qi said angrily, she could no longer bear Li Zimu, a person with questionable character.

"Uncle Zi, I'm really not doing well right now, but I think I'll definitely get better after practicing a few more times!"

Ding Qi said to Uncle Zi in embarrassment, she really couldn't be in a bad mood now.

"Well, you need to practice more. This is how it is now. No matter what your foundation is, as long as you practice more, you will be able to do well!"

Uncle Zi still showed sympathy for Ding Qi, after all, not everyone can cook well!
"Enen, Uncle Zi, you see that I am still very pitiful. Otherwise, how are you doing now? Do you have time to teach me? I feel that I am lacking the guidance of an expert. Otherwise, I would have learned it a long time ago. !"

Ding Qi is so angry now that he doesn't even want to look at Li Zimu, he is really angry.

"Ah... so, that's fine! I'll teach you now! If Li Zimu isn't serious, then I'll teach you seriously. You can definitely learn it once!"

Li Zimu was still laughing beside him, and when he heard Ding Qi's words, he hurriedly said, "What's wrong?! Don't dare to learn from me, I don't think my dad can teach you how you are now! Haha Ha ha!"

Li Zimu laughed at Ding Qi wantonly, knowing that Ding Qi would definitely behave like this.

"Hmph! If I learn from you now, I won't be called Ding Qi! I'm just thinking now, how did I know someone like you? What a waste of emotion!"

Seeing Ding Qi's angry look, Li Zimu couldn't be happier in his heart. In the end, he was kicked out by Uncle Zi. Unexpectedly, it was a sad thing to think of coming here in the morning. Looking at it now, it is really joyful.


"Sister Zhang, you see, why don't you go back now, and wait until Ding Qi and the others come back, and I'm going back with Ding Qi, so I can come in time, I'll try to be as early as possible."

The three sat on the sofa and chatted a lot. Now that the main knot has been found, Bonnie checked the time. It is already two o'clock in the afternoon, and he doesn't know what's going on there!
"Enn, then I will go back now. If there is anything, we are in touch! Bonnie, you'd better go back earlier, so that you can have a good rest. You don't have to get up tomorrow morning. early!"

When Bonnie heard that he didn't need to get up early, his mood immediately improved, "Okay, you can go back first, and I will go back after I'm done here!"

Bonnie finally showed a smile to Sister Zhang. Sister Zhang stood up slowly, looked at Bonnie and Bai Qianqian with a smile.

"Then I'll go back now, I'm really happy today!" Sister Zhang smiled slightly at Bai Qianqian and Bonnie, still very happy in her heart.

Bonnie stood up slowly, thinking about going to see off Sister Zhang now, which happened to be what he should do.

"It's okay, Bonnie, you don't need to stand up now, I'm going back now!" Sister Zhang held the jar she brought over at the beginning, with a smile on her face.I feel it was the right choice to come here today.

"That's right! If you go back, you don't need to tidy up. For these things, wait until tomorrow, you don't have to do this every day!"

Bonnie watched Sister Zhang run such a long distance for her own health. It was still very touching, and she still had to give some feedback.

"It's okay! I'll take a good look at it when I go back. If it's still relatively clean, I'll clean it up tomorrow. If it's dirty, I'll clean it up when I go back. It will always be fast!"

Sister Zhang looked at Ding Qi enthusiastically, this feeling is really very good!

"Well, it's up to you. If you're tired, you can talk about it tomorrow. It's not too late."

Bonnie patted her on the shoulder, still very willing to affirm her credit, and he was very happy in his heart.

"Then you go back first, be careful on the road!"

Bonnie opened the door for her, looked at her back, and left here slowly, still very happy in his heart, the nanny he found was still very good!
"Bonnie, how's it going?! Does it feel okay?! You see, this sister Zhang is thinking about you, but you are too picky now, so this is not a good start!"

Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie seriously, and knew that she was quite happy in her heart, otherwise she couldn't smile like this.

"Okay, we should call them now, what's going on now?! It's been several hours, why is there still no movement?! How are they doing! Isn't it very satisfying ah!"

Bai Qianqian feels extremely bored now, and now she thinks when Ding Qi and Li Zimu can come back, she will always feel that she is
"Give them another half an hour. If they still don't come back, then give them a call. What's the matter?"

Bai Qianqian glanced at Bonnie, and said with a smile, "How is it? Are you still complaining about Sister Zhang? He has already made it very clear! Isn't she?! She is also sincere for your own good, and I don't even think about it. Already felt it!"

Bai Qianqian turned around and saw that the expression on Bonnie's face had relaxed a lot, and now she thought that it would be very interesting if she could feel her truest inner thoughts.

"Well, I know! Isn't it fine now! Look, I'm much more easy-going now! How nice it is!"

Bonnie turned from the door and returned to Bai Qianqian's side, with the faint smile still on his face.This mood is still very peaceful.

At this time, Bonnie had already walked to Bai Qianqian and sat down, and asked with doubts in his heart, "By the way, Bai Qianqian! I still want to know one more thing."

Bonnie mysteriously sat next to Bai Qianqian, wanting to ask her a question.There are bad smiles on the face.

Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie's expression in panic, thinking about what was going on with her that made Bonnie so curious.

"Then you just ask! I will definitely answer truthfully!" Bai Qianqian looked at Bonnie blankly. What exactly do you mean now, you have to say it quickly, and you can't dawdle like this.

"I'll just ask you a question. You must be able to answer it! I'll ask it now! You have to answer it truthfully!"

"Okay! Just hurry up and ask!"

Bai Qianqian began to look at Bonnie in a panic. the s
"Just tell me, what time do you get up in the morning? Why can't I really believe that you said you got up at seven?! Such a thing can be hidden from my eyes?! It's just that I didn't expose you at the time!"

Bonnie looked at Bai Qianqian and smiled wickedly. He already knew that what she said was a lie.

"You How do you know that I'm telling a lie? Have you seen me sleeping? Really! I got up early!"

When Bai Qianqian heard Bonnie's doubts, she began to think, what if she was lying, since she had no intention anyway, right?
"Uh... Now I think we should not discuss this matter. It's meaningless. Let's see why they haven't come back now. It's really weird."

"Okay! We should give them a call now. Why don't you come back quickly at this time, why are you having a good time cooking?!"

Bai Qianqian began to be puzzled, and really couldn't imagine what it was like over there.

"While talking, Bai Qianqian looked for Li Zimu's phone number in the call log, "Oh...why is Li Zimu's phone number here. "

Bai Qianqian didn't hesitate and called directly.


The phone rang, "Hey, I really have a good heart. I just wanted to call, and you always called, tell me, how is today?! The old man is still in a happy mood, isn't he?!"

Bai Qianqian is still worried about whether Uncle Zi will be in a good mood.After all, both Li Zimu and Ding Qi were by his side in the past, what a meaningful thing this is.

"Uh... You should actually ask Ding Qi about this matter, he is the one who has the most experience, and I will practice with him today.

"Oh oh oh, how is Ding Qi doing now?! Did you finish well?" Bai Qianqian thought about their status, and now she can only understand so much.

Bai Qianqian imagined Ding Qi's familiar appearance, and now she wanted to laugh out loud.

"Okay, let's talk when you come back?! I won't talk so much on the phone!"

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