"Then I'll go with Grizzly." Fuko stood beside Grizzly. "Then I'll be in your group." "Hey, what kind of expression do you have, it feels like you've been wronged by being with me." "No wronged, no wronged. I'm so happy to be in your group! "Xia Ziyang said to Wan widow in a flat voice.

"Okay, stop bickering, there's no time left for the quarrel." "Okay, let's go." The four of them acted in pairs.There is no one in the open room.

"Hey, it's strange that no one is there. Did he go out?" "I don't know, maybe he went to another place to recruit younger brothers to expand his territory." "Oh, that's right!"

Their whereabouts were captured by a surveillance camera, and a man sitting in a dark room watched the four of them quietly.

"Hehe, it's not so easy to find me." "Boss, what are we going to do next?" "Don't worry, I want to meet them well, just play with them, I'm tired of playing." Brother Leopard put his hand on his neck made a silly gesture.

"Okay, little one understands." "Okay, you can go down first, and let me arrange anything." "Okay, brother Bao."

"Xia Ziyang, why do I feel that something is wrong? It's quiet here. Could it be that they knew in advance that we were coming and set up a plan to wait for us?" separate."

"Well, shall we join the Grizzlies and the others?" "Don't worry, wait and see." The two held their pistols back to back to defend themselves.

"Grizzly, don't you think it's strange here? The guy you knocked out just now came out, and now no one has seen him." "Yeah, no matter how a gangster expands his territory, he must at least Leave some younger brothers to watch over the lair."

"No!" Grizzly was startled, feeling that something was wrong, and they were put together.

"Fengzi, let's hurry up and join Lee and the others. There are so many of them. I'm worried that Lee and Widow Wan will be in danger."

"Hehe, it's a little late to realize now. I have been a national-level killer for so many years and I don't have the ability to analyze it. It's really useless. I think you are some kind of elite. I think it's shit!"

"Who are you, come out if you have the ability, don't play tricks there." "Hehe, I will come out if you ask me!" "Hehe, I don't think you have any skills, so you just dare to hide in the dark , why do you not see the light or are you too ugly to scare us?"

"Hahahaha! Brother Xiong really has you." "Hehehe, what a joke, I'm afraid your little lives will be lost once I come out."

"Hahaha! Do you think you have the ability?" "Will you know if you have the ability?" As soon as the man finished speaking, he jumped off the ceiling and stood in front of the two.

"Fengzi, be careful, this person doesn't look that easy to deal with." "Well, I know you, Brother Xiong, you should be careful too." "The two of us attack him together, maybe we will find his weakness. Kill him." "Well, I think it will work."

"Hehe, don't be so full of words, but it will be embarrassing if the timing doesn't end well." "Stop talking nonsense, give me a punch!" Nighthawk dodged nimbly to avoid the grizzly bear's blow.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that you are not doing well, you are so weak!" "What are you talking about? I haven't used all my strength yet, I'm afraid you will die when you can't bear it." "Hahahaha! Who will win the battle?" Not sure yet."

Nighthawk flew over briskly, and punched the grizzly bear hard on the chest. Fortunately, the sharp-eyed Fuko saw it, and the grizzly bear was saved from being punched in the chest when it got down.

"Hehe, your speed is quite fast, but you are still too slow for me." After speaking, he turned and kicked Fengzi in the lower abdomen.

"Hiss~ You want to hurt me with your strength, you are too naive."

The Grizzlies and the Nighthawks were circling, and it was difficult for the two sides to tell the difference, while Xia Ziyang and the others were still searching, and they didn't know about the battle on the Grizzlies' side.

"Hey, come and see this door, it's different from the others." "Well, don't tell me it's true." Xia Ziyang came over and wanted to open the door.But the door was tightly shut.

"Get out of the way." Wan Widow stood in a safe place, Xia Ziyang picked up the vase on the table and threw it at the doorknob.

"Hey, why can't it be opened, then it seems that we can only kick it with our feet." Xia Ziyang turned around and gave a handsome side kick with a dull "boom".Twisting the handle still won't open.

"Go away, let me try." Wan Widow stepped forward, and took out an escape secret from the universal bag she carried with her today.

"Okay, stay away from the bomb." Wan Widow and Xia Ziyang threw themselves on the ground with a "boom", and the door was blasted open.

"Oh, how amazing is it!" Wan Widow raised her eyebrows proudly at Xia Ziyang. "Yes, you are the only one who is amazing."

"Papa" "Oh, it's really good! It's your skill to find this place." A cold male voice came from the room.

"It seems that this is the gang boss himself." "Well, it looks like it is, let's be careful."

"Are you what they call Brother Leopard?" "It's right here. What happened when you came to my bar and knocked out my little brother, how should we settle this account?" "Oh, that person is Your little brother, but we don’t know, the one who doesn’t know is innocent.”

"Hahaha! You can talk with your mouth. I'll see if you can fight at that moment. Come on!"

After finishing speaking, Brother Bao left the room. A dense crowd gathered outside the room, each with a weapon in his hand, and there were at least thirty of them.

"There are so many people, can we beat it?" "It's okay, we divide the labor and cooperate, you will be the left half and I will be the right half." "Well, fine. Let's start."

After signaling to each other, Xia Ziyang and Wan widow rushed forward and gave the frontmost person a move.

"Ah!" With a loud cry, the person in the front was beaten to the ground, and Xia Ziyang and Wan widow beat four or five people to the ground. "Why, is it okay?" "What about you?" "Of course, I'm just afraid you won't be able to bear it." "Tch, joke. Is there anything I can't say and do!" "All right, let's just Let's play a game." "No problem." While speaking, he beat and knocked down a few more people.

"Ho~ho~" Xia Ziyang panted heavily, "Hehe, ouch, it's not bad!" "Oh, of course. Watch out for the right side!" Wan widow quickly blocked a blow for Xia Ziyang. "Hehe, thank you!" "Hey, be careful, be careful not to become a ghost!" "Hahaha! Do you think it's possible?"

"Looking for death!" Xia Ziyang blocked the big knife that was cutting towards him, and stepped on the man's stomach with a big foot. "Wow!" He opened his mouth and spat out what he ate today.

"Hey! It's disgusting. Xia Ziyang, if you want to kick it, why don't you kick it like this? Now that the environment is so bad and you did it again, you have intentions!" "Ahaha! I'm sorry, I made a mistake!" "Tch!"

Before they knew it, they beat up more than half of the people.

"Xia Ziyang, I don't think we can do this." "Then what are you going to do? This room is so small, what else can you do except fight hard!" "You are stupid, don't I have a small bomb I made myself?" "Oh, yes! I forgot that you still have this secret weapon." "You hide aside and take it, I will take out the bomb, and we will take the opportunity to get out while they are all down."

"Well, okay." "Hehe, my baby has played such a big role now, you guys are all dead." Wan Widow activated the bomb, and quickly hid in the corner to hug her head.

After two loud bangs, Brother Leopard's younger brothers were stunned by the bomb, some were seriously injured, and some just fainted.

"Let's go, let's go!" "Yeah." Xia Ziyang and Wan widow ran to the corridor, just after dealing with dozens of people, now the corridor is full of people.

"I don't know what happened to the Grizzlies? There are so many people here, will they be in any danger!" "Don't think about it, they will be fine, don't forget how the four of us are all-powerful." "Hehe, I believe in you!" After the two comforted each other, Xia Ziyang let out a low growl.

"Damn, there are so many people, this is the rhythm of death! How many bombs do you have?" "There are only a few, if we use them up now, I feel like we won't be able to get out. "That's all right, this time I have to fight hard." "Well, that's the only way to go."

Xia Ziyang pulled out a dagger from his waist, Wan Widow pulled out a whip, and the two of them were ready to fight!
"Are you ready?" "Well, ready!" "Well, let me say three times and we will go together. One, two, three!" "Ah~" The atmosphere here became restless in an instant, and everyone held Armed with weapons, they surrounded the two weak people.

"Hey, if the two of us can't get out from here today" "Stop talking nonsense and watch the front." Xia Ziyang kicked the group of people fiercely with a handsome sweeping leg.Two or three people fell down, and the space surrounding them became somewhat spacious.

"Hehe, you people are all going to die!" Wan Widow roared, her eyes became deep and scary, and the people in front were frightened by her eyes and expression.Some people backed away in fright, and some held weapons and didn't know what to do.

"What are you afraid of? There are only two of them. You useless things, why don't you hurry up!" !" "Ah~ah~" a group of people roared and attacked them.

"Here we come!" Just when the two were about to get discouraged, Grizzly and the others rushed over.Because of their joining, the aura instantly became stronger. "Grizzlies are here, that's great!" "Hehe, I'm sorry we came late." "Why are you injured? Are you also under siege?" "No, we met a strong opponent, we After it was done, he thought that you must have been tricked, so he came to help you."

"Oh, that's good, we are still worried about you, and we have no news when we see you like this." "Hehe, aren't we here?" "Yeah, the four of us are together again."

"Brothers, let's have a big fight today, don't worry about it." "Okay!" The three shouted in unison.

The four defended each other back to back, leaving their backs to their comrades with confidence.The tacit understanding and trust between them were established in battle after battle, which shows how strong and deep the relationship between them is!

With a wave of the Grizzly's thugs, he grabbed one of the leaders with a "click" and the man's head and neck were severed.He fell limply to the ground, and his life was just like that. "Uh!" Seeing such a scene, everyone felt a sense of fear. "He can kill people with bare hands!" Everyone's mouths couldn't help but open to the maximum.

The pleasure in Grizzly's heart was activated, he grabbed someone casually and broke his hand, killing the person in his hands on the spot.The Grizzlies killed more and more vigorously, and it felt like they couldn't stop.

Here Grizzly can handle it alone, and the other three people just move around casually. The main force behind the defense of Grizzly is still Grizzly.

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