Huo Yunqi held Xia Luobing's wrist and brought the person to his chest, hooked the corner of his mouth: "Xia Luobing, you are jealous!"

"Jealous?" Xia Luobing was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and shook her head resolutely, "That's not the case! No! I'm not jealous!"

Huo Yunqi ignored Xia Luobing's denial, grabbed Xia Luobing's arm with one hand and suddenly pressed the person onto the car with absolute strength.

The wind blew up Xia Luobing's hair, long and entangled on Huo Yunqi's face and neck, like an obsessed lover.

Huo Yunqi's kiss was hot and domineering, and Xia Luobing didn't even have the slightest chance to resist. Her strength became very insignificant under his domineering.

I don't know how long it took, Huo Yunqi suddenly stopped, looked at Xia Luobing who had been staring at him, and gritted his teeth: "Why would you rather believe a strange woman than me? If all the women in the world say it's mine What about the fiancée?"

Xia Luobing was stunned, Huo Yunqi's eyes were angry and injured, like a beast that was injured but still desperately restraining its pain, Xia Luobing suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

It felt like standing in a world of ice and snow and watching one's beloved tremble from the cold, and I felt that my heart was also aching from the cold.


"Xia Luobing, you come back with me!" Huo Yunqi grabbed Xia Luobing's wrist and wanted to take her to the car, "Go back and resign immediately!"

This woman dared to carry out such a dangerous mission behind his back, did she really think that he didn't exist?

"No! This is my mission!" Xia Luobing stubbornly stood where she was, letting Huo Yunqi drag her arm, "I have to go!"

Regardless of whether Director Zhang deliberately targeted her or not, it was a fact that there were criminals in village C, and she couldn't ignore it.

"Must go?" Huo Yunqi stared at Xia Luobing, seeing her silent, he hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I got it, get in the car!"

Xia Luobing was stunned for a moment, then said in a daze, "I must go to Village C!"

"I know." Huo Yunqi opened the door and pushed Xia Luobing in, and then slammed the door with a "bang", "I'll accompany you!"

Xia Luobing's eyes widened, and she was anxious: "Huo Yunqi, I'm on a mission, don't make trouble!"

Huo Yunqi ignored Xia Luobing's panic, held the steering wheel to start the car and said lightly: "Someone will be responsible for driving your car back later."

"You're messing around!" Xia Luobing's face was darkened, and she felt that she didn't understand the man beside her more and more.

Didn't she and him make it clear that everything is over?

But why is she sitting in his car now?And he still has to carry out the mission with him?

"Xia Luobing, I was engaged to Ai Weiwei, but the engagement has been broken off later." Huo Yunqi said suddenly.

There was no wave in the cold tone, Xia Luobing's heart still skipped a beat uncontrollably, he was explaining to her?

"Since we're engaged, why should we break the engagement?" Xia Luobing said indifferently, obviously in a bad mood.

Huo Yunqi unconsciously exerted force on the fingers holding the steering wheel, and the veins on the back of his hand tensed up, as if he had used great strength.

After not hearing Huo Yunqi's answer for a while, Xia Luobing frowned, and turned to look at Huo Yunqi: "Why don't you speak?"

"Bingbing." Huo Yunqi's voice was low, with a kind of distressing helplessness, like a sigh and helplessness, and the listeners were very distressed.

Xia Luobing buckled the seat belt unconsciously, and unconsciously exerted force with her fingers, and suddenly said, "You want to go to Village C with me?"

She didn't know why she suddenly changed the subject, but felt her heart tense up and down, as if something was tearing at her heart, and she who was always fearless was suddenly a little afraid of knowing Huo Yunqi's answer.

Leaving city A with nothing, carrying the body after the car accident to a brand new country and a brand new city to start working hard, even if she has never experienced it before, Xia Luobing can imagine how hard it is.

What has he been through...

Xia Luobing wanted to know but was afraid of knowing, so she instinctively chose to avoid it.

"Unless you go back with me." Huo Yunqi said, expressing his attitude directly.

There are too many things between him and Xia Luobing, leaving city A to village C together may be a turning point.

After hearing Huo Yunqi's answer, Xia Luobing pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment before speaking: "You can go to Village C, but you must promise me one condition."

"Say." Huo Yunqi's voice suddenly became lighter, and his mood also improved inexplicably.

Xia Luobing said seriously: "I'm going to perform a task, so you can't stop my work and you can't do anything that affects my work."

According to the information Li Xiang gave her, the people living in Village C are simply a group of devils who can't even blink.

She selfishly didn't want Huo Yunqi to be in danger, otherwise, she would never forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"Okay." Huo Yunqi agreed very well, and then said suddenly, "But you must ensure that you will not be in danger."

Xia Luobing was stunned, her heart warmed for no reason, she turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes were sour, but in fact he still loved her in his heart.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he knew that he loved her in his heart.

It is precisely because she knows this subconsciously that she loses control in the face of Ai Weiwei.

"Okay." Xia Luobing nodded, and suddenly smiled at Huo Yunqi, "When we come back from Village C, you can tell me exactly what happened after you left City A five years ago, is that okay?"

Huo Yunqi was stunned, and the fingers that were holding the steering wheel tightly increased a little more strength and then let go, "Okay, I will tell you everything exactly, everything."

Xia Luobing raised the corners of her mouth and smiled brightly, her eyes twinkled, and she felt that the autumn wind outside the window had become extra alluring and beautiful.

Half an hour later, the black Lincoln car stopped at the gate of Village C. Xia Luobing opened the door and stood on the ground of Village C. She saw that the village, which was considered prosperous, was now in a mess, and many places were washed away by floods. Some courtyards are overgrown with weeds, which are as tall as half a person.

"Bingbing, is this here?" Huo Yunqi frowned and said, this place looks like no one has lived in it for a long time, and it is bleak everywhere.

Xia Luobing nodded, walked straight ahead, chose a place with a slightly higher terrain to look into the distance, frowned, pointed to a place not far away and said, "There are people there."

Huo Yunqi looked in the direction of Xia Luobing's finger, and sure enough, he saw three or five children playing in a yard, and an elderly man sitting at the door basking in the sun.

The two walked over together, knocked on the door and went in. The children who were playing inside saw Xia Luobing and Huo Yunqi running into the room, as if they were terrified of them.

The old man who was sitting at the door basking in the sun suddenly changed his face, looked at them with a worried face, and said tremblingly: "You, what are you going to do?"

Huo Yunqi and Xia Luobing exchanged glances. The reactions of the people here when they saw strangers made them more sure that those people were really in this village.

"Old man, we got lost driving here." Charlotte walked over slowly, squatted down and said softly, "Can I have a rest here?"

The old man looked at the two people defensively, and after a while he said: "You, you guys go, go!"

Xia Luobing was stunned for a moment, and she wanted to ask something more, but Huo Yunqi pulled her arm and dragged her back, Xia Luobing turned her head in surprise.

"Bingbing, let's go out first." Huo Yunqi pulled Xia Luobing's arm, looked at the children who were crowded on the window and watched them, and already had some understanding in his heart.

The two got out and sat in the car, and slammed the car door shut to shut out the autumn wind and the sound of the Yellow River water outside. Xia Luobing frowned and said, "What did you find?"

She was sure that Huo Yunqi must have discovered something, otherwise he wouldn't have dragged her out in such a hurry.

"There are people in that yard." Huo Yunqi said, looking out the window, "And those children are very protective of them."


Xia Luobing had an unbelievable expression on her face, Huo Yunqi meant that the family protected those criminals, but how is this possible?

This news has completely challenged Xia Luobing's perception of criminals, the expression on his face became tangled, and he twitched the corner of his mouth for a while: "Are you sure?"

"Bingbing." Huo Yunqi reached out and stroked Xia Luobing's hair, and suddenly smiled, "Although I'm not a policeman, you still have to trust my judgment."

Xia Luobing nodded. For people in the shopping malls, observing words and demeanor is the most basic ability, and Huo Yunqi has long been a genius, so this ability is naturally not weak.

"Wait a minute." Xia Luobing said suddenly, staring at Huo Yunqi awkwardly, her eyes raised, "Your hand."

Did this man treat himself like a child?Even rubbing her hair and talking?

Why didn't she find out that he had this habit before, or did he develop it from other girls?
Thinking of this, Xia Luobing's expression suddenly changed, and she glared at Huo Yunqi: "I'm not Ai Wei Wei!"

Ai Wei Wei, that woman with a coquettish voice!
"Bingbing, you're jealous!" Huo Yunqi happily raised the corners of his mouth, smiling very comfortably, "I think you are cuter than before."

He suddenly found that looking at the problem from a different angle made things much simpler. Sure enough, leaving aside those people and things in City A, when he was alone with Xia Luobing, the atmosphere between the two of them was still very harmonious.

"Huo Yunqi, shut up!" Xia Luobing said with a dark face, turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window, but unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.

Sensing Huo Qiyou starting the car, Xia Luobing turned her head: "Where are you going?"

"Go to a nearby town and find a hotel to stay in." Huo Yunqi said, "This matter is definitely not as simple as you think."

After thinking for a while, Xia Luobing admitted that Huo Yunqi's words made sense, and nodded casually: "Okay."

The black Lincoln car slowly left the village. The courtyard door that Xia Luobing and Huo Yunqi originally entered opened from the inside. A man in a black trench coat stood at the door and looked at the car that was getting farther and farther away, thinking about the people sitting in the car , with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "You are finally here."

Someone handed over a thick scarf from outside: "It's windy outside, let's go in."

The man replied with an "um" and turned back with a sad expression. The broken wooden door was closed again, shutting out the cold wind together, and his heart warmed up.

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