love for marriage

Chapter 137 childhood sweethearts

"She Han." Shen Xiaoxiao said.

Lan Guiyuan glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao suspiciously, and asked her, "It seems that you know a lot?"

Shen Xiaoxiao sighed: "It's not just that I know a lot, my cousin and that She Han still had an unforgettable time!"

Lan Guiyuan turned her head to look at Shen Xiaoxiao, she thought so, She Han and Qi Sifan seemed to be people with stories, but Qi Sifan didn't say anything, and she, Lan Guiyuan, didn't ask.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you mean your cousin brought She Han here?"

"I guess my cousin wants to tell you about the grievances between him and She Han."

Lan Guiyuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao in a daze. Qi Sifan suddenly planned to tell her such a thing, but he didn't say hello to her before. She wasn't mentally prepared at all. What if she couldn't control her emotions? ?
She knew that She Han liked Qi Sifan, so what about Qi Sifan?Could it be that he liked men before?After a few years, I matured, and finally found that I like women?How can she deal with this?She has always wanted to pretend to be stupid, but now she can't pretend to be stupid anymore.

"He... doesn't need to tell me these things." Lan Guiyuan said.

"I don't know about this, but my cousin is a measured person. I believe he must have considered your ability to bear before doing this. Sister Yuan, don't worry, what can happen! "

This is the real way to stand and talk without back pain... Lan Guiyuan sighed in her heart, after all, what should come will come anyway, she better face it calmly.

Lan Guiyuan walked out with her face upright, she saw Qi Sifan and She Han sitting in the living room, neither of them spoke.Fan Shaoling was still playing with his fruit knife, and then quickly peeled an apple.

"Come, try the noodles I made." Lan Guiyuan knelt down and put the bowl on the tea table, and Fan Shaoling was the first to bring a bowl of noodles.

Shen Xiaoxiao also came out of the kitchen, she was not in a hurry to eat, but went to call Lan Qianye.Lan Qianye was watching a movie with his ears on, if Shen Xiaoxiao hadn't come to call him, he wouldn't have known that there were two more people in his living room.

The three children didn't care about the awkward atmosphere between Qi Sifan and She Han at all. They had fun eating. After eating, they should watch movies and play games. Fan Shaoling threw the fruit knife and went to sleep in his room up.

Lan Guiyuan went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes, while Qi Sifan and She Han were still eating slowly in the living room.

"How does it taste?" Qi Sifan asked She Han.

"Very good." She Han only had two simple words.

Qi Sifan also drank the soup, he said: "The nutrition is in the soup."

She Han also put down the bowl and chopsticks, and wiped the corners of his mouth.

When Lan Guiyuan came out of the kitchen again, Qi Sifan motioned for her to sit beside him.

She Han took the initiative to talk to Lan Guiyuan: "We have met before, but I feel that you are a person who is hiding something."

Lan Guiyuan laughed: "You don't have to be as mysterious as I think, I'm just an ordinary person, just to build up my courage."

Qi Sifan sat on the sofa, as if he was recalling the past.It took him a long time to say: "My friendship with She Han is deeper than that of Yu Tianxue." Lan Guiyuan nodded and did not speak.

Speaking of childhood sweethearts, Qi Sifan and She Han are a true pair.

She Han is also from a wealthy family. His father is too tough and extreme. His father beat She Han's mother away abruptly. She Han has a withdrawn personality since she was a child, and she suffered from depression when she was seven or eight years old. .

However, even so, She Han's father didn't give him much care, and only beat and scolded him until Qi Sifan appeared beside him.

Qi Sifan was attracted by this beautiful boy who looked like a doll. At that time, Qi Sifan was still a naughty boy who couldn't catch up with him and couldn't take care of him.With Qi Sifan in She Han's world, it's like finally seeing the dawn in the dark night.

Qi Sifan brought She Han to Qi Shengji's side. Qi Shengji liked and pitied She Han very much. From then on, Qi Sifan and She Han became good friends. Gradually, She Han's depression got better.

However, the good times didn't last long. She Han's father beat and scolded him again after beating She Han's mother away. When She Han's father beat him again, She Han suddenly fought back. Falling upstairs and down, knocked to death.

Later, She Han realized that the reason why his father hated his mother and him so much was because he suspected that he was not his child, but was born by his mother and wild men outside.Indeed, his biological father was someone else.But who, She Han didn't want to know.

When Qi Sifan talked about these past events, She Han just listened quietly. He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and Lan Guiyuan naturally didn't intervene.

"She Han and I go to the same school, and we use the same brand of school supplies. We have a very good relationship," Qi Sifan said.

Lan Guiyuan could imagine that Qi Sifan took care of She Han just like a big brother takes care of a younger brother.He shielded him from rumors and gossip. When others bullied him, Qi Sifan would avenge She Han. Later, Qi Sifan became She Han's backer and spiritual pillar.

Until the first year of high school.

She Han confessed to Qi Sifan, but Qi Sifan only had brotherhood towards She Han.It was originally agreed that the two would work together for the Qi family after graduation from university, but later She Han went to the Song family, which was the enemy of the Qi family.

"The two of us were supposed to be best friends. It's not what I want to develop to the point where I am today. I think I have never done anything to be sorry for She Han, but I can't deceive myself about personal relationship issues. I think I She and She Han should also sit down and have a good talk."

It can be seen that Qi Sifan cherishes the relationship with She Han very much, but once his friend confesses, She Han will never be able to face Qi Sifan again. This is the biggest reason why he did not go to the Qi family.

Lan Guiyuan looked at Qi Sifan, and she said: "Maybe I don't understand the friendship between you, but after hearing about the things between you, I really feel that your relationship shouldn't just disappear like this. It's really a pity .”

"It's a pity what can be done, of course we can't go back to the past." She Han said.

Lan Guiyuan suddenly felt that she was superfluous here, she got up and was about to go to her room, when Qi Sifan stopped her: "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm a little sleepy, I'll rest first, you guys talk." Lan Guiyuan smiled reluctantly.

"What time are you sleepy? Sit well on the sofa." Qi Sifan patted the seat next to him, Lan Guiyuan had no choice but to go back.

Lan Qianye is not interested in this kind of thing, but Fan Shaoling and Shen Xiaoxiao are particularly interested. The door of Shen Xiaoxiao's room is ajar, and Fan Shaoling is secretly looking into the living room to see if Qi Sifan has finished speaking. He didn't speak anymore, and he was ready to go out.Fan Shaoling went to the toilet.

Shen Xiaoxiao also came out, she was going to the kitchen to get some fruit.

Looking at Fan Shaoling and Shen Xiaoxiao's strange eyes, Qi Sifan said: "If you want to hear something, just sit on the sofa and walk around, it's obvious."

Shen Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and sat down beside Qi Sifan, and Fan Shaoling also came over.

Still no one spoke, it was because Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't take it anymore, she said: "This is such a big deal, Fan Shaoling rejected me, I recovered within a month! Besides, what's so good about my cousin, I think that stupid big guy is quite Well, it’s sunny, simple, and loyal.”

Although Fan Shaoling said he was innocent, he nodded in agreement.

Qi Sifan turned his head and stared at Shen Xiaoxiao, is it really okay for her to say that about her cousin!
"Are you going to give me a class?" She Han asked Qi Sifan.

"I didn't mean that, I just didn't want our relationship to continue like this."

"But this is your business, what's none of my business?" She Han didn't buy Qi Sifan's account, he stood up and walked outside after speaking, Qi Sifan didn't stop him.

"This person has a bad temper!" Fan Shaoling concluded.

"He's always been like this." Qi Sifan lowered his head and fiddled with his sleeves.

Lan Guiyuan raised her eyebrows: "He was not prepared for you to tell him such a thing like this. What's more, you shouldn't say it in such a person's place, right? Maybe you find a very quiet and private place, and you Talk to him about this matter alone, maybe his attitude will be better for a while. And he is not psychologically prepared at all, it is understandable for him to look like this."

Shen Xiaoxiao stood up, and she said: "You people, when you had a misunderstanding at the beginning, you should explain it immediately. Now that you want to solve the misunderstanding, it's not that easy."

"It's not as simple as a misunderstanding." Fan Shaoling answered.

"You are not allowed to answer my words, I hate you." Shen Xiaoxiao glared at Fan Shaoling and went back to her room.Fan Shaoling himself felt so bored and went to his room.

Qi Sifan looked at Lan Guiyuan and asked her, "You also think like Xiaoxiao?"

Lan Guiyuan said seriously: "No."


"I seem to understand She Han's thoughts."

"What's in his mind?"

"His mother was beaten away, and his father fell to his death and he didn't even know who his own father was. He has endured too much at such a young age. Although you are by his side, he is still It's very hard. He treats you like the sky and the earth, you are his everything, when you reject him, he must be heartbroken."

Lan Guiyuan sighed while talking, Qi Sifan lowered his head and thought about it, it seemed that what Lan Guiyuan said made sense.

"It's just that I am me, and I'm also a living person. I can't dedicate myself to him for him. Maybe I have my own selfishness. But, I really can't accept his feelings." Qi Sifan He rubbed his eyebrows.

Lan Guiyuan nodded: "I also understand your feelings, but your refusal made him no longer able to trust and depend on others. Even though She Han has a cold nature, I can see that you are still very important to him. "

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