Regarding the donation of porcelain, Su Ling did not contact the museum because she did not have the museum's contact information.

After receiving Lu Xincheng's order, Lan Jue quickly contacted the embassy.Because they are Chinese, they have a lot of dealings with the local embassy.After learning about their donation, I quickly helped to contact relevant personnel in China.

After receiving the news, Zixu hurried over with people.Lu Xincheng and Su Ling followed Zixu to carefully put the porcelain on the bulletproof car provided by the Duke, and the royal guards and a group led by Zixu escorted the porcelain to the embassy.

Considering that there is no place to put porcelain, I sent it directly to the embassy, ​​and the embassy arranged a place to put it.The person in charge of the embassy had been waiting for a long time, and immediately settled down after receiving the porcelain. Zixu left a few people to help guard it.

Watching the armored car leave, Su Ling and Lu Xincheng also decided to leave.

"I still underestimate you." A sinister voice came from behind.

It was Mrs. Bryson who was about to leave.

At this moment, Mrs. Bryson was only followed by a secretary, and there was no one else except them at the gate of the empty villa.Mrs. Bryson no longer concealed her deep disgust and resentment towards Su Ling.

That gaze was cold, like a poisonous snake.

"You are lucky this time. There is Mayi behind your back to help you. I am not sure that you will be so lucky next time. You must have borrowed the [-] million cash for others! If you continue to pay, I can Here it is, I don't mind if you hand over the porcelain to me again."

Mrs. Bryson's voice was full of deep malice.

Su Ling stared at her without showing any sign of weakness: "I can come up with [-] million cash, but Ma'am, you can't beat me in mortgages! There is an old saying in China, "If you lose your wife, you lose your army. I kindly remind you, Your actions today will not only get you nothing, but will cause a lot of trouble. I don’t know what will happen if Her Majesty the Queen finds out about this matter? Ah, by the way, I remembered that the cronies of the previous Queen were still working with the Queen after the Queen abdicated. After the queen passed away, she got a lot of benefits."

Mrs. Bryson's anger was instantly chilled.

Naturally, Su Ling didn't know Her Majesty's intentions. She said this just to remind Mrs. Bryson that she had gone too far. Maybe Her Majesty had other arrangements for her. She exposed her ambitions in advance, so what would Her Majesty think? .Su Ling was just mocking Mrs. Bryson, just to deal with herself. She exposed herself in this way, not only did not get herself, but also disappointed Her Royal Highness.

Mrs. Bryson understood Su Ling's meaning in a thousand turns. Thinking of Her Majesty's character and generosity to others, she suddenly felt that she was too eager for quick success. After she calmed down, she finally began to think about everything today.In the end, she would also like to thank Su Ling for reminding that she still has a chance to save things at the last step.

Mrs. Bryson couldn't help laughing: "So what, no matter whether I have been favored by the king or not, whether I still have the current status, I have the Bryson family behind me, I am still a member of the royal family, and I can still enjoy My glory and wealth. But what about you? You are just a grassroots, as long as I think about it, you don’t want to stay peacefully in this land anymore, I will let you know what will happen if you go against me!"

Su Ling sneered: "You have the Bryson family behind you, you are a member of the royal family. What if you are not Mrs. Bryson? Are you excluded by the royal family? Madam seems to have forgotten every bit of her past decades, right? ! If you don’t have the current status, can the royal family still accommodate you? How will Mr. Bryson treat you like this? Will the Bryson family still listen to Madam’s instructions like now? "

"Madam, are you thinking too simple! I don't stay in the UK, I can go back to China, or go to any country in the world. I can still live a comfortable life now, but Madam, leaving the UK is nothing gone."

Su Ling is not someone who will do anything for the sake of verbal disputes.She and Mrs. Bryson are already at the point of death, and at this time she can't reveal her true self just for the sake of quick talk.

Mrs. Bryson's eyes were gloomy, and she said viciously: "Even so, I will destroy you regardless of everything before that! I'm not doing well, and you don't want to have a good life! I'll let you know, who If you can provoke it, no one can afford it."

Su Ling shrugged and said nothing more.This matter has come to an end, and she has found the place she should find. At this moment, she has ignored Mrs. Bryson's words.Their war is not based on this after-the-fact lip service, and there is still a tough battle to be fought.

The red fox's car drove over, and Su Ling turned around and left in a good mood.

This attitude of ignoring people made Mrs. Bryson feel deeply humiliated.No one would treat her like this before, no one would ignore her like this, and the anger that had just been suppressed rose again.

"Ma'am, the car is here." The secretary reminded.

Only then did Mrs. Bryson look away, but her whole body still exuded a bad breath.I don't know how long I stood there before ordering: "Go to the queen's bedroom."

Today's banquet was full of twists and turns, Su Ling was a little tired, but still full of energy.Today's battle with Mrs. Bryson has completely aroused her small universe, and she can't wait to fight her for a few more rounds.

"Is Ling'er tired?" Lu Xincheng fed Su Lingshui. After the conversation with Mrs. Bryson just now, Ling'er should be thirsty.

Su Ling drank a few swigs, and found a comfortable position on Lu Xincheng's body to lean against.

"Ma'am, you are really amazing. I heard about your heroic deeds at the banquet today. It is really amazing. I really admire you. Look at Mrs. Bryson's jumping feet in anger, and she is still staring at you. Look at our car." The red fox glanced at the rear mirror and kept praising Su Ling.

"Where did you get your money? Didn't you say that there are only tens of millions in the card? Why did you suddenly take out so much money?" Su Ling poked Lu Xincheng's leg.

As soon as Lu Xincheng grasped her hand, he calmly explained Su Ling's doubts: "It was temporarily drawn from the public account. Since this porcelain is going to be donated to the museum for free, the government will open it up to us a little bit later. The establishment is still very beneficial. Since the company is the company that benefits, it is natural to take it from the company's public account, and your move paves the way for the company invisibly, and there are many benefits."

"Well, that's it, then we saved a lot of money, so my tens of millions are still mine?" Su Ling said happily.

Lu Xincheng nodded helplessly, then realized that she couldn't see him, and said, "It's all yours, no one can move it."

Su Ling leaned on Lu Xincheng's body with great satisfaction, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I forgot to mention one more thing. Do you still remember the woman who took pictures of my pendant?" Su Ling sat up, looked at Lu Xincheng and said.

"Oh, I know, I didn't look carefully. What's the matter?" Lu Xincheng pulled Su Ling back into his arms again.

"Her name is Mai, and her husband is also a member of the royal family and a member of the House of Lords. One of the reasons she photographed my pendant was because she didn't want Mrs. Bryson to get her way, so she did it to get rid of the siege. I learned that her family seems to be Because Mrs. Bryson has lost a lot. I don’t think we can deal with Mrs. Bryson in person. After all, Mrs. Bryson is a member of the royal family, so it is natural that the royal family members who do not deal with her should bring her down. This is more It's justifiable. It also saves us from causing unnecessary trouble."

"What Ling'er means is that we don't take action against Mrs. Bryson directly, but hand over the evidence about Mrs. Bryson to his enemies, and Mayi's husband is the right person for Linger, right? ?”

"Yes, think about it. After all, we are outsiders and Chinese people. If we directly attack Mrs. Bryson, it will be a slap in the face of the royal family. Even if the members of the royal family don't like Mrs. Bryson, they will In order to maintain the face of the royal family, help Mrs. Bryson deal with us. But the situation is different for the members of the royal family. If the members of the royal family have mastered the affairs of Mrs. Bryson, how they deal with Mrs. Bryson within the royal family is They closed the door and settled things by themselves," Su Ling explained.

"Well, this is very good. We can pick ourselves out, just wait for Mrs. Bryson to fall off the horse. However, this matter needs to be carefully calculated, and people's hearts are unpredictable. If the other party gets the evidence and does nothing, it will come. Against us, this kind of situation will happen." Lu Xincheng said.

"Yes, so I have an idea. Because we didn't want to get involved in politics, we had no contact with members of the royal family, and we knew very little about the royal family. Mayi's husband can serve as a channel for us to understand the royal family. At the same time, we also You can observe what kind of person he is during the contact process, and then make a decision according to the situation." Su Ling analyzed clearly.

"Mayi and I just have this intention. As for whether you want to cooperate or what, you decide for yourself. Mai will tell her husband that as for the final outcome, you can discuss it yourself." Su Ling said.

Lu Xincheng sighed, Linger is now more and more able to take care of herself, except that she doesn't like to solve those cumbersome things.

"It seems that you and Mayi chatted very well." Lu Xincheng said.

"That is, this is the friendship between us women. No matter whether this alliance can be negotiated or not, we will still be friends." Su Ling said.

"Red Fox, go and check the information of the family who took pictures of the lady's pendant today, and ask for details."

"Good boss." The red fox replied neatly.

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