Harold had already told her about Susan. Isabella looked gentle, but she had always been a strong person since she was a child. Naturally, she couldn't bear Susan's behavior.So, regarding Isabella's actions, she kept turning a blind eye and letting her go.

Harold told her everything that happened at the auction when she received Isabella's coming visit.She knew that Isabella's words had a lot of water, and the hostess who hired Susan was probably forced by Isabella to resist.

Isabella has been by her side for so many years, she knows her temperament too well.There must be other reasons for doing these things today.Thinking of the news a few days ago, she couldn't help but sigh.

"You have worked hard at the charity dinner today, so stay here to rest tonight!" After speaking, Her Royal Highness became more and more exhausted, and stood up.

Mrs. Bryson showed joy, knowing that Her Majesty the Queen was going to cover up this matter for her, so she hurried forward and carefully supported her.

"Thank you."

"I'll ask Harold to arrange a room for you later. It's still the one you lived in when you were a child. You should miss it very much!" Her Royal Highness said while shaking her hand.

"It's true that I haven't lived here for a long time. It's an unforgettable memory." Mrs. Bryson said.

After serving Her Royal Highness to sleep, Mrs. Bryson walked to her room with ease and pushed open the door.It's still the same as when I was a child, it's really nostalgic!

Look at the closed door at the back, Mrs. Bryson's gloomy eyes flicker, what a bad memory!

Immediately after the charity auction happened, it swept the media like a storm.

This night is destined to be a restless night.

The mainstream media and the House of Representatives, which has been paying attention to the news of the royal family, are speculating one after another.Even the writers of the newspaper began to make bold announcements, and Mrs. Bryson was instantly pushed to the forefront.Her actions at the auction are tantamount to pushing the pace of dynasty change to a climax.It also made people speculate that Mrs. Bryson, who is the most important of Her Royal Highness, has begun to take action, so what should they do?And more members of the royal family want to see what Her Majesty the Queen will do when she finds out about this matter.

The first rays of the morning sun.

The event of the charity auction last night was widely reported by the media, and experts in the news media were conducting a professional analysis of what happened last night.

While the public was speculating about the affairs of the royal family, Mrs. Bryson accompanied Her Royal Highness out of the mansion.In an instant, the speculation that had been brewing overnight was crushed.

Mrs. Bryson is still high-spirited, and still deeply favored by the queen.

After the charity dinner last night, Mrs. Bryson lived in Her Majesty's residence. Did Mrs. Bryson's affairs at the charity auction be ordered by Her Majesty the Queen?That's the way it is, no wonder people like Mrs. Bryson would do such a bold thing.Rumors of speculation about disagreements within the royal family, the news that His Royal Highness the Duke is about to ascend the throne, that Mrs. Bryson is preparing for the new king to ascend the throne for her own future, that Her Royal Highness the Queen will be angry when she finds out, and so on, disappeared at this moment.

A dark turmoil calmed down just because of a word from Her Majesty the Queen.

Maybe only the nobles who participated in the charity auction will know the truth of some facts!
Mrs. Bryson was pleased.Although it was a bit reckless for her to come to Her Majesty the Queen to resolve this matter, the facts proved that she was right to take the risk!However, what she said to Her Majesty the Queen last night seemed to be a bit reserved. She should add more details to make Her Majesty feel disgusted with that Su Ling. Maybe she can help her get rid of this hateful woman.Good luck to that woman, hum!She won't be so lucky next time.

However, Her Majesty the Queen did not say how to deal with Susan's matter last night. Should she solve it by herself or what?Mrs. Bryson was a little uncertain about what Her Royal Highness meant.Since Her Royal Highness did not instruct, does it mean that Her Royal Highness will not intervene in this matter and let herself handle it?

Mrs. Bryson is struggling here, but His Royal Highness is talking to Her Royal Highness in Her Royal Highness's bedroom.

His Royal Highness the Duke told His Highness the Queen everything that happened.

"Isabella is still the same temperament as before, too strong, and she hasn't improved in the slightest after so many years." Her Royal Highness said with a sigh.

"You are not used to it. Wasn't it all the result of your indulgence that she did to Caroline back then?" His Royal Highness said.

"Didn't you come here to talk about me, kid? Are you still resenting me for giving up Caroline?" Her Royal Highness looked very relaxed. Facing the son she gave birth to at her advanced age, she was quite embarrassed. Indulge, and don't care about his offensive words to himself.

"If it wasn't for me, Caroline wouldn't be where she is today. I'm not blaming you. After all, I liked Caroline better than Isabella back then. I always regarded her as my sister, but I didn't Thinking that you will think wrongly because of this. That incident must have hit Caroline too much, and she sat down to do so many muddled things later. In the end, it was our fault that made Caroline fall down in the end. I really I didn't expect that she would hang out with a man like that in the end, and she would also be pregnant with someone's child." Speaking of this, His Royal Highness sighed.

"Harry, it's not your fault. As the future heir to the throne, although it's a misunderstanding, what should you do if it gets out? As your mother, I can't watch your future be destroyed. This matter The thing is that I wrongly blamed Caroline, so for the sake of this matter, I agreed to protect Caroline as compensation. Since I took her and Isabella to my side to raise, then I will I should bear the responsibility of raising them, because I alienated Caroline and caused her to lose the correct guidance, which led to a big mistake, and if I said sorry to her, it should be me."

Her Majesty the Queen had never said this before, and it was the first time she had mentioned it to Harry.Probably because he is getting older, his body is getting old day by day, and the things of the past are still vivid in his mind.If she is worthy of the country and her mother's teachings in her life, the only one who is sorry and owed is Caroline.Thinking of the bright and innocent little girl at the beginning, and the rebellious girl who hung around outside later, her heart felt guilty.

"That thing was clearly done by Isabella, and it was because of her. I don't understand why you have been so kind and tolerant to her all these years." His Royal Highness asked suspiciously.He didn't like Isabella from the bottom of his heart. When he was a child, he didn't like this gloomy girl. Later, he learned that she had played tricks on his and Caroline's affairs with malicious intentions, causing his mother to misunderstand Caroline. Rowling, he didn't like her even more.

"They are all young children. Isabella did such things, but because I liked Caroline too much and neglected her, she did these things. I don't like such bad thoughts. Girl, but the reason for this kind of entanglement is still my problem. In fact, I also want to make up for her. "

A past event has entangled her for many years.

His Royal Highness the Duke remained silent.His mother has a strong decision-making power, but when facing this matter, she has a mother's soft heart.I just hope that Isabella will not disappoint her mother's love for her.

Her Royal Highness was in a trance, and it was only after a while that she came back to her senses.

"How is Susan's child now?" Her Royal Highness asked.

"The family that hired her is a Chinese couple. The male owner is Lu Xincheng, who is also the owner of the largest five-star hotel chain in my country, and the female owner is Su Ling. They are very loving. Susan is very respected in this family. , as far as I know, she likes the atmosphere of this family very much." As the future heir to the throne, His Royal Highness naturally has his own sources of news.

"Really? How is the character of the hostess and hostess of that house?"

His Royal Highness knew that his mother was concerned about this matter, and thought about asking Susan about it.

"It started because the hostess liked Susan very much and wanted to hire Susan for a long time. Susan seemed to be moved. So she went to Isabella to inform about this, and then went to Harold to submit her resignation letter. .”

"You also know what happened later. The owners of this family probably hoped to resolve the matter peacefully, so they came to visit Isabella every day after arriving in England, but Isabella ignored it. Actually They were not invited to the charity auction, they only found the invitation letter a few days ago when they found out that Isabella was going to participate in the auction." His Royal Highness the Duke did not say anything, but just told His Royal Highness everything he knew, As for their character, it is better for Her Majesty the Queen to figure it out on her own.

"It seems that he is a responsible person. Otherwise, he and Isabella wouldn't fight against the public just because of Susan. It seems that you like them very much." Her Royal Highness said with a smile.

"Uh... I just said a few words, and it feels very good." His Royal Highness was a little embarrassed when his mother found out his little thoughts.

Her Royal Highness smiled.

"Does mother want to intervene in this matter?"

"No, I want to see what Isabella will do. If she still can't let go of this matter, still chooses to deal with the couple, and is unwilling to give up Susan, then I will be very disappointed."

"Over the years, she has always called me Your Highness the Queen, but she has never called me my aunt."

In a trance, in the entire bedroom, there was only a silent sigh from Her Majesty the Queen.

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