"Why don't you continue to eat? Is the food not to your liking?"

Lu Xincheng, who didn't know the truth, wanted to go back to the dining table after sending off Lu Xinfei and Shu Xinling, but when he saw Su Ling at this time, he stopped his chopsticks and looked at her from afar, still holding his chopsticks. He frowned, as if something was bothering him.

I didn't know what was going on, so I came directly in front of her and asked softly.

"Lu Xincheng, if you find out that I have lied to you in the future, will you ignore me again, or say you don't want to be with me anymore!"

Su Ling looked at the tall man sitting in front of her, with an expression of concern for her between her brows and eyes, and that cool and handsome face also seemed much gentler.

I don't know what good things I did, so I said that I can be with him in this life, and I can be together easily like this. I haven't thought about this problem, but because I like it, I want to chase it all the time. I thought it was like The results of this kind of secret love are not particularly good, but I didn't expect that I created a miracle. What is it that makes him care so much.

In fact, this matter has been in my heart for a long time, but some time ago, I was kidnapped again, so this matter was directly stranded, but today I really saw it, With Lu Xinfei's concerned expression, I am afraid that anyone who thinks a little more will understand what is going on!

So I thought that fortunately Lu Xincheng was not there at the time, so he didn't see these things, but he always understood a truth in his heart, only the fire can never be contained, since this is a real thing , One day it will be known by others, no matter how well he conceals it, so now I want an answer, I really want to know whether this matter is important to him or not.

"What exactly do you want to tell me? Is there something you have been hiding from me that you haven't told me? Just say it if you want to say it, and it's fine if you don't want to. But I want to tell you something, no matter what you do I will love you for everything, or what you say, because I love you, so I will love all of you!"

Su Ling has never said such a thing to herself, and seeing that his expression is indeed quite serious, so she made a bold assumption that she should have something important and has been hiding it from herself, but It was never said.

But she will definitely not force her. Since she doesn't want to say something, it must be because of some difficulties, so when she thinks it through, she will naturally tell herself these things.

"Lu Xincheng, thank you for trusting me until now!"

I don't know what to express at this moment, and I don't know what to say. I can express the emotion in my heart, but looking at his resolute face and the words he said, I feel like eating sugar in my heart , I also feel that this life is really too lucky, I thought I fell in love with him, but there was no result, but I didn't expect to be regarded as a treasure in the palm of my hand, these are things that I have never imagined.

"Since I love you so much, and even married you home, how could I not trust you? You think too much, do you have something, you don't want to tell me, but it doesn't matter, you When you want to talk, you can tell me again, but you must always remember that I am on your side, no matter what happens..."

Looking at Su Ling's eyes, they looked red, as if the tears were about to flow out of the eye sockets at the next moment, and my heart was very distressed, although I didn't know what she had gone through, and I didn't know what she had to hide Looking at herself, I feel that when two people are together, there is nothing that cannot be honest with each other, but if she has something that she really cannot say, she will tell herself after she wants to say it. Anyway, as long as she keeps staying By my side, if two people can live happily, then nothing terrible will happen.


Knowing that what I said like this is tantamount to revealing that there are many things in my heart that I can't tell Lu Xincheng, but now listening to him and saying such touching words, I have strengthened my belief that in fact, I can't tell him about this matter. It doesn't matter, even if he finds out later, he won't be particularly angry. After all, it is to maintain the relationship between himself and him, so he didn't dare to say it, so he also wanted to let nature take its course and wait until it happened. Let it happen.

Quietly looking at the particularly delicious food in front of me, but I can’t start my mouth. The taste in my mouth is particularly bitter, like eating Coptis chinensis, but I also understand that since I have chosen to hide this matter, no matter what No matter what now, we must persevere until the end. Even if they find out, they can't do anything. They just want everyone to live a better life.

Inside the cake shop, a new day has begun, everyone is busy working and Wei Tiantian is no exception, after changing into work clothes, she is like a happy little angel, going back and forth in the shop, She wiped the table very clean, but at this moment, there was a figure following behind her like a little tail.

This person is Qiu Qingfeng.

At first, Wei Tiantian didn't take it seriously, thinking that he had something to do, but all morning, he didn't even make cakes, just behind him, the female shop assistants in the shop used ambiguous Looking at myself, I felt quite embarrassed, so I had no choice but to pull him aside, wanting to ask him what's going on.

"What's the matter with you today? Why are you following me all the time? I don't have anything I want, and you didn't even make cakes this morning. You didn't see those old customers coming to the store , I want to eat your cake, but I can't buy it? What are you thinking about!"

Wei Tiantian grabbed Qiu Qingfeng's arm, and asked softly in his ear, with a very confused expression on her face, she really didn't know if she had done something that made him feel bad, so It's just that I have been following behind me, and this has never happened before, so I am a little caught off guard and don't know how to deal with it.

"No, actually I want to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it. After thinking about it all morning, I don't know how to tell you!"

Seeing Wei Tiantian suddenly pull himself into a corner where no one was around, Qiu Qingfeng was also taken aback for a moment, after all, he had been circling around her all morning, and he kept staring at her, without thinking about other things .

Ever since she asked for an afternoon leave that day, and then came back the next day, she felt that she was different, as if she had become very happy, and when she was alone, she always burst out laughing from time to time, This might be a sign of love.

Thinking again, the man he told himself last time seemed to be called Red Fox. Could it be that there is any progress between the two of them?That's why Wei Tiantian is so happy now, and thinking of the look on her face when she talked about that man with herself last time, the expression on her face is also very happy. Could it be that she really fell in love with this man?
There is a sense of crisis in her heart that she has never had before, so there is always a feeling that she is about to be snatched away by others, so she wants to know what is really going on in her heart, if she really likes that man, Of course, I have to confess to her in time, if all these things are delayed, then I really have failed completely.

"It's not what you want to say to me. It's fine if you tell me now. Why do you have to think about it for so long? Do you know how much business you have delayed by doing this? If you continue If it’s like this, can the business in the store still be done?”

I don't know what Qiu Qingfeng in front of me is thinking. He is obviously a tall and big man, and when he speaks, he is also sonorous and forceful. Why is he so shy today? I really want to know what happened to him Such a blow.

And looking at his mysterious face now, I really don't know what he went through to become what he is now. Could it be that he did something unintentionally to hurt him?So he made these actions just to take revenge?
"It's not that I don't want to do business, it's just that this matter is so important to me, maybe you won't believe me if I tell you now, and I don't know how to tell you, or else Don't leave until you get off work, and then find a place to have a good chat!"

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, all the people around seemed to be looking at this place, not because they felt that something might happen between him and Wei Tiantian, but this is also the result he particularly wanted, but he should be with her It was a couple, and the feeling of that red fox suddenly appearing and inserting a foot between me and her was too uncomfortable, so if I didn't act faster this time, I'm afraid Tiantian would really be given by others. Robbed.

As long as I think of this possibility, I feel like I am going crazy, and I have no intention of going to work at all, so I just want to be behind her all day, I don’t know how to say it, but I always feel special in my heart. of irritability.

"Could it be that you have something important, can't you say it now?"

Wei Tiantian looked at Qiu Qingfeng standing in front of her, wondering what kind of nerve he was having.

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