Wei Tiantian filled two bowls of rice and two bowls of soup, then took off her apron, came to the table, and waved to the red fox, beckoning him to come and eat quickly.

At this time, the red fox was no longer reserved, he was already starving to death, he didn't eat at night, and he didn't eat well at noon, so he hurried to the table and saw that the food on the table was still there, With the steaming aroma, I suddenly had a feeling that it was the most correct choice to call Wei Tiantian to my home.

"I didn't expect you to be so good that you actually know how to cook. I thought you were just talking for fun. It smells really good!"

The red fox smiled and praised Wei Tiantian in front of him. These meals completely drew out the gluttons in his stomach. He has been eating out all this time, and he hasn’t seen such homely meals for a long time. It smells It's really very fragrant, so I really want to try it, what is it like.

"It's nothing, these are nothing to me. I live alone, and I have to learn these skills, and today's time is too short, so I didn't do it well. You just make do with it today." Eat, wait until tomorrow, I will buy a lot more before I come to comfort you!"

Being praised like this, Wei Tiantian's face blushed slightly, he sat down to cover up, handed the chopsticks to the red fox, and put the iced soup in front of him.

He just made it very hot, so he felt that he must not eat it, but he had to drink soup before eating, so he took some water and iced it for him. There is no ice in my bowl, but I can drink it later. We have to make do with him first, we originally made these meals just for him, and of course we hope that he can eat happily.

"Taste it first, don't talk so much, drink some soup first!"

Wei Tiantian blinked her big eyes, brought the soup in front of him, and motioned him to drink it quickly. The soup was actually tormented, and it was rushed. It was just some chicken soup, and it was very nutritious with some goji berries in it. s things.


I felt that I was really hungry, and the soup in front of me looked delicious, so I picked it up and took a big sip. I felt that the taste was really delicious. It was the first time I knew it. Chicken soup can also put so many things.

"This soup is still delicious. I didn't expect you to put so many things in it. It's really great!"

I don’t know if it’s because I’m too hungry, but even the soup feels extremely sweet. After I finished drinking, I picked up chopsticks and ate a piece of braised pork ribs. In fact, I really like sweet dishes. I didn’t expect her I really made a braised pork ribs, which still made me very happy. I put a piece in my mouth and ate it. The sweet taste immediately melted on the tongue coating, and the meat was very soft. I bit it off. At that time, all the fragrance remained in the mouth, and the bones could be easily picked out.

I feel that my stomach during this time is simply to save it. I ate pieces of braised pork ribs one after another. I feel that no matter how sweet it is, there is a feeling that I will not get tired of eating. This is the first time I have eaten such delicious pork ribs. .

"You are really good at cooking. Could it be that you have learned it on purpose? I feel that your techniques are quite professional!"

The red fox was still praising Wei Tiantian while eating her innermost meal. She felt that she was so happy today. She was able to eat such delicious meals. After making so many delicious meals, you can feel that you don't have to worry about your future life.

"Not to mention, I went there when I was in school and worked in a restaurant, and then I was a waiter at that time, and I could go to the back kitchen when I had the opportunity. I thought their cooking was very delicious, so I secretly learned it from the side. Quite simple!"

Seeing the red fox eating so happily, Wei Tiantian felt that he was happier than what he ate. These meals really did not show his true level, because he always felt that it was too late now, and he must I was very hungry, so I didn't pursue such exquisiteness, I just made a few casually, thinking that when I waited for tomorrow, I must take care of it and let him see my true strength.

"So it looks like this. You are really capable. Unlike me, even if I have time every day, I don't want to learn to cook. Maybe I really don't have that talent. I always feel that the meals I make are not human. food!"

The red fox was chewing on scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and he was also sighing, at such an age, he still needs others to take care of him, while his younger sister is already able to take care of herself.It seems that from now on, she must make her look at herself differently from other aspects, and then regain her face.

"It's nothing, it's just forced by life, and I feel that you are the most powerful. Anyway, you just have to enjoy this meal! Thank you very much, and you are willing to let me be yours." Staying at home will solve a big problem for me!"

I always feel that the scene in front of me is like a dream. Even when I dreamed before, I didn't dare to dream of such a happy scene, but now it really happened in front of my eyes.

The man in front of me has been my favorite for a long time. After chasing him for so long, he doesn't know about it, and he doesn't know how to confess to him. So I always hope that I can tell him after I can become better.

So if you stay by his side all the time like this, you can also know very clearly what his movements are like every day, and whether there are any women around him, which is also a situation that is particularly beneficial to yourself.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you are here, you can cook for me and chat with me. I live alone in such a big house, and I am almost bored to death every day. You are my lucky star!"

While eating the delicious food, the red fox talked to her inarticulately, as if all his attention was on the food. At this time, it was only 5 minutes after the meal was opened, and he had already put the food on the table , only half of it was left, and Wei Tiantian didn't eat two bites.

This is probably the feeling of home that I want the most. I probably experienced it when I was young, but after my parents left, I never felt this kind of warmth again.

Although the girl in front of me treats her like a younger sister, but now I am really grateful to her for giving me the warmth of my family. I feel that I should not have to face it every day by myself in the next life. These cold houses now!

Wei Tiantian smiled secretly while picking up the rice in her bowl, thinking that all this is really incredible, Ye never thought that she would become so lucky one day.

When the red fox ate the third bowl of rice, there was not much food left on the plate, and Wei Tiantian had just eaten half a bowl of rice. The red fox was drinking the soup, but glanced at the Tiantian doesn't seem to have eaten much of the meals, most of them have gone in, and I feel a little apologetic in my stomach.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little too hungry, so I didn't pay much attention to whether you are still full, or I can order takeaway for you!"

For the first time, I felt that I was like a pig eating three bowls of rice. Only now did I realize that my appetite has become so good, but the cooks are not full yet, so I Talking to Wei Tiantian in a very apologetic tone.

"It's okay, I'm full now, I don't have much appetite, they are very small, and I'm very happy to see you like eating so much, I will make two more dishes tomorrow night, I will definitely let you You had a great time eating!"

Wei Tiantian didn't expect him to apologize to her suddenly, so she quickly waved her hand, as if she didn't have anything at all, and now seeing him eating so happily, she felt very satisfied in her heart.

"Well, that's fine!"

I think it should be like what he said, little girls have very small appetites, seeing how thin she is, I always want her to eat more.

After dinner was over, the red fox volunteered to wash the dishes, but after smashing a bowl, the farce ended immediately. After Wei Tiantian quickly cleaned them up, she relaxed After washing the dishes and putting them away, I started to pack my luggage.

Follow the red fox to go upstairs and start choosing a room. There are about five rooms upstairs. He asked himself to choose one, and his room is in the middle.

"I think you can choose the one on the far left. It faces the sun and has a lot of space. Don't you girls like to put some messy things? It's definitely enough for you to live in, and there is a bathroom in it." And the bathroom, very convenient! But it depends on what you like!"

Red Fox was very enthusiastic to help her introduce. After all, it is quite troublesome for girls to choose a house or something, so I hope she can choose a place that makes her feel like it.

"Why don't I just live in this room, I think this one seems pretty good!"

But facing Red Fox's enthusiastic introduction, Wei Tiantian didn't choose the one he said was particularly good, but chose the one on the left of Red Fox's room.

In fact, it makes people feel blush and heartbeat to say the reason, but I just feel that this room is very close to him, thinking that if the sound insulation in this house is not good, I can still hear what he is doing every day, especially on the left side. It's the side of the heart, so I really want to be the one that he thinks is the most important.

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