No matter what, I hope that he will always be by my side, no matter what means I use, because the red fox is already destined to belong to me completely, and no one can snatch him away from my side .

When thinking of this, Qi Lu's eyes became more and more sinister, but all of this was completely covered up by her, and the red fox did not see it.

"Of course we can be friends. Aren't we friends now? I'm sending you home now. The relationship with you is of course because of friendship, and there is nothing else, but you can think so now It's also very good. After all, some things have already been settled, so I also hope that you can live happily. Even if there are some shortcomings in the relationship between me and you before, I also bless you, for sure You can find someone who is a perfect match for you!"

Unexpectedly, Qi Lu's attitude would change so quickly, which shocked the red fox too!Originally, she thought that she would be very persistent and keep telling herself these words.

And I also accelerated the speed of driving, thinking about sending her home as soon as possible, and then I hurried back home and stayed with Wei Tiantian all the time, because listening to her say these words, I used to feel a little sad, but now I feel sad. There is some impatience, but I can gradually understand that I have slowly let go of those things in the past.

I don't know what's going on, I always have a bad feeling today, so I really want to go back home, because only that place can make me feel at ease, and when I come out of the house, I see Wei Tingting was a little bit wrong, although she agreed to come and send Qi Lu home by herself, but she always felt that she must be in a bad mood, so when she got home, she had to coax her well.

But when I came out to see Qi Lu today, the harvest is to know that she let go of the relationship between herself and her slowly. This is also the thing I want to see the most, so I said when I get home When you are in love, you can also tell Wei Tiantian the good news, and then you can be with her without distractions. I feel that the wound in my heart has been healed by Wei Tiantian, and I feel that the hurt of my feelings is on my body. There are no traces left.

"Then I thank you too. I originally thought that there would be no more contact between me and you, but I didn't expect you to be so generous today. You came out at night and sent me home. I know you are a special person." Good people, it’s just that I don’t cherish them enough, so you and Wei Tiantian are together, and I hope you two can always be happy!”

Qi Lu let out a breath slowly. When she heard Red Fox say these words, she also felt that the wound in her heart had been opened again. Although she said that she really did something wrong, but for Red Fox , and never want to let go, but the only way now is to win his sympathy in front of the red fox, and then let him lower his defenses against himself. Only in this way can his next plan succeed. It is also the last chance, if this is of no use, then I really have to give up the red fox next.

But no matter what, I have to give it a go. For that woman Wei Tiantian, I don't know how scheming she is, so now, I can only use my own method to keep the red fox by my side forever!
"Okay, don't worry, I have a very good relationship with Tiantian now, and I'm slowly getting it back, that kind of sweet feeling, and when I'm alone, I'm not so lonely anymore, so everything is fine !"

There was a smile in his eyes all the time, even though the surrounding weather was gloomy, it still couldn't affect the red fox's current mood.

I just feel that the whole person is so happy that he is about to fly, and Qi Lu is the only barrier between him and Wei Tiantian, so now that Qi Lu automatically chooses to give up, then between himself and Wei Tiantian, There are no stumbling blocks, so I believe she will be very happy when she hears the news.

In the next time, I really want to be with Wei Tiantian, but now I can get Qi Lu's blessing, which makes me feel very happy. I only hope that all this will last forever. Neither should be destroyed.

"As long as you're well, it's fine!"

Qi Lu felt that her smile was starting to become bitter, and felt that the surrounding atmosphere had gradually become quieter. The words of the red fox really made her heartbroken.

It's just that now I always feel that he fell into the trap Wei Tiantian designed for him, that's why he is like this now, and when Wei Tiantian is close to the red fox at this time, he also feels that his heart is very lonely and very lonely. Let's walk into his heart!

But no matter what, I will always be Red Fox's first love, so sometimes, even if I have to step aside because of Wei Tiantian, like today, Wei Tiantian's expression will change suddenly when he hears the news. But she still couldn't stop it. The fact that the red fox came to send her home fully explained all this.

"Okay, I've arrived at your house now, you'd better go upstairs and have a good rest, I won't send you up, now you're half awake, when you get home, take a hot bath Make yourself more comfortable!"

Finally drove the car to the downstairs of Qi Lu's house, and the red fox settled his worries, turned his head and said to Qi Lu, hoping that she could go back home as soon as possible, with a tone of can't wait Feel.

I feel that when I get home now, I can catch up with Wei Tiantian to have a meal, and the two of them can have some intimate words again, which makes me look forward to it very much.

"I know, but since you have arrived at my door now, why don't you go up and sit for a while? We haven't talked for a long time, and I feel a little uncomfortable today. If you walk upstairs alone, And it's still so dark in the corridor, I'm still quite scared!"

Now that Honghu is so anxious to let herself go, Qi Lu's anger has been ignited again, but on the surface she pretends to be a little white rabbit, so pitiful, she has been begging the red fox to come Go inside my own home, only in this way can I implement the next plan, otherwise all my thinking will be in vain.

It's just that Qi Lu's hand has been tightly held, even if her fingernails have been inserted into the flesh, she still can't feel any pain, because the only thought in her heart now is to let her Red Fox, go to your own home.

"But it's too late now. If I go to your house again, the impact seems to be a bit bad. Besides, you are not feeling well now. If I go over, it will also delay your rest!"

Hearing that the red fox still wanted to chat with her, the red fox became embarrassed, and felt that there was really no need to talk about some things. Her pitiful appearance definitely made her feel distressed.

Besides, I have nothing to do with her now, so if I let others know about going to her house rashly, the impact will not be very good, so I can see this point quite clearly.

"It's okay, as you said, I'm already half awake from the wine, so my mind is sober now, and I think it's lonely in an empty room by myself, you just Can you walk with me for 5 minutes? Because I really feel very sad!"

It seems that he already knew that Red Fox would definitely say that, and Qi Lu had already thought about how to deal with him next, because he really wanted to turn everything around.

I don't understand why, the relationship between myself and Honghu used to be so good, but now it has become so cold, and he used to always be by his side when he was sad, but now suddenly such a big The drastic changes in the past made me a little unbearable, so of course I hope that everything will be back on track so that Wei Tiantian can disappear as soon as possible.

Because now I also want to understand a truth, if it is very easy for the red fox to leave me this time, then I will never find another person who treats me so well in the future. So in the future, no matter what, you must seize this last chance, even if you will become bruised and bruised in the end, you will never give up.

"Well, after I send you upstairs, I have to leave after staying for a while, because Wei Tiantian is alone at home, and I am a little worried about her!"

I feel that Qi Lu has already spoken to this point, besides, she is indeed quite sad now, and she also understands that the feeling of such a person in an empty house really makes people feel sad and lonely, So I also want to stay with her for a while, and then leave immediately.

Besides, a girl came home so late, and the corridor was indeed very dark. It would not be good if she bumped into it, so she silently agreed, but she still had something to say, and now she still couldn't help but ask When I mentioned Wei Tiantian, I just wanted to let Qi Lu know that I didn't do this because I liked her, but because there was still a last trace of friendship between the two of us, so I didn't want to destroy it at all.

I think this is quite boring, so let's help her for the last time!

"Okay Red Fox, thank you so much, let's go upstairs now!"

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