When he was walking by his side, he had a special sense of security. It was a feeling he hadn’t gotten for a long time. When he was alone, he really lacked courage, especially a woman, but when he fell in love When you love someone, your courage can become infinite. I think this is quite a magical thing.

"I've been very busy at work recently, and the company has been on the right track and is very stable, which makes me very pleased, but in terms of relationships, there really hasn't been any special progress. I feel that every day life has already Tired enough, it seems that it is really not easy to meet someone you like again, and what is even more difficult is that the person you like also likes you!"

It seems that when Lu Xinfei mentioned this topic, his heart began to become heavy, especially when he said these words, the whole person was also very decadent, as if there were really some thresholds that had been stepped on all the time The past, hidden in the heart, is also very uncomfortable.

I have never thought about how good my conditions are, and when those ladies from aristocratic families have been chasing themselves desperately, they also feel very annoyed. They can have a better life, why do they spend so much time, It's all wasted on myself!

So when faced with these things, of course, they all treat them with a cold face, but when they fell in love with Su Ling, they felt that the whole world had changed, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't have any good feelings for him , and don't even want to talk to him, and now, there is really no way to go to be with him again, let alone fight for this relationship again!

I feel that some feelings, since there are no results, if I just accept it blindly, then I will get a very bad result, so this point is also very clear.

So I always feel that what I may have suffered now is just a kind of revenge for me, so no matter how I go after Su Ling, he never looks back, or what kind of hints, she never I haven't understood it either.

It wasn't until he told her personally that he saw his expression. He was so surprised!Sometimes things.It has been buried in her heart for a long time, and it may become deeper and deeper, but the moment she said it, she felt that there might be something, and she probably had already let it go. !

"What you said is indeed quite right, but every day life is so tiring, you still have to relax yourself properly, after all, things like feelings don't mean that you can meet them directly if you want to, so this This kind of thing still depends on fate, and besides, they are all at my age, and I haven't met a right person until now, which makes me feel quite heartbroken!"

Wang Jing just listened to these things quietly, like a best listener, of course she also understood that when Lu Xinfei said these things, what was going on, in fact, she really felt sorry for him , but of course I also feel sorry for myself.

When you have a crush on someone, you clearly know who your crush likes, but you can’t say it out. Instead, you keep it in your heart, and you still pursue it silently. I don’t know how I got this courage. Su Ling was not married to Lu Xincheng, or if Su Ling is still single now, I'm afraid it's not at all, so she wouldn't dare to pursue Lu Xinfei so boldly!
"After all, these things have to be done slowly. Besides, your conditions are very good, and there should be a lot of people chasing you. Therefore, it should be quite good to choose one of these suitors. After all, you can do well. To live a lifetime, plainly, this is the most real feeling!"

Looking at Wang Jing's immature face now, when he said such old-fashioned words, Lu Xinfei felt a little funny. In fact, women really need to dress up, and during that time, he kept pushing himself towards mature In terms of dressing up, and now are basically two people.

So when I talked to Wang Jing again at this time, I didn't feel so respectful. Instead, I felt that the two of us were really like friends. , the more you are familiar with the person, the less you should tell him what is in your heart, but if it is a stranger, you can easily tell her your feelings all the time, probably because you are not familiar with the other party!
"Actually, it's okay. I don't know why those people around me don't have any feelings for them. Even though they have been chasing me for a long time, and I can see that they are very hardworking, they still have no way to like them. Fuck them, I don't know why it's like this!"

When talking about these things, Wang Jing also felt a little melancholy. In fact, before meeting Lu Xinfei, she also thought about finding the people around her and just making do with it for the rest of her life.

Because, I have really passed the age of falling in love again, and I feel that falling in love is only done by young people, because after reaching a certain age, two people get together, probably just to live. Bar!
As long as the other party treats me well, there are no obvious shortcomings, and they are all completely tolerable. I think these are nothing, but when I met Lu Xinfei, I found that those thoughts before were simply It's about to be done, and it can't be implemented at all. Probably this is the so-called kind. After trying the best thing, there is no way to find those things that make me dislike it.

But sometimes the best ones can never be caught up.

"Actually, I am also in this state now. I always feel that, in fact, there is nothing to live in this life. Just find someone to make do with, but whenever you make up your mind, think again, if you really want to be with this person, I feel a little scared about what the next life will be like, so until now, I haven’t made any resolutions, so I’ve been delayed like this, and my parents have been urging me for a long time!”

Lu Xinfei seemed to have found a bosom friend, and kept talking to Wang Jing about the troubles in her heart. In fact, she wanted to get along with Shu Xinling, or just make do with it, and Su Ling also felt that she and she It's good to be together, but when I see her, I think that I will be with her for the rest of my life, and I feel that I don't have such courage.

Probably because of myself, I was too timid, I didn't have the courage to pursue Su Ling, I didn't have the courage to confess to Lu Xincheng before she married Lu Xincheng, and I didn't even have the courage to live with someone I didn't like for the rest of my life !

"Just like you said, this kind of thing should not be rushed. In this life, it seems that I can only live alone. Because the person I like doesn't know what it is like now, so the whole life is too illusory. Yes, although it seems that our daily life is particularly sufficient when others see it, but when they can't see it, it is actually very tiring, probably everyone has their own sad things!"

Wang Jing and Lu Xinfei just found a place at random, and sat down without caring about other things. When the sea breeze passed over their faces, they both felt extremely comfortable, like this Life, both of them still like it very much.

"Probably so..."

Not knowing what to say, Lu Xinfei could only nod silently. After all, it has been such a long time now. If I always think about it, it seems quite hypocritical, but no matter what In this way, it has become a scar in my heart, and there is no way to heal it. Although I already understand these things in my heart, I still feel very sad, only sad, but I have no way to express it. come out.

Because I still talked about this matter, I can only keep it in my heart silently. The only thing I can do is to confess to Su Ling. A relationship is completely invisible, so it can only be kept silent in the dark, and no one asks again, and then it slowly disappears with the wind, but others think it's nothing, but from my own point of view. , but still so unbearable.

After the two of them sat on the beach for a while, the night slowly fell, and at this time, if they continued to sit down, they might get sick. At this time, Lu Xinfei stood up quickly and patted himself of dust.

"Let's leave quickly. It's getting late now. Go back and take a shower before you can go to bed. If you're still hungry, we can have dinner first!"

Lu Xinfei looked at the people on the beach, and there were fewer and fewer people. When the sea breeze blew on her body, there was a coolness mixed in, which made people feel a little unbearable. Maybe it was because she was very considerate. He took off his coat and put it on Wang Jing.

"No, I'm not hungry yet, let's go straight back!"

When I saw Lu Xinfei's actions like this, I felt flattered, his coat still carried the residual warmth from his body, and his body smelled good, and more importantly, I still felt warm Yes, I have never thought about this matter. The person I like puts his coat on his body. This is a plot that only appears in TV dramas. Now I can't help but have a bold one. Thoughts, could it be said that Lu Xinfei also likes her?
Or did he have a crush on him, but he just didn't want to say it?

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