Quan Mei looked at Quan Zhe with sharp eyes: "You know that this medicine has not been clinically tested, and you also know that it has serious side effects. No matter what my purpose is, I still don't want Shu Miao to know it. in my hand.

At first you asked me to develop this medicine, I thought you were doing it for the benefit of mankind, but I didn't expect you to use it to hurt such a woman. You used Shu Miao's love for Quan Xiao to make Shu Miao accept such a drug. A fact, you are willing, but I am not willing, because I am also a woman, I know the pain in her heart, but I also understand that this is related to the life of my mother, so I did not refuse you, but you must know, this is what I do for you. You, the last thing you do. "
After Quan Mei finished speaking, she turned around and walked into the room, only Quan Quanzhe was left alone in the huge living room, not knowing what to say, let alone what to think, he loved this girl who had been with him since childhood. sister who lives together.

But after encountering so many things, Quan Zhe felt that Quan Mei's kindness might harm their family, his mother, and everyone else, but he also thought, if his sister is not kind, then his family will suffer How many censures and disasters to suffer.

Shu Miao didn't know how she got here all night, and she was looking at the darkness outside, she opened the curtains, because of the cloudy sky, there was only one moon in the sky, but no stars, in the mirror Looking at her face, I will say goodbye to her tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will become Mu Jiaren, but Shu Miao doesn't know whether it's worth it or not. Shu Miao didn't fall asleep all night. Rise up and watch the sky turn white and light up a little bit.

At nine o'clock, a maid knocked on the door and asked Shu Miao to get up. Then the maid brought Shu Miao a set of white clothes. The clothes were very loose, just like hospital gowns. But there are no blue and white vertical bars on it, all of them are white, which looks very dazzling.

But Shu Miao still obediently put it on her body. After having a simple breakfast, Quan Mei sat on the sofa and looked at Shu Miao who was sitting opposite her: "Have you thought about it yet?"

Shu Miao smiled wryly: "Does it matter if I think about it? Could it be that the operation will be stopped because I didn't think about it? Or can it be because I didn't think about it, so I can just pretend that none of this exists?" ? Will you let me go?"

Quan Mei lowered her head and stopped talking, because Quan Mei knew that she had no right to let go of Shu Miao, and she had no way to let go of Shu Miao. This operation is now the same for Quan Mei and Shu Miao, and it has to be done. , If you don't do it, you have to do it. They have no way out, they can only move forward.

Because no matter what kind of road is set in front of them, they have to accept and do it. Even if they don't want to, they can only accept it silently, so Quan Mei took Shu Miao for a physical examination. Then, after the nurses had been disinfected and prepared, they all stood at the door of the operating room, waiting for Quan Mei.

Seeing Shu Miao, Quan Mei smiled: "Okay, let's go in and prepare for anesthesia."

Just after Quan Mei finished saying this, Quan Zhe came over and looked at Shu Miao who looked lonely: "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Shu Miao looked at Quan Zhe with a smile: "What if I'm in a bad mood? Would you let me go because I'm in a bad mood? Or would you let Quan Xiao go because of a bad mood? Since you can't Let me go, why do you still say these words? Is it just to make me more sad?"

After finishing speaking, Shu Miao ignored Quan Zhe, but went straight into the operating room alone. Quan Mei didn't look at Quan Zhe either. She felt that it was superfluous to say anything to her brother now. It's useless, even if she doesn't agree with her brother doing this, Quan Mei knows that she has no ability to refute him.

On the contrary, I might as well accept it happily. Since Shu Miaohao has already accepted it, why can't I accept it?
Quan Mei watched the anesthetist administering Shu Miao's pre-operative anesthesia, and her heart was extremely complicated. Before Shu Miao fell asleep, Quan Mei took her hand: "Don't worry, the operation will definitely be successful. If you succeed, you will have a face exactly like Mu Jiaren's."

Shu Miao listened to Quan Mei's last words to her, and then fell into a deep sleep. She felt that the world was far away from her. Shu Miao didn't know what would happen to her body after she fell asleep. Seconds didn't know what kind of face she would face when she woke up again.

If I really saw that Mu Jiaren's face in the mirror on my body, growing on my heart, what would I look like.

Shu Miao is actively doing surgery on this side, while Mu Jiaren on the far side is sitting outside the cabin basking in the sun, the sun is shining directly on Mu Jiaren's body, Xiaoyan is running around, running around Carrying the Tang poems that Mu Jiaren taught him.

Mu Jiaren looked at Xiaoyan so happy. Although she was far away from Quan Xiao, she was satisfied in her heart, because she knew that Quan Xiao would never leave her here and would come to rescue him soon. It's only temporary here.

Life always makes people have this and that illusion, and Mu Jiaren is the same. Although she misses Quan Xiao and the man she loves, but the position of this man in her heart is only getting more and more important. lighter.

Even if Mu Jiaren can only live by Huanyan's side every day.

He could only watch this man show infinite hospitality towards him, but Mu Jiaren's heart had already flown to Quan Xiao's side.

Even if he doesn't know what Quan Xiao is doing now, he doesn't know what Quan Xiao is planning for Mu Jiaren, but what Mu Jiaren can be sure of is that Quan Xiao will only get closer and closer to him, and will not abandon her in spite of.

Seeing Mu Jiaren's face getting more and more serious, Xiaoyan stopped his running, walked to Mu Jiaren's side, squatted at Mu Jiaren's feet, put his face on Mu Jiaren's lap, and then blinked his small eyes. Looking at Mu Jiaren's beautiful face...

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood? Why are you so unhappy when you were laughing just now?"

Mu Jiaren stroked Xiaoyan's face: "Xiaoyan, I miss your uncle, what is he doing now?"

Xiaoyan stood up and took Mu Jiaren's hand: "Uncle will definitely find a way to rescue us! What do you think he will do? Are you suspecting that Uncle is looking for other women casually outside? Don't worry, Uncle will definitely No, you see that he loves you so much, he won't do anything to apologize to you."

Seeing Xiaoyan's serious expression, Mu Jiaren smiled. Quan Xiao never expected that a child like Xiaoyan could say such words, which made Mu Jiaren deeply comforted.

"I know he won't find a woman, but I'm afraid that she will do something against me in order to save me. After all, this place is not a place where he can come in if he wants. I'm afraid that she will encounter some danger... "

"Jiaren, are you afraid of who will be in danger?" Huanyan's voice came from the opposite side, Mu Jiaren and Xiaoyan raised their heads at the same time, and saw Huanyan walking towards them.

Huanyan changed from normal today, instead of wearing a suit, she wore a sportswear. On weekdays, Huanyan looked thin and weak, but she looked even thinner in sportswear, and her face seemed to have become thinner recently , His face became paler and paler.

Quan Xiao doesn't know what kind of pressure Huanyan has been under these days. In Mu Jiaren's heart, Huanyan is not afraid of anything. Quan Xiao is a hero in Mu Jiaren's heart. No matter what happens, he can be so calm .

And Huanyan is a devil in Mu Jiaren's heart. No matter what happens, this devil man can laugh it off calmly, as if the whole world will surrender under his hands.

Because he will use any means. He is different from Quan Xiao. When dealing with matters, Quan Xiao thinks a lot and considers a lot, such as the lives of innocent people, the interests of the country, and he cares. people, the people he cares about.

But Huanyan doesn't need to go, he doesn't need to think about anything, he doesn't need to care about anything, he only needs to care about what he wants to achieve, as long as he wants to do, no one can stop him.

Mu Jiaren wanted to stand up from the chair, but Huanyan immediately waved her hand: "Sit down, lady."

Immediately, a maid saw Huanyan coming, so she moved another recliner and placed it opposite Mu Jiaren. Huanyan sat on the recliner opposite Mu Jiaren, and immediately a maid brought tea and put it on the table.

Huanyan waved her hand, and the maid bowed before retreating. Huanyan glanced at Xiaoyan who was standing behind Mu Jiaren: "Xiaoyan, go and play, I have something to say to your aunt."

Xiaoyan pouted and didn't want to leave, but Mu Jiaren knew that this was Huanyan's place, it was Huanyan's generosity that Xiaoyan could stay, and Huanyan could keep him. I think Huanyan will not spare his life.

It was only because Xiaoyan was a child and her nephew, Huanyan only saw Xiaoyan staying here to please herself, so no matter what, Xiaoyan listened to him, and Mu Jiaren couldn't bear the pain of losing Xiaoyan.

"Xiaoyan, go and play by yourself first, Auntie has something to tell him."

Xiaoyan didn't want to leave at first, but he knew that Mu Jiaren told him so, so there was a reason for Mu Jiaren to tell him like this. He didn't want to embarrass Mu Jiaren, so Xiaoyan left unhappy.

Huanyan looked at Xiaoyan's back, and said to Mu Jiaren: "I didn't expect this little guy to listen to you like this. He really loves you."

Mu Jiaren smiled lightly, looked at Huanyan opposite, and didn't want to continue discussing Xiaoyan, because she didn't know what would be said next that would be unfavorable to Xiaoyan.

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