Moreover, it didn't make Huanyan feel embarrassed, so Huanyan took a step back and nodded slightly: "I'm really sorry, I was standing a little closer just now, I don't know that you will suddenly turn around... "

Mu Jiaren smiled: "It's okay, I also know that Mr. Huan will definitely not treat women lightly, so I don't care, but what I want to tell Mr. Huan is, do you know how many innocent children these meals can feed?" ?Do you know how many children in our country can't even eat?

I don't mean how frugal you are, but at least we don't have to waste like this, right?It really hurts me when I look at these things, as you may not know, but once I went to a place with Shuai Quan, it was a very small village.

People living inside are almost isolated from the outside. They farm and live by themselves, because they have no road to the outside. The road is narrow and far away. The children have to walk long distances to go to school every day, but Still willing, they lack food and clothing, and sometimes the children hardly have enough to eat.

But they are still willing to save their meal money to buy notebooks and books. That place is very bitter and dirty, but I was still very happy and happy during the time I lived there, because I think the people there are very simple. Very kind, there is no burden to be with them.

When I left, I wanted to leave some more money for them, but they refused. They said, what they lack is not money, but things. Even if they have money, they have no place to buy it. I told them I would like to take them out of that mountain.

Take them to another place, and then let them have a new life, but they are still unwilling, they say, that is their homeland, and the children are all very thin and small. , can't afford to go to school, can't afford to buy clothes, but look at what we have done now..."

Mu Jiaren found that Huanyan didn't say a word when she said these words, but just sat on one side silently with her head down, Mu Jiaren was a little scared, wondering if these words she said made Huanyan feel sad, It made Huanyan feel sad.

If this is the case, then I really did something wrong, because Mu Jiaren was so afraid that Huanyan would get angry, so Mu Jiaren couldn't help walking to Huanyan's side, and then looked at Huanyan's pale face...

"Are you angry? If you are angry, you will take it as my mistake. I apologize to you. I'm sorry."

When Huanyan raised her head, Mu Jiaren was taken aback, because there were two lines of tears flowing on Huanyan's face. Mu Jiaren had never seen this person cry, and never thought that a person like Huanyan would cry. Will shed tears.

Mu Jiaren thought that Huanyan's heart was made of iron, but now seeing Huang Huanyan shed tears, Mu Jiaren felt a little at a loss and didn't know what to do.

But Mu Jiaren knew that what he said and did for Huanyan in front of him was superfluous, because no one else could stop this man from doing what he wanted to do, and it was useless to be persuaded by others to do what he didn't want to do.

So Mu Jiaren could only look at Huanyan helplessly, and Mu Jiaren didn't speak, but just sat quietly beside Huanyan. He didn't want to have too many conversations with Huanyan, because he was afraid that he would not cause any harm to Huanyan. If you misunderstand, if you feel that you have feelings for him, then it's over.

But in the face of such heartbroken Huanyan, Mu Jiaren really couldn't bear not to talk to him or ignore him, so Mu Jiaren just sat there quietly, waiting for Huanyan to figure things out, or It was because I wanted to tell Mu Jiaren the truth of the matter.

After an unknown amount of time, the maids had removed all the food from the table, leaving only Xiaoyan, Huanyan and Mu Jiaren in the room.

The maid served the tea and then went out to close the door, because the maid had already noticed that the atmosphere in these houses was not right, and if they stayed here for a long time, they might suffer disaster.

The maids only hope that they can live in peace here. As for the other maids, they don’t think about anything, they just serve the master well. Their greatest hope is for the master to be happy, but when the master is in a bad mood, they can be happy. Run as far as you can.

The maids all went out, and Xiaoyan sat in the room silently, not daring to speak, not because he was afraid of Huanyan, but because he didn't know if he might say something wrong and cause Mu Jiaren trouble.

Because Xiaoyan knows that the current Mu Jiaren just wants to live in peace with Huanyan, and wants to smooth things out with Huanyan in silence, and then spend this time safely by her side.

Waiting for Quan Xiao to rescue them, so Xiaoyan didn't say anything, but he didn't want to go out either, because he didn't know what Changing Huanyan would do to Mu Jiaren after he went out.

In fact, what he did with Huanyan was pretty good, Xiaoyan has been eating and sleeping with Mu Jiaren for a while, Huanyan never said to let Xiaoyan go out, or drive Xiaoyan out of Mu Jiaren's bedroom.

Because of the way of Huanyan, if I do that, I will definitely make Mu Jiaren pissed him off. I don’t want to make her sad, and I don’t want to make her sad. I just hope that things can be done slowly, so that Mu Jiaren can accept me slowly. .

He knew that it would not be the best strategy to make Mu Jiaren fall in love with him right away, because after all, Mu Jiaren loves Quan Xiao, and the whole world knows how much Mu Jiaren loves that man.

If Mu Jiaren now abandons Quan Xiao and falls in love with Huanyan, then Huanyan has to consider whether Mu Jiaren's feelings for him are true.

But Mu Jiaren is sitting next to him like this now, without saying a word, and Xiaoyan doesn't know what Mu Jiaren means. If Mu Jiaren can open his mouth to persuade him now, or say something nice to calm his mind feel better.

Then Huanyan also knew whether Mu Jiaren's feelings for him had changed, but Mu Jiaren didn't leave but didn't say anything, which really made Huanyan wonder what Mu Jiaren was thinking.

There was silence in the room for a long time before Huanyan took a sip of the tea brought by the maid: "Is the village you mentioned in the far north, a place called Lanzhai?"

Mu Jiaren looked at Huanyan with a surprised look: "Yes, how do you know that we went to Lanzhai? Have you been there too? But since you have been there, you should know what the people there are doing. What kind of life? Or what kind of life? Why can't you help them?"

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