Good Morning Marshal: Adorable Rabbit Sweet Wife Attacks

Chapter 475 I don't know how to say it

Originally, Ji Hengdong was also embarrassed to say it. Originally, Ji Hengdong didn't know what he should say, how he should explain Quan Xiao's matter to Qin Song, but since he had already said it, things always to be resolved.

Not to mention that it is wrong to procrastinate like this all the time, so Ji Hengdong said: "The thing is like this, you also know that after Madam was rescued, she has been in a bad mood, and she has never known what to do. In a kind of extreme panic.

So he wants to leave here tomorrow morning. Quan Shuai is with her every step of the way now. Originally, Quan Shuai came to explain this matter to you personally and to say sorry to you, but as long as Quan Shuai moves a little, Mu Jiaren You will feel very terrified.

He didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to walk out the door of the room. Shuai Quan could only accompany her like this every day. Quan Xiao was very scared now, he was afraid that he would really scare his wife into something wrong. Come on, so maybe when I go back, I just want to clarify this matter and find a doctor to show my wife a good look. Is it because of excessive shock that caused the current situation, but I don’t know what to say. "

Qin Song knew that Mu Jiaren must have been terrified this time, because the people who kidnapped Mu Jiaren were not kind, and they must have threatened him or something more frightening would happen, but as an outsider, he didn't want to explain the matter clearly. .

Now Mu Jiaren is so scared that he dare not even go out, he can understand it in his heart, but he still feels a little confused about how to tell the old man about leaving tomorrow morning. As for the others, it's fine. But if the old man really knows about this, it won't be so fun.

Thinking of this, Qin Song's face became serious and he looked at Ji Hengdong: "I don't know if Mr. Ji has thought about the consequences of these things."
How could Ji Hengdong not have thought of the consequences of the incident, and how could he not have known that after the incident, if Mr. Li really made a fuss, the consequences would be unimaginable, but what could he do.

Could he stop Quan Xiao from letting Quan Xiao and Mu Jiaren leave here? Could he let Quan Xiao watch Mu Jiaren die like this?
Although Ji Hengdong felt that Mu Jiaren would not just use his life to make jokes and threaten Quan Xiao with his life.

But having known Mu Jiaren and Quan Xiao for so many years, Ji Hengdong knew Mu Jiaren and Quan Xiao as well. He knew who was the most important to them.
Don't look at Mu Jiaren who looks soft and weak on the surface, and she is also very kind. She always repays complaints with virtue, no matter how sorry others are to Mu Jiaren, no matter how others have hurt her, no matter how much she has been hurt. .
But when encountering problems, Mu Jiaren can always choose to forgive, and can always choose not to let others be hurt. Mu Jiaren always prefers to hurt herself rather than hurt the other party.
But this time it's different, Mu Jiaren's stubborn eyes, Ji Hengdong can understand, if he put it in the original, he would definitely consider Quan Xiao, considering Quan Xiao, if Mu Jiaren and Mu Jiaren are gone, how will Quan Xiao come to meet Regarding everything now, but now it's different, Mu Jiaren doesn't even think about Quan Xiao, and doesn't even pay attention to these things.

Ji Hengdong looked at Qin Song embarrassedly: "Mr. Qin, I know that we are wrong in this matter after all, but what do you say we should do now, we can't let Mu Jiaren just stay here like this and feel depressed, we always He should find a way to see the doctor when he goes back to see what should be done, it is already very late.
It will be tomorrow soon. To be honest, I don’t want to do this either, but I really don’t know what to do with this matter. You have stayed in Miaojiang for a long time, and you know Mr. Li and the people here better, so this There is only one thing I can ask you to help me with. "

Qin Song was silent, and sat on the sofa, because he really didn't know what to do with this matter when asked him, and he couldn't think of a good one at all, life will always be in front of everyone, everything will be given to them But this time it really made it difficult for Qin Song, and Ji Hengdong.

Ji Hengdong looked at him, completely unaware of what he should do, how he should erase time, and how he should solve the matter completely.

Suddenly thinking of this, Qin Song stood up and looked at Ji Hengdong: "Let's go, I'll take you to find an old leaf, I think we have to explain everything to him clearly, we keep things down like this, and he will find out tomorrow It's not that easy either.
After all, his influence is not only in Miaojiang. Although I don't know his origin, I also know that no matter where he is, there are his people. It is not good for you to offend him like this. In this way, if you treat him as a friend, he will treat you wholeheartedly, but if you don't treat him as a friend, then the consequences will be unimaginable, what do you think? "

But Ji Hengdong is still a little hesitant. It's okay for him to say it, but it's not as good as Quan Xiao himself to say it. Now that Mu Jiaren doesn't let Quan Xiao come out at all, can Heng Dong replace Quan Xiao? ?
Ji Hengdong looked at Qin Song: "Mr. Qin, actually, it's not that I don't want to go, and it's not that I'm afraid to go, I just think that I'm going to represent the commander-in-chief after all, so will it make Mr. Li feel even worse? ?”

Qin Song also sighed deeply. He knew that it would not be good for Ji Hengdong to go. He also knew that it was absolutely impossible for Ji Hengdong to replace Quan Xiao. For Ji Hengdong, as long as he could do for Quan Xiao, he would All will be done.
But once he really has no way to replace it, once the old man really refuses to accept it, then he has nothing to do, so Ji Hengdong stood up and followed Qin Song to find old man Li. Although it was late, old man Li still drank in the tea room Tea hasn't slept yet.

Seeing the two of them coming at this time, the housekeeper knew that there must be something wrong, so he went to report to the old man who came first, and old man Li let them in before the housekeeper brought them in.

Qin Song stood respectfully at the door and didn't go in: "Master, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late."

Mr. Li didn't look back, and turned his back to the door: "Come in."

Qin Song felt that Mr. Li's mood was not right, and thought he was angry because of Quan Xiao's affairs, so he carefully took Ji Hengdong in.

Ji Hengdong was originally a diplomat, and he has always had the ability to observe the situation when dealing with these matters. Naturally, he can see that Mr. Li's mood is not right. He is very unhappy and unhappy now.

But this kind of unhappiness and unhappiness, Mr. Li did not show it very clearly, but his attitude towards them was a little indifferent, because no one would be happy if this kind of thing was put on anyone.

After all, I found someone to rescue the people who helped Quan Xiao, but Mu Jiaren left the meeting halfway, and even abducted Quan Xiao, whoever he was, probably would not forgive him.

What's more, Mr. Li, the most disciplined person, would not think that this matter is so easy to pass, so Ji Hengdong's heart has been beating drums, and he doesn't know how to explain to the old man, but since he has come, he can only Bite the bullet and sit down to observe the situation.

Let's see how the situation changes. Mr. Li helped each of them get a teacup. Just as he was about to pour tea for them with his own hands, Qin Song took the teapot.

"How dare the two of us ask you to pour tea for us. I'll make today's tea."

Speaking of which, Qin Song started to make tea by himself, helped Ji Hengdong and Mr. Li add tea, and then said: "Mr. But in the final analysis, I don’t know how to speak, which is really embarrassing.”

Mr. Li is also generous, and he doesn't take what Qin Song wants to tell him to heart: "I know you are all about the dinner just now, since it's all over, I won't be a girl with her Computing too much.

Forget it, as for the power lord, although he was very rude, after all, Mu Jiaren is also his wife. It is not easy for a man to take his wife so seriously.

Although I feel a little unhappy in my heart, it's all over. The fact that you two can come to see me means that you still care about me as an old man. Things that can pass are like people's past. I'm an old man. Too much is not good either. "

Although Mr. Li admitted that he generously forgave them, Qin Song and Ji Hengdong knew in their hearts that what Mr. Li said was completely different from what they wrote.

In other words, Mr. Li has reluctantly forgiven them for these things, and he still feels a little uncomfortable in his heart. Then Mr. Li may not be able to forgive them for what they said next.

Thinking of this, both Ji Hengdong and Qin Song felt chills running down their backs. They didn't know how to explain this matter to Mr. Li, and how to explain it clearly to him.

Although the old man is not a person who cares about it, whoever can ignore this matter, who can treat these things as if they never happened.

Who would think that it doesn't matter if you put such a thing on yourself, you can forgive the other party unconditionally, everyone dared not think about it, Qin Song and Ji Hengdong sat for a long time without speaking.

The old man knew that what they were talking about was far from that simple, so he looked at them: "Don't you want to tell me about this, is there anything else? It can be said, I think that for me, an old man, At this age, my heart should be considered broad-minded, as long as what you say is within my ability to accept, I can accept it and forgive you, just say it."

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