Su Nian'an felt very bored, because she was waiting for the notification, and she didn't know if she would be notified at that time, so she played with her mobile phone, and immediately saw Liu Feihong's report, and also saw this so-called divorce agreement.

But when she saw the netizen's comments, she couldn't help but sneered. Liu Feihong actually thought of using this method to prove her innocence, but it really got darker and darker.

Instead, he provided himself with evidence, and now he can prove that what he said is true, and even opened Weibo, so he is really not afraid of being scolded by others. Thinking about it this way, he thinks Liu Feihong is really funny.

Maybe it was because I was pushed into a hurry, so I could do everything.

While he was swiping his phone and happily reading the comments, the assistant yelled, which startled her.

"Do you dare to scream louder, I was almost scared to death by you."

The assistant is usually a very steady person, no matter what happens, he will not be like this.

What happened today?There were no mice in the room.

"I was notified just now that this award is indeed for us, so you should prepare well. Fortunately, I have already prepared for it, and the clothes are almost ready for you.

Come here now to confirm which set you want, and I will prepare it for you in a while, or it will be too late. "

Hearing this news, Su Nian'an was also very happy, feeling that his wish had finally come true.

"No way, you didn't call out when you heard the news, why don't you calm down a little more."

Seeing his calm look, the assistant said, although he looks very happy now, but his reaction is completely different from his own, and the gap is too big.

"I'm the type of person who is happy in the heart. I'm very happy in my heart, but I still can't show it on the surface. It looks like I'm not very happy, but I'm actually very happy.

But haven't we already thought of this result before? "

After talking, Su Nian'an walked over, and wanted to choose the clothes for tomorrow with her assistant. She was still looking forward to tomorrow's awards ceremony, and she attached great importance to it, so the clothes she chose must also be taken seriously.

Strictly speaking, this is also her first awards ceremony, and it is an awards ceremony for movies.

Because the assistant has always had a good eye, she thinks the outfits the assistant picked look good, but there is one outfit that she thinks is particularly good-looking, so the two of them quickly finalized this outfit.

After everything was settled, Su Nian'an returned home.

She also felt very nervous about tomorrow's event, so she was very excited until the evening.

Usually his sleep quality is very good, and he doesn't think too much, because she can't hold too many things in her heart, even if others slander her, she can still sleep well.

But tonight she couldn't sleep at all, she tossed and turned on the bed, and she didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep, because she was afraid that she would have dark circles under her eyes when she presented the awards the next day, so she forced herself to fall asleep .

At the awards ceremony the next day, she wore the clothes she had chosen, and together with Gu Moyan, walked onto the stage of the awards ceremony.

And the main creators of this movie, all of them came, Si Yu also came, and Xia Wei.

Since Si Yu exposed Xia Wei face to face when she was in the hotel last time, the two of them have never seen each other again. Si Yu hasn't seen Su Nian'an for a long time. I don't know what she's been up to recently.

I have never bothered her again, because seeing that she and Gu Moyan have a good relationship now, although I have always been jealous, but if Su Nian'an is really living well, he is not willing to intervene between them anymore.

Unless it's Gu Moyan who treats her badly, he will definitely fight for it.

The awards ceremony will begin soon.Because Su Nian'an was the youngest actress, all the media filmed her and waited for interviews.

What's more, the relationship between her and Gu Moyan has been exposed before, but the two have never said anything publicly in public. This time Su Nian'an and Gu Moyan appeared together at the awards ceremony, so it must have attracted more people's attention.

Seeing the two of them walking away together, Si Yu was extremely jealous, but he still blessed them.

Today, since Xia Wei appeared, it was as if she had not been seen by others. Everyone was not interested in her at all. No one took pictures of her. It was not like before. Now he is no longer in the eyes of others be a star.

And after such a long time, Xia Wei has no news at all, nor any works, so now everyone pays more attention to Su Nian'an.

Xia Wei must be very jealous in her heart, thinking about whether she should do something sabotage today and make a big news for herself, but she didn't have any good ideas, and she didn't know who to use to hype.

Because even if he talks to anyone now, no one else wants to talk to her.

At this time, everyone was surrounding Su Nian'an, waiting for the interview.

"May I ask this time, how do you feel when you take this award and become the youngest actress?"

"I am really grateful to everyone for being able to win this award this time. From the start of filming to the post-production of this film, it is inseparable from the efforts of everyone, not just me alone.

And for this award, everyone has made great efforts. I sincerely thank everyone here, but the person who should be grateful when I go back is Gu Moyan.

For a long time, he has been silently supporting me by my side and giving me great encouragement. I didn't plan to make a movie at first, but it was Gu Moyan who believed in me and thought I could do well.

That's why I tried hard, and now I have achieved such an achievement, I am really grateful to him. He has done a lot for me by my side along the way. "

"When you say that now, it means you admit your relationship with Gu Moyan, right?"

Because although Gu Moyan had stated in public that he was with 233 before, Su Nian'an didn't respond in any way in the video, and Su Nian'an didn't say anything later.

Therefore, in addition to blessings, everyone will inevitably guess that the relationship between the two of them may be hype.

Now, Su Nian'an finally admitted the relationship between the two of them in front of so many people on such an important occasion at his awards ceremony.

Gu Moyan didn't expect what Su Nian'an would do either, she had never told herself before.

"The two of us have been together for a long time, because I didn't have the courage before, so I didn't admit it to everyone, but fortunately, he has been by my side for such a long time.

And never gave up on me, so that I can go to where I am today. "

When everyone heard the news, they also sent their blessings one after another, hoping that the two of them can live together for a long time.

Under everyone's booing, Gu Moyan and Su Nian'an kissed, proving their relationship.

All the reporters below took pictures of the two of them. Today's incident must be another big news.

However, they all admired Su Nian'an's courage, and felt that he could consider today a very good day, after all, today was a very important award for himself, and he chose to disclose his relationship today.

It's really a fortune and fame for her.

But today's meeting is so important, so it is impossible for the reporter to simply ask this question, although Su Nian'an's answer to this question is already very explosive.

But they paid more attention to the news that appeared in the past two days.

"Two days ago, there was a lot of speculation on the Internet. It was said that you were arguing with a person in the street, and the identity of that person was revealed to be the third child. You have not responded to this matter. Can you make a response here today? .”

"This matter is indeed like this. I didn't want to buy anything that day, so I got together at the mall and saw that person in the mall. After the two of us met, there were some language conflicts.

So then the incident you saw in the photos happened. I feel very sorry for the disputes with people today, and it also brought bad influence to everyone. "

"About the rumor that this person is a mistress, is there really such a thing? Then, are you arguing with this person in the street because you are helping someone to teach her a lesson?"

Originally thought that Su Nian'an would not answer such questions, but Su Nian'an never refused to come. He answered every question asked by the reporter truthfully, which made the assistant next to her break into a cold sweat for her.

But Su Nianan didn't care at all.

"The reason why our two big days met was completely an accident. The two of us were photographed because of some quarrels. She is indeed the mistress, but I didn't teach her, so I and her disputed.

This incident was photographed by others and posted on the Internet, and later it was revealed that the rumor of the mistress was a complete accident, not at all what I expected. "

"In the past two days, the matter has calmed down. I see that she has exposed a divorce agreement on the Internet. You don't know the truth about this matter."

"I don't know about this matter, so I can't answer you yet. As far as I know, the two of them are not divorced yet. You can only go to her to ask for an answer to prove whether this matter is true or not.

I'm not her spokesperson, and I don't know many things, so I can't answer for her. "

Next, no matter what kind of questions the reporter asks, she will answer them one by one.

Gu Moyan was by her side the entire time, without saying anything, nor did he stop her from answering anything.

After Su Nian'an answered all the reporters' questions, the event ended.

Xia Wei has been watching from the side, gnashing her teeth with hatred. In fact, she wanted to leave several times, but she also wanted to see how things would develop next.

Always looking for a chance to destroy them well, but there has never been a chance.

Originally, I was thinking about whether to talk to Si Yu, but Si Yu looked at her with disgust, so she didn't ask for boredom, and didn't go there again.

Seeing the two of them so happy now, Si Yu felt sad, but still chose to bless them.

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