President's Dad: Arresting the Reporter's Wife

Chapter 1: Being Sent as an Undercover Agent

In a daze, Yun Shuiyue slowly opened her blurred eyes, the severe headache made her squint her eyes, and her bones were so sore as if they were falling apart.

What greeted her eyes was a gorgeously decorated room. The exquisite furnishings, high-end wallpaper and expensive furniture all reminded Yun Shuiyue that this was not her own room.

She stretched out her hand and pressed her temples, turning her brain in pain and recalling everything that happened before——

24 hours ago -

"In the vast sea of ​​stars—persevere in a dream—"

The pleasant ringtone awakened Yun Shuiyue who was still asleep, Yun Shuiyue dazedly stretched out a slender hand from under the quilt, and touched the mobile phone next to the bed in her hand to answer the call.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a roar from the other end of the phone, "Yunshuiyue!!!"

Yun Shuiyue shuddered, the drowsiness in her mind suddenly woke up, she sat up almost subconsciously and replied loudly: "To—"

"Get the hell out of here at the company!!!" As soon as the voice fell, the phone was hung up.

The phone slipped from her hand, Yun Shuiyue stared at the phone, and scratched her chicken coop hair, this tigress—isn't it the weekend today, why did you ask her to go to the company?Could it be—is there a good thing?

Thinking of this, Yun Shuiyue regained her energy and felt better immediately, humming a little song and ran into the bathroom to wash up.

The room is very small, a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a small refrigerator, a bathroom, and a full-length mirror are all the things in the room. Yun Shuiyue has lived in this room since she graduated, Although the house was very simple, she felt very satisfied to be able to rent this small house.

After washing in a hurry, Yun Shuiyue picked up her bag, patted her face in the mirror, smiled and showed a row of white teeth and encouraged, "Yun Shuiyue, come on!"

Before going out, I took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and drank it while walking. Although life is very hard now, Yun Shuiyue still has a good life.

I kept squeezing and getting off the bus all the way, and finally arrived outside the magazine office within half an hour.Yun Shuiyue squeezed her backpack, looked at the signboard of the magazine, and stepped into the gate of the magazine with a smile.

Standing outside the editor-in-chief, Yun Shuiyue took a deep breath and knocked on the door, "Editor-in-chief?"

"Come in," a middle-aged woman's voice came from inside, and this voice gave people an inexplicable pressure.

Yun Shuiyue pushed the door open, and sitting at the desk was a middle-aged woman with short hair who looked very capable and shrewd. This was Liu Li, the editor-in-chief of their magazine.

Speaking of the editor-in-chief, Yun Shuiyue can really talk about it for three days and three nights, let alone her devilish management style, just a sigh is enough to frighten a group of people outside.

The editor-in-chief flipped through a stack of manuscripts, frowning deeply. She stroked the black spectacle frame and threw the stack of manuscripts in front of Yun Shuiyue, "This is the manuscript you gave me? Helping the elderly with housework , Interviewing the daily life of the elderly? Do you think it’s coaxing children, that someone will read articles on such topics?”

Yun Shuiyue was shocked. She had been preparing for this news for a long time, because it was a social section, so she thought of interviewing those old people.

For a long time, she has been working very hard, but she has not been recognized by the editor-in-chief. In fact, it is not that Yun Shuiyue is not capable enough, but that every time she is rejected by the editor-in-chief, she will go to other veterans of the magazine for advice, and This time, she decided on the topic after consulting several seniors.

The forums she made were originally small forums, and the reading volume was very low. If the titles were not attractive, no one would read them at all, and it would be even more impossible to make money.

"Yun Shuiyue, I'm very disappointed with your recent performance!" The editor-in-chief raised his voice and said dissatisfiedly, "When I recruited you, I didn't value your current level."

"I'm sorry editor-in-chief, I will definitely work harder in the future," Yun Shuiyue responded in a low voice, lowering her head so as not to look into the editor-in-chief's eyes.

The editor-in-chief said with a sullen face: "I said earlier that there are problems with your style and topic selection. Some old comrades in our magazine are too rigid in their thinking and selection of materials. Sometimes people have to learn to make breakthroughs, so you can't do it yourself. Do you think about the subject matter? You have to learn to be novel, you know? This doesn’t mean that it can be solved without hard work. What the public likes now is fresh and special, especially you understand? You are a very smart girl at a young age, How come you can't learn to be flexible?"

"Editor-in-chief, actually..."

"Okay, stop explaining, I'll give you one last chance," the editor's unquestionable words sounded again, "I'll give you a subject this time."

Yun Shuiyue's eyes lit up when she heard the theme assigned to her, "Editor-in-Chief, what theme?"

"Do you know Time Club?"

"Time Club? That bar that specializes in... being a cowherd??" Yun Shuiyue blurted out directly, and her small face suddenly revealed a look of astonishment.

"Well, that's the bar," the editor-in-chief adjusted his glasses. "Now, you have to find a way to understand this bar. Now "Time" is very popular, and it is also very well-known in City A. It is mysterious and full of temptation."

The editor-in-chief paused and continued, "Everyone wants to know who the big boss behind this bar is, and the outside world knows very little about the inside information of this bar. If we can understand all these things clearly, we will dig out the information as soon as possible. If the news is exposed, then this issue of our magazine will definitely become popular."

" seems... not very good, editor-in-chief," Yun Shuiyue said in confusion, she never expected that the editor-in-chief would arrange such a task for her.

Although I went to bars with my classmates and friends more or less when I was in college, they were all small, that is, places where I just drink and sing.

She has never been to places with special services like the "Time" bar, and she has only heard a little about the "Time" bar, let alone been to it.

Besides, she doesn't know anything about these places, and she has no experience. How can she handle such a task assigned to her by the editor-in-chief?
"The interview must be completed. If your manuscript is useful this time, I will transfer you to the main forum. If you refuse, then pack up your things and leave," the editor-in-chief said mercilessly.

When thinking of the main board, Yun Shuiyue was still very moved, but when thinking of the "Time" bar, she had no idea at all.

No matter what, she couldn't refuse it. Although this job was not what Yun Shuiyue wanted to do most, it could at least maintain her livelihood.

Since she went to college, she has not taken money from her family.Every year, she also works hard to get scholarships and bursaries from the school, and she often takes time off to work part-time outside the school to save some money.There is no way, the family is forced, she can no longer add burden to the family.

My mother's health is not good, and my younger brother is still in high school. The current job can at least guarantee her life, and at the same time save some money to subsidize the family.

And it's hard to find a job now, so she can't lose this job no matter what, even if she has to go all out, she has to do it.

"Okay, I'll go..." Yun Shuiyue lowered her eyes, suppressed the complicated emotions in her heart, and walked out the door.

"Wait, if there is a fee for the interview, the magazine can pay the bill, remember to keep the invoice," the editor-in-chief said lightly, this is the only word of comfort that can give Yun Shuiyue at this moment.
Yun Shuiyue stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin had been fair since she was a child, and her melon-seeded face was not particularly beautiful, but it was very beautiful. Her facial features were three-dimensional, her eyes were big, and her black pupils were very black. Crystal clear like obsidian, with long eyelashes, a small nose and a slender neck, long hair like a waterfall hanging behind her, the whole person looks unique.

Silver diamond-encrusted high-heeled shoes and a textured white long skirt wrap a slender and feminine figure, and a silver tasseled belt outlines a slender waist. The whole person looks extremely beautiful and reveals a trace of charm.

Yun Shuiyue specially changed her outfits to match the evening interview task. This is the only outfit she can wear on special occasions. This outfit was given to her by her roommates on her birthday last year. birthday gift.

"Come on, Yun Shuiyue!" Thinking of the extremely special interview task tonight, Yun Shuiyue cheered herself up loudly.

When dusk comes, the stars in the night sky slowly illuminate the night sky, covering City A, and spreading mystery all over the place.

The brightly lit city is full of traffic, and the passionate nightclubs and bars are the best places for the young generation to spend their time...

The location of the "Time" bar is very hidden, and Yun Shuiyue only found out the location of the bar after searching the Internet.

It turns out that "Time" is in the basement of the only six-star hotel "Emperor Capital" in City A. Since the day it opened, "Time" has been full of mystery. known mysteries.
Yun Shuiyue stood in front of the radiant "Emperor Capital" Hotel. This magnificent hotel was as high as 92 floors. Yun Shuiyue raised her head and clicked her tongue when she looked at this hotel that couldn't see the top at a glance. It was really tall. .

The whole body of the "Emperor Capital" is golden, and it looks more radiant against the backdrop of the night sky, which also adds a mysterious color to the "Emperor Capital".

Stepping into the lobby, the gorgeous decoration makes Yun Shuiyue feel like being in another world. The ultra-luxury decoration and the off-white marble floor are smooth enough to reflect people's figures.

A huge crystal chandelier cascades down from the dome and hangs down in the center of the lobby. Under the illumination of the lights, it casts dazzling brilliance to the entire lobby of the hotel.

The beautiful piano music lingers in my ears, and the whole person feels very comfortable after listening to it, making people not want to leave.

Those who don't know really can't imagine that under such a magnificent hotel, there is another noisy world that is carnival at night.

Yun Shuiyue pressed the elevator, and quickly descended to the basement level. Through the elevator door, Yun Shuiyue could faintly hear the rhythmic music.

The moment the elevator opened, the wild and rhythmic music immediately occupied Yun Shuiyue's ears.

She was shocked, different from the luxurious and quiet beauty of the lobby, everything here is full of passion and excitement.

The colorful lights are shining, and the crowd on the dance floor is twisting their bodies and carnivaling.

On a row of sofas on one side, a few middle-aged mistresses with exaggerated makeup are being embraced by a few fresh meats, bowing their heads and whispering and chuckling from time to time, showing a very warm and ambiguous expression.

A translucent luxury private room is set up on the suspended attic, but nothing inside can be seen, all of which are full of temptation.

"Is there one, Miss?" Seeing Yun Shuiyue, the handsome waiter hurried forward with a smile and greeted her in a low voice.

This voice pulled back Yun Shuiyue's thoughts, and she suppressed her beating heart and pretended to be calm, "Uh, yes, alone."

"Then is the lady in the hall or in the private room?" The waiter continued to ask patiently.

"Uh, let's go to the private room!" Yun Shuiyue decided to go to the private room after thinking about it, because she will be interviewing later, and the private room is more concealed and convenient, so she should be more cautious.

"Okay, please come with me!" The waiter made a gesture of invitation, and looked at Yun Shuiyue a few more times.He still has some doubts about Yun Shuiyue's strength. After all, the consumption of "Time" is very high, and the guests who can choose to spend in private rooms still have certain financial strength.

Yun Shuiyue tried her best to make herself less nervous, and took a few deep breaths to relieve her nervousness. For the next interview, she had to calm down and disguise herself better.

Yun Shuiyue quickly followed the waiter and entered a private room on the second floor. After sitting down, Yun Shuiyue ordered some wine and drinks, and then began to think about how to act.

"Is this your first time here, miss?" the waiter asked politely.

"um, yes."

"It's my first time here. Will the young lady choose the young master herself, or should I introduce it to the young lady?"

The waiter's question gave Yun Shuiyue an inspiration, that's right, let's start with these so-called young masters.

"Then trouble you to recommend someone for me," Yun Shuiyue secretly planned in her heart, how to start next.

"Okay, please wait a moment," the waiter smiled and nodded politely to Yun Shuiyue to show respect.

After the waiter left, Yun Shuiyue relaxed a lot, and her tense heartstrings also loosened a lot.

The room is covered with black marble, the sofa is large and comfortable, and the decorations in the room are also very high-grade, especially in the wine cabinet on the right, there are rows of red wine. Although Yun Shuiyue doesn't understand wine, she knows these wines Certainly not cheap.

The front of the private room is made of transparent glass. Through the glass, the scene below can be seen at a glance, but the situation inside the bakery above cannot be seen clearly from below.

I have to say that the big boss of this bar is very thoughtful, and people can't help but want to know what kind of person the big boss of this bar is.

"Miss," the waiter opened the door, pulling back Yun Shuiyue's thoughts, and saw a young and handsome guy behind the waiter, with red lips and white teeth, handsome features, and a very popular appearance.

"This is Senli, miss, I wonder if you are satisfied?"

Yun Shuiyue blinked, this young master seemed very approachable, so she nodded in agreement.

After receiving Yun Shuiyue's answer, the waiter smiled and said politely, "I wish you a good time," then turned and left and closed the door of the private room gently.

After the waiter left, Senli took the initiative to sit beside Yun Shuiyue, enthusiastically poured half a glass of white wine for Yun Shuiyue, and started chatting with Yun Shuiyue, "Miss is the first time to come to our 'Time', we Does 'Time' give you a good impression?"

"Very good," Yun Shuiyue responded with a smile, but she still didn't forget to get into the topic, "You look quite young, how long have you been working here? How about your salary?"

Hearing Yun Shuiyue's series of questions, Senli stared at her face with doubts in his eyes. Yun Shuiyue's series of questions undoubtedly made Senli feel defensive. The people they came into contact with in this kind of place are also of all kinds. , so he is extremely sensitive to these, although he is not yet sure what purpose Yun Shuiyue has.

"Miss, you really know how to joke. Our guests here usually come to have fun, and they never ask these questions. They only worry about whether they are having a good time."

Sen Li's words made Yun Shuiyue realize that she might be too anxious. She suppressed the embarrassment in her heart and smiled, "Hehe, hehe, I just asked casually. After all, it's my first time here, so I just wanted to Learn about."

Putting aside Yun Shuiyue's question before, Sen Li said softly, "Then—Miss, I met you by fate, let's have a drink first."

As he spoke, Sen Li handed Yun Shuiyue half a glass of white wine that had been poured, and then gently embraced Yun Shuiyue's shoulder.

The sudden physical contact made Yun Shuiyue's hairs stand on end, which made her very unaccustomed to it. She closed her eyes and kept reminding herself that she must persevere. For the sake of work and interviews, she must persevere and be patient.

Holding the wine glass, she smiled stiffly at Sen Li, brought the wine to her lips and took a sip.

"Miss, look, to celebrate meeting you, I drank it all in one gulp. Don't be so disrespectful to me, drink it all in one gulp."

Senli leaned closer to Yun Shuiyue again, he saw Yun Shuiyue's jerky and restlessness, and he had already made a preliminary judgment in his heart. In order to speed up his verification, he took Yun Shuiyue's shoulder and slowly Moving down, stroking Yun Shuiyue's light back back and forth, her chest pressed against Yun Shuiyue again.

It was the first time for Yun Shuiyue to have such an intimate contact with a man, which made her cheeks feel hot, but the smell of perfume on Senli's body made Yun Shuiyue a little dizzy, almost subconsciously, Yun Shuiyue immediately got up and avoided Mori's intimacy.
Yun Shuiyue didn't know the rules of "time". When the young master was serving a guest, if the guest avoided his intimacy, it meant that the guest didn't like him, and he would be replaced.

Yun Shuiyue's reaction was within Senli's expectations. Those who do "special services" like him want to seize more opportunities to make money every day, and they don't want to get into trouble and receive some suspicious people. guests.

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