And everyone in the Mu family seemed to love this girl very much, especially Mu Jungan's mother.
Of course, except for one of them, this person is Mu Junqian, who didn't feel the laughter of his family at all.

He is in Cao Ying, and his heart is in Han. Although he is sitting among them, his heart has already flown out. He has been thinking about Shuiyue all afternoon, wondering where Shuiyue will go after leaving the restaurant?

He misses her like this, wondering if she will miss him?I don't even know if she is still with Chu Feng?
They should still be together, yes, they are so close, so don't take him seriously, how can they be happy together at this moment?

Thinking of the helplessness and anger here, Mu Jungan frowned, with a very serious expression.

The rare excitement made the Mu family very happy, and no one paid attention to Mu Junqian's forbearable displeasure.

After dinner, Cheng Wanqing pestered Mu Jungan to accompany her for a walk in the garden. In Nuoda's garden, the lights were bright as bright as day.

All kinds of rare flowers and plants emit fragrance quietly in the quiet night, and the waterfall flows tirelessly. Under the illumination of the lights, the swirling water mist presents colorful crystal colors, and the swimming pool is sparkling.

The breeze blows the water patterns, and ripples circle after circle. At this moment, the night becomes beautiful and charming.

Cheng Wanqing held Mu Jungan's arm tightly, and said in a sweet voice, "Brother Gan, the night at Fengqiao Bieyuan is so beautiful, I like it so much."

"Yes," Mu Junqian on the side responded lightly.

Seeing Mu Jungan's absent-minded appearance, Cheng Wanqing quit, and coquettishly said, "Brother Gan, why do you always have such a neither salty nor light expression, Wanqing is angry."

"Wanqing, what happened? I'm a little tired." Mu Jun coaxed her.

Cheng Wanqing looked at Mu Junqian's handsome face with joy in her eyes: "Really? Brother Gan, do you miss Wanqing?"

"Ghost girl, everyone misses you very much."

"Hehe, I know that. But I just want to know if you miss me?" After Cheng Wanqing finished speaking, her shining eyes stared closely at Mu Junqian, as if she must wait for the answer.

Mu Junqian didn't answer, but reached out and patted Cheng Wanqing's shoulder, saying that the night wind was too cold, so be careful of catching a cold, so he dragged her back to the villa.

Cheng Wanqing was naturally a little reluctant, but she couldn't resist Mu Jungan's insistence, so she had to follow him into the room with her lips pouted.

Mu Jungan sent her back to the room, and Cheng Wanqing babbled for a while at the door, before reluctantly entering the room, Mu Jungan felt relieved.

Back in his room, Mu Junqian slumped on the huge bed. The black velvet blanket was soft and smooth, comforting his tired body and mind.

Before meeting Shuiyue, he never felt so disturbed and tired. When he was studying in the United States, the heavy schoolwork and hard working life did not make him feel tired.

After returning to China, at a young age, he supported the huge Mu Group by himself. Facing the intrigues and intrigues in the mall, he was never at a loss for what to do.

But since Shuiyue appeared in his life, everything has changed for him. Anything involving Shuiyue will affect his usual calmness and composure.

Is this love, one person can easily affect another person's emotions, of course, when love is sweet, it will undoubtedly ascend to heaven; but when love encounters bitterness, it will also mercilessly drive you into hell .

Mu Jungan lit a cigarette, walked into the balcony, spit out a puff of smoke ring, looked at the lights and the hazy night in the distance, full of emotions, and unexpectedly thought of her in his heart, where is she at the moment?
Do you know he is thinking of her?What should he do?Want to find her first?Do you want to explain to her first?What if she ignores him?Do you want to give her a call?
Countless questions made him unable to get a clue, holding the mobile phone in his hand, he called up her number several times, wanting to call her.But the masculine dignity and some selfishness in his heart finally made him control it, and he didn't type it out.

The feeling of missing her is real, but he doesn't want to compromise just like this, he's just a woman, he can't lose face and dignity in front of a woman, let alone let go of his usual unruly temper.

Therefore, he didn't allow himself to soften his heart. Even if he wanted to explain, he had to wait for her to come to him first. She was also at fault, and she needed to give him a reasonable explanation.

When Shuiyue woke up again, to be precise, she was woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone, the sky had already darkened, and the dark sky was full of blinking stars.

Picking up the phone, Yang Xinran's crunchy voice came from inside: "Shuiyue, what are you busy with? I just answered the phone."

"Oh, Xinran, I fell asleep and woke up when I heard the phone call."

Hearing Shuiyue's hoarse voice, Xinran hurriedly asked with concern: "Shuiyue, what happened? What's wrong with your throat?"

Clearing her voice, Shuiyue continued: "No, I'm fine, maybe the food is a bit salty." Shuiyue made excuses to prevaricate, not wanting Xinran to worry about herself.

Xinran continued to ask: "Are you okay?" After all, Shuiyue doesn't have any relatives or friends in City A, she is Shuiyue's best friend, so of course we should pay more attention to her.

"It's okay, don't worry. Xinran, can you tell me something?"

"Ah... oh, Shuiyue, I think..." Xin Ran hesitated on the other end of the phone.

As soon as Shuiyue heard this shameful attitude, she immediately understood what she wanted to ask, and knew that she was embarrassed to ask, so she took the initiative to speak: "Xinran, as I said, I am at work with Shen Shaohan, he is mine. Boss, in private, he is my friend. We can only be friends forever, it is impossible between us, don't think too much."

Shuiyue fully understands Xinran's feelings for Shen Shaohan. Although she once made a clear statement in front of Xinran, the embarrassing scene when everyone barbecued together yesterday must have made Xinran lose her mind again.

So she needs Shuiyue's encouragement, and even more needs Shuiyue to reiterate her relationship with Shen Shaohan to her again.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Xinran spoke: "Shuiyue, thank you. I know, I shouldn't be like this, but..."

"Xinran, we are good sisters, what should we say should not be, I sincerely hope that you and Shen Shaohan will have a happy ending soon." Shuiyue said with a faint smile.

"Shuiyue..." Xin Ran let out a soft voice.

After hanging up the phone, Shuiyue was a little disappointed, she and Xinran were like this, they had been classmates in university for four years, they had a good relationship as if they were one person, and they didn't hide what was on their minds.

Originally, she wanted to find a chance to tell Xinran what she and Mu Jun did, but she didn't expect to see such a scene at noon. Now, is it necessary to tell Xinran?

It was late at night, and there was silence all around, but Shuiyue couldn't make herself fall asleep. She got up and turned on the computer, intending to pass the time with work.

But a piece of information about Mu's Group in the computer caused Shuiyue's sadness again, and this information was given to her by Mu Junqian.

It was given to her by him when her interviews failed many times. She still feels surprised and moved when she thinks about it.

Reluctantly closing the computer, everything around him seems to be inseparable from his figure. For Shuiyue, this night is doomed to sleepless, doomed to sleepless until dawn with complicated and intolerable emotions.

Shuiyue, who was on the second job, was undoubtedly not in a good condition. In order to cover up her dark circles, she specially put on light makeup, but it still couldn't hide her tired face. Of course, this did not escape Shen Shaohan's eyes.

"Shuiyue, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Shuiyue smiled noncommittally: "Oh, I couldn't sleep last night."

"Oh, it's not because you miss me, is it?"

Shen Shaohan's tone was completely teasing, it was all because he could see that Shuiyue was preoccupied and wanted to help her adjust her mood.

Shuiyue gave him a hard look: "Hey, Shen Shaohan, pay attention to your boss image, this is in the office."

Shen Shaohan smiled, looked at Shuiyue with concern, and said solemnly: "Shuiyue, if you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest, don't hold on."

"Uh, I'm fine, I'm really fine." Shuiyue is very grateful for Shen Shaohan's concern for her. Although she knows that she is not in a good state, she doesn't want to affect her work because of her personal emotional problems.

"Well, take it easy, I'll take you back after get off work." Shen Shaohan raised his beautiful eyebrows, turned and left without waiting for Shuiyue to answer.

After get off work, Shen Shaohan sent Shuiyue back to the apartment as promised. Shen Shaohan is a smart man who has been around women for many years. He understands women's needs in certain situations.

Just like the current Shuiyue, she needs more private space and better solitude, so that she can think about some things clearly.At this time, Shen Shaohan would not take any action rashly.

Two days later, Shen Shaohan and Shuiyue participated in an auction donation event organized by the Charity Federation. On the one hand, Shen Shaohan wanted to make some contributions to public welfare, and on the other hand, he also took this opportunity to conduct an interview.

Both of them were dressed more formally. Shen Shaohan was dressed in a silver-gray suit, which added a bit of hard lines to the original handsome him, making him appear free and easy and handsome.

Shuiyue is wearing a light blue formal dress, and her fair complexion is set off more translucent and whiter.

When the two arrived, many celebrities had already gathered at the venue, and their arrival caused quite a stir.

This is the second time that Shuiyue and Shen Shaohan have appeared in public together, and people's discussions and speculations have increased.

Shen Shaohan was obviously very familiar with them, and after chatting with them for a while, he sat down at the seat arranged by the organizer.

Not long after sitting down, there was a commotion outside the venue, and the crowd became lively.

Shuiyue looked towards the door, and two striking figures came into view.The man is cold, charming and handsome, and his all-black suit makes the lines of his face even tougher;
The woman is beautiful and charming, and the delicately cut dress makes the already beautiful little face even more enchanting.

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