Nanxi hadn't been playing in the toilet for long, when Lu Xiran came back. Lu Xiran opened the door and saw that everyone in Nanxi was no longer on the bed, so she subconsciously searched for Nanxi's trace in the ward.

While searching, Lu Xiran shouted, "Nanxi, where are you, Nanxi?" When Lu Xiran called, she was also looking for Nanxi, but now Nanxi was addicted to her mobile phone.

What Lu Xiran said, she didn't hear at all. Lu Xiran felt that no one came in, and Nan Xi didn't go out either. Lu Xiran stretched out her hand to think, and her eyes began to wander around the ward.

Lu Xiran saw the closed door, and in the next second, Lu Xiran had already walked to the door of the bathroom. Lu Xiran listened carefully, and there was a voice inside, and Lu Xiran smiled and shouted: "Nanxi, I know you are now Inside." When Lu Xiran said that, he reached out and knocked on the door.

When Nanxi heard Lu Xiran's voice, her hands still trembled a little, almost shaking the phone in Nanxi's hand, Nanxi still coughed a little, and pretended to be calm and said: "Lu Xiran, I am here What's wrong inside?" When Nan Xi said, her eyes were still on the phone.

Lu Xiran just replied with a smile: "It's okay, when I just came back, I didn't see you for a while, I was just looking for you." When Lu Xiran said, his tone was still a little relaxed.

Yes, after finding Nanxi, he couldn't help but relax a little bit, Lu Xiran continued: "Nanxi, hurry up, I've already bought a good meal for you, it won't taste good if it's cold, hurry up Come out." After Lu Xiran and Nan Xi finished speaking, they turned and left.

Lu Xiran returned to the sofa. At this moment, nothing happened, and Lu Xiran remembered that incident. Lu Xiran quickly turned on the computer and explained the change of the incident.

After Lu Xiran finished processing, Lu Xiran subconsciously looked for the phone, but after Lu Xiran touched it several times, he couldn't touch the phone, so Lu Xiran turned his eyes away from the computer.

Lu Xiran squinted his eyes and looked at the sofa and said: "It seems that Nan Xi is playing tricks again, but this time she hid the phone there." After Lu Xiran finished speaking, she got up directly and went to Nan Xi side walk.

At this time, Nan Xi didn't have enough mobile phones inside, so she was still squatting inside. Nan Xi had just finished watching an episode of TV series and was about to stretch, when Lu Xiran's voice came.

Lu Xiran said with a smile: "Nanxi, I haven't seen my mobile phone, by the way, I haven't seen your mobile phone either." When Lu Xiran said, there was a slight smile in his eyes.

When Nan Xi heard Lu Xiran's words, she didn't quite know what Lu Xiran meant, especially after she said that sentence later, Nan Xi looked at the mobile phone in her hand, if she took it out right now.

All of this will prove one thing, that is, she took the mobile phone away. Regarding this point, Nanxi still didn't want to be exposed so early. Nanxi still pretended to know nothing and replied: "ah Both my mobile phone and your mobile phone are gone!" When Nan Xi said, she was still a little surprised.

When Lu Xiran heard Nan Xi's tone of voice, the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider, and Lu Xiran said with a smile: "Yes, your mobile phone and mine are both missing, I just searched on the sofa, and No one has ever been in this ward, except us."

Nan Xi froze for a moment, and Nan Xi said silently in her heart: Lu Xiran is being watched next to the ward!Someone is watching this ward, watch!Watch!

Nan Xi suddenly felt that the whole person was not well. If she said this, then Lu Xiran would know about her previous behavior. When Nan Xi thought of this, her face turned black a lot.

Nan Xi asked with a trace of inquiry: "Then, in this case, could someone come in through the window? After all, I was in the bathroom after you went out." After Nan Xi finished speaking, She still pricked up her ears and waited seriously for Lu Xiran's answer.

Lu Xiran replied with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "I'll go and see, there will be surveillance in the hospital, Nanxi, you can rest assured, such a small matter, it's easy to solve." At the end of Lu Xiran's speech, I don't know why, but the tone is still a little bit heavier.

When Nan Xi heard this, she still couldn't help frowning. Nan Xi frowned and said, "The hospital is also monitored! But there are also places like this?" Nan Xi still hoped that Lu Xiran would answer No.

Standing outside, Lu Xiran already felt Nan Xi's mood now, Lu Xiran still couldn't help smiling, and said in his heart: Regardless of whether the hospital monitors or not, anyway, I have already found out who took the phone away.
Nanxi still doesn't know what Lu Xiran is thinking in her heart. Now Nanxi is only worried about whether there is a camera. If there is no camera, it will be easy to solve, but if there is, it will be...

Lu Xiran smiled and said: "Of course there is a camera. This is the VIP area, and there will be a certain degree of security. They can still afford this small camera." When Lu Xiran said it, he was feeling it with his heart. Nan Xi's tone.

Lu Xiran was a little bit looking forward to how Nanxi would answer this. In the end, whether she would choose to confess herself or dress well, Lu Xiran was still very much looking forward to it.

When Nan Xi heard Lu Xiran's words, she became stiff immediately, and Nan Xi continued to say: "Well, it's true, if you don't want to spend a little money for a camera, you don't even have the most basic security."

Nan Xi said this in his mouth, but Nan Xi didn't say that in his heart. Instead, he said a little angrily: I don't know that people have the right to privacy. Why is there a camera in this place.

Nan Xi really couldn't figure it out clearly, Nan Xi stretched out her hand and rubbed it on her head a little bit, Nan Xi thought about it for a while, forget everything about the phone in the bathroom, and when Lu Xiran goes out, let's say she found it The phone is just fine.

When Lu Xiran said such things to Nan Xi, he just smiled and said nothing. Lu Xiran said with a smile: "Well, I'll go and watch the video here. I believe I can find the phone soon." When Lu Xiran said , looking at the door of the bathroom with a trace of light in his eyes.

As if she was about to see the people inside directly through the door, she then turned and left. After Lu Xiran left, Nan Xi poked her head out cautiously to see if Lu Xiran had left or not.

Seeing that there was no one in the ward, Nan Xi immediately stood up straight, and said with a smile: "This kind of thing is actually relatively easy to solve, just say that you find it later, as for the reason, it's all on Lu Xiran , everything will be fine!" Nan Xi did not forget to nod when she was talking to herself.

Lu Xiran was outside and heard the sound of Nan Xi opening the door. As for what Nan Xi said inside, Lu Xiran didn't know at all, but Lu Xiran could still see what Nan Xi was doing.

Seeing Nanxi talking there, Lu Xiran probably felt what was going on in his heart. Lu Xiran just continued to look at Nanxi silently. After Nanxi finished talking there, he walked carefully to the sofa side, keep your phones all in one place.

When Lu Xiran saw the mobile phone in Nanxi's hand, he immediately smiled. He knew that this matter must have something to do with Nanxi, let's see!As expected, Nanxi did it now, probably because she wanted to say that she didn't look for it very seriously before, and she didn't find it for a while.

After Nan Xi finished placing it, she continued to sit on the sofa and play backgammon. Although she was the only one playing there, Lu Xiran stayed outside, thinking it was time to go in, so she opened the door and walked in with a smile on her face.

When Nan Xi heard the sound of the door being opened, she subconsciously looked at the door and saw that it was Lu Xiran who had returned. Nan Xi hurriedly walked to Lu Xiran's side, stretched out her hand and grabbed Lu Xiran's clothes and said, "Lu Xiran, in the video Did you see any suspects?" When Nan Xi said, there was still a trace of anxiety in her eyes.

Seeing Nan Xi's serious look, Lu Xiran didn't really want to expose Nan Xi for a while, and thought it would be better to let Nan Xi behave like this, but Lu Xiran just smiled and didn't say anything, but walked to the sofa.

Then she walked to the place where Nanxi hid her mobile phone. When Nanxi saw the destination where Lu Xiran was going, her eyelids twitched. Nanxi said a little uneasy in her heart: Lu Xiran must know!Did you already know that the phone was actually hidden by me.

Although Nan Xi was already guessing in her heart, when Lu Xiran hadn't said anything, Nan Xi would not come out and admit it directly. Nan Xi was still so anxious on the surface.

Lu Xiran smiled and sat in the place where the phone was hidden. After Lu Xiran sat down, Lu Xiran frowned slightly. Lu Xiran stood up and lifted up the sofa cushion where he was sitting.

The mobile phone appeared directly in front of Lu Xiran, Lu Xiran turned his head and said to Nan Xi with a smile: "I watched the video before, and no one came in at all." When Lu Xiran said, he had already picked up the hidden mobile phone up.

Nan Xi smiled at Lu Xiran, but the smile was still a bit stiff, Nan Xi replied with a little embarrassment: "Lu Xiran, if there is no one here, then how did this phone get here?"

Lu Xiran didn't answer, but just smiled at Nan Xi, his eyes seemed to tell Nan Xi that I already knew everything, so there was no need to continue explaining.

Nan Xi's stiff smile could not be maintained anymore, Nan Xi finally sighed helplessly, and said helplessly: "Lu Xiran, you accidentally dropped your phone, and you don't know what happened to this phone I just fell into this gap." When Nan Xi said, she still shook her head helplessly, as if Lu Xiran did all of this, and Nan Xi didn't hear anything she said just now.

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