Shen Yanshi, who was quite happy to say these words, did not expect to wait for Lu Xunyan's answer, and immediately let her stay in place a little bit in a daze, with an obvious look of surprise on her face.

It turned out that Lu Xunyan had already thought of this matter, and planned to call her to share this matter?Shen Yan, who slowly came back to his senses, had an obvious smile on his lips. She knew that Lu Xunyan would never lie to her, so this matter must be true, so she smiled knowingly.

"Then let's investigate in this direction." In the end, Shen Yan didn't say anything else, and said this sentence directly, and they didn't need to use too many words to explain each other's feelings.

"Well, be careful." Lu Xunyan's gentle voice gradually came from the phone, and finally told her very seriously that she must pay attention to safety and protect herself, because although her injuries are very good, but Lu Xunyan finally Still worried.

The words that warm Shen Yan's whole heart made her suddenly seem to be instilled with strength, she nodded vigorously and said, "Well, don't worry, I can protect myself."

The two of them exchanged a few simple words and then hung up the phone. Shen Yan knew that Lu Xunyan was still very busy. He just took up a post at the Lu Group, and he couldn't let go of the military camp. He still needed to be distracted and investigate. Mom's case.

So Shen Yanshi tactfully ended the topic between the two of them and let him go about his own affairs first.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yanshi continued to face the whiteboard and began to sort out his thoughts. Once he got stuck in the middle of work, time would unknowingly fade away.

When Shen Yan came back from his work, he slightly raised his head to look at the always hanging on the wall, and found that it was past nine o'clock, and when she came in the morning it was still around seven o'clock, and two hours seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

After reading the time, Shen Yanshi put down the pen in his hand, and walked towards the direction of the desk in the next second, then picked up a few documents on the desk, sorted them out very quickly, and left the office with them .

When he walked out of the office, Shen Yan saw that his colleagues were all busy working with their heads down, and there were fewer people. There should be cases that need to be dealt with.However, this is also a normal time. There are large and small cases that need to be dealt with almost every day. It is rare that the police station is full of people.

"The meeting will be held in 10 minutes." Shen Yanshi just coolly dropped these words and walked towards the direction of the meeting room as they passed by the busy people.

It was only after this that everyone raised their heads in confusion, but what caught their eyes was Shen Yanshi's back. Everyone was subconsciously dazed for a while before standing up hastily, took their pens and notebooks, and walked towards the meeting room .

Shen Yan, who has always had a strong sense of time, always said a few minutes, so he gave them 10 minutes to sort out their affairs, and then went to the meeting.

After 10 minutes, everyone arrived in the meeting room on time and sat down.

But as soon as he sat down, those weird gazes silently fell on Shen Yanshi, and they were still the kind of gazes with his head down and out of the corner of his eyes, with a sneaky feeling that even if Shen Yanshi didn't pay attention.

Shen Yan, who opened the file and wanted to get straight to the point, caught their unusual gazes, immediately closed his file folder, glanced around with his eyes and asked, "What's wrong? Is there a flower on my face? "

"No, no..." Everyone shook their heads quickly when they saw this, and gave this answer with a little panic.

It's really because the scene of Major Lu directly hugging the princess and taking away the vice-team yesterday was so impactful that it was so deeply etched in their minds that they couldn't even forget it.

And at that time, Major Lu also said that the deputy team had fallen asleep!This surprised them too much, and they were still full of endless curiosity about this matter, wishing to know what happened.But after all, this is the police station, and Shen Yanshi is also their deputy team now, so it's obviously not good to ask rashly.

Seeing them shaking their heads in unison, Shen Yanshi couldn't believe their so-called 'nothing', there must be something hidden from her, and that thing would definitely not be a good thing for her.

He clearly knew that even if he learned from them, it wouldn't do him any good, and he might even push himself into a pit, but Shen Yanshi was still a person who couldn't stand being expired, so his eyes fixed on someone in the crowd On the body, he said directly, "Chen Yue, what are you talking about?"

Chen Yue, who was appointed by hand, immediately showed a look of surprise, her big eyes pretending to be innocent stared at Shen Yan, with a look of 'I really don't know anything', but how could Shen Yan believe it?

"If you don't say anything, then I think you've been quite free recently, or..." Shen Yan still has her own way of dealing with Chen Yue, and it doesn't hurt to scare her like this once in a while, although from the side it looks like she's avenging herself like that.

"I'll say it!" Before Shen Yan could utter those threatening words, Chen Yue raised his hand to interrupt, with an expression of duty on his face.

It's two extremes with just pretending to be innocent. Shen Yanshi sat on the office chair with his arms folded and looked at her with satisfaction. Some people are like this. If you don't force her, she won't learn to behave.

Chen Yue, who was firmly suppressed by Shen Yanshi, showed a look of hesitation, until the next second she closed her eyes and said the words directly, "Deputy team, yesterday we watched Major Lu come out of the office with you in his arms, and said Take you home when you fall asleep, are you really living together?!"

The words spoken at the risk of his life echoed in the conference room, even vaguely reckless.

The words have already come out of his mouth, everything that shouldn't be said has been said, Chen Yue doesn't care whether Shen Yanshi will use him to blame, the most important thing now is to know the answer first.

Sure enough, she dug a hole for herself. Shen Yanshi did not expect this to happen. She who was still in the upper hand immediately showed a flustered look, and even couldn't help coughing slightly to try to cover up her embarrassment, "Ahem..."

It's just that after the cough fell, it was still quiet, and almost all eyes were on Shen Yanshi, obviously waiting for an answer.

This concentration of gaze made Shen Yanshi full of panic, as if she was the food in their eyes, as if they were going to tear her up and eat her in the next second, this feeling made her so My heart trembled a little.

"Deputy team, this is the end of the matter, just tell the truth, no matter what the result is, we will accept it." Chen Yue seemed to have given up all he could, and directly spoke again to break the embarrassing silence.

Shen Yan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard this sentence, why did she feel that this sentence was a bit weird?Why do they need to accept the result?No matter what the relationship between her and Lu Xunyan is, it's up to them to accept it or not, Shen Yanshi looked at Chen Yue with a puzzled expression.

At this moment, Shen Yanshi really wanted to slap himself who was impulsive just now, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but he still prefers to go to the mountains with tigers.

"Okay, I'm here for a meeting, not to gossip." At the critical moment, the best friend is still reliable. At this time, Luo Bianyan silently said this sentence, abruptly bringing the topic back on track.

"Obviously the deputy team brought it up first, but now they don't tell us the answer." But Chen Yue couldn't give up so easily, muttering dissatisfiedly.

The resentment on her face made Shen Yanshi feel a little guilty, as if it was her fault that all of this happened, which made her face also have a look of helplessness, and finally rubbed her temples with a bit of a headache, "I won't answer this question. If you really want to know, you can ask Major Lu, okay?"

At this moment, Shen Yanshi really wanted to scold Lu Xunyan severely, why did he carry her away from the police station in full view of everyone.It's also because she was so naive, she didn't remember how she left the police station at all, but in the end she didn't ask, thinking that she left in a half-dream and half-awake state.

In addition, Lu Xunyan didn't mention this matter, so she ignored it. Who knew that there was such a big bomb waiting for her when she came back today.

Obviously, he could wake her up before leaving the police station, but why did he choose to hold her and leave the police station? !Do you still want her famous name?Shen Yan was crying and howling all kinds of ghosts in his heart, but on the surface it was still calm.

Shen Yanshi very decisively threw this matter to Lu Xunyan, after all, it was Lu Xunyan who caused this kind of thing, and he should be the one who should solve it.

"Also, I was taken away in an unconscious state, and you didn't even stop it. What if the criminals take me away?" Shen Yanshi felt a sense of melancholy in his heart, so he began to question unreasonably.

Those two sentences directly bet on Youyou's mouth. Those who still wanted to dig out something from Shen Yanshi's mouth all gave up their minds after hearing the words that they were going to find Major Lu. They would rather not know anything than take the risk. If your life is in danger, ask Major Lu.

"Ahem, this is still a meeting, deputy team, what is the content of this meeting?" Chen Yue immediately changed his attitude, asked Shen Yan with a smile on his face, and asked her to continue the meeting.

After suppressing everyone with force, Shen Yanshi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and reminded himself that he must never shoot himself in the foot again in the future. Letting go of Lu Xunyan made her look so ugly!

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