"Uncle, are you alright?" Shen Yanshi looked at Lu Tianyuan beside him who didn't respond.

Lu Tianyuan was yelling at himself when he heard Shen Yan, he came back to his senses, looked at Shen Yan's face, and said to her earnestly, "Yanshi, let's forget about it, we won't pursue it of."

What did Lu Tianyuan go through to make such a decision?K came here today to want Lu Tianyuan's life, how could he give up so easily?
Shen Yanshi really didn't understand what Lu Tianyuan was thinking.

When Lu Tianyuan said this, Shen Yan looked confused when she heard Shen Yan. She opened her voice and said to Lu Tianyuan, "How can this matter be counted like this? Did she threaten you? Or..." Although she didn't know K She came here today and said something to Lu Tianyuan, she didn't know what Lu Tianyuan was thinking, she tried her best to guess what they said between them

"Uncle, this matter is related to the lives of you and your aunt. Our police station will not let her go so easily. Maybe she will come again?" Shen Yanshi took the trouble to talk about this issue with Lu Tianyuan, I hope that Lu Tianyuan can face this matter with a correct attitude.

No matter what K did, Shen Yanshi would definitely ask her to find out.

They came too late, did not prevent this from happening, and also injured Lin Ruyu's hands.

Cheng Gu helped Lin Ruyu walk in from the outside. The wounds on her hands were treated by the nurse and bandaged up. There was no major problem.

Cheng Gu helped Lin Ruyu to sit on the chair, he walked to Shen Yanshi's side, and patted her shoulder lightly, as if telling Shen Yanshi something.A worried look appeared on Shen Yanshi's face, and he immediately let Cheng Gu go first.

Cheng Gu wanted to find K out sooner. If she was allowed to hide and never came out, then she would definitely find a chance to continue to kill Lu Tianyuan.For the safety of Lu Tianyuan and Lin Ruyu, after Cheng Gu greeted the people inside, he saw them walking outside.

He guessed that K would not go too far, and his steps were steady enough to step into the elevator.

When he came out of the elevator, he vaguely saw a familiar figure passing not far from him.Cheng recklessly approached that figure, but when he walked out, the figure disappeared again, as if what he saw just now was a hallucination.

Cheng Gu still didn't give up, he searched around here, but he still didn't see K's figure.Then he had no choice but to get into the car and drive around looking for a place where K might go.

K’s phone number, Cheng Gu, had been added to his phone’s lost contacts before. He pulled over and parked the car. He took out his phone and looked through K’s phone number. He tried to call her to get her location.

Just when Cheng Gu was thinking about K answering the phone, what came to his ear was a crisp mezzo-soprano saying, "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off." The phone had been switched on, which also made Cheng Gu very desperate. He didn't know where to look for K's whereabouts.

Although K didn't kill Lu Tianyuan and Lin Ruyu, she still had a lot to do with this incident. If it wasn't for her appearance and coercion, maybe Lin Ruyu would not have been injured.No matter what, it is still necessary for Cheng Gu to find her out and ask her clearly.

Cheng Gu searched for her everywhere, but he still didn't see her in his sight.

On the bustling streets, there are pedestrians everywhere.

However, what caught Cheng Gu's eyes was a familiar figure. He parked the car at a certain location, and ran towards this person.

Apparently, K felt that someone was following her, and when she looked back quickly, she saw a familiar figure reflected in her eyes.

She quickened her pace and ran into some alleys, and Cheng Gu's figure was also spotted by K.Cheng Gu saw that K's footsteps continued to speed up, and he, like her, followed her direction.

The two were chasing and running here, and the passers-by they passed also cast strange glances at the two of them, wondering what they were doing?See the guy in the police uniform running after a girl?They all thought it was the police who were catching the thief.

Cheng Gu, who was behind him, squatted down and gasped heavily, never taking his eyes off K's body for a moment.When K was not paying attention, he started to quicken his pace and ran towards her.

When K thought she was going to be caught by Cheng Gu, a familiar figure appeared beside her, grabbed her hand and pulled her into a car parked nearby.

K sat panting in the car and didn't see her speak for a long time.Lu Xunyan, who was sitting next to him, stared at K with a cold expression, not knowing what happened to her just now to get chased by Cheng Gu behind her.

K slightly raised her eyes to look at Lu Xunyan, she could feel the low air pressure and bad aura emanating from Lu Xunyan's body, she slowly shouted at Lu Xunyan, "Brother..."

Lu Xunyan could hear K yelling at himself, and he subconsciously looked through the car window at Cheng Gu who was standing not far away and waiting, he didn't understand.He pulled his eyes back and landed on K, and asked K in a heavy tone, "What's going on?"

Being asked by Lu Xunyan like this, K suddenly didn't know how to answer Lu Xunyan's question.Originally, she wanted to hide this matter from everyone from the beginning, and she didn't want Lu Xunyan to know about it.

It was impossible for her to just tell Lu Xunyan that she was going to kill his biological father Lu Tianyuan today, and that Lu Xunyan was also her half-brother whom she found with great difficulty, so she really didn't want to tell him about it.

K never confessed this matter to Lu Xunyan, but Lu Xunyan stared at K with a sharp look in his eyes.

K lowered his head and didn't look at Lu Xunyan. Lu Xunyan's questioning like this couldn't ask K anything.

However, Lu Xunyan probably knew that this matter should not be a good one.

Looking at the two people in Lu Xunyan's car not far away, he originally thought that K would say something to Lu Xunyan.However, he didn't expect that he waited in place for a long time, and he didn't see how many words the people inside said.

Even more, he didn't want K, who was in front of him, to let her run away. He would definitely investigate this matter.

He couldn't hold back his temper, he walked up to Lu Xunyan's car, and reached out to knock on Lu Xunyan's window.After Lu Xunyan and K in the car heard the sound, they both looked towards the source of the direction.

Cheng Gu's figure appeared in Lu Xunyan's eyes. After he sighed lightly, he slowly rolled down the car window, and looked at Cheng Gu in front of him with disdain in his eyes.

However, Cheng Gu didn't affect Lu Xunyan's purpose by showing such eyes, so Lu Xunyan pressed his throat and frowned and asked Cheng Gu in disdain, "I don't know what business Captain Cheng wants from me?"

Hearing Lu Xunyan's words, Cheng Gu's face showed a look of indifference, and he said to Lu Xunyan, "I'm not here to see you, Major Lu, but K. I have For important matters, please ask her to go back to the police station."

Listening to Lu Xunyan saying this in front of him, it seems that his guess is correct.He pulled back from Cheng Gu's body and landed on K's body, with a look of doubt and incomprehension in his eyes.And K subconsciously avoided him looking at herself like this, she didn't want to explain anything to Lu Xunyan.

She had no choice but to open the car door and go out.

Lu Xunyan watched her every move and saw her walking towards where Cheng Gu was.

And Cheng Gu's hand landed firmly on K's wrist, grabbing her into his hands so that she would not run away later.Lu Xunyan in the car saw K being taken away by Cheng Gu, he felt very uncomfortable, and he didn't know what happened?Go to the police station?
Lu Xunyan frowned and watched the two of them disappear from his sight. There was a lot of uneasiness and helplessness between his brows. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket to call Li Qian, and a cold voice rang out. He said, "Li Qian, help me find out what happened this morning? Why did Cheng Gu from the police station pursue K?"

Li Qian on the phone heard Lu Xunyan say this, and he seemed to know something, he faltered and fumbled to say something, which made Lu Xunyan feel strange when he heard it, and asked him, " Do you know something? Tell me!"

Lu Xunyan saw through Li Qian right away, and he didn't have the chance to let Li Qian continue to cover up, so he directly asked Li Qian to explain clearly.

Li Qian heard that Lu Xunyan on the phone used such a strong attitude to make him make it clear that he had no chance to refute. He said frankly to Lu Xunyan, "Someone came to the hospital this morning to want the master's life. Fortunately, he saved his life in the end. But Ma'am, her hands were injured by a sharp weapon, and it's fine now..."

Li Qian hadn't finished speaking, but Lu Xunyan seemed to have a clue.He also remembered what happened this morning, K went out early in the morning, and Shen Yan also hurried back to the police station.

Could it be that this matter is related to K, and Shen Yanshi and Cheng Gu also know about it?From what Li Qian said, and this morning, and Cheng Gu chasing K all over the street just now, as if he must chase her, Cheng Gu also said that this matter has something to do with K.

This also made Lu Xunyan more certain that this matter was related to K, and it was inseparable.

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