K didn't dare to act rashly, he was afraid that his careless action would affect Lu Tianrui, and he was also afraid that he would find him.If this is the case, Lu Tianrui will definitely not let her go easily, K promises.

K put her eyes on the tablet, and she noticed that the dot on the tablet was always moving.However, she raised her eyes to look at the car in front of her, but it had already stopped.

In K's mind, it immediately occurred to Lu Tianrui that maybe Lu Tianrui met someone else at this place. She also drove her car to a stop behind a big tree. She didn't get out of the car immediately. She sat quietly. Watching the movement on the tablet in the car.

In the dark night, the little village head here didn't have any street lamps on, and the surrounding area was completely dark, only the light from the bright moon hanging in the night sky.

K, who was hiding in the car, carefully observed the car in front. In that car, several people in leather clothes came down carrying a box, and they walked towards the cabin. .

K in the car had no way of knowing what the relationship between these people and Lu Tianrui was. They didn't know what they would do when they got together.When she wanted to get out of this car, her head had an idea, as if she thought of something, she took out her mobile phone and sent Lu Xunyan what she was going to do next, and told Lu Xunyan The people he or she sees.

K was afraid that she would be found and taken away later, so for her own safety, she also sent her current location to Lu Xunyan.Once he encounters any danger, Lu Xunyan can also rely on these positions to find himself.

K was still very thoughtful, before she had time to wait for Lu Xunyan to reply her message, she had already opened the car door, got out of the car carefully, trying not to make any noise to disturb them.

She put the phone back in her pocket, and walked towards the cabin with the tablet in her hand.

When she was about to walk over there, she happened to see another black figure coming out of the cabin. When K heard footsteps, she immediately crouched down so that the man would not notice.K, who was hiding in the grass, looked at the figure of this man with a surprised look, as if he hadn't noticed his existence.

K saw that the figure had disappeared, and she was about to stand up when she felt the clothes on her back being held tightly.A dangerous breath rushed towards her, and then she heard the man behind him gritted his teeth and asked her, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

At this time, K knew clearly that she had been discovered, but she didn't get nervous, except for the anxious look caught on her face, she looked very calm.

She raised her hand as if to compromise.And she also felt that the person behind her began to relax her vigilance when she saw her actions like this. K's head turned slightly to one side, using her peripheral vision to see the facial expression of the man behind her.

Before the person behind her had time to defend herself, K raised her nimble feet and kicked at the person behind her mercilessly.

The people behind him suddenly felt a pain in their fatal points, and then heard a tragic voice from him.He let go of his hand on K, only to see that he subconsciously used his hand to cover his painful place.

Being tossed by K like this, a distressed expression immediately appeared on his face. K was afraid that his voice would draw others over, so she looked into the cabin and found that no one was affected.She half knelt on the ground, took out transparent glue from her pocket and sealed his mouth.

This person has not yet reacted, his hands and feet have been neatly tied up by K, he can't move his whole body, even if he wanted to scream, no one would be able to hear the sound he made from his throat get.

K got up and dragged the man as far as the woods with all his strength, and pushed him to the woods.In such a dark environment, I don't know what kind of strange things will be there in the woods.

After dealing with him, K walked straight towards the cabin without saying a word.

She tried her best to keep her steps cautious, she finally got close to the cabin, and she squatted down to listen to what the people inside were saying.

However, when she wanted to stand up to see who was inside, the tablet in her backpack was out of power at this time, and there was a 'beep beep' sound.

She hadn't heard clearly what the people inside were saying, but the moment her tablet rang, the people inside were looking out of the door vigilantly, and suddenly, it became quiet inside.

"Who's outside?" Lu Tianrui uttered a loud voice, which reached K's ear.

When she was about to escape from here, the footsteps inside became louder and louder in her ears.She got up and wanted to get out of here quickly.

However, she has no chance to escape.Lu Tianrui appeared in front of him at first, and the eyes of both of them fell on each other, and then he saw a treacherous arc on the corner of Lu Tianrui's mouth, and he said to K, "I knew you It's definitely not easy to come to Switzerland for the first time, don't try to escape from my sight, you can't escape." Lu Tianrui's voice raised his pitch again, and his momentum was also very powerful.

K watched the people in front of her keep approaching her, and her steps were also moving backwards.

These people in front of them were holding pistols in their hands, and there were so many of them, no matter how good K's hand stretching was, it is estimated that he would inevitably be injured.

In the next second, the sound of bullets was heard, and K nimbly dodged the bullets.She quickly threw out the tablet computer in her hand, which helped her block several bullets.She tried to escape from the cabin, the environment here is so dark, as long as she hides, they won't find her so easily.

K wanted to leave here, but the people behind him never let him go, and the sound of bullets continued without interruption.

These people have always been chasing after themselves, and the bullets resounded throughout the quiet night sky.Also in the next second, K smelled the blood left from his body.She felt a pain in her calf, so painful that she couldn't continue to run forward.

She stopped and knelt on the ground, clutching her calf.Immediately afterwards, she saw her eyes looking at the people behind her. She wanted to get up and run away, but she didn't want to fall into Lu Tianrui's hands.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she could only move forward with difficulty.

Lu Tianrui kept walking towards her, and K wanted to move forward.Immediately, she felt a pain in her back, and a real force was firmly pressed against her body.She turned her head to look, and Lu Tianrui's enlarged figure fell into her eyes.

Lu Tianrui's foot stepped on his back mercilessly, and K was tortured by him with such a bad method.However, she never said a word, and her eyes were always shining with a look of not giving up.

Lu Tianrui stretched out his magic claw and grabbed K's hair with one hand, and pulled her head back. K couldn't help but shouted in pain, "Lu Tianrui!" It sounded in the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Lu Tianrui's demonic laughter lingering in his ears, he bent his head close to K's ear, and whispered in her ear, "I knew it would not be easy for you girl to come to Switzerland, It seems that my intuition is still very accurate."

K's tone didn't sound weak at all, she opened her voice and shouted at Lu Tianrui, "Lu Tianrui, let me go, don't think I don't know what you have done!"

Lu Tianrui's evil laughter was always lingering in his ears, as if he didn't hear what K said at all.He let go of his feet, and after he winked at the other people beside him, he saw them walking towards K.Drag her away abruptly.

The gunshot wound on K's calf has never been treated. He was treated so roughly by the people in front of him. In the dark night, he could vaguely see traces of blood on the ground.

Lu Tianrui watched K being taken away from the same spot, his eyes dimmed and his face turned pale, as if he was thinking about something.

Because the gunshot wound on the calf was not treated as soon as possible, the pain became more and more severe. In this way, K was dragged into the cabin by these people and tied her to a post.

Her eyes became hazy, and she looked towards the place where she was injured.Her brows were also twisted into a worried line. If the wound continues like this, it will definitely get worse, and the whole leg will be useless by then.

K looked around, but found that the cabin was empty, with nothing in it.

This also made K feel very desperate, her legs would definitely be abolished if this continued.

Thinking of this, K's heart was on the verge of collapse.She heard footsteps, and K turned his eyes to the door.It was Lu Tianrui's figure that appeared in his eyes. Under the dim light of the cabin, K's eyes stared straight at the expression on Lu Tianrui's face.

A sly smile appeared on Lu Tianrui's face. He walked up to K, grabbed K's face with his hands, and asked her, "Did Lu Xunyan send you here?"

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