Lu Xunyan and Shen Yanshi led Tom down the stairs together. When they raised their eyes, they saw Luo Bianyan and Gu Yu waiting in front of them for the three of them to come down.Luo Bianyan saw Tom among them at a glance, with a bright smile on her face, she also started to move forward at this time, and stopped in front of them.

After Shen Yanshi and Lu Xunyan saw Luo Bianyan's action, they also stopped walking forward at this moment, and stared straight at Luo Bianyan in front of them.And Tom, who was held by their hands, felt that Shen Yanshi and Lu Xunyan beside him both stopped, and he also saw Luo Bianyan in front of him constantly approaching them.

Tom, who didn't know anything, suddenly didn't know what to do. The person in front of him was also a stranger he had never seen before. Seeing the smile on her face made Tom feel a little scared.He held the hands of the two of them tightly, and he could feel his panic from the strength of his grip.

At this time, Tom raised his eyes slightly to look at Shen Yanshi and Lu Xunyan, as if hoping to catch something from their faces.

How could Lu Xunyan and Shen Yanshi not feel Tom's behavior? Lu Xunyan lowered his eyes to look at him, and smiled at him.

Luo Bianyan stopped in front of them, and heard her complaining loudly, "Why did it take you so long to come down? What are you doing up there?" Luo Bianyan who said these words, at this time Her hand was already reaching towards Tom's cheek, and she was about to stroke Tom's cute little cheek.

However, what Luo Bianyan didn't expect was that Tom actually avoided her hand at this time, and his body moved towards Lu Xunyan's arms, as if he didn't want Luo Bianyan to touch him.

Luo Bianyan didn't expect Tom to avoid her, so she took a chance.She expressed her incomprehension and asked Lu Xunyan, "Major Lu, what's wrong with your Tom? Why does he act like he doesn't like me very much, and I'm also his godmother."

The words Luo Bianyan said to herself clearly fell into Lu Xunyan's ears, after Lu Xunyan comforted Tom.A expressionless expression appeared on his face, and he answered Luo Bianyan in a low tone, "Maybe it's because he thinks you are a bad guy."

Such words spit out from Lu Xunyan's mouth, which made Luo Bianyan's heart itch when he heard it.Luo Bianyan still didn't want to spit out nice words from Lu Xunyan's mouth, she raised her eyes to look at Lu Xunyan, and continued to answer Lu Xunyan, "Why do you think I'm a bad person, obviously a godmother, okay? "From Luo Bianyan's words, she could hear her dissatisfaction.

After Luo Bianyan's words fell, she continued to stretch out her hand in front of Tom. At this time, Tom no longer rejected Luo Bianyan as before, but looked straight at Luo Bianyan's hand stretched out. In front of him, he kept stroking his face.The people present also heard Luo Bianyan's words mixed with joy, "Our Tom is still very good, call him godmother."

Obviously, Tom knew that Luo Bianyan was talking in front of him, but he didn't understand a word of what she was saying, and there was a puzzled look in his eyes as he looked at Shen Yan beside him.From the look in Tom's eyes, she knew what he was wondering about. She squatted beside Tom, pointed at the Luobian cigarette in front of her, and said to him in English, "This is the godmother!"

Tom tilted his head and listened to what Shen Yan said, although he didn't know what the word "godmother" that came out of Shen Yanshi's mouth meant, nor did he know what it meant.However, he still heard his mouth move slightly, opening his mouth to read these two words gently.

When Luo Bianyan heard Tom yelling like this, the smile on her face deepened, she put her hand on Tom's head, and gently stroked his soft blond hair.

Luo Bianyan turned his attention to Shen Yanshi again, and said to Shen Yanshi, "Why did it take you so long to come down? What are you doing up there?"

Hearing Luo Bianyan asked her this question curiously, Shen Yan could only open his mouth and answer her honestly, "The wedding dress just arrived this afternoon, so I tried it on."

As soon as Luo Bianyan heard Shen Yan mentioning the wedding dress, she immediately became interested. She put her hands on Shen Yanshi's arms and shook them, and said excitedly to Shen Yanshi, "I haven't seen your wedding dress yet? Go up and put it on for you." Let me see."

Luo Bianyan, who was speaking these words, had already held Shen Yanshi's arm with her hand, as if she wanted to drag her upstairs.Shen Yanshi immediately pulled her back, and said to Luo Bianyan with a serious face, "I just tried it on!"

What came out of Luobian's cigarette holder was: "What's the point, I just put it on again for me to see, I haven't seen you in a wedding dress yet, and I don't know what your wedding dress looks like. "Beside Shen Yanshi, Luo Bianyan begged Shen Yanshi's consent.

Shen Yanshi raised his eyes and looked at Luo Bianyan in front of him, his eyes were full of expectation, which made Shen Yanshi shaken all of a sudden.When Luo Bianyan saw Shen Yan as if she was about to compromise, she immediately took advantage of this moment to pull Shen Yan and go upstairs.

When Shen Yan looked at Lu Xunyan beside him, Lu Xunyan also heard the conversation between her and Luo Bianyan, and he also knew clearly that if Luo Bianyan's curiosity was not satisfied, she would definitely not give up.Lu Xunyan had no choice but to say to Shen Yan, "Go, look at her, if you are not satisfied, she will not give up easily."

When Shen Yan heard these words spit out from Lu Xunyan's mouth, she really agreed with what he said very much.After getting along with Luo Bianyan for so long, they have already seen Luo Bianyan's personality clearly.At this time, Shen Yan could only answer Luo Bianyan, "Okay, okay, I really see through you."

Luo Bianyan listened to Shen Yanshi talking about herself like this, the smile on her face became more wanton, she leaned on Shen Yanshi's shoulder, and said to Shen Yanshi, "You guys know me best."

Watching the words and phrases between them not far away, he didn't speak for a long time.Because he already knew what Luo Bianyan was thinking, and he didn't try to stop her.It's just that when he raised his eyes to look at Lu Xunyan, the two shook their heads helplessly almost in unison.

Shen Yanshi was forcefully pulled away by Luo Bianyan, so Lu Xunyan had no choice but to hold Tom's little hand and walked to the remaining few steps, and walked to Gu Yu's side, while Gu Yu was talking to Lu Xun at this time. Yan said, "There is really nothing to do with her." Listening to Gu Yu's words, Lu Xunyan, how could he not know who the "she" that Gu Yu spit out of his mouth is.

They went to sit on the sofa in the living room, and Gu Yu's gaze fell on Tom who was being held by Lu Xunyan.Immediately afterwards, he raised his eyes and said to Lu Xunyan, "You brought him back from New Zealand, he looks really cute." Gu Yu couldn't help but praise Tom's cute appearance him.

When Lu Xunyan heard Gu Yu say this to himself, he also answered Gu Yu softly with a "hmm" at this time, and then heard Lu Xunyan's voice become heavy and said to Gu Yu, "He is really very Cute, but unfortunately both his parents died in that earthquake.”

Gu Yu could hear Lu Xunyan's regret for what happened to Tom in Lu Xunyan's words, he hesitated for a while, and heard Gu Yu answer Lu Xunyan, "Fortunately, he was adopted by you in the end."

The words from Gu Yu's mouth are indeed reasonable, at least Tom can still be adopted by him.If he doesn't do this, he will become a child without parents. As long as he thinks about it like this, he can't bear it.He also felt lucky to have brought him here from New Zealand, because he didn't want Tom to be what he thought he would be.


Before Shen Yanshi and Lu Xunyan walked down just now, they changed the wedding dress and dress and placed them on the bed.When Luo Bianyan followed Shen Yanshi into the bedroom, what caught her eyes was the wedding dress on the bed.

She and Shen Yanshi stopped by the bed, and Luo Bianyan squatted down and stretched out his hands to caress the wedding dress in front of him.Immediately afterwards, she saw her stop her actions at this moment, and when she raised her eyes to look at Shen Yan in front of her, she said to Shen Yan with a bright smile on her face, "Hurry up and put it on, I'll take a look." Can't wait to see how you look in your wedding dress."

When Shen Yan heard the excitement of Luo Bianyan's words, in the next second, Luo Bianyan picked up the wedding dress from the bed and handed it to Shen Yanshi, urging himself again and again, Asking Shen Yan to take the wedding dress, he replied helplessly, "I can't stand you, so I'll change it now."

Luo Bianyan expected her to put on herself, and Shen Yanshi could only do as she wanted.With her back to Luo Bianyan, she took off the clothes one by one, put the wedding dress on herself, and dragged the back part of the wedding dress on the ground.She turned around and shouted to Luo Bianyan, "Bianyan..."

Luo Bianyan was yelling at herself when she heard Shen Yan, and she stopped to fiddle with things by herself.When she raised her eyes to look at Shen Yan in front of her, what fell in front of her was Shen Yan wearing that wedding dress. The design and workmanship of the wedding dress were completely in line with Shen Yan.Shen Yanshi was already beautiful, but this wedding dress made her even more beautiful.

Luo Bianyan lost his mind when looking at Shen Yan in front of him, and Shen Yan urged, "Why don't you talk?"

"Very beautiful." Luo Bianyan replied to Shen Yan without hesitation.

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