In such muddle-headed, self-deceiving days, there was no new progress until the seventh day after the plane crash.

Five days ago, the day after the plane crash, there was finally an update to the news reports. In this plane crash, 25 people were injured, [-] people died, and [-] people were missing.

Ye Li was among the three missing.

Both Long Shaojiang and Song Meijiao sent a lot of people, but in the end they all returned without results.

On the morning of the seventh day, while Gu Xiaoqing was still soundly asleep, the phone rang, and she instinctively told Gu Xiaoqing that this call must be related to Yeli, so Gu Xiaoqing picked up the phone in a panic and connected it.

"Hi, hello, is this Miss Gu Xiaoqing?" It turned out to be a woman's voice on the other end of the phone.

But Gu Xiaoqing was not disappointed, but asked anxiously, "I'm Gu Xiaoqing, what can I do for you?"

"I'm yinno!"

When Gu Xiaoqing heard this, she was very surprised. She remembered this girl named Yinno, because Yeli said that she had the shadow of Meiyi...

"Ye Li's flight crashed, you should know about this, right? Now I have found Ye Li, and I am recuperating in a private hospital in Paris. I also saw your mobile phone number on Ye Li's mobile phone!" Yinno made his intentions very clear in an unhurried manner, "Yeli is still in a coma, so I think it is necessary to contact you!"

Hearing this news, a ray of light finally appeared in Gu Xiaoqing's bleak life. No matter what, as long as she found Yeli, there was still hope for everything...

"Can I come to Paris to see Yeli?" Gu Xiaoqing asked tentatively, because Yinno would be with Yeli, which made Gu Xiaoqing very puzzled.

"Of course, I will send you the address later! You have come to Paris, and I can also send someone to pick you up!" Yinno agreed very readily, which made Gu Xiaoqing feel relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiaoqing hesitated, should she tell Yeli's parents the news first? After debating, Gu Xiaoqing decided to tell Yuan Xiao first.

After dialing Yuan Xiao's number, Gu Xiaoqing said excitedly: "Hey, Mr. Xiao, I have news about Ye Li. He is currently in a nursing home in Paris. I want to go see him right away!"

Yuan Xiao was also very happy after hearing the news, "I'll go with you, Miss Xiaoqing! I'll book the ticket now!"

After hanging up the phone, Murong Xue saw that Yuan Xiao finally smiled for the first time in a few days, so she knew that it must be her cousin who had news.

"Brother Xiao, I'm going to visit my cousin too!" Murong Xue said.

Yuan Xiao did not refuse, because Murong Xue was also very worried about Yeli these days, besides, she was Yeli's cousin, and it was only natural to take care of Yeli in the past.

Gu Xiaoqing simply packed her luggage, and asked Zhou Feifei to take her to the airport. Zhou Feifei told her this and that along the way. After all, Gu Xiaoqing was going to such a far place, and she was very worried.

Of course, Gu Xiaoqing did not tell Long Shaojiang that she was going to Paris. People panicked because of the plane crash. After only a week, Gu Xiaoqing was going to fly again. won't allow it.

After arriving at the airport, Zhou Feifei stayed with Gu Xiaoqing until Yuan Xiao and Murong Xue also arrived at the airport, and after Gu Xiaoqing was entrusted to Yuan Xiao, Zhou Feifei left with peace of mind.

When they arrived in Paris, Gu Xiaoqing called Yinno, and Yinno got through the phone quickly, and sent someone to meet Gu Xiaoqing and the others as agreed.

From the airport to the hospital, Gu Xiaoqing felt uneasy all the way. She would soon see the person she had been thinking about day and night these days, but Gu Xiaoqing was worried that she would fall into a collapse again when she saw the unconscious Yeli .

Probably because it is a private hospital, it is very secluded here. After crossing a road lined with sycamore trees, you need to get off the car and walk for a while.

Finally, Gu Xiaoqing saw the sign of the hospital. Although she couldn't read French, Gu Xiaoqing was still very excited, and she could see Yeli soon.

The environment of the hospital is very good, the garden is full of all kinds of flowers, and the building is also very refreshing. Under the guidance of a nurse, the three of them came to Yeli's ward.

Yuan Xiao gently knocked on the door, and the woman inside suddenly raised her head, then smiled politely at Yuan Xiao and said, "Come in!"

Gu Xiaoqing followed Yuan Xiao into the ward, rushed to the bedside, and Yeli lay on the bed, as if she was asleep, peaceful and quiet.

"He has been in a coma for several days! The doctor said that he doesn't know when he will wake up!" Yinno said softly, although she also knew that what she said might make it difficult for the three of them, but it was the truth, and she didn't want to hide anything.

Yinno's voice brought Gu Xiaoqing's gaze to herself.

Yinno is wearing a long white dress, very elegant, with shawl and long hair, like a waterfall, pouring down his back, smiling slightly, bright and moving.

Gu Xiaoqing didn't know if she was observing Yinno from the eyes of a rival in love, but she really felt that Yinno was perfect and invulnerable.

When Yinno squinted from the corner of her eye, she found that Gu Xiaoqing was staring at her, so she fixed her eyes on Gu Xiaoqing, and the moment her eyes met, Gu Xiaoqing felt a little embarrassed, so she lowered her head.

"Miss Xiaoqing, come out with me!" Yinno said first.

Gu Xiaoqing raised her head in astonishment, but Yinno still smiled gently.

Yinno got up and walked out of the ward, Gu Xiaoqing had no choice but to follow her out.

Yinno went all the way to the small garden below the hospital, and sat down where there was a stool. When Gu Xiaoqing came, Yinno patted the stool next to him with a smile and said, "Come and sit here!"

Gu Xiaoqing nodded and sat down.

"You must be curious why Yeli is with me!" Yinno said calmly.

Gu Xiaoqing was indeed curious, but she never thought that since Yinno was so relaxed, she could easily guess what she was thinking.

"Actually, Ye Li and I took the same plane to Paris that day, but we didn't know each other. When the plane was about to make an emergency landing and the passengers were being evacuated, I saw Ye Li, but he didn't see me. Then the plane crashed. I was not injured, but I found that Yeli was seriously injured, and I was worried that the plane would explode if I was too late, so I took him away!"

Yinno told Gu Xiaoqing the truth without hesitation, and now Gu Xiaoqing's doubts were finally answered.

"Then how did you get to Paris?"

"A friend of mine is in Paris. I called him and he sent someone to pick us up. This private hospital is also his."

Yinno doesn't seem to have any malice towards Gu Xiaoqing, instead, he can chat and talk like ordinary friends.

"You..." Gu Xiaoqing seemed to want to ask something, but stopped talking.

Yinno looked up at the sky, the sun had already set, and there was only a sliver of glow in the sky, illuminating the evening time very beautifully.

Gu Xiaoqing looked at Yinoo's side face, but finally didn't say what she wanted to say.

Maybe Yinno also knew what Gu Xiaoqing wanted to ask, but she didn't want to answer anymore, so she didn't take the initiative to mention it.

After sitting for a few minutes, Gu Xiaoqing got up, "I still want to go to the ward to see Yeli again!"

"En!" Yinno nodded, but did not go back to the ward with Gu Xiaoqin.

Gu Xiaoqing sat by the bed and watched Yeli quietly. Under the warm yellow light, Gu Xiaoqing could clearly see the fine and dense layer of fluff on Yeli's face. You can take a closer look at Yeli's handsome facial features.

Yuan Xiao thought, even if Yeli is unconscious now, Gu Xiaoqing and Yeli still need some space to be alone, so he took Murong Xue out.

Gu Xiaoqing found that this was the first time that she could watch Yeli commit a nympho for a long time without worrying about avoiding Yeli's scorching gaze, let alone being shy...

Gu Xiaoqing held Yeli's hand, Yeli's hand was still as gentle as usual, the temperature was just right, as long as she could hold it all the time and feel his body temperature, Gu Xiaoqing was willing to just sit like this for a whole night.

Yinno has already arranged a residence for the three of them. Not far from this private hospital, there is an apartment. The owner rarely lives here, but there are servants in it who specialize in cleaning.

When Yuan Xiao and Murong Xue were strolling around in the yard, they found Yinno. She was sitting on a stone bench not far away, quietly looking at the sky.

Although Yuan Xiao felt that it was not good to disturb Yinno, Yuan Xiao always wanted to thank Yinno, after all, Yimmo is Yeli's lifesaver now.

"Miss Yinno, thank you for saving Master Han!" Yuan Xiao walked over and said with a smile.

"Mr. Yuan, you're welcome!" Yinoo smiled and continued to immerse herself in her own world, looking at the sky and daydreaming.

Yuan Xiao suddenly felt a little strange, he and Yinno had met for the first time, and Murong Xue and Gu Xiaoqing hadn't taught him his name just now, how could Yinno know his own name...

And when Yuan Xiaoyuan looked at Yinno, he had an illusion that Yinno was somewhat similar to Meiyi.

After a while, Yinno stood up slowly, patted the dust on his butt lightly, "I'll go to the apartment later, during this period, if you want to stay with Yeli, you can live in the apartment!"

Murong Xue smiled and nodded, "Sister, you are so kind!"

Yinno still smiled very gently, but did not respond, but led the way.

Yuan Xiao knew that Gu Xiaoqing would definitely not be willing to leave Yeli half a step at this time, so he took Gu Xiaoqing's luggage to the apartment first, thinking of coming to see Gu Xiaoqing later.

In City S, Long Shaojiang came home from get off work and found that Gu Xiaoqing was not at home, so he asked Zhou Feifei where Gu Xiaoqing had gone.

Zhou Feifei didn't dare to lie, so she could only stammer, telling the truth, "Xiaoqing... Xiaoqing went to... Paris to find... Ye Li!"

Long Shaojiang's normal face suddenly became grim. He slapped the table and said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter? How dangerous would it be for her to go so far alone? ,do you know?"

Zhou Feifei lowered her head, she didn't know what to say, why didn't she worry about Gu Xiaoqing, but everyone couldn't escape a love disaster, she knew that Gu Xiaoqing couldn't be kept by force, so it's better to let go and let Gu Xiaoqing Love yourself to pursue your own happiness.

Teng Junxiu heard the conversation between Long Shaojiang and Zhou Feifei outside the door. He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Gu Xiaoqing.

But Gu Xiaoqing's cell phone is silent and she put it in her bag, so she doesn't know.

Teng Junxiu made phone calls one after another. This is the real life-threatening serial call.

Helplessly, when Gu Xiaoqing saw Yeli, she forgot about her domestic brothers. She didn't know that her family would worry about her, and she didn't even think about calling her family to report her safety.

The phone can't get through anyway, Teng Junxiu can only wait for one night to watch, after all, there is a time difference between China and S City, maybe Gu Xiaoqing is asleep now.

When Gu Xiaoqing went back to the apartment to go to bed at night, she took out her mobile phone and saw that there were more than 30 missed calls. She couldn't help being surprised.

Slide down again and see that all of them were called by Teng Junxiu. Gu Xiaoqing couldn't help but feel chills down her back. It seemed that she had offended Fifth Brother again!
Gu Xiaoqing picked up her mobile phone and quickly called Teng Junxiu, wanting to tell Teng Junxiu that everything was fine, but after the phone rang once or twice, Gu Xiaoqing immediately remembered the time difference between the two countries. It was already late at night in China, and Teng Junxiu should be asleep, so he hung up the phone immediately.

However, what Gu Xiaoqing didn't expect was that Teng Junxiu hurriedly picked up the phone when he heard the phone ring because he was worried that Gu Xiaoqing was not asleep.

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