Stupid cute maid loves to play tricks

Chapter 484 Why Are You Such A Person

Before Gu Xiaoqing woke up the next morning, she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door sleepily, looked left and right but didn't see anyone, then heard a voice from below, she looked down - it turned out to be Qiuqiu.

Gu Xiaoqing was surprised that Qiuqiu was standing here so early, she put her hands behind her back, and looked at it with a little bewilderment and horror.

She was a little strange, Qiuqiu was just a child, not to mention she had already enlightened her yesterday.Then she asked with concern: "Qiaoqiu, what's the matter?"

Only then did Qiuqiu stretch out her hand and said aggrievedly: "Auntie, I'm sorry. I broke the music box."

The music box was lying in Qiuqiu's hands, and its corners were broken.Open the music box, although the sound of the music still exists, the dancing girl has disappeared.

Qiuqiu took out his pocket again, and the crippled little girl appeared in front of Gu Xiaoqing.

Gu Xiaoqing felt that her mood was a bit complicated, but it was not easy to lose her temper with a child. Although she felt sorry for the broken music box, she still restrained herself and treated her as gently as possible: "It's okay, Qiuqiu. You didn't mean to , Auntie forgives you."

Qiuqiu explained: "I drank water yesterday and went to get a cup. But the music box was next to the quilt. I accidentally knocked it over. My mother said that I have to go to school later, and my aunt has to go to work. I want to apologize to you." .”

Gu Xiaoqing took the mutilated music box and said softly: "It's okay, Auntie doesn't blame you, you can go to school quickly."

Only then did Qiuqiu leave with peace of mind, and said goodbye to Gu Xiaoqing.

Gu Xiaoqing put away the broken music box, not knowing how to explain it to Lin Mo.So he decided not to let Lin Mo know, and turned it into a secret.After all, he is still a child.And Gu Xiaoqing is already an adult.

After Gu Xiaoqing packed up and washed, she took her bag and was ready to go to the company. She has important things to do today——

When Gu Xiaoqing came to the company, Ling Zihao hadn't come yet, she breathed a sigh of relief, she hoped that he would be there, but also hoped that he would not be there.She has been busy for so many days, and has always forgotten one of the most important things, so she plans to write a resignation letter now.

Gu Xiaoqing made up her mind to leave the Ling's consortium, even if it was for Lin Mo, she should do so.Besides, Ling Zihao still hates her very much. Even if he doesn't hate himself, he hates him to death. He is such a hateful person, she doesn't want to stay with him anymore.

She wants to stay away from him.

She had just typed a few words when she saw Ling Zihao walking towards her office.

Gu Xiaoqing stopped writing all of a sudden, then she froze for a moment, she looked at his face, as usual.

Ice cold.

She thought Ling Zihao would go to her office, but she didn't expect to come to her office.

He stood at the door, knocked twice and opened it, but did not come in. He cleared his throat twice: "Vice President Gu, the company sent you to study in City B. Get ready for the plane tonight."

She was stunned for a moment, feeling baffled, usually the company would arrange such things in advance!How it happened so suddenly is really strange.After thinking about it, she must have done this on purpose because of Lin Mo's affairs.But it was just a guess, she couldn't make a conclusion yet, so she stopped writing the resignation letter and looked at Ling Zihao.

"The air ticket has been booked. Zhang Jun will go with you. I won't go." He left after saying this, leaving only his back for her.

After he left, Zhang Juan came to Gu Xiaoqing's office.Zhang Juan hurriedly said to Gu Xiaoqing: "Vice President, we are going to City B tonight, and the chairman wants me to tell you that you should be ready."

Seeing Zhang Juan's hurry, Gu Xiaoqing felt that something was wrong, so she asked, "Why is the arrangement so urgent? Is there something wrong with the company?"

Zhang Juan shook his head and explained: "No, it's because the chairman originally arranged for another supervisor to go there, and for some reason the staff was temporarily changed. But all the materials are ready, but you, the vice president, haven't looked at them yet."

"So you must be ready, although there is only a little time."

"Okay, you go out first." Gu Xiaoqing felt that she was about to collapse, why was it such an urgent and temporary business trip arrangement, and she was not ready for anything.then what should we do?

In fact, a business trip is just a trivial matter, but Gu Xiaoqing's mental and physical condition is not very good at the moment.She felt that her mind was in a mess, her life was in a mess, and she hardly knew what to do.

She washed her face with cold water, calmed herself down, and went back to the office to look in the mirror, clenched her fists, and said to herself, "Come on! Gu Xiaoqing, everything will pass."

After she said such words of encouragement to herself, she felt a little better.

Gu Xiaoqing is such a person, no matter how bad things happen to her, she will always find a way to make it better.Because she knows very well that time is always going on, and it is a day to be happy, and it is also a day to be unhappy.Why not make every day happy, if this is the case, people's life span can also be extended.

So every time she encounters something she is not happy with, she says this to herself.

And such a hint seems to be very useful to Gu Xiaoqing, as if everything is really getting better.

Gu Xiaoqing dealt with the unfinished documents very skillfully, then changed her clothes and prepared to go home and pack her luggage.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Gu Xiaoqing received a call from Ling Zihao while she was in the airport waiting room.

"Gu Xiaoqing, the company has other arrangements, so Zhang Jun can't accompany you. But because the company has already contacted City B, it cannot be cancelled."

"There is no one in the company who can arrange to accompany you, so you can only go alone. But you don't have to worry, I have already arranged everything."

He actually arranged for her to go alone——Zhang Juan couldn't go because of something.

After listening to Ling Zihao's words, Gu Xiaoqing felt like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Standing at the boarding gate, she was at a loss. Seeing people coming and going, people carrying luggage, she panicked, as if she had fallen somewhere .She managed to relieve herself from being overwhelmed when she was first arranged to go on a business trip, but she was told that there was no one to accompany her.

She really didn't know what to do.

When Gu Xiaoqing ate the meal on the plane as her own dinner, her heart was very complicated. Sitting there alone, she felt an extremely strong sense of loss and loneliness, and she even felt inexplicable fear.She knew that this was a temporary arrangement made by Ling Zihao, and she was sure that it was Ling Zihao's intentional arrangement.

"It must be because of me that I called Lin Mo to the hotel that day." Gu Xiaoqing thought dissatisfiedly: "But he doesn't have to do this, let alone Lin Mo is his own fiancee. I did this to help them restore and promote their relationship , shouldn't he thank me? Why did he deliberately target me like this. "

Thinking about it like this, Gu Xiaoqing was about to fall asleep, but she was driven out of sleepiness like this, so she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

In fact, in Gu Xiaoqing's heart, although Ling Zihao seemed cold and unkind, she always believed that he was not bad in nature.At least not as indifferent and cruel as it seems.At least he would spend a night with him in the hotel because he was worried about himself, which shows that there is still a little warmth in his heart.

Gu Xiaoqing also remembered that one day, she almost forgot about it.

That day when Gu Xiaoqing went to the supermarket, she ran into Ling Zihao buying picture books and stationery for children in the children's products section by chance.She felt strange at the time, because Ling Zihao didn't have any children.Later, she guessed that maybe he was buying gifts for the children of his relatives, but it turned out not to be.After leaving the supermarket, Gu Xiaoqing saw him holding a poorly dressed child, and said to him very gently: "Xiao Ming, you have to study hard, and you should do something if you study well."

She had never heard Ling Zihao have such a gentle and peaceful voice. After hearing it with her own ears, she found it incredible.

She heard Ling Zihao continue to say in a gentle and peaceful voice: "Xiao Ming, don't worry about your mother's illness, uncle will find a solution for you. These uncles will take care of it for you. You are only responsible for studying hard. In the future, I will be filial to my mother and be a useful person to society."

She simply couldn't imagine that Ling Zihao would say such words, he was completely different from the usual Ling Zihao.

"Thank you, Uncle." The boy named Xiao Ming looked at him with eyes full of gratitude: "If it weren't for Uncle's help, I really don't know what to do!"

If she hadn't witnessed this scene with her own eyes, Gu Xiaoqing wouldn't have believed that Ling Zihao would do such a charity thing.She also felt at that moment that the biggest difference between Ling Zihao and others is not his superior ability, but that he is not only superior in ability, but also looks extremely cold on the surface, but quietly doing the most beautiful things in the world.

She suddenly felt how small she was, and it was from that moment that she changed her view of Ling Zihao.At first I felt that he seemed unreasonable, but he did all the warm things silently.

She later learned that the father of the child named Xiao Ming passed away early, leaving only his seriously ill mother and him.But his mother has almost no working ability, and he is still young and still has to study.One day, when he went to steal money from a small shop, his hands were almost cut off by the boss. It was Ling Zihao who passed by who helped him, gave him a chance to study again, and got him out of the brink of suffering and misguided paths, and changed his original life. destiny trajectory.

Gu Xiaoqing feels that although there is no shortage of capable people in this world, there is a shortage of too many capable people who are willing to change the fate of others and help others.

Ling Zihao might be such a person.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoqing felt that she had misunderstood Ling Zihao all along.But thinking about all the things he has done to me, I still feel that he is too petty and caressing about every detail.I just got him drunk and called Lin Mo to take care of him. Is he going to treat himself like this?

She thought for a while and couldn't help but sigh: "Forget it, it's just a business trip, and I won't haggle with him anymore."

Then she had the slightest feeling that the plane passed through the clouds, and the sky was extremely dark, but there was a little light in a certain place.She fell asleep slowly like this.

It was two o'clock in the morning when Gu Xiaoqing came to City B. She chose to spend the night in a coffee shop next to the airport, then sat down quietly and opened a book.

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