Mou Yichen didn't answer right away, but gulped down the wine with a "gudong gudong". After drinking half a bottle of wine, the bitterness in his heart was like this beer, bitter and slightly drunk.

Mou Yichen's face was stained with a touch of sadness, and he began to tell in a disappointed voice: "At that time we were still in S City, I was in the first year of high school, and Xiaoxi was in the second year of high school. Xiaoxi was three months older than me, but she happened to be older than me. A freshman, she is my senior sister. We went to participate in the math competition in the city on behalf of the freshmen and sophomores. We happened to see Xiaoxi stepping on the manhole cover at the door, and almost fell into the well and sprained her foot accidentally. I was the one who gave her a hand, and we got to know each other that way."

Mou Yichen took a few more sips of wine, and continued to speak slowly: "Xiao Xi always likes to wear big, exaggerated black-rimmed glasses, and always wears a very ordinary school uniform to hide her radiance. I woke up, but Xiaoxi's studies are very good, no matter what subject she is in the top, she is the first in her grade every year, and she is a super academic figure in the school, but she is usually very low-key, and the people she contacts are also very low-key. Not much, because we both like mathematics and often discuss difficult problems together. I became one of her few friends. At that time, I didn’t really see through my true heart until Xiaoxi was about to graduate. Xi's goal is Z University in City A. I suddenly realized that Xiao Xi was going to stay away from me, and I panicked all of a sudden, and only then did I discover my true feelings. In her freshman year, Xiao Xi took a leave of absence from school. Disappeared completely. I asked her later, she just said that she had a serious illness at that time, and her parents arranged for her to go to a very remote place to recuperate. She did not explain too much, but I always feel that at that time She's very mysterious."

Mou Yichen paused, thought for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Do you know that Xiaoxi has a daughter?"
Lu Yang was startled, and shook his head in a daze.This news made him suddenly feel as if he was struck by a thunderbolt, and he was completely shocked. It was not because he disliked Xiaoxi's out-of-wedlock childbirth. In his heart, Xiaoxi was still a very beautiful girl, so he didn't think about it in a bad way. I was very surprised by Xiaoxi's experience.Such a young girl actually had a child, what happened?

Mou Yichen was quite surprised that Lu Yang didn't know that Yun Muxi had a child. He thought he would at least know about it.Then Mou Yichen's eyes were stained with gloom, and he continued to say: "Xiao Xi returned to school after returning that year, and I was successfully admitted to Z University in City A. Xiao Xi's good friend Xuan Xuan wanted to wait for Xiao Xi I also took a leave of absence from school, and waited until Xiaoxi came back to go to school in City A with her. The three of us entered college life together smoothly.

But Xiao Xi accidentally found out that she was pregnant when she just entered school. We didn't know what happened to her during this time, who the father of the child was, and we didn't tell her when we asked her.Xiaoxi's mother died young, and her only family member is her father. However, in order to fulfill her mother's last wish, her father participated in the World Without Borders Relief activity and went to Africa when she graduated from high school. Xiaoxi refused to contact her father. But she insisted on having a baby, and Xuanxuan and I helped her hide it. Fortunately, Xiaoxi is thin and the baby is not obvious, and she usually wears some fat skirts. It is not obvious that her belly is obviously big in winter. Now, Xiao Xi always wears a fat down jacket, only goes to school during class, and leaves school as soon as school is over, and just like that, she survived the winter vacation without anyone noticing it. During the winter vacation, Xiao Xi was eight months pregnant. She was born prematurely, and she took another two months of sick leave after school started. After school, the child will be handed over to a nanny during the day, and she will go home to take care of the child as soon as school is over. In this way, she can earn some money by writing articles while going to school. With a scholarship, although life is difficult, Niannian was brought up smoothly. Little people around Xiaoxi knew about having a child, only me and Xuanxuan.

Since having a child, Xiaoxi's personality has become more introverted. I have been with Xiaoxi for six years, and I have always liked her, but she seems to have closed her heart, and no one can get in.I don't know if it's because of the child, or if she really can't make her like me. "

After Mou Yichen finished speaking, he put his hands on his face, rubbed his cheeks, and waved away the distress on his face.

Lu Yang quietly listened to everything about Xiaoxi, and also Mou Yichen's love for Xiaoxi.Lu Yang, a soldier, could not help but be moved with such a firm heart, and softened into a piece.If it weren't for a rival in love, Lu Yang would really sympathize with Mou Yichen, and hoped to do his best to help him achieve his wish. An imposing heir to a group, but he has loved a woman for six years. How rare is this in an environment like a wealthy family .

Lu Yang raised the wine bottle in his hand, gestured to Mou Yichen, raised his head and drank the bottle of wine in one gulp, comforting this miserable man in a manly way.Most of the time, men don't need too much language, and they naturally understand each other's intentions. Mou Yichen picked up the wine bottle and knocked on the table lightly, motioned to Lu Yang, and drank it all in one gulp.

After a meal of wine, the two men have formed an alliance. Although they are rivals in love, they candidly put everything on the table, compete fairly, and can still be friends in private.


After leaving the bar, the two went their separate ways, because they could no longer drive after drinking, so Mou Yichen hailed a taxi and wandered the streets.Although he had a happy conversation with Lu Yang, after he came out, he still felt very empty. Maybe because he was in a bad mood tonight, Mou Yichen, who usually has a good drinker, was a little tipsy after a few bottles of wine.Mou Yichen looked at the traffic passing through the car window and the neon lights, but he still felt the silence around him was terrifying.

The taxi driver glanced at the somewhat lonely man in the back seat, and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, we've gone around the ring road twice, where are we going?"

Mou Yichen reported the address of Yun Muxi's house casually, and the driver quickly sent Mou Yichen to the downstairs of Yun Muxi's house. Mu Yichen got out of the car in a daze, stood downstairs of Yun Muxi's house, leaning on the light pole, looking up. He looked upstairs at the window of Yun Muxi's house.The dimly bright and soft light coming from the window made Mou Yichen miss him immensely.Miss the person in the window, miss that delicate her.

After standing there for some time, Mou Yichen took out his cell phone and dialed Yun Muxi's cell phone.After a while, the soft voice that I missed in my heart came from the other end of the phone, and Mou Yichen's heart suddenly rippled. There was a little sadness in Mou Yichen's voice, and he said lightly: "Hello! Xiaoxi, I miss you a little."

Yun Muxi obviously heard the strangeness in Mou Yichen's words, he hesitated and asked, "Have you been drinking?"

Mou Yichen continued calmly: "I'm downstairs at your house, can you come down?"

Afterwards, Mou Yichen saw a figure appear at the window upstairs where he was watching. It was the person he was missing in his heart.Mou Yichen leaned back on the light pole, his head was a little dizzy, he really drank too much today.

A few minutes later, Yun Muxi hurried out from the door of the building.Walking to Mou Yichen's side, he reached out and handed him a bottle of mineral water, and said with some displeasure, "Why did you drink so much? Are you in a bad mood?"

Mou Yichen looked at the person in front of him who he was thinking about, and hugged Yun Muxi into his arms.Yun Muxi was surprised for a moment, and then tried to break away from Mou Yichen's embrace. Mou Yichen hugged him a little tighter, and begged in a fragile tone: "Xiaoxi, just let me hug like this, 5 minutes, only 5 minutes." !"

Yun Muxi stopped struggling, and stood quietly. Mou Yichen buried his cheek in Yun Muxi's shoulder, as fragile as a glass doll, which made people feel a little distressed.

Suddenly, a beam of dazzling car headlights came straight on, followed by the harsh sound of horns and whistles. This empty night seemed particularly sudden.Mou Yichen let go of Yun Muxi, and the two of them frowned and looked at the source of the voice. The dazzling light made their eyes hurt. Yun Muxi and Mou Yichen raised their arms to block the dazzling light.

A person got off the car slowly, and walked towards this side step by step. The backlit figure couldn't see the person clearly, but he clearly felt that the cold breath on that person made Yun Muxi's heart tremble terribly.As the visitor approached, Yun Muxi finally saw clearly that the visitor was actually Gong Yu.

Gong Yu was summoned by Seventh Brother at night, and drove to the company, and happened to see such a scene when he came back.The movement of Mou Yichen's sideways burying his head into Yun Muxi's shoulder, from Gong Yu's perspective, happened to block Yun Muxi's small head, as if two people were kissing sweetly.This undoubtedly greatly angered Gong Yu. At this moment, Gong Yu's blood was surging, and his anger rushed straight to the top of his head. The veins on his forehead were even more violent, and he stared at Yun Muxi coldly with angry eyes.

Yun Muxi was very puzzled by Gong Yu's anger, it was just a comforting hug, is it necessary to be so angry?
Mou Yichen's eyes were also full of anger, and he scolded in a cold voice: "Gong Yu, why are you so nervous here at night."

Gong Yu's anger suddenly surged, he took a step forward, and punched Mou Yichen on the cheek.Mou Yichen was already a little drunk, and his reaction was a little slow, and he didn't expect Gong Yu to make a move, and he was hit with a punch without checking.Gong Yu's strength was astonishing, with a punch, Mou Yichen took a few steps back and almost fell, his cheeks swelled up immediately, and his mouth was filled with a strong taste of blood.Mou Yichen spat lightly, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground.Then he looked at Gong Yu fiercely, raised his hand and punched back, Gong Yu dodged sharply, and punched nothing, which made Mou Yichen narrow his eyes dangerously, concentrate all his energy, and prepare for the fight.

The two quickly scuffled together, and their shots were all fierce moves.

Yun Muxi was shocked by this sudden situation and didn't know what to do, her mind went blank.Wanting to step forward to pull the two of them away, but there is no way to start. Both of them are quick to move and react quickly. Yun Muxi just reached out to pull Mou Yichen, but Mou Yichen has already dodged to the other side, and Yun Muxi is going to pull Gong Yu again. , just when his hand was about to touch Gong Yu, Gong Yu had already dodged a roundabout kick and kicked Mou Yichen's stomach.

After several rounds, Yun Muxi didn't even touch the clothes of the two of them.Immediately, he was furious, not caring whether he would disturb the neighbors at night, and shouted loudly: "You two stop!"

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