Ace Sniper: My Husband Gets Down

Chapter 287 Not an opponent

What Lin Yishuo was thinking, Feng Xuelan didn't know.She bounced back to the bedroom like a child who got candy.

But as soon as he entered the door, he saw Su Shanshan looking at her with anger on his face, her joyful appearance fell into Su Shanshan's eyes, and suddenly changed into another meaning.

"Feng Xuelan, after all, we came out of the recruit company together, do you need to target me like this?" Su Shanshan said angrily, "Sneak peek? You'll be happy just because I've suffered from Instructor Lin." Like this? I haven’t been driven away yet, so you’re just gloating? Let me tell you, Feng Xuelan, Instructor Lin hasn’t told me to leave here yet! Don’t be too happy!”

Feng Xuelan was originally happy, but she suddenly said such a thing, the joy in her heart was suddenly reduced a lot.Feng Xuelan looked at Su Shanshan very unhappy, and snorted coldly, "Don't be so narcissistic? Do you think everything has something to do with you? Su Shanshan, why haven't you figured it out yet? I never I never regarded you as a competitor, because you are not worthy. So whether you go or stay, I don't care at all."

After saying this, Feng Xuelan ignored her, took the washbasin to wash herself, leaving Su Shanshan trembling with anger in the dormitory alone.

That's right, Su Shanshan has already discovered that Feng Xuelan always looks at her with eyes full of disdain and arrogance, just because the gap between the two of them is getting bigger and bigger, so she has completely crushed Feng Xuelan from now on. With Xuelan's existence, she became now...not Feng Xuelan's opponent at all!
Feng Xuelan's eyes reminded Su Shanshan of the time when she was in the recruit company.

At that time, Su Shanshan also looked at the wimpy Feng Xuelan with that kind of eyes.

Su Shanshan didn't regard Feng Xuelan as a competitor at that time, because she was not worthy!

Now Feng Xuelan said such things in turn...

Su Shanshan is too unwilling!

The past and the present, the completely reversed situation made Su Shanshan almost suffocated. When she was in the recruit company, she felt that Feng Xuelan was a burden. At that time, she wanted to drive Feng Xuelan away!
Thinking about it the other way around, the current Feng Xuelan is her at that time?And she was the useless useless Feng Xuelan at that time?

This idea popped up in Su Shanshan's mind, which startled Su Shanshan herself.Then she smashed all her things like crazy, making a mess of the whole dormitory.

Feng Xuelan came back from washing, took a look at the messy room, didn't say anything, just glanced at Su Shanshan coldly, then put on her clothes and left.

Her sarcasm-like cold eyes were like a knife cutting Su Shanshan's heart, Su Shanshan really couldn't stop her tears, she sat alone in this messy room, crying bitterly.

Feng Xuelan had already walked to the stairs, but she also heard Su Shanshan's cry.Those memories belonging to the original Feng Xuelan emerged in her mind, and I don't know how many times, that Feng Xuelan also cried like this.

But at that time, that Feng Xuelan never dared to cry like this, because if someone found out, she would be ridiculed and then bullied...

These originally bitter memories are nothing to Feng Xuelan now, she raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and told that Feng Xuelan from the bottom of her heart-now she is more serious than the person who bullied her. Powerful, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

In a blink of an eye, when it was time to gather, Su Shanshan came down very early. She covered up the traces of crying on her face with heavy makeup, and deliberately lowered the brim of her hat, standing there as if she was afraid that others would find that she had cried , and for fear of being asked why.

As a result, after a whole day of training, it seemed that no one noticed her abnormality at all.

Their current training is not only intense, but also more and more difficult. Everyone is desperately trying to achieve good results in the training, and they have no time to take care of other people's troubles.

At least Feng Xuelan is not in the mood to pay attention to this Su Shanshan.

After a whole day of training, Feng Xuelan became even more convinced of one thing she had thought of before.

"Lin Yishuo is definitely after me!" Feng Xuelan swallowed a mouthful of food, frowned and muttered in a low voice, "You all saw how much he targeted me today? It's not my illusion, right?"

Ding Yuxi shook his head helplessly, and lowered his voice to tell Feng Xuelan, "According to previous experience, the more people he targets, the more he will suffer. Xuelan, you have to be careful."

Feng Xuelan nodded, "Mingzhe told me that too."

She wanted to be careful, but one thing after another happened here, she couldn't be careful!

It's all right now, being targeted by Lin Yishuo, she can only endure more reprimands and yelling than others.

Feng Xuelan let out a sigh of relief after eating the food in front of him.She was about to tell Ding Yuxi and Li Yuanhuo to go first, but when she glanced at the dining table, Feng Xuelan realized that Li Yuanhuo hadn't finished half of the meal yet.

This is not like usual him.

"Yuanhuo, what's wrong with you?" Feng Xuelan asked with concern.

Li Yuanhuo looked up at her, forced a smile, shook his head, "It's okay..."

Ding Yuxi also noticed his abnormality, patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Don't hide from us, just tell us if you have something to do, and we will help you find a solution. Is it related to the call you answered in the afternoon?"

The stiff smile on Li Yuanhuo's face suddenly disappeared, he sighed, and said to the two of them, "Yeah... That's my brother calling me, saying that my mother is sick and hospitalized, I'm quite worried ..."

Ding Yuxi frowned when he heard the words, and asked him, "Is it serious? Your brother called you, did he tell you to go back, or is he out of money?"

Li Yuanhuo frowned, and said with a sigh, "I'm short of money, but I don't know if it's serious or not. My brother didn't tell me to go back, probably... maybe it won't be serious..."

Even though he said that, both Ding Yuxi and Feng Xuelan could tell that Li Yuanhuo was very worried and worried.

Ding Yuxi knew Li Yuanhuo's situation very well. He knew that Li Yuanhuo was not only simple and honest, but also very filial and kind to his family.Li Yuanhuo always transfers the monthly allowance to his family as soon as possible, and he can save as much as he can for his own food and drink expenses.

How can he come up with money?

Feng Xuelan and Ding Yuxi did not stand idly by, but they also knew that the little money they lent to Li Yuanhuo was probably a drop in the bucket.

Encountering this kind of thing, Feng Xuelan kind of missed the time when she was a killer. At that time, she never worried about money.

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