Ace Sniper: My Husband Gets Down

Chapter 436 Test Battle 3 (Leap)

Looking at the small moving bright spots on the screen, Lin Yishuo now hopes that Feng Xuelan can play more.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Cheng Yihui suddenly found that the five small bright spots they were focusing on were moving at an unusual speed!

This speed is absolutely impossible to run, could it be that they are flying with wings!
All the people in the headquarters were attracted to the big screen. Lin Yishuo's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a line on the screen and said excitedly, "It's the river! They are using the river water to move!"

Lin Yishuo gestured with his fingers along the river, and everyone showed surprise.

That's right, it's the river.

This river is the key to Feng Xuelan's daring to go deep into the red team's territory, because this river spirals down from the mountain, not only the water speed is turbulent, but also downstream from the red team's territory, it can directly reach the blue team's assembly on the mountainside Location.Compared with the time spent fighting those people from the red team who came here deliberately to pester them, walking a little longer up the mountain and then going down the river can save a lot of time.The most important thing is that no one would think of their actions, and even if they did, it would be impossible to be faster than them, so the action is very safe.

Lin Yishuo clapped his hands and praised, "Oh, these people really have ideas! Even we didn't expect to have such a road!"

Cheng Yihui frowned and looked at the fast-moving little red dots, pondered for a while, then turned his head to stare at Lin Yishuo, and asked him coldly, "Xiao Lin, the route we set for this test is kept secret, only the three of us I personally know. You didn’t leak the secret in advance, did you?”

Lin Yishuo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then became angry.

"Captain Cheng, what are you talking about? Don't you think I don't understand the discipline here? The test and training will be held on this mountain. It's not a secret. Those boys have already guessed The way of detachment is not new. Even the starting locations of the two teams are the same as in previous years? The only new additions this year are the test locations and difficulties. You should know this best, Captain Cheng! If they really put their heart into it, Can’t you even inquire about these things?”

Lin Yishuo knew that Cheng Yihui couldn't hold back when he saw those people performing so well, but he found it himself. How could he frame others with empty words?He, Cheng Yihui, has a bad temper, but Lin Yishuo is not easy to mess with!It's just that Cheng Yihui is older and more qualified, and Lin Yishuo is usually not willing to tear himself apart with him.

The atmosphere in the command room suddenly became tense. Zhang Liangzheng saw that Lin Yishuo was really angry, and hurried over to make peace.

"Instructor Lin, isn't everyone surprised? Captain Cheng didn't mean that, he was joking with you." After saying this to Lin Yishuo, Zhang Liangzheng said to Cheng Yihui, "Captain Cheng, I think these people are I really put my heart into it during the preparation stage, otherwise they wouldn’t be so proficient in using the method of going down the river. Although extreme speed drifting is one of the subjects our special forces will train, but these recruits haven’t been exposed to it yet. To. They can do it now, they must have been prepared long ago."

Seeing Lin Yishuo suddenly lose his temper, Cheng Yihui also realized that what he said just now was wrong. With Zhang Liangzheng helping him to talk back, Cheng Yihui walked down the steps.

"Yeah, Xiao Lin, I'm just kidding, you really mean it. What I mean is, the abilities of these people are much better than the training they can accept at this stage."

Lin Yishuo was still on fire, but seeing Zhang Liangzheng winking at him, Lin Yishuo could only suppress his breath, snorted, and said, "I told you before, this year's recruits are the same as those in previous years. The ones selected are different. Especially Feng Xuelan in this team, although she is a girl, she is very capable and has a flexible mind, I guess this time the action is also led by her."

Hearing that Feng Xuelan was mentioned again, Cheng Yihui's eyes sank.He glanced at the screen again and found that the small red dots had reached the blue team's safe area.They are so fast that there are no enemies around.

It was completely dark, Feng Xuelan and the others came to the predetermined location and came out of the river. Although they were all wet, they all seemed to be having a good time and were extremely excited.

"Hehehe, I thought this extreme speed rafting was so difficult! I didn't expect it to be quite simple!" Huo Luyan said with a smile as he untied the rope from his body.

"Just blow it! If it weren't for the ropes attached to several of us, you would have been washed away long ago!" Shen Fengao also had an excited smile on his face.

Li Yuanhuo moved faster. After untying the rope, he said to Feng Xuelan, "I'm going to collect firewood. It should be safe around here."

Feng Xuelan glanced at the time and nodded, "It's better to be careful, wait a minute for Huo Luyan, you go together."

After a while, everyone untied the ropes, Li Yuanhuo and Huo Luyan went to gather firewood to make a fire, while Shen Fengao took care of their dry food.Feng Xuelan glanced at Li Qinghui who was sitting paralyzed by the side, squatted beside him and asked, "How are you?"

For the four of them, the rafting just now was relatively easy, but for Li Qinghui, it was a near-miss.

Feng Xuelan had told them when they first made the plan that if they wanted to go down the river smoothly, technology was second, and the most important thing was courage.This season just happened to catch up with the rising of the river, and the water was relatively deep, so when they were floating in the water, they might be in danger if they were not careful.Only by doing this with full confidence can we avoid confusion due to accidents to the greatest extent.

Because of Feng Xuelan's warning in advance, although Li Qinghui was scared, he tried his best to remain calm, even if there was a little accident on the way, he survived.

Feng Xuelan admired his courage, but in order to survive, Li Qinghui also consumed more energy.

"Xuelan, can we really have a leisurely rest and dinner here?" Li Qinghui was still a little worried, because with him as a "delay", their drifting speed this time seemed to be much slower than the scheduled time.

Feng Xuelan knew what he was thinking, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Aren't our calculations all the way correct? Don't worry, no one can get here. It's our blue team mate."

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