Feng Xuelan frowned and looked at him, and said, "Thank you for your kindness. If you think this will make you feel more at ease, I can accept your arrangement. But I also want to remind you that since I can talk to you Coming here, it means that no matter what aspect I am, I am no worse than you.”

Everyone looked at Feng Xuelan with strange eyes, and there was no anger in Yan Siyi's deep eyes.

Instead, he smiled and said to Feng Xuelan, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to look down on you. You Feng Xuelan is famous, no one dares to look down on you. But we men should be a little gentleman anyway, you are right , Letting you not participate in the sentry duty will indeed make us feel more at ease. You should accept this kindness."

Feng Xuelan was a little surprised that he could say that.

According to the rumors that had spread to Feng Xuelan's ears before, this Yan Siyi should be the one who wanted to take revenge on her, but looking at the way he speaks now, he doesn't look like that kind of person with a small belly.

Feng Xuelan found a dry place to sit down, but her eyes kept scanning her surroundings.

"Can you see anything?" Yan Siyi actually sat down with Feng Xuelan, and then asked her.

"No." Feng Xuelan said truthfully.

When she was a killer before, Feng Xuelan almost never exposed herself to such an open place like now.There is no place to hide here. Even if the enemy's target is discovered in advance, the competition can only be the range and accuracy of the weapons of both sides. The most important thing is luck.

Feng Xuelan doesn't like to fight for luck, she prefers to control the other party's life and death.

"Since you can't see anything, why are you still so vigilant?" Yan Siyi unexpectedly asked again.

Feng Xuelan turned around and looked at him.

This man is full of heroism, with sharp brows and piercing eyes. Looking at his demeanor, it really gives people a sense of majesty and justice.Although he is not as handsome as Zong Mingzhe, he is still outstanding.Most importantly, Feng Xuelan found that he was looking at her without hostility, but full of curiosity.

"If you just let down your vigilance because you can't see it, then something will happen." Feng Xuelan pointed to the top of his head and said to Yan Siyi, "We are sitting here, maybe the top of our head will fall off. Bring a knife, I don't want to be stabbed to death."

Yan Siyi looked up at the blue sky...

He lowered his head and looked at Feng Xuelan again.

It was the petite girl in front of him who defeated the veterans one after another. Yan Siyi didn't find a chance to fight Feng Xuelan, but only heard people come back to talk about those things, so he still feels very curious about this little girl. How did you do it.

"I don't care if you want to stay alert, but there are some things that I have to tell you clearly in advance."

Hearing what Yan Siyi said, Feng Xuelan understood that this person came to set rules with her.

"Tell me." Feng Xuelan found that she was no longer surprised by this kind of "rule-setting" scene, as if everyone liked to come and set rules with her.

Yan Siyi said to Feng Xuelan unhurriedly, "You have also seen that among the twelve of us, only you are a recruit, so when we act, there may be some things you don't understand. I hope No matter what activities we are going to do in a while, you will follow me closely, and if there is something you don't understand, don't ask too much, so as not to distract other people's attention. Understand?"

Feng Xuelan couldn't help frowning upon hearing this, feeling very upset.

What does this mean?Don't think she's qualified to act with them, do you?

Although she was dissatisfied, Feng Xuelan suppressed her anger and let Yan Siyi continue to speak.

"Besides, when we act, you have to do what we ask you to do. It means that you must obey the order unconditionally. This is also a basic requirement. I hope you don't have any doubts."

Feng Xuelan was even more upset, of course she knew about obeying orders!It's not been a day or two since she's been a soldier!

Feng Xuelan looked at Yan Siyi, and couldn't help but think to himself, how could this guy look like He Yaoshi's gang, thinking she was going to cause trouble all day long, he was delusional!

"The last point, if you encounter special circumstances, I hope you can say hello to me without worrying too much."

This Feng Xuelan was a little confused.

"What special circumstances?" Feng Xuelan asked.

"That's right..." Yan Siyi seemed a little embarrassed to say it, he lowered his voice and said to Feng Xuelan, "After all, we are fighting in the wild now, if you want to make things convenient for a girl... we will try our best to make it easier for you." You provide convenience."

Feng Xuelan suddenly realized, and was immediately amused by his words.

The unhappiness in my heart before seemed to be washed away all of a sudden.

It's rare that this person can think of such a thing for her, even Feng Xuelan himself forgot.

When Feng Xuelan stopped laughing and looked at Yan Siyi again, she couldn't help but say to him, "I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful, then I really want to thank you."

Yan Siyi also smiled, and said to Feng Xuelan, "The important thing is the first two points, you haven't answered me yet."

"To thank you for the third point, I agree with the first two points. No matter what happens, I will definitely follow you closely and never say a word. I will obey your orders."

Reciprocity, Feng Xuelan has always been like this, when others respect her a foot, she respects others.

After negotiating the conditions, they continued to rest here without incident.

Waiting until it was dark, they lit a small fire, warmed some rations, and ate.

Sitting next to the campfire, roasting yourself warm, very comfortable.Feng Xuelan felt that they did not come out to practice, but more like they came to play.

"Squad leader Yan." Everyone else called Yan Siyi that way, so Feng Xuelan took advantage of the situation to call him that.She asked Yan Siyi, "You should have participated in similar military exercises before. What did you do at that time? Did you sit like this?"

Yan Siyi said with a slight smile, "Don't say it's a military exercise, even if it's an actual combat, it's not like the one in the movie. The fight starts as soon as you come up, and it's over after a ping-pong-pong fight. It won't be like that. We can only wait here for orders when we are not used. But once we receive an order, we have to move immediately."

Although Yan Siyi obviously had no experience in actual combat, what he said was true.

Compared with these people around her, Feng Xuelan has seen too many actual battles with her own eyes, but at those times, her identity was never just a soldier waiting for orders.

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